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Book reviews<br />

C.S., (Ed.), Pleasure and Danger—Exploring Female Sexuality. Boston: Routledge & K. Paul;<br />

reprinted in Abelove, H., et al, (Eds.). (1993). The Lesbian and Gay Studies Reader. New York:<br />

Routledge.<br />

Small, J. A. (1999). Who Are the People In Your Neighborhood? Due Process, Public Protection,<br />

and Sex Offender Notification Laws. 1466 New York University Law Review. Volume 74:1451, pp.<br />

1465-1467.<br />

Tsang, D. (Ed.) (1981). The Age Taboo: Gay Male Sexuality, Power and Consent. Boston: Alyson<br />

Publications, 1981.<br />

[i] Quoted in Kennedy (1999), p. 187.<br />

[ii] Kennedy (1999), p. 1<br />

[iii] By 1965, the editor had completed his distancing of Der Kreis—and homosexuality—from<br />

boy-love. (Kennedy, p. 202).<br />

[iv] "Pedagogical Eros" is no longer visible in the North American gay / lesbian press. There<br />

were no reviews of Dutch jurist and man/boy-love proponent Edward Brongersma's twovolume<br />

work Loving Boys (Elmhurst, NY: Global Academic Publishers, 1990), and scant attention<br />

to Joseph Geraci's anthology from the defunct Paidika magazine, Dares To Speak: Historical And<br />

Contemporary Perspectives On Boy-Love (London: Gay Men's Press, 1997).<br />

NAMBLA is covered only rarely and then as a topic of controversy, such as in XY magazine's<br />

interview with spokesperson Bill Andriette (Michael Lowenthal, "The Boy-Lover Next Door," XY<br />

Number 6, February / March, 1997).<br />

XY is aimed at a young readership and has covered age-of-consent issues critically. It is telling<br />

that aside from XY, in the 1990s the only less judgmental looks by the news media at sexual<br />

relationships between adults and minors came from non-gay sources—e.g., Vanity Fair (Jesse<br />

Kornbluth, "Exeter's Passion Play," December, 1992), The New Republic (Hanna Rosin,<br />

"Washington Diarist: Chickenhawk", May 8, 1995) and the Associated Press (Lisa Lipman,<br />

"UMASS professor advocates pederasty," November 26, 2000).<br />

© 2002 The Haworth Press, Journal of Homosexuality, Volume 42, Number 4, 2002, pp. 185-192.<br />

Republished with permission.<br />

Article copies available from The Haworth Document Delivery Service: 1-800-haworth. E-mail<br />

address: < getinfo@haworthpressinc.com<br />

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