Jr. Charman, Buss.Asst,Operator - Indian Oil Corporation Limited

Jr. Charman, Buss.Asst,Operator - Indian Oil Corporation Limited Jr. Charman, Buss.Asst,Operator - Indian Oil Corporation Limited


n[aM` 1. `h nwpñVH$m AmnH$mo Cg à{V`mo{JVm narjm H$m ì`mnH$ {ddaU XoJr Omo {H$ Oy{Z`a {~OZog A{gñQ>|Q> (J«oS 3), Oy{Z`a Am°naoQ>a (J«oS 1) VWm Oy{Z`a MmO©_oZ (J«oS 3) nXm| H$s ^Vu hoVw Am`mo{OV H$s OmZo dmbr h¡ & 2. M`Z à{H«$`m _| Oy{Z`a {~OZog A{gñQ>|Q> (J« oS 3) Ho$ {bE (A) {b{IV narjm (~) Q>—oS> Q>oñQ> (H$) gmjmËH$ma Ed_² Oy{Z`a Am°naoQ>a (J« oS 1) VWm Oy{Z`a MmO©_oZ (J« oS 3) Ho$ {bE (A) {b{IV narjm Am¡a (~) gmjmËH$ma h¢ Ÿ& do narjmWu Omo {b{IV narjm _| n`m©ßV CÀM _¡[aQ> H«$_ na hmo§Jo, Q>—oS> Q>oñQ> / gmjmËH$ma _| ~wbm`o OmZo Ho$ nmÌ hmo§Jo & 3. EM. ~r. nopÝgb Am¡a ~mbn¡Z H$m Cn`moJ … AmnH$mo Xmo gm_mÝ`ê$n go CnbãY EM. ~r. nopÝgb|, EH$ nopÝgb emn©Za, EH$ a~‹S> Am¡a EH$ ~mb n¡Z AnZo gmW bmZo Mm{hE & narjm Ho$ Xm¡amZ nopÝgb Qy>Q> OmZo na Cgo ~ZmZo _| AmnH$m g_` ZîQ> Z hmo, Bg{bE Xmo nopÝgb| bmZo H$s gbmh Xr OmVr h¡ & 4. CÎma nÌ H$m ì`dhma … H¥$n`m AnZo CÎma nÌ H$mo gmdYmZrnyd©H$ ì`dhma _| br{OE & Bgo Yyb go J§Xm Z hmoZo X| Ÿ& `{X `h H$Q>m- \$Q>m, _w‹S>m, {gbdQ>m| go ^am `m J§Xm hmoJm Vmo Bgo Om§Mm Zht Om gHo$Jm & 5. {d{^ÝZ dñVw{ZîR> àíZmd{b`m| na {deof Ü`mZ XoZm Mm{hE Š`m|{H$ `o ñHy$b/H$m°boO H$s gm_mÝ` narjmAm| go AbJ T>§J H$s hmoVr h¢ & AnZo CÎma H¡$go {bI| … dñVw{Zð> àH$ma Ho$ àË`oH$ àíZ Ho$ ZrMo 1, 2, 3, 4 VWm 5 g§»`m go A§{H$V g§^m{dV CÎma {X`o Om`|Jo & CZ_| go gdm©{YH$ Cn`wŠV CÎma Mw{ZE Ÿ& {\$a àíZ H$s H«$_ g§»`m Ho$ gm_Zo ghr CÎma dmbr AÊS>mH¥${V H$mo EM². ~r. nopÝgb go nyar H$mbr a§J Xr{OE & (Z_yZodmbo CÎma nÌ H$m n¥îR> 2 XoI|) H¥$n`m `h Ü`mZ aI| {H$ AÊS>mH¥${V Jhar H$mbr a§J OmZr Mm{hE Am¡a nyar ^a OmZr Mm{hE Ÿ& CXmhaU Ho$ {b`o `{X àíZ g§»`m 2 H$m CÎma 5 h¡ Vmo Bgo {ZåZmZwgma {XIm`m Om`o Ÿ& à. 2. 1 2 3 4 AnZo CÎma _| n[adV©Z H¡$go H$a| … `{X Amn AnZm CÎma ~XbZm MmhVo h¢ Vmo nhbo ^ar hþB© AÊS>mH¥${V H$mo ~{‹T>`m a~‹S> go nyam {_Q>m Xr{OE Am¡a {\$a AnZo g§emo{YV CÎmadmbr g§»`m H$s AÊS>mH¥${V H$mo nyar H$mbr a§J Xr{OE Ÿ& CÎma H$mo ~XbVo g_` nhbo dmbo CÎma H$mo nyU© ê$n go {_Q>mZm AË`§V Amdí`H$ h¡ Ÿ& `{X Cgo nyar Vah Zht {_Q>m`m J`m Vmo a~‹S> Ûmam {_Q>mE hþE ^mJ na Yã~m ~Zm ahoJm Am¡a EH$ àíZ Ho$ Xmo CÎma n‹T>o Om`|Jo AV… H$moB© ^r A§H$ Zht {X`m OmEJm Ÿ& {b{IV narjm S>ãë`y gr S>ãë`y-J«oS>3 nX : Oy{Z`a {~OZog A{gñQ>|Q> AZw H«$. àíZmdbr àíZm| H$s g§»`m A§H$ g_` 1 gmYmaU A{^d¥{Îm (VH©$e{º$) 50 50 2 gm_mÝ` kmZ 50 50 Hw$b g_` 3 gab J{UV 50 50 2 K§Q>o 15 {_{ZQ> 4 gab A§J« oOr 50 50 (135 {_{ZQ>) Hw$b 200 200 ~r gr S>ãë`y-J«oS>1 nX : Oy{Z`a> Am°naoQ>a AZw H«$. àíZmdbr àíZm| H$s g§»`m A§H$ g_` 1 gmYmaU A{^d¥{Îm (VH©$e{º$) 50 50 2 gm_mÝ` kmZ 50 50 Hw$b g_` 3 gab J{UV 50 50 2 K§Q>o Hw$b 150 150 2

INTRODUCTION 1. This booklet gives you detailed information about the Competitive examination for recruitment to the posts of Jr. Business Assistant (Gr-3), Jr. Operator (Gr-1) and Jr. Chargeman (Gr-3) 2. The selection process consists for Jr. Business Assistant (Gr-3) : (a) Written Examination and (b) Trade Test (c) Interview and for Jr. Operator (Gr-1) and Jr. Chargeman (Gr-3) : (a) Written Examination and (b) Interview. Candidates who qualify in the written examination with sufficiently high merit rank are eligible to be called for Trade Test / Interview. 3. Use of HB Pencil and Ball Pen : You should bring with you two commonly available HB Pencils, a Pencil Sharpener, an Eraser and a Ball Point Pen. Two pencils are advised to avoid mending a pencil during the examination as you may lose time. 4. Handling answersheet : Please handle your answersheet carefully. Keep it dust free. If it is mutilated, torn, folded, wrinkled, rolled or dusty, it may not be evaluated. 5. Special attention should be paid to the different objective type tests, since these are different from the usual school/college examinations. HOW TO SHOW YOUR ANSWERS : Each question is followed by answers which are numbered 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Select the most appropriate answer. Then by using HB Pencil, blacken the oval bearing the correct answer against the serial number of the question. (Refer to side 2 of the Specimen Answersheet). Please note that the oval should be dark enough and should be filled in completely. For example, if the answer to Question Number 2 is answer number 5, it is shown as follows. Q.2. 1 2 3 4 HOW TO CHANGE YOUR ANSWER : If you wish to change your answer, ERASE COMPLETELY the already darkened oval by using good quality eraser and then blacken the new oval bearing your revised answer number. While changing the answer, erasing the earlier answer completely is extremely essential. If it is not erased completely, smudges will be left on the erased oval and the question will be read as having two answers and will be ignored for giving any credit. WCW- GRADE 3 Post : Jr. Business Assistant WRITTEN EXAMINATION Sr. No. Test No of Ques Marks Time 1 General Aptitude (Reasoning) 50 50 2 General Knowledge 50 50 Composite Time of 3 Simple Mathematics 50 50 2 hours 15 minutes 4 Simple English 50 50 BCW- GRADE 1 Post : Jr. Operator Total 200 200 3 (135 minutes) Sr. No. Test No of Ques Marks Time 1 General Aptitude (Reasoning) 50 50 2 General Knowledge 50 50 Composite Time of 3 Simple Mathematics 50 50 2 hours Total 150 150


1. This booklet gives you detailed information about the Competitive examination for recruitment to the posts of <strong>Jr</strong>.<br />

Business Assistant (Gr-3), <strong>Jr</strong>. <strong>Operator</strong> (Gr-1) and <strong>Jr</strong>. Chargeman (Gr-3)<br />

2. The selection process consists for <strong>Jr</strong>. Business Assistant (Gr-3) : (a) Written Examination and (b) Trade Test<br />

(c) Interview and for <strong>Jr</strong>. <strong>Operator</strong> (Gr-1) and <strong>Jr</strong>. Chargeman (Gr-3) : (a) Written Examination and (b)<br />

Interview. Candidates who qualify in the written examination with sufficiently high merit rank are eligible to be<br />

called for Trade Test / Interview.<br />

3. Use of HB Pencil and Ball Pen : You should bring with you two commonly available HB Pencils, a Pencil<br />

Sharpener, an Eraser and a Ball Point Pen. Two pencils are advised to avoid mending a pencil during the<br />

examination as you may lose time.<br />

4. Handling answersheet : Please handle your answersheet carefully. Keep it dust free. If it is mutilated, torn,<br />

folded, wrinkled, rolled or dusty, it may not be evaluated.<br />

5. Special attention should be paid to the different objective type tests, since these are different from the usual<br />

school/college examinations.<br />


Each question is followed by answers which are numbered 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Select the most appropriate answer. Then<br />

by using HB Pencil, blacken the oval bearing the correct answer against the serial number of the question.<br />

(Refer to side 2 of the Specimen Answersheet). Please note that the oval should be dark enough and should be<br />

filled in completely. For example, if the answer to Question Number 2 is answer number 5, it is shown as<br />

follows.<br />

Q.2. 1 2 3 4<br />


If you wish to change your answer, ERASE COMPLETELY the already darkened oval by using good quality eraser and<br />

then blacken the new oval bearing your revised answer number.<br />

While changing the answer, erasing the earlier answer completely is extremely essential. If it is not erased completely,<br />

smudges will be left on the erased oval and the question will be read as having two answers and will be ignored for giving<br />

any credit.<br />

WCW- GRADE 3<br />

Post : <strong>Jr</strong>. Business Assistant<br />


Sr. No. Test No of Ques Marks Time<br />

1 General Aptitude (Reasoning) 50 50<br />

2 General Knowledge 50 50<br />

Composite Time of<br />

3 Simple Mathematics 50 50 2 hours 15 minutes<br />

4 Simple English 50 50<br />

BCW- GRADE 1<br />

Post : <strong>Jr</strong>. <strong>Operator</strong><br />

Total 200 200<br />

3<br />

(135 minutes)<br />

Sr. No. Test No of Ques Marks Time<br />

1 General Aptitude (Reasoning) 50 50<br />

2 General Knowledge 50 50<br />

Composite Time of<br />

3 Simple Mathematics 50 50 2 hours<br />

Total 150 150

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