Infant and Child Sexuality: A Sociological Perspective - Ipce

Infant and Child Sexuality: A Sociological Perspective - Ipce

Infant and Child Sexuality: A Sociological Perspective - Ipce


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ing attitudes, conversations, <strong>and</strong> actions of the<br />

six through twelve age group, which is supposedly<br />

the latency period, the more convinced I am<br />

that Freud was at least somewhat astray on this<br />

aspect of his theory.<br />

Data on overt heterosexual play, including coital play with or<br />

without penetration, does not support the notion of a latency period<br />

either. Ramsey <strong>and</strong> Kinsey show no evidence of striking increase in the<br />

incidence of such activity as puberty is reached. Kinsey’s data on the<br />

active incidence for each year did show that for boys who later go to<br />

college, heterosexual play of all kinds dropped off after about age<br />

ten, presumably in response to a redefinition of the meaning of this<br />

type of behavior. But, among boys who did not finish high school there<br />

was reportedly little withdrawal <strong>and</strong> a high level of continuity of heterosexual<br />

activity through preadolescence <strong>and</strong> into adolescence. There<br />

are sexual differences, however. Among males a very much larger percentage<br />

carried their preadolescent play directly into their adolescent<br />

<strong>and</strong> adult activities than was true of females. The discontinuities<br />

between the adolescent <strong>and</strong> preadolescent activities of the female appear<br />

to be the products of social custom <strong>and</strong> not of anything in the female’s<br />

biological or psychological makeup.<br />

Perhaps it was because I was approaching the age<br />

of puberty, but all of a sudden my parents would<br />

not allow me to engage in any of the boy-girl<br />

activities.<br />

For many, “sexual awakening,” that is the dawning consciousness of<br />

members of the opposite sex as appealing sexual <strong>and</strong> erotic partners,<br />

comes about in adolescence. But for some it is very real <strong>and</strong> poignant<br />

during preadolescence (<strong>and</strong> earlier as documented in earlier chapters).<br />

The heterosexual “awakening” that comes to many during preadolescence<br />

is well expressed by a rural midwestern boy.<br />

As our sixth grade progressed we were thrown<br />

together many times for long bus rides as part of<br />

the school b<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> that summer proved our undoing.<br />

It was truly the summer of our discontent. The<br />

b<strong>and</strong> began its rounds of parades, each of which<br />

carried with it a magical third world of fantasy<br />

called a carnival. On these hot afternoons, our<br />

group would make the circuit of the fair grounds<br />

trying our skill at the various games of chance,<br />

only to be followed by an innocent group of girls.<br />

Our desire to prove athletic supremacy within the<br />

group spread to a desire to please our shadowy<br />

female following. We had all known our prospective<br />

positions within our clique before, but now a new<br />

frontier was upsetting the balance of power <strong>and</strong> the<br />

fight for status was on. Little did we know our<br />

future was already laid out for us. When the girls<br />

noticed our exposed intentions, they were quick to<br />

tie the noose <strong>and</strong> there was no escape. That summer<br />

two worlds fused into one which was entirely different<br />

than anything that I had experienced before.<br />

We did everything as a group.<br />


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