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happiness. The reason for this is that stressful relationships are based on<br />

duality rather than the oneness of divine Love. Unless a relationship is based<br />

on that oneness, it can never fulfill the longing of the heart that you have so<br />

deeply felt.<br />

Now, my friends, allow me to lecture you a little. As the guardian of the<br />

Unfed Flame of Love, I have observed your relationships for a very long time.<br />

For those of you looking for your beloved somewhere else, outside of yourself,<br />

let me say that this is not the way it will happen. Your beloved is also part of<br />

you. He or she may have a body in the outer world, but meeting your twin<br />

flame when one is not fully ready for that initiation is a bit tricky. It is not<br />

often in your best interest because the experience of the third dimension does<br />

not always offer compatibility of character and spirit unless both parties have<br />

reached the same level of readiness and evolution. Listen to this carefully.<br />

Look for the love that you are yearning for inside of you first, in every cell<br />

and electron of your heart and soul. Begin first to develop a relationship in<br />

unity consciousness within yourself. It is all there awaiting your attention.<br />

Your divine counterpart lives within you as well. The relationship that<br />

you are seeking is nothing more than the reflection of your direct relationship<br />

with your own divine Self. When you learn to love yourself in every aspect of<br />

your essence, every aspect of your divinity, every aspect of your human<br />

experience, then that divine love for Self becomes the ruler of your heart and<br />

life and you will no longer look anywhere else. You will know that you have<br />

found it and it will not really matter what form it takes. Your heart will feel<br />

full and completely satisfied.<br />

At that stage of development in your spiritual life, the mirror or reflection of<br />

perfect love for Self will manifest itself tangibly in your life. This is divine law<br />

and cannot fail you. If you do not have it manifested in your life, either you<br />

are not ready for it or on the inner planes you have chosen to wait. It will<br />

show up in your life in divine timing, and any waiting period will not matter<br />

because you have already united in your heart with the object of your<br />

yearning and your love. Once you have attained this state of divine love in<br />

your heart, nothing can be withheld from you, not even your twin flame.<br />

In the name of divine love, may I suggest to you that you start now looking<br />

for your beloved within your own Self. This is the quickest way to be united

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