C - Lublin

C - Lublin

C - Lublin


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attributed to the transition of free electronic pairs belonging to the nucleophilic<br />

atoms (mainly oxygen, for one, in the C=O group and its heteroanalogs).<br />

Hypsochromic shift of this absorption band increasing with the increase of<br />

incubation period of the P-treated soil could probably be due to the appearance of<br />

new polar P=O groups in the P-modified HS.<br />

To gain insight into the mechanism of reactions resulting in the formation of<br />

new bonds in humic ligand, the prepared Fe-HA complex was tested as the metalhumus<br />

sorbent for P anions. Figure 2 shows that control and P-modified complexes<br />

differed structurally. There are the absorption bands at 1610 and 1402 cm -1 in the<br />

control IR spectrum which can be attributed to the coordinated C=O groups. The P<br />

treatment resulted in the disappearance of these frequencies. At the same time,<br />

some new absorption bands arose in the spectrum. Among them are the bands at<br />

1250 and 1170 cm -1 which can be attributed to the vibration frequencies of the P=O<br />

groups having the dissimilar surroundings.<br />

The data obtained prove the possibility of intra-complex formation of P=O<br />

bonds in humic macroligand through the substitution of prior C=O groups. It is<br />

known that compounds with P=O group are more capable of binding metal ions in<br />

the forms of very inert soluble complexes than compounds with C=O group. This<br />

fact allows to explain the increased elimination of metals from the P-modified<br />

humus molecules and their accumulation in FA (Table 1).According to the IR<br />

spectra of HA and FA (Fig. 2), the O-containing functional groups tended to<br />

accumulate in FA whereas C=C bonds tended to accumulate in HA. As evident<br />

from Fig.1, in the spectrum of the P-modified FA there is a hypsochromic shift of<br />

the absorption band concerned with the transition of electrons belonging to oxygen<br />

atoms. This shift can be attributed to the P=O groups passing to FA fraction of HS.<br />


Consecutive changes in spectral and chemical properties of alkali-extractable<br />

humus substances have been revealed in the soil incubated with orthophosphate<br />

salt. The most considerable changes were observed at the end of the incubation<br />

period (3 years). The P-modified humus molecules were characterized by the<br />

accumulation of C=C bonds and P-containing polar groups. Structural changes<br />

corresponded to the observed changes in chemical properties of humus substances.<br />

It is shown that chemical composition of humic and fulvic acids varied<br />

significantly in the course of incubation of the P-enriched soil. The longer was<br />

incubation period, the lower were contents of metals and phosphorus in humic acid.<br />

The P incorporation in humus molecules promoted elimination of metals in the<br />

forms of soluble P-containing complexes and their discovery in fulvic acid fraction.<br />


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