C - Lublin

C - Lublin

C - Lublin


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We performed microbiological investigation of several dozens of kurgans<br />

created at Eneolith Epoch, Bronze Epoch, Early Iron Age and the Middle Ages<br />

within the dry and desert steppe zone. Using the complex of microbiological<br />

methods the information about microbial biomass, populations of microorganisms<br />

of different trophic groups and fungal colony-forming units, and microbial<br />

respiration rate was obtained and some original coefficients were calculated.<br />

For the first time the distribution of microorganisms in a kurgan embankment<br />

and buried paleosoil was investigated. The quantity of microorganisms of different<br />

trophic groups in the horizon A1 of the paleosols is 10-fold higher than that in the<br />

kurgan embankments. The values of microbiological parameters in modern soils<br />

decrease downward. In the buried paleosols the distribution of microorganisms is<br />

either similar to that in the modern soils or increase downward depending on the<br />

digenetic changes, lithology, and climate conditions in the past.<br />

In order to establish the relationship between the state of microbial<br />

communities and modern soil-forming conditions the comparative analysis of<br />

microbial communities of modern light-chestnut soils and solonetzes within the dry<br />

and desert zones in the Lower Volga region has been performed. It was established<br />

that microbial characteristics are mainly depend on the local peculiarities of<br />

pedogenesis. Within the same soil type the microbial communities vary<br />

significantly subject to the lithological and geomorphologic conditions, as well as<br />

the location in the landscape. And vise versa, the microbial communities in<br />

different soil types are often similar if the soils have similar location in the<br />

landscape, soil forming rocks and depth of ground water. Therefore we suppose the<br />

state of microbial community at certain historical period depends on the<br />

regularities of soil evolution and climate changes in concrete area.<br />

The dynamics of microbial community states in the various paleosols has also<br />

been studied. It was shown that during some historical periods the variability of<br />

microbial community haracteristics was considerable (burial places “Abganerovo”:<br />

the turn of the IV-III Millennium BC (PS-1), XIX-XVII cc. BC (PS-2), III-IV cc.<br />

AD (PS-3), IV c. AD (PS-4) (Fig.1); “Malyaevka”: the turn of the III-II millennium<br />

BC, XVI-XV cc. BC, III-IV cc. AD, XIII-XIV cc. AD, and during other ones it<br />

was not great (burial place “Kolobovka” the first part of the I c. AD (PS-5), I-II cc.<br />

AD (PS-6), II-III cc. AD (PS-7). The data obtained are evidences of variability of<br />

microbiological parameters caused by natural condition changes. Predominance of<br />

the microorganisms, consuming an easily available organic matter, high values<br />

of ratio of microbial population consuming plant residues to that consuming<br />

humus substances, and low index of oligothrophicity allows one to suppose high<br />

amount of organic matter entering into the soil, the process occurring in conditions<br />

of high precipitation norm. And vise versa, the drought increasing leads to<br />


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