C - Lublin

C - Lublin

C - Lublin


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Basing on this simplified bending test, the apparatus has been constructed for<br />

evaluation of pod cracking susceptibility, presented here. The measuring procedure<br />

consists in pressing the pod (at a characteristic ring-shaped swelling of the stalk) at<br />

the measuring holder of the sensor of force. A person performing the measurement<br />

keeps the pod in hand in a precisely defined way. As a result of the force interaction,<br />

a cracking takes place of the valves with the linking septum. This way the<br />

cracking and opening of pods in natural (field) conditions is imitated. For registration<br />

of the bending course, determination of the force values and saving the results,<br />

a program has been elaborated. A portable instrument collaborates with commonly<br />

used PC computers. It weighs 1,2 kg and has dimensions of 20x20x7 cm. A series<br />

of measurements with the instrument has given the results comparable with the<br />

results obtained by other method (torsion of pods). The usefulness of the instrument<br />

has been stated, for simple and fast evaluation of rape pods cracking susceptibility<br />

in the conditions of an indifferently equipped laboratory.<br />


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