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Telos<br />

Revelations of the New Lemuria<br />

In our solar system and Milky Way galaxy, a long time ago, the Arcturians<br />

took on the job of creating and maintaining a great percentage of our<br />

multidimensional portals and corridors. They have become the greatest<br />

experts in this work, and their expertise has been and will continue to be in<br />

demand throughout this entire universe. The role of the guardians of portals<br />

is to prevent unwanted energies from infiltrating places of great purity and<br />

wisdom. It is also to offer direction, guidance, comfort and information to<br />

travelers who are learning multidimensional travel, and to those traveling<br />

those corridors for the first time. You may want to also consider these<br />

guardians as "diplomatic relations teams."<br />

Actually, none of this happens exactly the way I am explaining it to you now;<br />

the complexity simply cannot be explained and comprehended from a third<br />

dimensional perspective. This explanation will give you a basic concept,<br />

however, of how it works. Spacecraft also travel through those systems of<br />

corridors, gateways and grid systems to go wherever they want, with great<br />

speed.<br />

Although I mentioned that the Arcturians are the great masters and<br />

guardians of the main portals of this galaxy, they are not the only ones. Each<br />

planetary system has its own portal and corridor system that is guarded and<br />

maintained, usually by advanced souls from that same system.<br />

The Sirians and the Andromedans, among others, also work in close<br />

collaboration with the Arcturians to maintain these vast and numerous<br />

multi-dimensional openings.<br />

Those of you who are star-seeds, who have come to this planet from other<br />

worlds, are already familiar with most of those portals, corridors and the<br />

Beings who guard them. When you are not in a physical body, you already<br />

know how to get back and forth. Once you have completed your evolutionary<br />

process here from the perspective of ascension and enlightenment, you will<br />

remember how to do this quite easily. Your grand cosmic passport will be<br />

returned back to you with the stamp for a much more expanded arena of<br />

cosmic traveling than the one you previously were allowed. I promise that<br />

you will never be bored or weary again unto eternity. You will be free to join<br />

those who are busy exploring and expanding to all possibilities.<br />

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