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Revelations of the New Lemuria<br />

the Land of MU in the Dahl Universe. At that time, the Earth expressed<br />

everywhere a perfection, abundance and beauty that you could hardly<br />

imagine today. It was indeed the most magnificent paradise of this universe<br />

and of the whole of Creation. This perfection was maintained for several<br />

million years, until the beginning of the fall in consciousness that took place<br />

during the fourth golden age.<br />

Eventually, other races from Sirius, Alpha Centauri, the Pleiades and a few<br />

other planets came and joined these "seed" souls to evolve here as well. As<br />

these races mixed together, they all formed the Lemurian civilization. To say<br />

the least, it was quite an awesome mixture! Lemuria, the "Motherland"<br />

became the cradle of an enlightened civilization on this planet, also assisting<br />

in the eventual birth of many other civilizations. The era of Atlantis was born<br />

at a later time.<br />

At first, these wondrous souls who came here from Mu for the "great<br />

adventure" had to adjust and acclimate to many new experiences. With the<br />

assistance and guidance of the angels, they were tutored inside the Royal<br />

Teton Retreat in how to live here, and gradually, they ventured out and<br />

started to form small communities. As they adjusted and gained confidence,<br />

they ventured further and further away from the retreat. They later<br />

colonized the whole continent of Lemuria, which was huge and extended far<br />

into what you know today as the Pacific Ocean and beyond.<br />

Before the fall, the Lemurians were not totally in physical expression as you<br />

know it today. Earth existed in a fifth dimensional expression at that time<br />

and the Lemurians lived mainly in their fifth vibrational light bodies with<br />

the ability to lower their vibrations to experience denser levels of vibration in<br />

their bodies whenever they chose, and to return to their light bodies at will.<br />

Of course, this was very long ago, before what you call "the fall", which<br />

brought the gradual lowering in vibration of the consciousness of this<br />

wondrous race and also of all others living on this planet. Our people, like<br />

many other civilizations, eventually fell to the level of the fourth dimension,<br />

and later on, all the way to the density of the third. This fall in consciousness<br />

took place over a period of several thousand years.<br />


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