Volume II 1603-1660 - The Honourable Society of the Inner Temple

Volume II 1603-1660 - The Honourable Society of the Inner Temple Volume II 1603-1660 - The Honourable Society of the Inner Temple

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390 INDEX AND GLOSSARY. ELLIOTT, Jane, 312. -, Seth, gardener, 279, 307, 312, 366 ; bur. of son of, 363. ELLIS, Jalnes, chief cook, 271, 299 (3). -, Richard, under-butler, bur. of, 367. 4, 270. ELLYCE, 2. ELM COURT, 247. ELM TREES FOR GARDEN, 153. ELTONHEAD, Edw., bur. of, 368. -, Elizabeth, bur. of, 361. ELWES, Hen., call to bar, 262. ELY, Martin, Bishop of, lvii, 14. ELY HOUSE, Xl, Xli, XlVill ; mask at, 76. EMENDELS[the balance or stock in hand, in distinction to appal els], 23, 122, 127, 152, 153, 192, 208, 227, 247, 252, 279. EMMETT, -, 325, 327. EMPSON, 346. ENGAGEMENT, The, 313 ; description of, cxvii. ENGINE, 325, 328, 329 ; mending of, 290, 311. ENGLISH, Thom., chaplain, inscription to, in Temple Church, c. ESMOND, Geo., bur. of, 356. ESSEX, Robert, Earl of, cvii ; adm., io. ESSHE, Chris., chosen steward for reader's dinner, 15. ETHERINGTON, Rich., call to bar, 262. EVANS, Alice, 70. -, Anne, widow of Rich., allowance to, 68. -, Charles, call to bar, 107 ; steward for reader's dinner, 242, 243. , Charles, son of Charles, adm., 244. Goodwife, duties of, zo ; pension to, 23. , Rich., reader in Temple Church, xxi, 45, 54, 63, 70, 344 ; widow of, 68. EVELYN, Will., clerk, bur. of, 363. EVERED, Nicholas, adm., 1. EVERSFIELD, the elder, 278. , the younger, 278. EVERY, , under the bar, 330. EXCHEQUER, Barons of, 47 ; orders, etc., as to, 50, 51, 52. See under their several names. -, Master of, pay to, 98. EXERCISES OF LEARNING. SeeLearning. EXETER, Bishops of. See Brownrigg and Gauden. EXPULSION, 155, 244, 248 ; for an affray, 112 ; after being extra per mandatum, 176 ; for being formerly admitted to Gray's Inn and expelled from thence, 82; for bringing a woman into chambers, 102 ; for disorderly conduct, 149 ; for drawing knife in hall, 28 ; for immorality, xxxiv, 8o ; for keeping Xmas commons contrary to order, 221 ; for not taking communion for a year, 83; for recusancy, 49, 82 ; for refusing to attend the bench table, 261 ; for striking another member in hall, 13 ; for striking an officer and coming to bench table in riding coat and sword, 224. Extra per mandatum [form of order for putting out of commons those owing dues for commons or who have committed some offence]. EYTON, Kenrick, call to bar, 215. FALCON COURT, XX1V, 60, 61. FALCONBRIDGE, FAUCONBERGE, Thom., Receiver General, 274, 285. FALCONER, Hen., call to bar, 120; steward for reader's dinner, 256. FALLOWFIELD, Rich., call to bar, 130 ; treasurer for Xmas accounts, 147; steward for reader's dinner, 267, 281, 299. FANSHAWE, Thom., or Sir Thom., 77, 79, To6, 112, 136, 144, 149, 156, 164, 170, 172, 176, 191 ; att. at parl., 182, 183, 189, 190 ; auditor for treasurer, 126, 140; auditor for steward, 134, 145, 164 ; call to bar, z r ; call to bench, 71, 79, 80 ; steward for reader's dinner, 88. -, Thom., son of Thom., 210 ; adm., 126 ; call to bar, 186. , Thom., called associate of the bar, 335- FAREWELL, Geo., call to bar, 187. , Geo., call to bar, 320. -, John, 28, 62, 77, 132, 145, 152, 157, 163, 170, 172, 176, 179, 191, 199, 200, 211, 225, 228, 244, 245, 251, 254, 261 ; att. atparl.,151,179,183,190, 194, 200, 204, 206,208,212 (2),215 (2), 230, 234 (2),235,236,243(2), 247, 250 (3), 253,254 (2),255,256, 257, 259 (2), 260(3),261(2),262, 264, 265 (2), 267 ;att.onreader, auditor for steward, 115, 179, 190, 208, 225,236 ;auditorfor treasurer, 153,

INDEX AND GLOSSARY. 391 251 ; call to bar, 2 ; call to bench, 121 ; nephew of admitted, 233 ; reader, 137 ; son in law of, 179 ; steward for reader's dinner, 117. FAREWELL, John, son of Geo., call to bar, 254. —, John, discontinuance of, 321. FARMER, Edw., son of Geo., 320 ; adm., 302. —, Geo., prothonotary of Common Pleas, called associate of the bar, 248 ; called associate of the bench, 251 ; precedency of, 249 ; steward for reader's dinner, 305. —, Geo., son of Geo., adm., 283 ; call to bar, 319. , Thom., son of Farmer, a bencher, adm., 334. —, Thom., 338, 339, 340, 341, 342, 343. , Will., call to bar, 88. FARRER, FARRAR, Thom., brother of Will., adm., 216 ; call to bar, 273 ; steward for reader's dinner, 197. —, Thom., son of Thom., 244. , Will., adm., 22 ; bur. of, xcvii, 358 ; call to bar, 82 ; call to bench, 201 ; reader, 208, 216. —, Will., son of Will., adm., 279. , 207, 208, 213, 220, 251, 253, 329 ; att. on reader, 204 ; auditor for steward, 190 ; auditor for treasurer, 145 - FARRINGTON, Anthony, call to bar, 327. —, John, 344. 331. FARSHALL, Rich., baker, 301, 302, 322. FASTING, orders as to, lxxx, 205. FAWN E; John, bur. of, 358. FAWSETT, —, a tailor, 160. FEATHERSTONE, John, call to bar, 134 ; steward for reader's dinner, 279, 281. FEE FARM RENT, Xii, Xiii, Xvi, 274, 285, 286, 307, 312, 313, 322, 325, 328, 332, 336, 338. See Temple, rent paid for, and Babb, Will. FELTHAM, Harborne, 41, 43, 282. , 37. FENNER, John, or Sir John, xli, lxxxv, lxxxvii, 79 ; bur. of, 356 ; fined for wearing hat in church, 86. FENWICK, Joseph, bur. of, 361. FERRERS, Will., call to bar, 215. FIELD, FEILD, Andrew, grocer, 182. Edm., call to bar, 302. —, Hen., musician, 234, 238. —, John, carpenter, 24, 31, 116, 126, 146, 153, 154. 53, 54, —, Sarah, widow of John, 154. FIELDI NG, Basil, Lord, son of Earl of Denbigh, adm., 176. —, restored into commons, 65. FIENNES, Lord, commissioner of the Great Seal, cxv. FIFIELD, Rich., butler, 254, 283, 309, 317, 322, 325, 328, 332, 335. FIGTREE, The, mending pales about, 317. FIGTREE COURT, XXXvi, 1Xxvi, 24, 66, 133, 147, 172, 176, 183, 232, 246, 259, 264, 265, 277, 298, 354. FI LACER'S OFFICE in Inner Temple, 77. FINCH, FYNCHE, Elizabeth, wife of Francis, bur. of, 368. —, Francis, 296 ; auditor for treasurer, 324 ; bur. of, 368; call to bar, 81 ; called associate of the bench, 170 ; steward for reader's dinner, 174. —, Daniel, son of Henneage, adm., 326. , Henneage, serjeant-at-law and recorder of London, 320, 344 ; att. at parl., 124, 125 (3), 126, 129 (2), 130 (3), 131, 133, 135, 136, 139 (2) ; auditor for steward, 75, 92 ; auditor for treasurer, 104, 115, 118, 119, 122, 144 ; att. on reader, 126 ; call to the bar, 21 ; call to the bench, 124 ; reader, 130 ; steward for reader's dinner, 125. Henneage, son of Henneage [admitted, 1638, call to bar, 1646, solicitor-general, 1660, call to bench, 1660, lord keeper, 1673, Baron Finch of Daventry, 1673, lord chancellor, 1675, Earl of Nottingham, 1681, ob., 1682] CxXix, 318, 320, 329 ; adm., 247 ; att. at parl., 335 (2) ; call to bar, 272; call to bench, 334. , John, xlvii, 226 ; call to bar, 21 ; steward for reader's dinner, 130. —, Thom., servant to the gardener, bur. of, 366. —, 220. FINCHAM, Rich., 319 ; call to bar, 313. FINE OFFICE, 77, 144, 314, 315, 316, 352. FIRE, prevention of, 7, 295, 296. FISHER, Andrew, 278 ; call to bar, 250. —, Rich., call to bar, 55, 59 ; steward for reader's dinner, 178, 182, 264, 270.


ELLIOTT, Jane, 312.<br />

-, Seth, gardener, 279, 307, 312, 366 ;<br />

bur. <strong>of</strong> son <strong>of</strong>, 363.<br />

ELLIS, Jalnes, chief cook, 271, 299 (3).<br />

-, Richard, under-butler, bur. <strong>of</strong>, 367.<br />

4, 270.<br />

ELLYCE, 2.<br />

ELM COURT, 247.<br />


ELTONHEAD, Edw., bur. <strong>of</strong>, 368.<br />

-, Elizabeth, bur. <strong>of</strong>, 361.<br />

ELWES, Hen., call to bar, 262.<br />

ELY, Martin, Bishop <strong>of</strong>, lvii, 14.<br />

ELY HOUSE, Xl, Xli, XlVill ; mask at, 76.<br />

EMENDELS[<strong>the</strong> balance or stock in hand, in<br />

distinction to appal els], 23, 122, 127,<br />

152, 153, 192, 208, 227, 247, 252, 279.<br />

EMMETT, -, 325, 327.<br />

EMPSON, 346.<br />

ENGAGEMENT, <strong>The</strong>, 313 ; description <strong>of</strong>,<br />

cxvii.<br />

ENGINE, 325, 328, 329 ; mending <strong>of</strong>, 290,<br />

311.<br />

ENGLISH, Thom., chaplain, inscription to,<br />

in <strong>Temple</strong> Church, c.<br />

ESMOND, Geo., bur. <strong>of</strong>, 356.<br />

ESSEX, Robert, Earl <strong>of</strong>, cvii ; adm., io.<br />

ESSHE, Chris., chosen steward for reader's<br />

dinner, 15.<br />

ETHERINGTON, Rich., call to bar, 262.<br />

EVANS, Alice, 70.<br />

-, Anne, widow <strong>of</strong> Rich., allowance to,<br />

68.<br />

-, Charles, call to bar, 107 ; steward<br />

for reader's dinner, 242, 243.<br />

, Charles, son <strong>of</strong> Charles, adm., 244.<br />

Goodwife, duties <strong>of</strong>, zo ; pension<br />

to, 23.<br />

, Rich., reader in <strong>Temple</strong> Church,<br />

xxi, 45, 54, 63, 70, 344 ; widow <strong>of</strong>,<br />

68.<br />

EVELYN, Will., clerk, bur. <strong>of</strong>, 363.<br />

EVERED, Nicholas, adm., 1.<br />

EVERSFIELD, <strong>the</strong> elder, 278.<br />

, <strong>the</strong> younger, 278.<br />

EVERY, , under <strong>the</strong> bar, 330.<br />

EXCHEQUER, Barons <strong>of</strong>, 47 ; orders, etc.,<br />

as to, 50, 51, 52. See under <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

several names.<br />

-, Master <strong>of</strong>, pay to, 98.<br />

EXERCISES OF LEARNING. SeeLearning. <br />

EXETER, Bishops <strong>of</strong>. See Brownrigg and<br />

Gauden.<br />

EXPULSION, 155, 244, 248 ; for an affray,<br />

112 ; after being extra per mandatum,<br />

176 ; for being formerly admitted to<br />

Gray's Inn and expelled from <strong>the</strong>nce, 82;<br />

for bringing a woman into chambers,<br />

102 ; for disorderly conduct, 149 ; for<br />

drawing knife in hall, 28 ; for immorality,<br />

xxxiv, 8o ; for keeping Xmas<br />

commons contrary to order, 221 ; for<br />

not taking communion for a year, 83;<br />

for recusancy, 49, 82 ; for refusing to<br />

attend <strong>the</strong> bench table, 261 ; for striking<br />

ano<strong>the</strong>r member in hall, 13 ; for<br />

striking an <strong>of</strong>ficer and coming to bench<br />

table in riding coat and sword, 224.<br />

Extra per mandatum [form <strong>of</strong> order for<br />

putting out <strong>of</strong> commons those owing dues<br />

for commons or who have committed some<br />

<strong>of</strong>fence].<br />

EYTON, Kenrick, call to bar, 215.<br />

FALCON COURT, XX1V, 60, 61.<br />


Receiver General, 274, 285.<br />

FALCONER, Hen., call to bar, 120; steward<br />

for reader's dinner, 256.<br />

FALLOWFIELD, Rich., call to bar, 130 ;<br />

treasurer for Xmas accounts, 147;<br />

steward for reader's dinner, 267, 281,<br />

299.<br />

FANSHAWE, Thom., or Sir Thom., 77, 79,<br />

To6, 112, 136, 144, 149, 156, 164, 170,<br />

172, 176, 191 ; att. at parl., 182, 183,<br />

189, 190 ; auditor for treasurer, 126,<br />

140; auditor for steward, 134, 145,<br />

164 ; call to bar, z r ; call to bench, 71,<br />

79, 80 ; steward for reader's dinner, 88.<br />

-, Thom., son <strong>of</strong> Thom., 210 ; adm.,<br />

126 ; call to bar, 186.<br />

, Thom., called associate <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> bar,<br />

335-<br />

FAREWELL, Geo., call to bar, 187.<br />

, Geo., call to bar, 320.<br />

-, John, 28, 62, 77, 132, 145, 152, 157,<br />

163, 170, 172, 176, 179, 191, 199, 200,<br />

211, 225, 228, 244, 245, 251, 254, 261 ;<br />

att. atparl.,151,179,183,190, 194,<br />

200, 204, 206,208,212 (2),215 (2),<br />

230, 234 (2),235,236,243(2), 247,<br />

250 (3), 253,254 (2),255,256, 257,<br />

259 (2), 260(3),261(2),262, 264,<br />

265 (2), 267 ;att.onreader,<br />

auditor for steward, 115, 179, 190, 208,<br />

225,236 ;auditorfor treasurer, 153,

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