Volume II 1603-1660 - The Honourable Society of the Inner Temple

Volume II 1603-1660 - The Honourable Society of the Inner Temple Volume II 1603-1660 - The Honourable Society of the Inner Temple

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394 INDEX AND GLOSSARY. GIBBONS, Thom., call to bar, 273. GIBBS, Anthony, cook, xxiv, xxv, lxv, 69, 71, 107, 108. , Chris., 218. 338, 339, 340, 341, 342, 343. GIBSON, Abraham, lecturer at Temple Church, Xxxi, 79 3 bur. of, 355. , Benedict, 227. GIFFORD, Thom., bur. of, 366. GILBERT, Humph., bur. of, 356. GISLING, Francis, 208. GITTYNS, Thom., call to bar, 254. GLANDVYLLE, Francis, goldsmith, lx, 24. GLANVIL, Serjeant, xliii n. GLASCOCKE, 5 ; call to bar, 41. GLASEOR, Will., bd., lxii, 345. GLASSE, Gawen, 92 ; call to bar, 2. , John, bur. of, 356. GLOBE THEATRE, Xlix, GLYN, —, Lord Chief Justice, cxv. GOAFF, —, expulsion of, 102. GOFTON, Francis, son of Sir Francis, adm., 170. GODDARD, Mark, SOH Of Rich., 302 ; call to bar, 327. —, Rich., CXXViii, 222, 223, 260, 288, 320, 333 ; att. at parl., 267, 326, 327 (2), 329 (2), 330 (2), 333 ; att. on reader, 212, 216, 220 ; auditor, 259 ; auditor for steward, 244 ; auditor for treasurer, 236, 257, 311, 318 ; call to bar, 96 ; call to bench, 208 ; reader, 225, 239 ; steward for reader's dinner, 212 ; treasurer, cxxviii, 331, 332, 334, 335. GODWYN, James, call to bar, 199. John, call to bar, 80. GOLD, cup of, lxxviii ; loss on, 122 ; weights, 122, 158, 252. See James I. GOLDING, Rob., 344 ; att. at parl., 1, 6, 9. GOLDINGHAM, Thom., bur. of, 358. —, steward for reader's dinner, 36. GOLDSBERG, John, and his wife, brasses to in Temple Church, c. GOLDSTON, Geo., bricklayer, 186, 218, 258, 263, 269, 274, 354. GOMERSALL, —, 321. GOODFELLOW, Chris., son of Matthias, adm., 219 ; call to bar, 268. —, —3 27 ; auditor of steward, 300, 303. GOODHAND, John, bur. of, 364. GOODMAN, Edw., call to bar, 250. GOODWYN, Deane, son of John, adm., 307. , John, att. on reader, 335 ; auditor for steward, 307; call tol;ar, 187; call to bench, 289. , Rev. Thom., cxxiii. , civ, 278 ; auditor for steward, 307 ; steward for reader's dinner, 306. GORDON, —, 157. GORE, John, call to bar, 320. —, Will., 271. —, 266. GORENG, Hen., call to bar, 272. GOSNOLDE, Rob., 15. GOSTWYKE, Sir Edw., Anne, dau. of, 361. GOUGH, Rob., call to bar, 254. —, Thom., call to bar, 2. GOULD, —, 281. GOWER, Thom., disadm. of, 109. GRACE BOOK, 24, I I 0 ; re-binding, I 10, 141, 322. GRAND DAYS, singing in hall at, lvi, 170. GRANT, Eliz., widow of Ralph, zoo. —, Ralph, porter, i io, I I I, 159. , Roger, 122. , 160, 270. GRAVE MAKER, petition of, 333. See Sexton. GRAY, Andrew, 7, 20, 46, 92, 338, 339, 340, 341, 342, 343 ; att. at parl., I, 2, 3, 4 (3), 5, 6, 7 (2), 10, 12 (3), 13, 14 (2), 15 (2), 16, 21, 22, 25, 27 (2), 28 (2), 2 9, 30, 33 (2), 34, 35, 36, 37, 39, 40, 41, 42 (2), 43 (2), 44, 46 (2), 47, 48, 50 (3), 51, 52 (2), 54, 55 (2), 56, 59 (2), 62, 63 ; chamber of, 7. GRAY'S INN, XxxVi, xxxix, XlVii, XlViii, lxXi, 32, 40, 76, 80, 82, 86, 99, 110, 369. GREAT GATE, The, 38, 134. See Temple Gate. GRECIAN, a, payment to, 134. GREEN, Edm., call to bar, 333. —, Edw., adm., ioo. —, John, call to bar, 134. —, 24, i86. GREEN POTS OR CUPS, 17, 20, 24, 228, 255, 256, 260, 261. GREENFIELD, Rich., 234, 259. , 193. See Greenville. GREENHILL, Will., call to bar, 80. GREENVILLE, Edw., call to bar, 254. , Rich., call to bar, 226. 131,

INDEX AND GLOSSARY. 395 GREENWOOD, Geo., 27. GREENWICH, CXViii, 312. GREGG, -, 142, 150, 151. GRESHAM, James, call to bar, 302. GRESLEY, Sir Geo., bur. of, 363. GREVES, 232. GRIFFIN, badge of Gray's Inn, xxxvi, 110. GRINNINGES, Will., bur. of, 357. GROCER, debts to, 55, 62, 182, 183. GROSVENOR, GRAVENOR, Francis, adm., 223 ; call to bar, 281. -, John, bur. of, 359 ; call to bar, I 55. -, Thom., call to bar, 333. -, Walt., 223. , 278. GRYM ES, Geo., son of Sir Thom., adm., 1 43. GUILDHALL, The, 312. GUILLIAM, Peter, call to bar, 281. GUNPOWDER PLOT, X. GURDON, James, son of Rob., adm., 279 ; call to bar, 313. , Rob., 320 ; att. on reader, 276 ; call to bar, 155 ; call to bench, 273 ; deceased, 279. GWYNNE, David, bur. of, 364. Jenkin, call to bar, 120. -, Rice, 5, 41, 42, 44, 46, 55, 61, 86, 1o6, 113, 338, 339, 340 , 341, 342, 343, 344 ; att. at parl., 139 ; att. on reader, 14 ; auditor for steward, 3, 6, 75 ; auditor for treasurer, 44, 62 ; call to bench, 10 ; reader, 22, 29 ; steward for reader's dinner, io ; treasurer, 98, 99, Ioo, 101, 102, 103, 104. -, Rice, son of Rice, adm., 62. -, Rowland, bur. of, 355. HABERDINE, Nich., 312. HACKER, John, call to bar, 250. HADSOR, Rich., bur. of, 357. HALBERDS for Xmas, II I, I 16, HALE, Sir Matthew, cxvii, cxix. HALES, Rob., 234. 33°. HALL, Andrew, glass painter, 262, 318. -, Mr. Attorney, clerk of, 362. -, Benjamin, 284, 285 ; bur. of, 366. Ellis [Ellis Hele n, 354. , Francis, glazier, 134. -, Hen., 338, 339, 340, 341, 342, 343- HALL, Dr. Joseph, cxxii. -, Thom., bur. of, 366 ; call to bar, 273. HALL, The, xxxiii, 1, lii, liii , 13, 21, 31, 34, 35, 38, 53, 58, 61, 66, 127, 153, 247, 258, 274, 285, 317, 321, 346 ; arms in windows of, 31, 38, 45, 105, 180, 186, 202, 209, 218, 232, 258, 262 ; arms removed from windows, 263; boarding the, 146 ; candlesticks in, 38; casements stolen from, 76 ; rebuilding, 202 ; enlargement of, xxxiii ; glazing of, 116, 180 ; levelling floor of, 44 ; mask in, at Xmas, 95 ; mooting table in, 53 ; musicians' gallery in, 31 ; new hearth for, 92 ; no fellow to wear hat in, 57 ; no fellow to wear cloak, boots, or spurs in, 85 ; painting wainscot in, 121 ; rushes for, 23, 24, 31, 93, 158; screen in (seeScreen); stairs of, 181, 183, 191, 202, 238, 263 ; repairs, etc., to, lxxvi, 31, 45, 118, 165, 226, 232, 269, 274 ; windows, 38, 263. See ATMS in windows. HALLOWAY, HOLLOWAY, Charles, cxii, 269, 324 ; att. at parl., 307, 309 (2), 315, 323, 324 (2), 326 (3), 327 (2), 329 (2), 330 (2), 331, 332, 333 (2), 334 (3), 335 ; att. on reader, 257, 260 ; auditor for steward, 216, 244, 316; auditor for treasurer, 208, 231, 311, 324, 335 ; call to bar, 120 ; reader, 262, 265. -, Charles, son of Charles, adm., 273 ; call to bar, 306 ; call to bench, 255.- -- -, John, son of Charles, adm., 308. , Rich., 307 ; call to bar, 308. -, Thom., call to bar, 281. HALTON, Francis, call to bar, 204. -, Will., son of Sir Roger, adm., 51. HAMPDEN, Sir John, cv, cxviii. -, Rich., confectioner, 179, 182. HAMPSON, Rob., call to bar, 296. -, Thom., call to bar, 296. HAMSON, Edw., bur. of, 367. HANCHETT, Thom., butler for Xmas, 303, 307, 311, 316 ; steward for Xmas, 109, 122, 128. 140, 157, 164, 170, 236, 251, 263, 294, 300. HANCOCK, Anthony, painter, 209, 247. HANKERTON, letter dated at, 64. HANGINGS FOR THE MUSIC AT XMAS, I 28. HANS, Will., tailor, xxiv, 118, 129, 130. HARBY, Erasmus, 331 ; call to bar, 327 ; discontinuance of, 320.


GIBBONS, Thom., call to bar, 273.<br />

GIBBS, Anthony, cook, xxiv, xxv, lxv, 69,<br />

71, 107, 108.<br />

, Chris., 218.<br />

338, 339, 340, 341, 342, 343.<br />

GIBSON, Abraham, lecturer at <strong>Temple</strong><br />

Church, Xxxi, 79 3 bur. <strong>of</strong>, 355.<br />

, Benedict, 227.<br />

GIFFORD, Thom., bur. <strong>of</strong>, 366.<br />

GILBERT, Humph., bur. <strong>of</strong>, 356.<br />

GISLING, Francis, 208.<br />

GITTYNS, Thom., call to bar, 254.<br />

GLANDVYLLE, Francis, goldsmith, lx, 24.<br />

GLANVIL, Serjeant, xliii n.<br />

GLASCOCKE, 5 ; call to bar, 41.<br />

GLASEOR, Will., bd., lxii, 345.<br />

GLASSE, Gawen, 92 ; call to bar, 2.<br />

, John, bur. <strong>of</strong>, 356.<br />

GLOBE THEATRE, Xlix,<br />

GLYN, —, Lord Chief Justice, cxv.<br />

GOAFF, —, expulsion <strong>of</strong>, 102.<br />

GOFTON, Francis, son <strong>of</strong> Sir Francis, adm.,<br />

170.<br />

GODDARD, Mark, SOH Of Rich., 302 ; call<br />

to bar, 327.<br />

—, Rich., CXXViii, 222, 223, 260, 288,<br />

320, 333 ; att. at parl., 267, 326, 327 (2),<br />

329 (2), 330 (2), 333 ; att. on reader,<br />

212, 216, 220 ; auditor, 259 ; auditor<br />

for steward, 244 ; auditor for treasurer,<br />

236, 257, 311, 318 ; call to bar, 96 ; call<br />

to bench, 208 ; reader, 225, 239 ;<br />

steward for reader's dinner, 212 ; treasurer,<br />

cxxviii, 331, 332, 334, 335.<br />

GODWYN, James, call to bar, 199.<br />

John, call to bar, 80.<br />

GOLD, cup <strong>of</strong>, lxxviii ; loss on, 122 ;<br />

weights, 122, 158, 252. See James I.<br />

GOLDING, Rob., 344 ; att. at parl., 1, 6, 9.<br />

GOLDINGHAM, Thom., bur. <strong>of</strong>, 358.<br />

—, steward for reader's dinner, 36.<br />

GOLDSBERG, John, and his wife, brasses to<br />

in <strong>Temple</strong> Church, c.<br />

GOLDSTON, Geo., bricklayer, 186, 218, 258,<br />

263, 269, 274, 354.<br />

GOMERSALL, —, 321.<br />

GOODFELLOW, Chris., son <strong>of</strong> Matthias,<br />

adm., 219 ; call to bar, 268.<br />

—, —3 27 ; auditor <strong>of</strong> steward, 300,<br />

303.<br />

GOODHAND, John, bur. <strong>of</strong>, 364. <br />

GOODMAN, Edw., call to bar, 250.<br />

GOODWYN, Deane, son <strong>of</strong> John, adm., 307.<br />

, John, att. on reader, 335 ; auditor<br />

for steward, 307; call tol;ar, 187; call to<br />

bench, 289.<br />

, Rev. Thom., cxxiii.<br />

, civ, 278 ; auditor for steward,<br />

307 ; steward for reader's dinner, 306.<br />

GORDON, —, 157.<br />

GORE, John, call to bar, 320.<br />

—, Will., 271.<br />

—, 266.<br />

GORENG, Hen., call to bar, 272.<br />

GOSNOLDE, Rob., 15.<br />

GOSTWYKE, Sir Edw., Anne, dau. <strong>of</strong>, 361.<br />

GOUGH, Rob., call to bar, 254.<br />

—, Thom., call to bar, 2.<br />

GOULD, —, 281.<br />

GOWER, Thom., disadm. <strong>of</strong>, 109.<br />

GRACE BOOK, 24, I I 0 ; re-binding, I 10,<br />

141, 322.<br />

GRAND DAYS, singing in hall at, lvi, 170.<br />

GRANT, Eliz., widow <strong>of</strong> Ralph, zoo.<br />

—, Ralph, porter, i io, I I I, 159.<br />

, Roger, 122.<br />

, 160, 270.<br />

GRAVE MAKER, petition <strong>of</strong>, 333. See<br />

Sexton.<br />

GRAY, Andrew, 7, 20, 46, 92, 338, 339,<br />

340, 341, 342, 343 ; att. at parl., I, 2,<br />

3, 4 (3), 5, 6, 7 (2), 10, 12 (3), 13, 14 (2),<br />

15 (2), 16, 21, 22, 25, 27 (2), 28 (2),<br />

2 9, 30, 33 (2), 34, 35, 36, 37, 39, 40,<br />

41, 42 (2), 43 (2), 44, 46 (2), 47, 48,<br />

50 (3), 51, 52 (2), 54, 55 (2), 56, 59 (2),<br />

62, 63 ; chamber <strong>of</strong>, 7.<br />

GRAY'S INN, XxxVi, xxxix, XlVii, XlViii,<br />

lxXi, 32, 40, 76, 80, 82, 86, 99, 110, 369.<br />

GREAT GATE, <strong>The</strong>, 38, 134. See <strong>Temple</strong><br />

Gate.<br />

GRECIAN, a, payment to, 134.<br />

GREEN, Edm., call to bar, 333.<br />

—, Edw., adm., ioo.<br />

—, John, call to bar, 134.<br />

—, 24, i86.<br />

GREEN POTS OR CUPS, 17, 20, 24,<br />

228, 255, 256, 260, 261.<br />

GREENFIELD, Rich., 234, 259.<br />

, 193. See Greenville.<br />

GREENHILL, Will., call to bar, 80.<br />

GREENVILLE, Edw., call to bar, 254.<br />

, Rich., call to bar, 226.<br />


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