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Telos<br />

Revelations of the New Lemuria<br />

the wisdom and knowledge of their exploration of separation. You have now<br />

demonstrated, in the context of free will, your desire to return to wholeness.<br />

Your Creator has been waiting for your return with great love and<br />

anticipation for the day He could restore all your original gifts back to you.<br />

Your time of redemption is now at hand, and all that you have seemingly lost<br />

will be fully restored to you. It was never really lost. Your divinity can never<br />

be taken away from you, as it is your true nature. It was only veiled in order<br />

to allow you to create the lessons and experiences that evolved the knowledge<br />

of the divine for all. You left home only to begin your journey back, and now<br />

you stand at the threshold of a grand and glorious reunion with all that you<br />

are.<br />

In Telos, we seem to be so different from you because<br />

we naturally express our full divinity at all times.<br />

Because of the way we chose to evolve, all the attributes of our divinity were<br />

restored a very long time ago. The restoration of your divinity will quickly<br />

bring you back to the level of grace we now enjoy in our own evolution. We<br />

have chosen to remain here in our present state awaiting the day we will<br />

merge with the surface dimension and become the role models you have not<br />

had in 12,000 years. This mentoring will assist you to quickly embrace the<br />

fullness of your God Presence, and to manifest it in your daily life. You will<br />

know then that we are all the same.<br />

We are your elder brothers and sisters and we love you so very much. How<br />

great is our longing to be with you again, face to face, and to assist all of you<br />

to come "all the way home." Take our hands and we will not fail you. All the<br />

beings of the Light Realm are at your beck and call, making themselves<br />

available to assist you in your "homecoming." Come home, my beloveds, come<br />

home! The fifth dimension is now awaiting your return.<br />

We cannot take you home in spite of yourself;<br />

you have to open your heart and mind and<br />

choose daily to return home.<br />

Those of you who will make this choice will take your physical body "home"<br />

with you. This time of Earth's history, when all of life is in the process of<br />

redemption, you do not have to leave your body behind as you did for the past<br />


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