C - Lublin

C - Lublin

C - Lublin


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Kerzhentsev A.S., Alekseeva T.V., Alekseev A.O., Abramichev A.Yu.<br />

Metabolism, the turnover of substance and energy between the vegetation<br />

(phytocenosis) and soil (pedocenosis), is the major function of natural ecosystem<br />

Metabolism of an ecosystem is the way of manifestation and maintenance of the<br />

life by interaction of opposite processes of synthesis and decomposition of organic<br />

matter. It consists of three subprocesses: anabolism, necrobolism and catabolism<br />

(Fig. 1). Anabolism turns mineral elements into the biomass. Catabolism converts<br />

dead biomass (necromass) into the mineral elements, which enter a new cycle of<br />

metabolism. Between these strong and opposed directed processes there is a<br />

smoothing their interaction processes of necrobolism, turning the biomass used up<br />

in the life cycle into the necromass.<br />

Natural ecosystem functions in stationary regime when the biomass synthesis<br />

is balanced with its dying and mineralization. Unbalance of metabolism makes up<br />

not more than 1% of the ecosystem mass. This allows us to consider climax<br />

ecosystem as a closed one, where the mass of mineral matter, required for biomass<br />

synthesis, equals the mass of mineral substance, released at mineralization of the<br />

dead biomass (necromass) with an accuracy of 1%. This means that in complete<br />

cycle of metabolism the ecosystem losses 1% of its mass and it is required<br />

subsequent supplement of losses due to the weathering of mountain rocks and<br />

atmospheric precipitations (liquid and solid). Migration of substances on relief and<br />

soil profile (up and down) has not been taken into consideration.<br />

The rate of anabolism, including photosynthesis and respiration, is much<br />

higher than that one of catabolism, hence several periods of biomass synthesis<br />

correspond to a period of complete mineralization of the necromass. The time of<br />

complete mineralization of the mass of annual litter-fall is characteristic time (CT)<br />

of this soil and ecosystem within which the matter mass renews completely. In<br />

tropic soils CT does not exceed 3-5 years, in podzol soils it makes up 50-70 years,<br />

and in chernozems it reaches 300-500 years. The influence of external factors on<br />

specific soil should be considered taking into account its CT.<br />

Long, comparable with CT, change of hydrothermal conditions in one (any)<br />

direction from the averaged or artificial change of the components of ecosystems<br />

mass: biomass, necromass, mineral mass, may disturb the dynamical equilibrium.<br />


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