C - Lublin

C - Lublin

C - Lublin


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Regional data on Pb concentrations in wood biomass have been obtained on the<br />

base of special wood sampling in background area. As can see from Table 2, Pb<br />

concentrations in stem wood are lower for all tree types in comparison with the<br />

values obtained for branches and bark. The differences equal 4-6 times. As can be<br />

mentioned in (Remezov et al., 1959), concentrations of the element in different tree<br />

parts are maintained during all vegetation period if environmental conditions are<br />

not changed. So, the same data can be used for estimations of metal removing with<br />

biomass for trees of either age.<br />

Table 2. Data on Pb accumulation in wood biomass of the main tree types in the<br />

central Russia (based on: Zolotareva et al., 1983; Priputina et al., 2003)<br />

Tree Type Compartments Samples number Pb, mg/kg<br />

stem 16 0.51<br />

Spruce<br />

branches 14 3.00<br />

bark 6 2.00<br />

stem 11 0.38<br />

Pine<br />

branches 10 1.75<br />

bark 7 1.70<br />

stem 10 0.43<br />

Oak<br />

branches 10 2.70<br />

bark 4 5.00<br />

stem 10 0.68<br />

Birch<br />

branches 15 2.54<br />

bark 10 1.45<br />

As known, there are differences in the rates of annual biomass growth for the<br />

trees of different ages (as well as tree compartments) that can be taken into<br />

consideration in regional estimations (Fig.1). The results of wood productivity<br />

simulations (based on EFIMOD) show that average rates of annual biomass growth<br />

at age of 50-80(100) years are higher in 1.5-2 times in comparison with average<br />

data calculated for 10-100(150) years period. Taking into account the differences<br />

of Pb concentrations in the wood of stem/braches the fluxes of metal removal with<br />

biomass uptake have been calculated for pure stands of the main tree types: Spruce,<br />

Pine, Oak, Birch (Tab.3).<br />

Data presented in this paper had been used for preliminary calculating and<br />

mapping of critical loads of Pb for forest ecosystems in the basin of the Upper Oka.<br />


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