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perfection, while maintaining a certain level of physicality, we have a strict<br />

code of entry that all of those who will be invited must meet first. Be assured<br />

that your personal invitation will not be forthcoming until you meet the<br />

requirements of that code of entry.<br />

To explain in detail the full implication of our requirements is not the<br />

purpose of this message. Nevertheless, let me give you a general overview of<br />

what will be required.<br />

First of all, only those who have attained close to a fifth dimensional<br />

awareness in their consciousness will qualify. This means that they will have<br />

to embrace unconditional love for Self and for others, as well as for all parts<br />

of life and all kingdoms. The duality consciousness will have to be unified at<br />

least 90%. It will also be important to have greatly balanced your masculine<br />

and feminine energies. The way of harmlessness will have to be embraced in<br />

every area of your life. I leave it up to you to delve into your heart as to what<br />

this all means. This is your homework, dear ones. It will lead you to Selfdiscovery;<br />

to the wonders of who you really are, and the qualities of Divine<br />

Self that have eluded you for so very long.<br />

Second, you will have to clear and heal your emotional and mental bodies of<br />

all negativity, past and present. All past and present records of pain, anger,<br />

grief, guilt, sorrow, trauma, shame, addiction, hopelessness, low self-esteem,<br />

negative imprints, miasms, etc., will have to be embraced and released from<br />

your subconscious mind, solar plexus and emotional body. Because of the<br />

high energy vibration of Telos, any emotions or thought-forms in a vibration<br />

less than divine love would be amplified over a thousand times in your mind<br />

and feelings. Unless you have diligently cleared those records this could be<br />

traumatic, and it would not be possible for you to stay in our vibration for<br />

more than a few minutes.<br />

Third, only those who have completed their seventh spiritual initiation and<br />

have attained or nearly attained the readiness for the ceremonies of their<br />

ascension will be eligible for our codes of entry. On this planet, the Office of<br />

the Christ under Lord Maitreya and Lord Sananda (known as your beloved<br />

Jesus in his earth ministry 2000 years ago) is the place where you can apply<br />

to receive these initiations on the inner planes.

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