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Revelations of the New Lemuria<br />

planet. It is the location where most of the energy arrives initially from the<br />

galactic and universal core before it is disseminated to other mountains and<br />

into the rest of the grids. Most mountaintops, especially tall mountains, are<br />

Beacons of Light feeding the light-grids of this planet.<br />

Strange lights and sounds are often seen or heard on the mountain.<br />

Lenticular clouds, shadows and outstanding sunsets add to the mystical aura<br />

of the mountain and there are many openings and portals into the 5th<br />

dimensional cities that still exist from the time of Lemuria. Mt. Shasta is the<br />

home of many of the present-day Lemurians who are the survivors of the<br />

sinking of the continent of Lemuria over 12,000 years ago. Yes, our Lemurian<br />

brothers and sisters are real. They are well and physically alive, and living a<br />

5th dimensional existence that is yet invisible to our eyes. The "surface”<br />

vibration is currently in transit from the 3rd dimension to a 4th/5th<br />

dimensional reality The other dimensions exist around us but most people<br />

living on the surface do not yet possess a consciousness evolved enough to<br />

perceive them.<br />

Prior to the sinking of their continent, fully aware of the eventual destiny of<br />

their beloved land, the ancient Lemurians, using their mastery of energy,<br />

crystals, sound and vibrations, hollowed out a vast underground city with the<br />

intention of preserving their culture, their treasures and their records of<br />

ancient Earth's history. This section of history has been lost to humanity<br />

since the sinking of Atlantis. Lemuria was once a vast continent, larger than<br />

North America, connected to parts of California, Oregon, Nevada and<br />

Washington states. This large continent disappeared overnight into the<br />

Pacific Ocean over 12,000 years ago during a vast cataclysm. All inhabitants<br />

of the Earth at that time considered Lemuria their motherland, and there<br />

was much grieving on the Earth when it was lost. At that time,<br />

approximately 25,000 Lemurians were able to migrate into the interior of Mt.<br />

Shasta, the most important of their various administration centers prior to<br />

the sinking of the Motherland. And beloveds, you who are reading this now<br />

know in your hearts that your former brothers and sisters of Lemuria never<br />

left you. They are still here in physical, immortalized bodies, totally<br />

unlimited and living a life in a 5th dimensional reality.<br />

Native Americans believe that Mt. Shasta is a place of such immense<br />

grandeur that its existence can only be attributed to the creation of a very<br />

"Great Spirit". They also believe that an invisible race of little people, about<br />


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