Zooplankton of the open Baltic: Extended Atlas - IOW

Zooplankton of the open Baltic: Extended Atlas - IOW Zooplankton of the open Baltic: Extended Atlas - IOW

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____________________ Plate 4.3.7 Ciliophora, Hymenostomata with distinct extrusome layer underneath pellicle. 1, Frontonia elliptica, with triangular mouth in anterior third of the cell (arrow), body length 100 μm; 2, Frontonia elliptica, two contractile vacuoles are seen (arrows); 3, 4, Paramecium putrinum, oviform ciliate with conspicuous oral groove and oral aperture near mid-body, two contractile vacuoles, body length 80 μm; 5, Paramecium putrinum, contractile vacuole with satellite vacuoles (arrow); 6, 7, Paramecium putrinum, silver nitrate impregnation, silverline pattern and ovoid macronucleus with single micronucleus are readily observable (7, arrow); 8, 9, 12, Paramecium aureliacomplex, fusiform ciliate with ovoid macronucleus and two micronuclei (9, arrow), body length 115 μm; 10, 11 Paramecium aurelia-complex, contractile vacuoles with radial channels, different stages of contraction (photos E. Mironova). Photos 1, 2: live, BF; 3-5, 9-11: live, DIC; 8, 12: live, PHC; 6, 7: total preparation (wet silver nitrate impregnation). 94

Plate 4.3.7 95

Plate 4.3.7<br />


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