ekS - Instytut Agrofizyki im. Bohdana Dobrzańskiego PAN w Lublinie ...

ekS - Instytut Agrofizyki im. Bohdana Dobrzańskiego PAN w Lublinie ...

ekS - Instytut Agrofizyki im. Bohdana Dobrzańskiego PAN w Lublinie ...


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Monitoring of soil water status, ie temporal and spatial registration of its<br />

water content, potential, salinity, oxygenation and temperature, is the necessary<br />

condition for modelling of processes in soil-plant-atmosphere continuum,<br />

prediction of their consequences and control.<br />

The <strong>im</strong>plementation of soil water status monitoring needs the application of<br />

automatic systems based on digital technique. The digital acquisition systems read<br />

only electrical signals; therefore the applied sensors must convert the measured<br />

quantity on the respective electrical signal. The sensors, methods and<br />

instrumentation requirements used for “electrical” monitoring of soil water status<br />

are:<br />

− automatic and continuous registration of data in situ ensuring non<br />

invasive actions affecting soil and the observed processes,<br />

− selectivity (the measurement method should not be sensitive on factors<br />

other than the selected one),<br />

− security and s<strong>im</strong>plicity (application of inoffensive medium and min<strong>im</strong>um<br />

specialized knowledge of the operator)<br />

The actual means of agrophysical metrology gives diverse possibilities of soil<br />

water monitoring of the individual parameters:<br />

− electrical measurement of temperature is easy because electrical<br />

temperature sensors are commercially available,<br />

− electrical measurement of potential is possible for its matrix element in<br />

the range of 0-950 mbar with the application of electrical tensiometric<br />

converter , and above 950 mbar up to the value relating to the plant<br />

wilting point (about 1.5x10 4 mbar) with the use of capillary-porous blocs<br />

(Campbell and Gee [13]) and thermoelectric tensiometers (Mullins [69]),<br />

− oxygenation can be measured electrically or evaluated on the base of soil<br />

aeration, that is closely correlated with its water content,<br />

− the electrical method of soil water content (moisture) and salinity<br />

measurement and is the subject of continuous research.<br />

2.1. Selectivity of the method<br />

The key feature of the applied method is the selectivity of the measurement, ie<br />

the lack of sensitivity of the conversion function (calibration) on the influence<br />

from the factors other than the measured one. Proper selectivity liberates the user<br />

from frequent, specific for each soil, in situ calibration measurements.<br />


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