River-Shield Project 3

River-Shield Project 3

River-Shield Project 3


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<strong>River</strong>-<strong>Shield</strong> <strong>Project</strong><br />

3 rd Coordination Meeting Minutes<br />

Warsaw, 26 – 27 April 2007<br />

List of Participants<br />


PP1 George Kampas Region of East Macedonia Thrace (GR)<br />

PP2 Nikos Tsotsolis Region of Central Macedonia (GR)<br />

PP2 Aristoula Malitsidou Region of Central Macedonia (GR)<br />

PP2 Efi Staiou Region of Central Macedonia (GR)<br />

PP3 Vaso Papadopoulou Thesis Consulting Ltd. (GR)<br />

PP4 Ferenc László VITUKI Kht. (HU)<br />

PP5 Mieczyslaw Borysiewicz Institute of Environmental Protection (PL)<br />

PP5 Wanda Kacprzyk Institute of Environmental Protection (PL)<br />

PP5 Katarzyna Rymwid- Institute of Environmental Protection (PL)<br />

Mickiewicz<br />

PP5 Feliks Gradalski Institute of Environmental Protection (PL)<br />

PP5 Andrzej Jeske Institute of Environmental Protection (PL)<br />

PP5 Miroslaw Leszczynski Institute of Environmental Protection (PL)<br />

PP6 Libor Hajek RDA for Central Moravia (CZ)<br />

PP7 Slavko Mezek RRCof Koper (SI)<br />

PP7 Vlasta Starc RRCof Koper (SI)<br />

PP8 Ormandjieva Antoanta Regional Development Foundation (BG)<br />

PP8 Yordan Uzunov Regional Development Foundation (BG)<br />

PP8 Tsvetelina Yotova Regional Development Foundation (BG)<br />

George Zalidis<br />

Aristotle University Thessaloniki (GR)<br />

Pawel Dadasiewicz Chief Inspectorate for Environmental<br />

Protection (PL)<br />

<strong>River</strong> <strong>Shield</strong> 3rd C-Meeting Minutes Warsaw, April 2007 1


Introduction<br />

Thursday, 26 April 2007<br />

The 3 rd Coordination Meeting took place at the facilities of the Institute of Environmental<br />

Protection (IEP) in Warsaw.<br />

After the greetings on behalf of the Polish partners by Dr Feliks Grądalski, Director for<br />

Economic Issues and Promotion, Dr Jadwiga Sienkiewicz presented the activities and<br />

research priorities of the Department of Nature and Landscape Conservation of IEP.<br />

Dr Sienkiewicz’s presentation, followed a tour to the laboratories of the Institute incurring to<br />

an alteration to the initial agenda.<br />

<strong>Project</strong> status in each participating country<br />

The presentations of the RIVER SHIELD progress in each participating country took place<br />

successively according to the PP No.<br />

PP1 – presentation: Mr Kampas<br />

The risk identification assessment for the Greek part of Nestos river is completed. A one –<br />

day workshop about the RIVER SHIELD project was held in January 2007 at Kavala. A<br />

questionnaire for stakeholders’ views on prevention and response to industrial accidents was<br />

constructed and the answers were collected at the end of the workshop. Basic conclusions<br />

were extracted. For the establishment of the Regional Network, a meeting took place at the<br />

premises of Water Directorate at Kavala, in April 2007, with the participation of public<br />

authorities that are involved in informing, coordinating, handling and reacting in possible<br />

industrial accidents as well as public authorities and private stakeholders that are licensing<br />

and controlling the industries and communicating with them. The participants agreed that<br />

two forms of network should be formed: one broad and comprehensive and one close and<br />

flexible. They also committed that each body would nominate a permanent representative<br />

who will participate in the close network. Regarding the Early Warning and Alarm System,<br />

the design and specifications have been completed as well as the procurement and installation<br />

of the relevant equipment.<br />

PP2 - presentation: Mrs Malitsidou and Mr Tsotsolis<br />

The risk identification assessment for the Greek part of Strymon river is completed, as well as<br />

the planning of the software for the early warning system. A one – day conference about the<br />

«Prevention and confrontation of environmental industrial risks» was held at Thessaloniki,<br />

Greece in February 2007. Questionnaires were distributed to the attendants of the conference<br />

for the assessment of their opinions regarding the prevention of industrial risks. The main<br />

conclusions are the following: a. Training of the people working in the industries is necessary,<br />

b. tight cooperation between the state and the businesses are the major measures suggested in<br />

order to improve the prevention and confrontation of the environmental industrial accidents,<br />

c. interest was expressed by stakeholders for participation in the network (informing plans and<br />

accidents’ prevention). Representatives of the Fire Brigade, Public Power Corporation,<br />

<strong>River</strong> <strong>Shield</strong> 3rd C-Meeting Minutes Warsaw, April 2007 2


Prefecture (Civil Protection, Directorate of Industry, and Directorate of Environment),<br />

Industrialist Association, Industrial Chamber of Thessaloniki, Kavala and Drama, Water<br />

Directorate will form the local network of the region.<br />

Aristoteles University of Thessaloniki (AUTh) on behalf of PP1 and PP2 – presentation:<br />

Prof. Zalidis<br />

The methodology applied for the compilation of the risk identification assessment reports at<br />

Strymonas and Nestos river basin was analyzed, as well as the problems occurred and the<br />

results extracted from the completion of the deliverables. Regarding the Early Warning<br />

System, its structure was explained and the installed Data Measurement Stations were<br />

presented on maps of both river basins. The development of the software of early warning<br />

system is an on-going action. The targets of the data management software are: field data<br />

assessment, near real time data, easy access and distribution of results to authorities and<br />

remote control of field station and synchronization. Finally, the characteristics of the Decision<br />

Support System as well as the parameters profile in each river were presented.<br />

PP3 - presentation: Mrs Papadopoulou<br />

Three Emergency Response Guides are compiled. The 1 st and 2 nd , Preparedness & Response<br />

and Pollution Control Techniques respectively, are completed while, the 3rd one, Operation<br />

Management & Support, is still under construction.<br />

The three Emergency Response Guides provide general guidelines which: mostly concern<br />

public services and security forces that are involved in the response to major environmental<br />

accidents, better correspond to the Greek emergency response status and are in line with<br />

worldwide good practices. Summaries in English language of the first two guides were<br />

prepared and sent to all partners. As soon as the third guide is completed a brief English<br />

version will also be prepared.<br />

PP4 – presentation: Mr Laszlo<br />

The Hungarian Regional Network for risk prevention and accident response is constructed. Its<br />

structure is the following: Ministry for Environment and Water, Department of Response to<br />

Environmental Damages, Water Center, Regional environmental and water authorities,<br />

Regional Inspectorates for Environmental Protection, Nature Conservation and Water<br />

Management, VITUKI Kht. Environmental Protection and Water Management Research<br />

Institute and Inland Waters and Flood Control Public Utility Company. The role appointed to<br />

each body was presented. An Experience Exchange Questionnaire was distributed to the<br />

members of the Risk Prevention Network. The questionnaire was based on the Draft<br />

Stakeholders’ Questionnaire distributed and reviewed during the 2 nd Coordination Meeting.<br />

Remarkable conclusions were extracted from the process of the given answers.<br />

PP5 – presentation: Dr Borysiewicz<br />

The Institute of Environmental Protection organised the 3 rd Coordination Meeting. Regarding<br />

the tasks of WP2 the IEP has completed the Risk Identification report in the Lubuskie Region.<br />

The respective Regional Network has also been established, the Leader of which is Dr<br />

Zbigniew Lewicki from the Regional Inspectorate for Environmental Protection in Zielona<br />

Gora. Finally, an experience exchange workshop was organised at Gorzow in November<br />

2006, in which 34 persons participated. Under WP3 the IEP elaborated 2 opinions on the<br />

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English summaries of the 1 st and 2 nd emergency response guides which were prepared by PP3.<br />

The material developed for the complementing of the guides is: contingency planning<br />

network, transboundary aspects of the response, exercises on removal of accidental pollution<br />

from the transboundary waters. IEP has also conducted tasks under WP6 which are the<br />

development of the Polish website for the RIVER SHIELD project<br />

(http://www.ios.edu.pl/eng/river) with a link to the official RIVER SHIELD website<br />

(http://www.rivershield.org) and the preparation of a publication for “Environmental<br />

Protection and Natural Resources”.<br />

PP6 – presentation: Mr. Hajek<br />

During establishing the regional network most of stakeholders were not very interested in<br />

participation in the project (in spite of detail explanation they were not sure about practical<br />

benefits of the project). Finally it was agreed that at beginning of 2007 (when new practical<br />

project outputs will be available) other dealings will be held in order to attract them into the<br />

project. As soon as this fundamental problem is overcome, the informative workshops will be<br />

organised and the regional network will start to function.<br />

PP7- presentation: Mr. Mezek<br />

An informative workshop was organised in December 2006 for the RIVER SHIELD project<br />

presentation; the formation of a <strong>Project</strong> Committee/ partnership; the presentation of Risk<br />

Identification Report results; and the presentation of further activities. The conclusions<br />

extracted from the informative workshop are the following: a) there is a great interest for the<br />

training of stakeholders and the enhancement of regional network, b) there is a weak response<br />

from private sector, which is a potential polluter.<br />

PP8-presentation: Mrs Ormandjieva and Prof. Uzunov<br />

Regional Development Foundation submitted the invitation and organized in April 2007 the<br />

1 st Workshop “Informative and experience exchange” to stakeholders and competent<br />

authorities to be involved in the process of implementation and support of project in Bulgaria.<br />

One objective of the workshop was to establish the contacts with the representative persons<br />

from West Aegean Sea <strong>River</strong> Basin Directorate and other potentially interested authorities in<br />

the results of the project, to exchange the information comments, opinions and experience on<br />

the main tasks of the project. During the workshop a short questionnaire was distributed to all<br />

representatives regarding the project. The main result of answers given is in generally positive<br />

for the implementation of the project and expecting results. The Foundation “Regional<br />

Development” also sent to ministries and institutions the request of official nomination of<br />

experts for establishment of network. The main activities of the regional network constructed<br />

will be to support the implementation of the project and use its results in new investment<br />

plans.<br />

Future Actions<br />

Training of stakeholders<br />

The 2 nd and 3 rd action of the project are almost completed. The next task that should be<br />

considered is the training of stakeholders. One training seminar should take place in each<br />

<strong>River</strong> <strong>Shield</strong> 3rd C-Meeting Minutes Warsaw, April 2007 4


participating country. The main attendants could be members of the established local<br />

networks. The training material that will be used shall be created by each partner. The English<br />

summaries of the three Emergency Response Guides could be part of this material. However,<br />

each partner can use whatever seems more suitable and helpful. The necessary deliverables<br />

that will prove the completion of this task are photographs, list of participants as well as the<br />

training material (presentations, guides etc.). An evaluation questionnaire should be<br />

distributed at the end of each seminar. The seminars should take place until the end of<br />

September.<br />

Pilot Implementation<br />

As soon as the Early Warning System is established 2 full scale exercises of emergency<br />

response system and related bodies will be held at Strymonas and Nestos. The Pilot<br />

Implementation will be an excellent opportunity for dissemination and publicity of the actions<br />

of the RIVER SHIELD project, the mass media is intended to be invited in order to cover the<br />

exercises. The pilot implementation is expected to be realized until early of October.<br />

<strong>Project</strong> Reports<br />

The 3 rd project report will be submitted at the end of September 2007 and will concern the<br />

semester from January until June 2007. The 3 rd payment claim will also be prepared and<br />

submitted at the same period.<br />

4 th Coordination Meeting<br />

The 4 th Coordination Meeting will probably take place at Koper in October 2007, after the<br />

submission of the payment claim and progress report.<br />

Management Issues<br />

Internal Reports<br />

A brief description of activities undertaken from January to June 2007 will be sent to the LP<br />

by the end of July in order to avoid loosing contact during the summer period and have<br />

adequate time to react to any potential problem that might come up before the 3 rd payment<br />

claim and progress report.<br />

Budget Modifications<br />

Each partner should formally inform the LP, before proceeding with any budget<br />

modifications, in order to take his confirmation. Partners should consider the possibility of<br />

exploiting the 20% flexibility so as to assure the allocated budget absorption for 2007.<br />

Forthcoming Meetings<br />

It was agreed between partners that the final conference should be held in Thessaloniki in<br />

February or March 2008. After the final conference a last meeting between partners could<br />

take place in Olomouc, Czech Republic, provided that there is still unabsorbed budget<br />

allocated under the travel expenses category.<br />

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Website Update<br />

All partners should submit to the LP the accomplished deliverables (in their own language)<br />

along with brief summaries in English in order to update the official RIVER SHIELD<br />

website.<br />

Ideas for Future Cooperation<br />

All project partners believe that the <strong>River</strong>-<strong>Shield</strong> partnership is successful and are interested<br />

to find other issues to cooperate again in the coming years. The main idea that was introduced<br />

by Prof. Zalidis (AUTh) and Mr Tsotsolis (PP2) is the potential of a project under FP 7 on<br />

Water Scarcity. The idea will be discussed in further detail during the next <strong>River</strong>-<strong>Shield</strong> coordination<br />

meeting.<br />

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Friday, 27 April 2007<br />

Visit to the Crisis Management Centre in the Mazowsze Region<br />

A guided visit took place at the premises of the Crisis Management Center in the Mazowsze<br />

Region (Voivodship). The competences of the Mazowsze Voivode (Head of Voivodship) as<br />

governmental representative in the regional area, the structure and tasks of the Department of<br />

Crisis Management, including the Regional Early Warning System along with the Crisis<br />

Management Centre’s main tasks were presented in detail by Mr Zenon Sobejko, Director of<br />

the Department. Furthermore, the participants had the opportunity to visit the Crisis<br />

Management Centre.<br />

Presentation on Floods and Water Pollution Threats<br />

At the premises of IEP two presentations were realized by Dr Marcin Smolarkiewicz and Mr<br />

Robert Mazur as representatives of the Public Safety Educational Centre of the Main School<br />

of Fire Service (SGSP). The subject of the two presentations was the methods and didactic<br />

tools applied for the training of Crisis Management Staff on floods and water pollution.<br />

Dr Marcin Smolarkiewicz, Head of Educational Center of Public Safety (ECPS), presented an<br />

approach method of the decision making process on crisis management issues, as well as the<br />

multimedia education tools applied. The tools introduced were simulations of crisis situations<br />

for small groups of the ECPS, exercises via Intranet (SGSP), and exercises via Internet – E-<br />

learning.<br />

Mr Robert Mazur presented the structures of the crisis management teams, as a model of<br />

simulation using Multimedia Decision Training. The Crisis Management Teams were<br />

established in Poland at local, district, regional and national levels and may take advantage of<br />

this tool.<br />

During both presentations the attendants were given the possibility to participate in interactive<br />

examples of a crisis management situation using the simulation scenario program<br />

“POWODZ”.<br />

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