C - Lublin

C - Lublin

C - Lublin


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of organic particles and their electrostatic repulsion from solid phase to the<br />

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The concentration of the DOM increased exponentially with the pH of the<br />

extraction. An equation DOM(pH)=0,01exp(b 1 *pH) provided high correlation<br />

between the experimental data (R 2 >0.94 in most cases). The highest concentration<br />

of released OM was obtained for the strongly secondary transformed sample<br />

(W 1 =0,74). The opposite result was obtained for the weakly secondary transformed<br />

sample (W 1 =0,48).<br />


The b 1 index could be satisfactorily used to quantify the DOM release process<br />

in relation to the increase in soil pH. The release of the DOM depended on the<br />

degree of the secondary transformation of the studied peat-moorsh soils.<br />


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