Zooplankton of the open Baltic: Extended Atlas - IOW

Zooplankton of the open Baltic: Extended Atlas - IOW Zooplankton of the open Baltic: Extended Atlas - IOW

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____________________ Plate 4.3.13 Ciliophora, Oligotrichida. 1, 2, Halteria grandinella, somatic ciliature reduced to equatorial bundles of long bristles, body length 30 μm; 3, Halteria grandinella, top view, split jumping bristles are conspicuous (arrow); 4, Strobilidium humile, small ciliate (body length 20 μm) with horseshoe-shaped macronucleus (arrow); 5, Strobilidium humile, top view, circle adoral zone of membranelles; 6, 9, Strobilidium caudatum, pyriform ciliate, narrowed posteriorly, with horseshoe-shaped macronucleus (6, arrow) and contractile vacuole near the posterior end, body length 35 μm; 7, 8, Strobilidium caudatum, with distinct anlagen of new oral apparatus (arrows); 10, 11, 12, Strobilidium caudatum, top view of adoral zone, with prominent external and internal (12, arrow) adoral membranelles; 13, Strobilidium caudatum, caudal view, spiral ciliary rows are conspicuous (arrow); 14, 15, Lohmaniella elegans, globular ciliate with ovoid macronucleus (14, arrow), body length 15 μm; 16, Tintinnidium semiciliatum, cylindrical irregular in form lorica with agglutinated particles, body length 23 μm (photos E. Mironova). Photos 1, 2, 4, 5, 16: live, BF; 3: live, PHC; 6-15: live, DIC. 106

Plate 4.3.13 107

Plate 4.3.13<br />


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