Zooplankton of the open Baltic: Extended Atlas - IOW

Zooplankton of the open Baltic: Extended Atlas - IOW Zooplankton of the open Baltic: Extended Atlas - IOW

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Oithona atlantica 157 Oithona similis 17, 18, 157, 216 Omegastrombidium elegans 62 Opercularia nutans 62 Ophryoglena 62 Opisthostyla sertularium 62 Opistotricha 62 Orthodon gutta 62 Oxytricha 37, 62 Oxytricha chlorelligera 62 Oxytricha discifera 62 Oxytricha halophila 62 Oxytricha marina 62 Oxytricha ovalis 62 Oxytricha oxymarina 62 Oxytricha setigera 63, 116 Oxytricha tricornis 63 Parablepharisma bacteriophora 63 Parablepharisma chlamydophorum 63 Parablepharisma collare 63 Parablepharisma pellitum 63 Paracalanus parvus 17, 18, 156, 198 Paracineta divisa 63 Paracyclops 157 Paradileptus conicus 63 Paradiophrys irmgard 63 Paradiophrys kahli 63 Paraeuchaeta norvegica 156 Parafavella 63 Parafavella cylindrica 63 Parafavella lachmanni 63 Parafavella media 63 Paramecium 63 Paramecium aurelia 63, 94 Paramecium bursaria 63 Paramecium calkinsi 63 Paramecium caudatum 63 Paramecium duboscqui 63 Paramecium putrinum 63, 94 Paramecium woodruffi 63 Paranassula brunnea 63 Paranassula microstoma 63 Paranophrys marina 63 Parasagitta 142 Parasagitta elegans 142, 158, 220 Parasagitta setosa 142, 158, 220 Paraspathidium longinucleatum 64 Paraspathidium obliquum 64 Pareucalanus attenuatus 156 Pelagostrobilidium spirale 64 282

Peritromus faurei 64 Peritromus montanus 64 Philodina 154 Placus buddenbrocki 64 Placus luciae 64, 82 Placus socialis 64 Placus striatus 64 Plagiocampa 64 Plagiocampa acuminata 64 Plagiocampa incisa 64 Plagiocampa margaritata 64 Plagiocampa multiseta 64 Plagiocampa posticeconica 64 Plagiocampa rouxi 64 Plagiopogon loricatus 64 Plagiopyla frontata 64 Plagiopyla marina 64 Plagiopyla nasuta 64 Plagiopyla ovata 64 Plagiopyla vestita 64 Platyfolliculina sahrhageana 64 Platynema denticulatum 64 Platynematum hyalinum 64 Platynematum sociale 64 Pleopsis 131 Pleopsis polyphemoides 17, 156 Pleurobrachia 126 Pleurobrachia pileus 15, 16, 18, 126, 151 Pleuronema coronatum 64 Pleuronema crassa 64 Pleuronema marinum 64 Pleuronema setigerum 64 Pleuronema smalli 64 Ploesoma truncatum 154, 168 Podon 15, 17, 18, 131 Podon intermedius 156 Podon leuckartii 156, 178 Podophrya halophila 65 Polyarthra 19, 154 Polyarthra dolichoptera 154, 168 Polyarthra major 154 Polyarthra remata 154 Polyarthra vulgaris 154, 168 Polyphemus 134 Polyphemus pediculus 156 Pompholyx sulcata 154 Porpostoma notatum 65 Proales 154 Proales reinhardti 154 Proboscidium armatum 65 283

Oithona atlantica 157<br />

Oithona similis 17, 18, 157, 216<br />

Omegastrombidium elegans 62<br />

Opercularia nutans 62<br />

Ophryoglena 62<br />

Opisthostyla sertularium 62<br />

Opistotricha 62<br />

Orthodon gutta 62<br />

Oxytricha 37, 62<br />

Oxytricha chlorelligera 62<br />

Oxytricha discifera 62<br />

Oxytricha halophila 62<br />

Oxytricha marina 62<br />

Oxytricha ovalis 62<br />

Oxytricha oxymarina 62<br />

Oxytricha setigera 63, 116<br />

Oxytricha tricornis 63<br />

Parablepharisma bacteriophora 63<br />

Parablepharisma chlamydophorum 63<br />

Parablepharisma collare 63<br />

Parablepharisma pellitum 63<br />

Paracalanus parvus 17, 18, 156, 198<br />

Paracineta divisa 63<br />

Paracyclops 157<br />

Paradileptus conicus 63<br />

Paradiophrys irmgard 63<br />

Paradiophrys kahli 63<br />

Paraeuchaeta norvegica 156<br />

Parafavella 63<br />

Parafavella cylindrica 63<br />

Parafavella lachmanni 63<br />

Parafavella media 63<br />

Paramecium 63<br />

Paramecium aurelia 63, 94<br />

Paramecium bursaria 63<br />

Paramecium calkinsi 63<br />

Paramecium caudatum 63<br />

Paramecium duboscqui 63<br />

Paramecium putrinum 63, 94<br />

Paramecium woodruffi 63<br />

Paranassula brunnea 63<br />

Paranassula microstoma 63<br />

Paranophrys marina 63<br />

Parasagitta 142<br />

Parasagitta elegans 142, 158, 220<br />

Parasagitta setosa 142, 158, 220<br />

Paraspathidium longinucleatum 64<br />

Paraspathidium obliquum 64<br />

Pareucalanus attenuatus 156<br />

Pelagostrobilidium spirale 64<br />


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