C - Lublin

C - Lublin

C - Lublin


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conditions, existing at the first part of the third Millennium BC, had been changed<br />

by more arid ones not long before the soil been covered by kurgan embankment.<br />

About 150 years later the soil salinity increased. In the profile of the paleosoil<br />

buried under the kurgan embankment 4260±120 BP, (Cal. 3016-2628 BC) the SO 4<br />

content became three-five times higher, while the chloride content remained high<br />

as well. The thickness of the carbonates accumulation zone reduced but the<br />

carbonate content in the upper 50 cm layer grew up 6,5%. The morphological<br />

forms of the CaCO 3 neoformations changed too. The size of calcareous nodules<br />

decreased, with impregnation forms prevailing. The Fe-Mn oxide neoformations<br />

were not observed in the soil as well as in all paleosols described below. The<br />

prismatic structure of the paleosoil illuvial horizon B became less prominent,<br />

which is evidence of solonetzic process extinction under the condition of intensive<br />

water evaporation. Increasing the gypsum content also indicates the intensification<br />

of ascending migration of water-soluble components in the soil profile, which is<br />

typical of drought periods.<br />

During the next one and a half century both the easily soluble salts and gypsum<br />

evidently rose up gradually resulting in the formation of their accumulation zone<br />

with the upper boundary at 70 cm deep at the end of the third Millennium BC. The<br />

gypsum content in the paleosoil buried 4120±70 BP (Cal. 2871-2508 BC) was<br />

2,4%. The sulphate concentration in the layer of 70-200 cm reached 1300-1400<br />

ppm. The cloride concentration in the lower part of the soil profile considerably<br />

increased. This can was due to either the salt re-distribution in the soil profile or the<br />

ground water chemistry composition change with the ground water salinity<br />

increasing. The great amount of soil carbonates moved to the upper 0-50 cm layer,<br />

in which the average CaCO 3 content was 8,4% (Fig.3). All carbonates were in<br />

impregnation form.<br />

Development of climate aridization resulted in forming unusual soils, which<br />

are not found within the modern soil cover of dry and desert steppe zones. Whereas<br />

the modern background soils are light-chestnut soils with differentiated profile and<br />

solonetzic horizon, the paleosols at the turn of the third and the second Millennium<br />

BC (3960±40 BP, Cal. 2490-2409 BC) are characterized by undifferentiated profile<br />

with indistinct boundaries between soil horizons, uniform color of soil-ground<br />

mass, and considerable salinity. We proposed to refer these soils as “chestnut-like<br />

soils”. In contrast to the paleosols described above in this soil the thickness of the<br />

humus horizon reduced until 7 cm, resulted from, most likely, activation of the<br />

wind erosion. The textural differentiation of the soil profile disappeared. The HClreaction<br />

was observed at the level of the soil surface. The soil salinity considerably<br />

increased, with the easily soluble salts forming another accumulation zone in the<br />

horizon B. The upper border of the easily soluble salts accumulation zone was on<br />


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