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the original perfection it was endowed with at the beginning of Her creation.<br />

There are other planets like Earth where people are still enjoying separation<br />

from God and the way of violence. There will be many new alternative choices<br />

for the souls who decide to stay behind.<br />

What does this have to do with our emergence? Beloved brothers and sisters,<br />

we are looking forward to joining with you as much as you are with us. We<br />

will not come to the surface until the majority of the people on this planet<br />

have embraced love, compassion and harmlessness towards all life forms and<br />

all kingdoms. It will also be required that a certain percentage of the<br />

population, not yet determined, will be aware of our emergence and welcome<br />

it. These are two main factors that will determine the time of our emergence,<br />

and there are several other considerations that will also come into play.<br />

With the events that will soon be surfacing for all of you, we hope that by<br />

2006 to 2007 or shortly after, there will be enough positive changes in the<br />

heart of humanity, and the political scene, that we could begin to emerge to<br />

the surface in greater numbers to assist you, along with your Earth Mother,<br />

in going the rest of the way on your ascension process.<br />

When you are tempted to ask us dates for our emergence, we turn the<br />

question back to you by asking you if you have yet met the requirements.<br />

Dear ones, when will you and the collective be ready to receive us? It is really<br />

up to you to do your homework and prepare yourself and others who are open<br />

for the awesome experience of our emergence among you.<br />

Do you have an emergence plan?<br />

Yes, we do. We have an emergence plan that must remain undisclosed, one<br />

that will unfold with top secrecy and in a clandestine way. At first, in various<br />

places, we will meet secretly with small groups of people to give them direct<br />

teachings and transmissions of our love and energies. These small groups will<br />

then go out and transmit our teachings to others who are ready and willing to<br />

hear. As more people become ready to meet with us, the circle of those with<br />

whom we will meet will become greater and gradually grow to large groups.<br />

As this momentum grows, more of us will come out to assist. When enough of<br />

these groups are formed around the planet, and their members have kept

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