Volume II 1603-1660 - The Honourable Society of the Inner Temple

Volume II 1603-1660 - The Honourable Society of the Inner Temple Volume II 1603-1660 - The Honourable Society of the Inner Temple

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398 INDEX AND GLOSSARY. HERBERT, HARBERT, Philip, Earl of Montgomery, and Lord Herbert of Shurland, adm., 14. -, Will., 142. , deceased, 150. HERBS, strewing of, 86, 263. HEREFORD, Bishop of, lix. HERON, James, 298. HERST. See Hurst. HETON, Martin, Bishop of Ely, lvii, 14. HEVENINGHAM. See Henningham. HEYDON, Miles, adm., 57. HEYGATE, Thom., xliii. HEYLIN, Edw., I20. HICKMAN, Dixie, adm., 81. HICKS, HICKES, Sir Baptist, lxi, 86, 303. -, Fabian, 301, 303 ; bur. of, 363 ; call to bar, 186. , John, 295, 296 ; call to bar, 250. HIGGINS, Rich., call to bar, 313. HILL, Francis, servant to Rich. Weston, bur. of, 358. Gurdon, son of Roger, 362. , Jane, dau. of Roger, bur. of, 363. , Merriell, dau. of Roger, bur. of, 363. , Rebecca, bur. of, 367. , Roger [call to bar, 1632, call to bench, 1649, Baron of the Exchequer, 1657, named a commissioner of the High Court of Justice to try the King but refused to act, ob., 1667], cix, 318, 327 ; auditor for treasurer, 236 ; call to bar, 204 ; call to bench, 288; serjeant, 318; steward for reader's dinner, 306. , Roger, son of Roger, adm., 327. , Will., son of Roger, adm., 309. , Will , son of Will., adm., 183. , Will., stone mason, 171. HILLIARDE, HILDYARD, Chris., 28 ; call to bar, 21. -, Chris., son of Chris., call to bar, 334. HINDE, HYND, Rowland, 65 ; Son Of, 65. -, Will., call to bar, 2. HINTON, -, call to bar, 88. HIPPOCRAS, 99, 122. HOBART, Sir Hen., Attorney General, xviii. HOBBES, -, of Malmesbury, cxviii. HOBSON, Marg., bur. of, 363. HODDESDON, Chris., called associate of the bench, 292. HODGKINS, John, xli. HODSON, HODGSON, John, 144. -, Will. , 26. HOLBECH, Matth., auditor for steward, 283 ; call to bar, 215 ; call to bench, 326. Matth., son of Matth., 335. HOLBECKE, Roger, call to bar, 21 ; steward for reader's dinner, 125. HOLBORN, 31. HOLDEP, Rich., 263. HOLE, Lionel, call to bar, 262. HOLFORD, Hen., bur. of, 362. HOLLAND, Hen. Riche, Earl of, xx. -, house of, xxxvii, 12, 34, 8o, 336. See Riche. HOLLOWAY. See Halloway. HOLMAN, Mich., 331 ; bur. of, 357 ; call to bar, 327. , Rich., 6o, 62, 172, 174, 176 ; petition of, 37, 49. HOLMES, -, 313. HOLT, Lord Chief Justice, xxvii. HONE, Rich., 354. , Will., call to bar, 54 ; steward for reader's dinner, 168. -, Will., call to bar, 250. -, 86. HONYWOOD, Matth., call to bar, too. , Peter, call to bar, toy ; steward for reader's dinner, 242. , 245. HOOKER, Dr., lXXXV. HOOPHILL, Will., treas. of Lyon's Inn, 23. HOPKINS, Rich., call to bar, 250 ; call to bench, 334. , Samuel, bur. of, 356. , Will., adm•, 329. HOPTON, Rich., 271, 320 j call to bar, 281. HORE, -, an Irishman, expelled, 49. HORTON, Chris., bur. of, 359. HOSKYNS, Edm., 289, 290, 292, 318, 320, 329, 334 ; auditor, 259 ; auditor for steward, 262, 300, 303 j auditor for treasurer, 257, 332 ; call to bar, 199 ; call to bench, 288 ; steward for reader's dinner, 301, 302. , Job, son of Edm., adm., 334. HOUGHTON, Adrian, 5. , minister of Temple Church, 38:

INDEX AND GLOSSARY. 399 HOUR GLASS, 127, 226, 247, 252, 263, 313. HOUSE, orders, etc., as to searching, 45, 63. See Strangers. HORNS, 191, 284 ; orders as to blowing, I 27, 159. See Panierman. HOWARD, Hen., Earl of Northampton, adm., jo. , Thom., Earl of Arundel, adm., 9. , Sir Thom., adm., 29. io6, 112, I 25. HOWKINS, John, 240, 241, 242. HUGHES, -, treasurer, 67. HULSTON, Ranulph, 354. HUNSDON, John, Lord, adm., 14. HUNT, Thurston, XXVi. HURLESTONE, Humphrey, lxxiii, auditor for treasurer, 257 ; bur. of, 368 ; call to bar, 120. HURST, John, adm., 112 ; bur. of, 367 ; call to bar, 155. HUTCHINSON, Ralph, vintner, 247, 252. HUSWIVES FLAXEN CLOTH, for table cloths, 258. HYDE, Edw., Lord Clarendon, Lord Chancellor, xcvii, cxix. —, John, son of Humphrey, bur. of, 361. —, Laurence, 338, 339, 340, 341, 342, 343. —, Mr., minister of the Temple Church, 38. IM PARLANCE[the argument or pleading upon an imaginary case given at the exercises of learning of the Inn], orders as to, etc., 15, 121, 237, 238, 267. INGLEBY, John, expulsion of, for recusancy, 82. INGRAM, Thomas, the painter, 165. INNER BARRISTER, I 5. See Barrister, Inner. INNER BUTTERY, rushes for, 231. INNER TEMPLE,Xi, liii, lviii, 39, 116, 307 ; a refuge and sanctuary for beggars and idle and sick persons, 8 ; book to enter evidences of, in, 31 ; burglary in, 153 ; debts of, 4, 7 2 ; disorders committed in, 90 ; divided into six parts, liv ; divisions during civil wars, cviii ; dispute with Middle Temple as to boundaries, lxxv, 168, 176 ; gravel for noisome places in, 31 ; loan forced upon, 352 ; made a shelter for outlaws, 57 ; masks at, xxxix, xlii, xliii (seeMasks) ; orders as to members owing money to, 13, 15, 35; petition as to exemption from assessment, 370 ; rebuilding in, lxxv, lxxvi; records of, 269 ; religious observances in, lxxx ; remonstrance of, as to keeping Xmas, 369 ; report of commissioners touching abuses committed in, 16-20 ; robbery in, 13 ; sanitary arrangements of, i6o; searching the houses in, 92, 1 o5 ; suit against the Middle Temple, 353 ; treasurer and benchers of, 89 ; to be divided into six parts for being under charge of bench, 66 ; water supply to, 12, 24. SeeWater Supply. INNER TEMPLE, Garden. SeeGarden. Gate, xxxv, 51. SeeTemple Gates. Hall. See Hall. Lane, cviii cviii, 282, 312, 325, 326, 354 ; book-binder's shop near, 354 ; new building in, 6o ; paving of, 312. INNS OF CHANCERY, 47 (3), 68, 70, 78 ; admission from, 249 ; decadence of, lvi, lvii, lviii ; duties of readers in, 84, 237 ; government of, 83 ; governors and principals of, 113 ; jurisdiction over by Inns of Court, lvii ; readers in, 17, 100, 131 ; readers in, to continue their reading two years, oo ; orders as to moots in, etc., 161, 229, 280 ; searches to be made in each term for suspicious persons, 83 ; scarcity of students in, and decay in, 113 ; students, etc., in, 14 (3), 83, 113. INNS OF COURT, 66, 84 (2) ; benchers of, 83 (2) ; cavalry of, cvi ; formed for the profession of the law and secondly for the education of the nobility and gentry, 83 ; government of, 83 ; governors and principals of, 113 ; not to be lodgings for gentlemen in the country, 83 ; orders agreed upon by, 83; searches to be made for suspicious persons in, every term, 83. IREMONGER, Alphonsus, Mr. Middleton's man, 122. ISACK, George, 209. IVY, or IvE, Simon, lay vicar of St. Paul's, xlvii. IZACK, Rich., call to bar, 296. JACOB, -, 270. JACKSON, Sir Anthony, cxxix ; call to bar, 226 ; call to bench, 334 ; petition of, 319. —, Francis, son of Sir John, adm., 169 ; call to bar, 226.



399<br />

HOUR GLASS, 127, 226, 247, 252, 263,<br />

313.<br />

HOUSE, orders, etc., as to searching, 45,<br />

63. See Strangers.<br />

HORNS, 191, 284 ; orders as to blowing,<br />

I 27, 159. See Panierman.<br />

HOWARD, Hen., Earl <strong>of</strong> Northampton,<br />

adm., jo.<br />

, Thom., Earl <strong>of</strong> Arundel, adm., 9.<br />

, Sir Thom., adm., 29.<br />

io6, 112, I 25.<br />

HOWKINS, John, 240, 241, 242.<br />

HUGHES, -, treasurer, 67.<br />

HULSTON, Ranulph, 354.<br />

HUNSDON, John, Lord, adm., 14.<br />

HUNT, Thurston, XXVi.<br />

HURLESTONE, Humphrey, lxxiii, auditor<br />

for treasurer, 257 ; bur. <strong>of</strong>, 368 ; call to<br />

bar, 120.<br />

HURST, John, adm., 112 ; bur. <strong>of</strong>, 367 ;<br />

call to bar, 155.<br />

HUTCHINSON, Ralph, vintner, 247, 252.<br />

HUSWIVES FLAXEN CLOTH, for table<br />

cloths, 258.<br />

HYDE, Edw., Lord Clarendon, Lord<br />

Chancellor, xcvii, cxix.<br />

—, John, son <strong>of</strong> Humphrey, bur. <strong>of</strong>,<br />

361.<br />

—, Laurence, 338, 339, 340, 341, 342,<br />

343.<br />

—, Mr., minister <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Temple</strong> Church,<br />

38.<br />

IM PARLANCE[<strong>the</strong> argument or pleading<br />

upon an imaginary case given at <strong>the</strong> exercises<br />

<strong>of</strong> learning <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Inn], orders as to,<br />

etc., 15, 121, 237, 238, 267.<br />

INGLEBY, John, expulsion <strong>of</strong>, for recusancy,<br />

82.<br />

INGRAM, Thomas, <strong>the</strong> painter, 165.<br />

INNER BARRISTER, I 5. See Barrister,<br />

<strong>Inner</strong>.<br />

INNER BUTTERY, rushes for, 231.<br />

INNER TEMPLE,Xi, liii, lviii, 39, 116, 307 ;<br />

a refuge and sanctuary for beggars and<br />

idle and sick persons, 8 ; book to enter<br />

evidences <strong>of</strong>, in, 31 ; burglary in, 153 ;<br />

debts <strong>of</strong>, 4, 7 2 ; disorders committed in,<br />

90 ; divided into six parts, liv ; divisions<br />

during civil wars, cviii ; dispute with<br />

Middle <strong>Temple</strong> as to boundaries, lxxv,<br />

168, 176 ; gravel for noisome places in,<br />

31 ; loan forced upon, 352 ; made a<br />

shelter for outlaws, 57 ; masks at, xxxix,<br />

xlii, xliii (seeMasks) ; orders as to members<br />

owing money to, 13, 15, 35; petition<br />

as to exemption from assessment, 370 ;<br />

rebuilding in, lxxv, lxxvi; records <strong>of</strong>, 269 ;<br />

religious observances in, lxxx ; remonstrance<br />

<strong>of</strong>, as to keeping Xmas, 369 ;<br />

report <strong>of</strong> commissioners touching abuses<br />

committed in, 16-20 ; robbery in, 13 ;<br />

sanitary arrangements <strong>of</strong>, i6o; searching<br />

<strong>the</strong> houses in, 92, 1 o5 ; suit against <strong>the</strong><br />

Middle <strong>Temple</strong>, 353 ; treasurer and<br />

benchers <strong>of</strong>, 89 ; to be divided into six<br />

parts for being under charge <strong>of</strong> bench,<br />

66 ; water supply to, 12, 24. SeeWater<br />

Supply.<br />

INNER TEMPLE, Garden. SeeGarden.<br />

Gate, xxxv, 51. See<strong>Temple</strong> Gates.<br />

Hall. See Hall.<br />

Lane, cviii cviii, 282, 312, 325, 326,<br />

354 ; book-binder's shop near, 354 ;<br />

new building in, 6o ; paving <strong>of</strong>, 312.<br />

INNS OF CHANCERY, 47 (3), 68, 70, 78 ;<br />

admission from, 249 ; decadence <strong>of</strong>, lvi,<br />

lvii, lviii ; duties <strong>of</strong> readers in, 84, 237 ;<br />

government <strong>of</strong>, 83 ; governors and principals<br />

<strong>of</strong>, 113 ; jurisdiction over by Inns<br />

<strong>of</strong> Court, lvii ; readers in, 17, 100, 131 ;<br />

readers in, to continue <strong>the</strong>ir reading two<br />

years, oo ; orders as to moots in, etc.,<br />

161, 229, 280 ; searches to be made in<br />

each term for suspicious persons, 83 ;<br />

scarcity <strong>of</strong> students in, and decay in, 113 ;<br />

students, etc., in, 14 (3), 83, 113.<br />

INNS OF COURT, 66, 84 (2) ; benchers <strong>of</strong>,<br />

83 (2) ; cavalry <strong>of</strong>, cvi ; formed for <strong>the</strong><br />

pr<strong>of</strong>ession <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> law and secondly for<br />

<strong>the</strong> education <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> nobility and gentry,<br />

83 ; government <strong>of</strong>, 83 ; governors and<br />

principals <strong>of</strong>, 113 ; not to be lodgings<br />

for gentlemen in <strong>the</strong> country, 83 ; orders<br />

agreed upon by, 83; searches to be made<br />

for suspicious persons in, every term, 83.<br />

IREMONGER, Alphonsus, Mr. Middleton's<br />

man, 122.<br />

ISACK, George, 209.<br />

IVY, or IvE, Simon, lay vicar <strong>of</strong> St. Paul's,<br />

xlvii.<br />

IZACK, Rich., call to bar, 296.<br />

JACOB, -, 270.<br />

JACKSON, Sir Anthony, cxxix ; call to bar,<br />

226 ; call to bench, 334 ; petition <strong>of</strong>,<br />

319.<br />

—, Francis, son <strong>of</strong> Sir John, adm., 169 ;<br />

call to bar, 226.

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