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PDF file - Ipce

PDF file - Ipce


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Book reviews<br />

Another problem is Jenkins at times does a disservice to the historical record, whose tapestry can<br />

be subtler than his discussion allows.<br />

For example, when discussing how the right used the threat of harm to children as an argument<br />

against homosexual rights, he observes that the North American Man/Boy Love Association<br />

(NAMBLA) was "deeply unpopular" with lesbian groups and that among mainstream gay<br />

organizations,<br />

"initial sympathy rapidly [gave] way to deep hostility. ... because acknowledging<br />

any commonality of goals was likely to attract the 'molester' label for all<br />

homosexuals defending hard-won political rights and public respectability" (p.<br />

162).<br />

He does not mention that in the early 1980s some lesbians and minor youth defended not only<br />

NAMBLA‘s participation in the political process but also the desirability of sexual relationships<br />

between minors and adults (Kelly, 1979; Anonymous, 1979/80; Lotringer & Moffett, 1980).<br />

Neither does he acknowledge that today many gay and lesbian activists reject respectability and<br />

some have called for a dialogue with those who advocate relationships between adults and<br />

underage males (Rofes, 1998).<br />

Occasional textual sloppiness compounds these flaws. On occasion he provides an account of<br />

statistical claimsmaking that does not make it clear who is doing the claiming and he cites Web<br />

documents without providing their addresses. He concludes demographic changes account for<br />

the shifts in how child sex abuse has been viewed, but does not mention Joel Best's argument<br />

against a demographic hypothesis (Best, 1990).<br />

Those doing research would best be served by using Moral Panic as a Baedeker for further<br />

exploration rather than relying on it as comprehensive or accurate. These criticisms<br />

notwithstanding, Jenkins provides an informative and valuable account of how the latest antichild<br />

sex laws have fixed the sexual deviance / paraphilia model more firmly in our society, to<br />

the detriment of children and adults.<br />


Sonenschein focuses on three principal actors—pedophiles, children and adult protectors—in<br />

the symbolic crusade mentioned by Jenkins. His premise is we base social relations upon<br />

imagery, using symbols<br />

"animated and dubbed by their makers [which are] accompanied by standard,<br />

agreed upon and rigidly enforced texts that demand severe punishment for<br />

violation along with the elimination of criticism…." (v. II pp. 9-10).<br />

http://home.wanadoo.nl/ipce/newsletters/e_14/reviews.htm (4 of 9) [10/16/2002 5:34:25 PM]

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