Zooplankton of the open Baltic: Extended Atlas - IOW

Zooplankton of the open Baltic: Extended Atlas - IOW Zooplankton of the open Baltic: Extended Atlas - IOW

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____________________ Plate 4.3.5 Ciliophora, Cyrtophorida. 1, 2, 3, Chilodonella bavariensis, the central zone is devoid of cilia, typically for this genus (1, arrow), five contractile vacuoles are present (2, arrows) along with macronucleus, body length 45 μm; 4, 5, 6, Chilodonella calkinsi, with small rounded left anterior rostrum and four contractile vacuoles (5, arrows), body length 35 μm; 7, 8, Trochilia minuta, small cyrtophorida (body length 23 μm), left ciliary field is characteristically reduced, large secretory podite is present in the posterior; 9, Trochilia minuta, with distinct heteromeric macronucleus (arrow); 10, Trithigmostoma srameki, with sixteen ciliary rows, numerous contractile vacuoles and large ovoid macronucleus, body length 60 μm (photos E. Mironova). Photos 1-9: live, DIC; 10: live, BF. 90

Plate 4.3.5 91

Plate 4.3.5<br />


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