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Telos<br />

Revelations of the New Lemuria<br />

public buildings. You will be living in homes that will appear to you as if you<br />

are living in crystal palaces, and yet you will still be able to maintain your<br />

privacy. These crystalline structures will reinforce your own energetic<br />

structure, and support the many changes in your multi-dimensional DNA<br />

that signal your ascension to a fifth dimensional vibration and beyond.<br />

As your own telepathic energies increase through activation of your own<br />

crystalline energy grid, you will no longer need physical crystals for<br />

communicating with each other at distances around the planet. You will<br />

simply tap into the Earth's overall crystal grid, as well as the etheric grid<br />

that encircles the planet. When you travel in space, those of you who have not<br />

yet attained the necessary level of universal telepathic skills will use crystals<br />

for interplanetary and intergalactic communications. In your spacecraft all<br />

communications systems will be crystalline based. Your use of crystals and<br />

crystalline energy will become unlimited.<br />

Guardians of Portals and Gateways<br />

Can you address the subject of portals and gateways,<br />

and the beings who guard and regulate them?<br />

In this short discourse, we can only touch briefly on a basic and general<br />

understanding of this topic. There is much more that is not appropriate for us<br />

to discuss with you at length, at this time.<br />

When you become curious about portals, it is a clear signal that you have a<br />

desire to expand your consciousness to a much larger understanding of the<br />

universe. There are a myriad of intricate complexities in the dimensions that<br />

exist beyond your third dimensional awareness. You must also expand your<br />

consciousness to the concepts of gateways, energy vortexes, multidimensional<br />

corridors, planetary, galactic and universal grid systems, light<br />

barriers, time capsules, and many more concepts that you are not yet familiar<br />

with. They all work together as related components of a gigantic universal<br />

system. All of these concepts and realities, my friends, and the magic and<br />

wonder they inspire, will soon be yours to discover. You are now beginning to<br />

use some of them more consciously as you and the Earth evolve to higher<br />

frequencies and dimensions.<br />

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