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GLOBETROTTERS f r o m t h e b l a c k b e r r y o f d e b o r a h m a l o n e This new GLOBETROTTERS column is designed to keep the international community connected. Not only will it spotlight who is where in the world now, it will also describe the adventures we all experience by living a life of constant worldwide travel. If you’ve ever been hijacked, stuck in a revolution or committed an unforgettable cultural faux pas, everyone in our community will be curious to hear about it. Please do tell us, and don’t forget the photos! TO SUBMITTO GLOBETROTTERS, EMAIL: deborah.malone@internationalistmagazine.com POLITICS AND POWERPOINT It’s not often that a politician, let alone the leader of a country, readily offers technical advice; however, Romania’s President, Traian Basescu, has certainly proven himself to be at one with the people. In late September, Bucharest hosted the International Advertising Association/IAA European Summit, and Mr. Basescu, President of Romania and new member of the European Union, opened the event with some well-founded comments about the role of advertising and marketing. Following his address, Unilever’s , Head of Global Media, presented his views on communications planning, complete with a number of exemplary commercials. Unfortunately, Charlie faced a speaker’s biggest PowerPoint nightmare: none of the videos in his presentation would work. Just as he was about to resort to entertaining the audience with his skills at shadow puppets, Mr. Basescu walked up to the stage, looked carefully at Charlie’s laptop and started to banter with Charlie and the audience in English. The technical team did help in the end, and Charlie transitioned back to being the sole presenter at the podium. Perhaps Mr. Basescu heard in Charlie Stopford’s introduction that he was responsible for placing €1 billion of Unilever’s €3 billion media spend. No good politician would want to see the Romanian market miss out on its fair share! CONTACT: Charles.stopford@unilever.com NO SEX PLEASE, WE’RE SINGAPOREAN Singapore Airlines is not only the first airline to fly the new super-jumbo double-decker Airbus A380, but it may also be the first airline to officially ban sex. The A380 is certainly an extraordinary aircraft in terms of size and power; however, much interest has been focused on the plane’s private cabins with full-sized double beds. Singapore Airlines spokesman Stephen Forshaw told The Daily Telegraph, “There are things that are acceptable on an aircraft and things that aren’t, and the rules for behaviour in our double beds are the same ones that apply throughout the aircraft.” Apparently the private, double suites are neither sound-proof nor completely sealed. Mr. Forshaw added, “If couples used our double beds to engage in inappropriate activity, we would politely ask them to desist.” However, if popular wisdom is true, today’s 24/7, overworked executive now feels that sleep is the new sex. Maybe the airline had nothing to be worried about after all. FOR MORE INFORMA- TION: http://www.a380singaporeair.com FLUFF UP THE PILLOW On the continued subject of bedrooms and travel, one New York hotel is trying to guarantee a good night to the jet-lagged and sleepdeprived. The Benjamin, located in Midtown 10 inter national ist magazine

N E W S M A K E R S A R O U N D T H E W O R L D PREPARING TO MEET NEW CHALLENGES ❶ ❸ ❷ ❶ Toshi Motobayashi and Rumi Akashi talk about the Yomiuri's international developments; ❷ Grace Palacios readies herself for new challenges north of Latin America; ❸ Amelie Ferro looks beyond U.S. Hispanic media to the Southern Hemisphere; ❹ Nadine Howarth takes on a new role at National Geographic. ❹ Manhattan, employs a Sleep Concierge charged with offering solutions to fight insomnia which range from special pillows to sound-proofing to sleep masks to aromatherapy to massages to foods that create drowsiness. Some of the tools and techniques have been used by NASA to help astronauts cope in outer space. The Benjamin also offers a “Dream Dog” program, but it has nothing to do with sleep. It’s for pampering man’s best friend. FOR MORE INFORMATION: TheBenjamin.com NEW POSITIONS The Yomiuri Shimbun is making a number of changes in their sales operation. They have appointed Huson International Media as their media representatives in the United States. Kaz Kuniya, the newspaper’s International Director for the Americas, says that he is delighted to be collaborating with their Huson team, headed in New York by Claudia Guzowski. CONTACT: kuniya@yomiuri-ad.com and Claudia@husonusa.com The Yomiuri is also making news in Europe as they are moving their sales office from London to Paris. Why the change? Yomiuri’s new Style magazine is now a hot item, and the company wants to be closer to the heart of France’s fashion business. Yosh Ikegami, now a 5-year resident of London, is quickly learning how to parlez-vous. (Apparently, he has done quite well by initially learning some key French words like Chanel, Dior, Hermès, Vuitton, and Gaultier!) CONTACT: Ikeg0128@yomiuri.com Grace Palacios has long been associated with the Miami and Latin American markets since she collaborated with Charles Charney to create Charney/Palacios more than 25 years ago. In 1991, Grace sold part interest of her company to Publicitas and served as CEO for Latin America. However, she is now about to turn her sights northward. Grace Palacios was recently named CEO Americas of Publicitas Promotion Network, a new role for the organization. She will coordinate with PPN’s media partners throughout the world as their chief U.S. representative, as well as oversee ad sales from the United States into all other markets. In addition, she will be responsible for all Publicitas companies in the U.S., Canada, as well as in her beloved Latin America. If anyone can take on so complex and demanding a role, it is Grace. Many of us in the industry have often wondered how she has managed to achieve so much while also raising two wonderful sons, maintaining a long and healthy marriage, and always arriving at a meeting perfectly coiffed! I recall her telling me that in all her years in business she never laid off a single person in order to cut expenses during lean times. She always put her people first, and always found the necessary savings elsewhere. Few people live up to their names. Grace does. CONTACT: gpalacios@publicitas.com Amelie Ferro is ready to fill Grace Palacio’s shoes in Latin America, after running Publicitas Leading Hispanic Media. Most would be daunted, but both the Publicitas team and their media partners are welcoming the move. There must be something in the water at their new Blue Lagoon offices that creates so many admired and respected businesswomen. CONTACT: aferro@publicitas.com Nadine Howarth was promoted in October to Account Director of National Geographic’s International Editions—just 18 months after joining the organization. According to Steve Middleton, International Sales Director, “Nadine is a true professional, totally dedicated to her job, and a lot of fun to work with.” “It's going to be a busy 2008 for the magazine and Nadine,” says Middleton. “Not only has National Geographic recently opened a new Asia office in Singapore and has just hosted the arrival of the King Tutankhamun exhibition in London, but Nadine also has a wedding to plan, If anyone can manage it all, she can!” CONTACT: Nadine.howarth@ngm-intl.com www.internationalistmagazine.com 11


f r o m t h e b l a c k b e r r y o f d e b o r a h m a l o n e<br />

This new GLOBETROTTERS column is designed to keep the<br />

international community connected. Not only will it spotlight<br />

who is where in the world now, it will also describe the adventures<br />

we all experience by living a life of constant worldwide travel.<br />

If you’ve ever been hijacked, stuck in a revolution or committed an<br />

unforgettable cultural faux pas, everyone in our community<br />

will be curious to hear about it. Please do tell us, and don’t<br />

forget the photos!<br />

TO SUBMITTO GLOBETROTTERS, EMAIL: deborah.malone@internationalistmagazine.com<br />


It’s not often that a politician, let alone the leader<br />

of a country, readily offers technical advice; however,<br />

Romania’s President, Traian Basescu, has certainly<br />

proven himself to be at one with the people. In late<br />

September, Bucharest hosted the International<br />

Advertising Association/IAA European Summit, and<br />

Mr. Basescu, President of Romania and new member<br />

of the European Union, opened the event with<br />

some well-founded comments about the role of<br />

advertising and marketing. Following his address,<br />

Unilever’s , Head of Global Media, presented his<br />

views on communications planning, complete with a<br />

number of exemplary commercials.<br />

Unfortunately, Charlie faced a speaker’s<br />

biggest PowerPoint nightmare: none of the videos<br />

in his presentation would work. Just as he was<br />

about to resort to entertaining the audience with<br />

his skills at shadow puppets, Mr. Basescu walked<br />

up to the stage, looked carefully at Charlie’s laptop<br />

and started to banter with Charlie and the audience<br />

in English. The technical team did help in the end,<br />

and Charlie transitioned back to being the sole<br />

presenter at the podium.<br />

Perhaps Mr. Basescu heard in Charlie Stopford’s<br />

introduction that he was responsible for placing €1<br />

billion of Unilever’s €3 billion media spend. No good<br />

politician would want to see the Romanian market<br />

miss out on its fair share! CONTACT:<br />

Charles.stopford@unilever.com<br />



Singapore Airlines is not only the first airline<br />

to fly the new super-jumbo double-decker<br />

Airbus A380, but it may also be the first airline<br />

to officially ban sex. The A380 is certainly an<br />

extraordinary aircraft in terms of size and<br />

power; however, much interest has been focused<br />

on the plane’s private cabins with full-sized<br />

double beds.<br />

Singapore Airlines spokesman Stephen<br />

Forshaw told The Daily Telegraph, “There are<br />

things that are acceptable on an aircraft and<br />

things that aren’t, and the rules for behaviour in<br />

our double beds are the same ones that apply<br />

throughout the aircraft.”<br />

Apparently the private, double suites are<br />

neither sound-proof nor completely sealed.<br />

Mr. Forshaw added, “If couples used our double<br />

beds to engage in inappropriate activity, we<br />

would politely ask them to desist.”<br />

However, if popular wisdom is true, today’s<br />

24/7, overworked executive now feels that sleep<br />

is the new sex. Maybe the airline had nothing to<br />

be worried about after all. FOR MORE INFORMA-<br />

TION: http://www.a380singaporeair.com<br />


On the continued subject of bedrooms and<br />

travel, one New York hotel is trying to guarantee<br />

a good night to the jet-lagged and sleepdeprived.<br />

The Benjamin, located in Midtown<br />

10 inter national ist magazine

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