C - Lublin

C - Lublin

C - Lublin


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The mean difference (MD) and the root mean square difference (RMSD) were<br />

calculated for evaluating the accuracy of the estimated soil water retention curves<br />

and the closeness between the measured and calculated water retention curves,<br />

respectively, according to Tietje and Tapkenhinrichs (1993). The jack-knifing<br />

method was used for verification: soil water retention curves, measured at 3<br />

sampling times were utilised to determine the parameters C and α, characteristic<br />

for the tillage treatment analysed. One set of pF-curves (consisting of 9 curves: 3<br />

depths x 3 replicates), corresponding to one measurement period was out of the<br />

fitting procedure in all of the cases to be used for the independent verification of<br />

the estimated pF-curves. Thus, 5x4 fitting procedures were performed: “5” refers to<br />

the number of the tillage treatments (NT, P, L, LP and LD), while “4” to the<br />

combination of the sampling times.<br />

The nomination used was MM_TT, where MM referred to the tillage<br />

treatment, whereas TT – to the number of the month, the pF-data of which was<br />

taken out of the non-linear estimation and used for the verification.<br />

In case of ploughing treatment, the estimation procedure was repeated separately<br />

for each sampled soil layer for evaluating the possibilities to reduce the estimation<br />

error. Consequently, 4x3 fitting procedures were done, where “3” refers to the<br />

number of soil layers the samples were taken from (5-10, 15-20 and 40-45 cm),<br />

while “4” to the combination of the sampling times.<br />


The MD and RMSD values, calculated for different tillage treatments varied<br />

between –0.004 ÷ 0.038 m 3 /m 3 and 0.021 ÷ 0.048 m 3 /m 3 , respectively (Table 1).<br />

Tietje and Tapkenhinrichs (1993) present results of soil pedotransfer function<br />

evaluation of 13 authors. They report 5 authors with 100% evident applicability.<br />

MD and RMSD values according to these authors vary between –0.053 to 0.013<br />

m 3 /m 3 and 0.033 to 0.075 m 3 /m 3 , respectively. Nemes (2002), comparing the soil<br />

water content dynamics, simulated with measured and estimated pF-curves<br />

concluded, that pF-curve estimations, producing RMSD up to 0.07 m 3 /m 3 is<br />

satisfactory for soil water content modelling. Similar Concerning these results, we<br />

can conclude, that the estimation method, proposed by Sobczuk and Walczak<br />

(1996) gave good results for the presented dataset.<br />

The statistical evaluation of the pF-curve estimation for 3 different soil layers<br />

of the ploughing treatment is given in Table 2. In general, slight improvement of<br />

the estimation of the pF-curves was obtained, when handling soil layers separately.<br />

Estimation accuracy, however, did not increase as much as we expected, probably<br />

because ploughing homogenises the upper 20-23 cm of the soil or because more<br />

measured data is required for the calculation of the parameters (α and C).<br />


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