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PDF file - Ipce


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JOY Manifesto<br />

13: Kidulteros<br />

Pronounced Kid-ult-EER-ros<br />

The Intergenerational name we give to Reciprocal LOVE, courtship and sexuality between a<br />

Joykid and a Jolly. This overall unconscious behavioural motivation signifies aspects of<br />

Rehearsal, governed by mutual Sexual Predispositional Identification. ~<br />

14: Joylove<br />

Common term -synonymous with Kidulteros -13.<br />

15: Joylover (pl. Joylovers)<br />

A Child or Adult who Sexually Identifies with Kidulteros (that is - Joylove).<br />

16: Jolly (pi. Jollies)<br />

A Jolly Adult Joylover is a Jolly.<br />

17: Jolliness<br />

State associated with being a Joylover.<br />

18: Jollism<br />

Theory Espoused by Intergenerationally Predisposed activists (Jollies). This theory in<br />

action.<br />

19: Joyboy (pl. Joyboys)<br />

A sexually Predisposed prepubescent boy.<br />

20: Joygirl (pl. Joygirls)<br />

A sexually Predisposed prepubescent girl.<br />

Jollies always qualify the words boy or girl in order to differentiate Joylove from (Man/)boy<br />

love etc. We are grateful for past support: there is a limit to the degree of support Boylove is<br />

capable of.<br />

http://home.wanadoo.nl/ipce/newsletters/e_14/joy.htm (6 of 12) [10/16/2002 5:34:19 PM]

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