C - Lublin

C - Lublin

C - Lublin


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Balakhnina T.I., Bennicelli R.P., Stępniewska Z., Stępniewski W.<br />

One of the essential negative consequences of the soil flooding is oxygen<br />

deficiency in the tissues of the submerged plants. Oxygen deficiency effects the<br />

intensity and the direction of a number of physiological and biochemical reactions<br />

and induces oxidative stress in the plant cells ( Bennicelli et al. 1998, Blokhina et<br />

al., 1999; Hunter et al., 1987; Yan et al., 1996, Zakrzhevsky et al. 1995).<br />

Under optimal conditions the content of reactive oxygen species (ROS)<br />

maintains, with the help of antioxidative defence system, at a level which is safe<br />

for the organism (Larson, 1988). Enzymes of superoxide dismutase and ascorbate –<br />

glutathione pathway eliminate the excess of Н 2 О 2 in chloroplasts, in the cytoplasm<br />

and in non photosynthesizing tissues (Foyer and Halliwell, 1976). Under stress<br />

conditions the formation of ROS can exceed the antioxidative potential of the cell<br />

and cause an oxidative damage (Halliwell, 1984).<br />

The plant capability to activate the defense system against oxidative<br />

destruction may be a key link in the mechanism of plant tolerance to unfavorable<br />

conditions. Changes in the activity level of one or more antioxidative enzymes are<br />

connected with the plant resistance to stressor action (Allen, 1995). The aim in this<br />

paper was to shown response of stomatal resistance (R d ) on the examples of some<br />

plants: Triticum aestivum L., Triticale L., Zea mays L.,Pisum sativum L.reaction<br />

planted on unfavorable soil conditions through hypoxia to anoxia conditions. As<br />

the indicators of soil aeration conditions Oxygen Diffusion Rate (ODR) and redox<br />

potential (Eh) were used as described by Gliński and Stępniewski (1985).<br />


The experiments were performed with the use of Triticum aestivum L.,<br />

Triticale L., Zea mays L.,Pisum sativum L under growth chamber in plastic pots,<br />

5.9 dm 3 in volume, filled with soil material from the Ap horizon of a brown loess<br />

soil (Orthic Luvisol) of pH in H 2 O - 7.3 (pH in KCl - 7.1) containing 0.89% C org ,<br />

15% of 1 -0.1m fraction, 80% of 0.1-0.002 mm fraction, and 5% clay. Each pot<br />

contained 6.2 kg of soil (dry mass basis) packed to a bulk density 1.35 Mg m -3<br />

corresponding to total porosity 48% v/v .<br />

The air temperature was kept at 23±2 о C and 12±2 о С during the day and<br />

night, respectively. The day period was 12 hours with the light intensity of 190<br />

Wat m -2 . The relative air humidity in the growth chamber was 45±5% during the<br />

day and 70±5% during the night.<br />


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