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Telos<br />

Revelations of the New Lemuria<br />

you so very much, are now here by the billions to prepare for and to assist<br />

you and your planet during the "Great Shift." Among the many various ET<br />

civilizations that are here to help are the Arcturians, the Pleiadeans, the<br />

Andromedans, the Sirians, the Venusians, those from Alpha Centauri, the<br />

positive Nibirians and Orions, and many others.<br />

The Space Brothers, whom many of you are so longing to reconnect with<br />

tangibly, are members of your soul family. They are friends and family of<br />

your "future selves." They have often intervened by protecting the Earth from<br />

major space disasters that could have caused much destruction. Unknown to<br />

you, they have protected the Earth and all of you many, many times from<br />

major invasions by space cultures who have not yet learned to embrace<br />

unconditional love and true brotherhood. The Arcturians, the Sirians, the<br />

Pleiadeans and many others have been your most precious Space friends and<br />

guardians. They are still here at this time in very great numbers to assist<br />

you, and to stabilize your planet during the coming changes and dimensional<br />

shifts. They are also sending you love every day.<br />

It is with a great deal of sadness that we observe how you treat your planet,<br />

and each other, as members of God's family. The only intervention that all of<br />

the beings who live within the Earth have been allowed is to send you our<br />

Love and Light, and to comfort you when you are in pain, sadness and<br />

sorrow. For eons, from the other side of the veil, all of us from the Earth's<br />

interior have guided you and instructed you. We have shared with you our<br />

wisdom, our grace, our love and the workings of true brotherhood for peace<br />

and prosperity. We have worked with you in your dream state and between<br />

your incarnations. Again and again, for millennia, prophets, great sages and<br />

avatars were sent to you. Unfortunately, most were ignored, persecuted and<br />

very often killed.<br />

There was an agreement made a long time ago between the Inner Earth<br />

people and the collective of souls evolving on the surface dimension of the<br />

planet that your experiments with separation were to be "hands off." The way<br />

you had chosen to evolve and learn your lessons was not to be interfered with.<br />

The same with your Earth Mother; she has allowed you all your choices at<br />

the expense of the comfort and beauty of Her own body. She has allowed all of<br />

your choices until the day it is decreed by the Prime Creator that the Great<br />

Experiment on Earth is now over. And this day, my friends, has come. The<br />

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