Volume II 1603-1660 - The Honourable Society of the Inner Temple

Volume II 1603-1660 - The Honourable Society of the Inner Temple Volume II 1603-1660 - The Honourable Society of the Inner Temple

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380 INDEX AND GLOSSARY. BROWNE, Anth., bur. of, 364. , Sir Geo., marshal for Christmas, 12, 52, 69. , Rebecca, dau. of Browne the barber, bur. of, 367. , Rich., woodmonger, 258, 263. , Thom., adm. of, 125 ; call to bar, 189. , Will., adm., 137 ; call to bar, 186, 187 ; put out of commons, 196 (2), 21 4- , Will., call to bar, 272 ; chamber of, 280, 282 ; re-admission respited, 288. , Will. [poet and playwright], xlii, lxxviii, cxii, cxviii. , 43, 271 ; auditor for steward, 307 ; auditor for treasurer, 303. BROWNLOW, John, son of Rich., adm., 37- Rich-, 34, 37, 41, 42, 43, 44, 56, 6o, 61, 66, 68, 77, 86 (2), 105, 108, 113, 149, 154, 156, 164, 169, 172, 176, 2 44, 338, 339, 340 (2), 341 (2), 342, 343, 344 ; att. at parl., 2, 3, 4, 7, 13 (2), 14 (2), 15, 16, 21, 22, 33 (2), 34, 35 (2), 36 (3), 37, 39, 40, 41, 42 (2), 43 (2), 44, 47, 50 (2), 51, 52, 54, 59, 6o, 64, 6 5 (2), 67, 72 (2), 73, 74 (2), 75, 77, 78 (2), 79 (2), 8o (2), 81 (2), 82, 88 (3), 90, 91, 92, 93, 104, 106, 107 (2), 108 (3), 109 (3), II I (3), 112 (3), 113 (2), 118, 120, 121, 123 (2), 136, 142, 143, 144 (3), 148, 149, 150, 151, 153, 154 (2), 155 (2), 156 (2), 157, 159, 160(3), 161, 162 (2), 163 (2), 164, 166 (2), 167 (3), 168, 169 (2), 173, 174, 175, 181 (2), 182, 184, 186, 199, 203, 211 ; grandson admitted, 236 : prothonotary of Common Pleas, 210 ; treasurer, 22, 25, 27 (2), 28 (2), 29 (2), 30 (3). -, Will., att. at parl., 52. , Will., son of Rich., adm., 37 ; call to bar, too ; steward for reader's dinner, 223. BROWNRIGG, Ralph, D.D., Bishop of Exeter, master of the Temple, cxxii, cxxiii, cxxiv, cxxviii, 330, 332, 336 ; bur. of, 368. BUCK, Sir John, ho. BUCKBY, Will., call to bar, 333. BUCKINGHAM, Geo., Duke of, xx, xxi, xxxi, xxxvi, cvi, cxviii, 133, 134, 135, 158. BUCKLE, Chris., call to bar, 320. BUCKOCK, Dan., 192. BUGGIN, Butler, 271 ; auditor for steward, 289, 327 ; call to bar, 268. BUILDINGS, orders as to, 50. BULL, Hen., call to bar, 327. BULLOCK, Edw., call to bar, 334- John, treasurer, 345, 346, 354- John, son of John, petition of, 13 ; steward for reader's dinner, 90. , John, son of John, adm., 162. BULMER, -, water supplied by, xxxvii. BULSTRODE, BOULSTROD, Edw., lxxiii, cxii, CX1X, 71, 73, 213, 220, 222 (2), 223, 225, 235, 260, 261, 264, 272, 289, 290, 295, 296, 297, 315, 320 ; adm., 13 ; att. at parl., 259 (2), 265, 279, 280, 281, 283 (2), 286, 287 (2), 288 (3), 290, 293 (3), 294, 296, 298 (3), 299 (3), 300, 301 (5), 302 (2), 303, 304, 305 (3), 306, 307 (2), 308 (2), 309 (2), 310 2), 313, 314 (3), 315 (3), 316, 318 2), 319 (2), 320 (2), 321, 322, 323 (2), 324 (2), 325, 326 (3), 327 (2), 329 ; auditor for steward, 169, 231 ; auditor for treasurer, 153, 262, 289, 318 ; att. on reader, 190, 195 ; bur. of, 367; call to bar, 78 ; call to bench, 182 ; nephew of George Crooke, 13 ; reader, 200, 205 ; sons of, admitted, 301 ; son in law admitted, 314 ; steward for reader's dinner, 182. , Edw., son of Edw., to bar, 327. adm., 301 ; call , Hen., son of Edw., to bar, 308. adm., 292; call , John, of, 366. son of Edw., adm., 301 ; bur. Rich., son of Edw., adm., to bar, 281. 212 ; call , Thom., att. at parl., 291, 292 (2); call to bar, 168 ; call to bench, 273. BURBAGE, Rich., 296. 278, 282 ; call to bar, , Rich., actor, xv, xlvi, BURBRIDGE, , 266. BURDETT, Francis, call to bar, 234. BURKETT, Hen., call to bar, 323. BURNT WINE AND SUGAR, 77, 232. BURRE, , 282. BURRELL, Sir John, call to bar, 121 ; steward for reader's dinner, 261, 270. -, Rich., call to bar, 262. , Rob., bur. of, 366. , Thom., call to bar, 272. , 275. BURTON, Rob., clerk of the Temple Church, cxxvi, 258, 263, 268, 269, 278, 284, 300, 301 ; bur. of, 364.

INDEX AND BURTON, Thom., diary of, cxv. -, Walter, bricklayer, 24, 38, 92, 98. -, Will., call to bar, 2 ; steward for reader's dinner, 108. BURY, Charles, bur. of, 362. -, Geo., son of Will., adm., 265. , Jacob, call to bar, 292. BUSHELL, John, 284. BUTCHER, orders as to the, 25. BUTLER, Elizabeth, dau. of Sir Will., bur. of, 368. -, Rich., glazier and glass painter, 158, 171, 18o, 186, 202, 209, 218, 232. , Sam., cxviii. BUTLER FOR THE HOUSE, admission of, 27, 88 ; allowances to, 197, 198, 202, 205, 214, 254, 261, 283 ; chamber of, 119, 120, 148, 149 (2); member striking, put out of commons, 115 ; misbehaviour of, 136; negligence of, 16 ; orders as to, and duties of, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 81, 85, 127, 128, 132, 145, 148, 161, 198, 204, 277 ; petition of, 275, 277, 278 ; rolls of, 21 ; towels for, 38, 45, 158 ; wages of, 233. , CHIEF OR MASTER OR HEAD, 40, 41, 232 ; accounts of, 317178, 219 ; appointment of, 47, 51, 52 ; dismissal of, 160 ; orders as to, and duties of, 17, 18, 42, 47, 93, 94, 175, 257 ; pension to, 43, 164. PUISNE, 16, 18, 19 ; admission of, io8 ; to see poor served, 58 ; negligence of, 58. BUTLER FOR CHRISTMAS, election of, etc., 6, 12, 53, 69, 92, 97, 104, 109, 140, 157, 170, 236, 257, 263, 294, 303, 307, 311, 316, 335. BUTTERED ALE [ale boiled with lump sugar, butter, and spice], 186, 269. BUTTERY, 46, I2I ; accounts of, 17 ; chest for records in, 38 ; disorders and waste in, 40, 58, 131, 249, 264 ; hatch, 131, 202 ; orders, etc., as to, 16, 17, 18, 19, 34, 131, 132, 138 ; poor served in, 53, 58 ; surveyors of, 106, 107. BUTTERY BOOK, 16, 17, 38, 145, 197, 275. BUTTES, John, call to bar, 302. BYNLEY, Mr., 63. CESAR, CEASAR, CESAR, Augustus, son of Sir Thom., xliii n. ; adm., 52. , Charles, or Sir Charles, son of Sir Julius [master of the Rolls, 1639, ob., 1642], 86 ; adrn., 57 ; arms of, 262 ; call to bench, 75. GLOSSARY. 381 C/ESAR, CEASAR, CESAR, John, son of Sir Julius, adm., 74. , Sir Julius, LL.D. ljudge of the High Court of Admiralty, 1584, master of the Court of Requests, 1591, chancellor of the Exchequer, 1606, master of the Rolls, 1614, ob., 16361 XV, lv , lvi, lxix, 59, 75, 94, 104, 337, 338, 339, 340, 341, 342, 352, 353 ; att. at parl., 3, 27, 29 ; buildings of, 91, 294. -, Rob., son of Sir Julius, adm., 94 ; call to bar, 134. , Sir Thom., son of Csar Adelmare [called to the bench, 1607, Baron of the Exchequer, i6io, ob., 6 o], lviii, 51, 52, 338, 339, 344 ; att. on reader, 42 ; baron of the Exchequer, 50 ; call to the bench, 30 ; discharged from reading, 43, 44 ; steward for reader's dinner, 29 ; vice treasurer, 346. -, Thorn., son of Sir Thom., adm., 52. , Thom., son of Sir Julius, adm., 94. , 210; auditor for treasurer, 157, 170 ; call to bench, 71 ; treasurer and steward for Xmas, 147. CALE, Rich., plumber, 186, 202, 238, 252, 258, 284, 328. CAMDEN, -, CANARY WINE, 134. CANDLEKEEPER at Christmas, 159. CANDLESTICKS of earthenware, 116. CANES AND QUILLS, 147, 153. See Quills. CANTERBURY, Geo. Abbot, Archbishop of, lvii, lxxxiv ; adm., 57. , Will. Laud, Archbishop of, xxxi, lxiv, lxxxi, lxxxiv, lxxxv, lxxxviii, xcv, xcvi, xcvii, cv, cxix, cxxx. , Edw. Benson, Archbishop of, Judgment in Read v. the Bishop of Lincoln, lxxxviii. CANTRELL, Thom., son in law of Baron Tomlins, 275, 282; bur. of, 362. CAPEL, Gamaliel, son of Sir Gamaliel, adm., 260. CAPONS, 159, 192. CARDS, playing, 87, 159, 269. See Gambling. CAREW, Edm., call to bar, 234. Throckmorton, Geo., expelled, 185. -, John, the regicide, cix, cxi. -, Thom., call to bar, 296. -, Will., bur. of, lix, 146 ; steward for the reader's feast, 67. , 226 ; auditor for steward, 332.


BROWNE, Anth., bur. <strong>of</strong>, 364.<br />

, Sir Geo., marshal for Christmas, 12,<br />

52, 69.<br />

, Rebecca, dau. <strong>of</strong> Browne <strong>the</strong> barber,<br />

bur. <strong>of</strong>, 367.<br />

, Rich., woodmonger, 258, 263.<br />

, Thom., adm. <strong>of</strong>, 125 ; call to bar,<br />

189.<br />

, Will., adm., 137 ; call to bar, 186,<br />

187 ; put out <strong>of</strong> commons, 196 (2),<br />

21 4-<br />

, Will., call to bar, 272 ; chamber <strong>of</strong>,<br />

280, 282 ; re-admission respited, 288.<br />

, Will. [poet and playwright], xlii,<br />

lxxviii, cxii, cxviii.<br />

, 43, 271 ; auditor for steward,<br />

307 ; auditor for treasurer, 303.<br />

BROWNLOW, John, son <strong>of</strong> Rich., adm.,<br />

37-<br />

Rich-, 34, 37, 41, 42, 43, 44, 56,<br />

6o, 61, 66, 68, 77, 86 (2), 105, 108, 113,<br />

149, 154, 156, 164, 169, 172, 176,<br />

2 44, 338, 339, 340 (2), 341 (2), 342,<br />

343, 344 ; att. at parl., 2, 3, 4, 7, 13 (2),<br />

14 (2), 15, 16, 21, 22, 33 (2), 34, 35 (2),<br />

36 (3), 37, 39, 40, 41, 42 (2), 43 (2),<br />

44, 47, 50 (2), 51, 52, 54, 59, 6o, 64,<br />

6 5 (2), 67, 72 (2), 73, 74 (2), 75, 77,<br />

78 (2), 79 (2), 8o (2), 81 (2), 82, 88 (3),<br />

90, 91, 92, 93, 104, 106, 107 (2), 108 (3),<br />

109 (3), <strong>II</strong> I (3), 112 (3), 113 (2), 118,<br />

120, 121, 123 (2), 136, 142, 143, 144 (3),<br />

148, 149, 150, 151, 153, 154 (2),<br />

155 (2), 156 (2), 157, 159, 160(3), 161,<br />

162 (2), 163 (2), 164, 166 (2), 167 (3),<br />

168, 169 (2), 173, 174, 175, 181 (2),<br />

182, 184, 186, 199, 203, 211 ; grandson<br />

admitted, 236 : prothonotary <strong>of</strong> Common<br />

Pleas, 210 ; treasurer, 22, 25, 27<br />

(2), 28 (2), 29 (2), 30 (3).<br />

-, Will., att. at parl., 52.<br />

, Will., son <strong>of</strong> Rich., adm., 37 ; call<br />

to bar, too ; steward for reader's dinner,<br />

223.<br />

BROWNRIGG, Ralph, D.D., Bishop <strong>of</strong><br />

Exeter, master <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Temple</strong>, cxxii,<br />

cxxiii, cxxiv, cxxviii, 330, 332, 336 ; bur.<br />

<strong>of</strong>, 368.<br />

BUCK, Sir John, ho.<br />

BUCKBY, Will., call to bar, 333.<br />

BUCKINGHAM, Geo., Duke <strong>of</strong>, xx, xxi, xxxi,<br />

xxxvi, cvi, cxviii, 133, 134, 135, 158.<br />

BUCKLE, Chris., call to bar, 320.<br />

BUCKOCK, Dan., 192.<br />

BUGGIN, Butler, 271 ; auditor for steward,<br />

289, 327 ; call to bar, 268.<br />

BUILDINGS, orders as to, 50.<br />

BULL, Hen., call to bar, 327.<br />

BULLOCK, Edw., call to bar, 334-<br />

John, treasurer, 345, 346, 354-<br />

John, son <strong>of</strong> John, petition <strong>of</strong>, 13 ;<br />

steward for reader's dinner, 90.<br />

, John, son <strong>of</strong> John, adm., 162.<br />

BULMER, -, water supplied by, xxxvii.<br />

BULSTRODE, BOULSTROD, Edw., lxxiii,<br />

cxii, CX1X, 71, 73, 213, 220, 222 (2), 223,<br />

225, 235, 260, 261, 264, 272, 289, 290,<br />

295, 296, 297, 315, 320 ; adm., 13 ;<br />

att. at parl., 259 (2), 265, 279, 280,<br />

281, 283 (2), 286, 287 (2), 288 (3),<br />

290, 293 (3), 294, 296, 298 (3), 299 (3),<br />

300, 301 (5), 302 (2), 303, 304, 305 (3),<br />

306, 307 (2), 308 (2), 309 (2), 310 2),<br />

313, 314 (3), 315 (3), 316, 318 2),<br />

319 (2), 320 (2), 321, 322, 323 (2),<br />

324 (2), 325, 326 (3), 327 (2), 329 ;<br />

auditor for steward, 169, 231 ; auditor<br />

for treasurer, 153, 262, 289, 318 ; att.<br />

on reader, 190, 195 ; bur. <strong>of</strong>, 367;<br />

call to bar, 78 ; call to bench, 182 ;<br />

nephew <strong>of</strong> George Crooke, 13 ; reader,<br />

200, 205 ; sons <strong>of</strong>, admitted, 301 ; son<br />

in law admitted, 314 ; steward for<br />

reader's dinner, 182.<br />

, Edw., son <strong>of</strong> Edw., to bar, 327.<br />

adm., 301 ; call<br />

, Hen., son <strong>of</strong> Edw., to bar, 308.<br />

adm., 292; call<br />

, John, <strong>of</strong>, 366.<br />

son <strong>of</strong> Edw., adm., 301 ; bur.<br />

Rich., son <strong>of</strong> Edw., adm., to bar, 281.<br />

212 ; call<br />

, Thom., att. at parl., 291, 292 (2);<br />

call to bar, 168 ; call to bench, 273.<br />

BURBAGE, Rich., 296.<br />

278, 282 ; call to bar,<br />

, Rich., actor, xv, xlvi,<br />

BURBRIDGE, , 266.<br />

BURDETT, Francis, call to bar, 234.<br />

BURKETT, Hen., call to bar, 323.<br />

BURNT WINE AND SUGAR, 77, 232.<br />

BURRE, , 282.<br />

BURRELL, Sir John, call to bar, 121 ;<br />

steward for reader's dinner, 261, 270.<br />

-, Rich., call to bar, 262.<br />

, Rob., bur. <strong>of</strong>, 366.<br />

, Thom., call to bar, 272.<br />

, 275.<br />

BURTON, Rob., clerk <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Temple</strong> Church,<br />

cxxvi, 258, 263, 268, 269, 278, 284, 300,<br />

301 ; bur. <strong>of</strong>, 364.

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