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SMS Siemag AG - SMS Siemag AG -


Aktuelles Aluflexpack übernimmt schweizer Verpackungshersteller für tiernahrung Die Aluflexpack Gruppe, Teil der Industrieholding Montana Tech Components AG, übernimmt 85 Prozent der Schweizer Process Point Service AG (PPS). Das Unternehmen fertigt mit rund 30 Mitarbeitern flexible Verpackungen aus Aluminium, vor allem für Tiernahrung. PPS beliefert mit jährlich rund 4.500 Tonnen Aluverbundfolien den gesamten europäischen Markt. Der Umsatz betrug im vergangenen Jahr 31 Mio. Schweizer Franken. Die Aluflexpack-Gruppe ist mit einem Marktanteil von etwa 70 Prozent die größte Aluminium-Verpackungsgruppe in Kroatien und die Nummer 3 in Europa. Der Hersteller von flexiblen Aluverpackungen für Lebensmittel und Tiernahrung, Milchprodukte und Süßwaren beschäftigt rund 630 Mitarbeiter in Kroatien, Polen, Österreich, Italien und Deutschland. Der Hauptsitz der Gruppe befindet sich in Zadar, Kroatien. © H + H Neuer Webauftritt von H+H präsentiert Intralogistik-lösungen Der in Denkendorf bei Stuttgart ansässige Logistikspezialist H + H Herrmann + Hieber hat seine Homepage komplett neu gestaltet. Der neue Auftritt findet sich unter www. Die neue Konzeption gibt dem Web-Besucher einen detaillierten Überblick über das Leistungsspektrum des Unternehmens: komplexe Systemlösungen in den verschiedenen Branchen, wichtige Einzelkomponenten, Modernisierungsmöglichkeiten und Dienstleistungen rund um das Lieferprogramm. Auf herausragende Intralogistik-Lösungen wird im Rahmen von „Projekt-Berichten“ ausführlich in Wort und Bild eingegangen. Intralogistik-Lösungen in Unternehmen der Aluminium- Halbzeugindustrie nehmen in der Präsentation einen relativ breiten Raum ein. H+H hat besonders den automatisierten Langguttransport in Aluminium-Strangpresswerken wichtige Impulse gegeben. Heute finden sich von H+H konzipierte und installierte Anlagen in nahezu allen wichtigen Presswerken Europas. Personeller Wechsel an der spitze der Aluminium-Messe Markus M. Jessberger (52), seit 2008 Event Director der Messen Aluminium, Composites Europe und der Hybrid Expo, wird zum Jahresende Reed Exhibitions Deutschland verlassen um sich am Wohnort seiner Familie in der Nähe von Nürnberg neuen beruflichen Aufgaben zu stellen. Seine Nachfolge tritt Michael Köhler (34) an, der seit 2008 Projektleiter der Composites Europe ist und seit 2010 die Aluminium leitet. Hans-Joachim Erbel, CEO von Reed Exhibitions Deutschland, hob hervor, dass sich die Aluminium-Messe unter der Leitung Jessbergers sehr dynamisch entwickelt habe. Im Zuge ihres Standortwechsels von Essen nach Düsseldorf hatte die Aluminium 2012 einen Ausstellerzuwachs von 15 Prozent, eine zusätzliche Flächenbelegung von 20 Prozent und ein Besucher-Plus von fast 25 Prozent erzielt. Im Auslandsgeschäft setzte Jessberger mit der Aluminium Brazil einen weiteren Akzent in der Globalisierungsstrategie der weltweit stattfindenden Aluminium-Messen. Köhler leitet seit 2010 die Aluminium- Messe und ist als Brand Manager für den weltweiten Messezyklus der Aluminium in Shanghai, Mumbai, Dubai und Sao Paulo verantwortlich. Voerdal gerettet Die Aluminiumhütte Voerdal kann auch 2014 weiter produzieren. Das Insolvenzverfahren soll bis März nächsten Jahres beendet werden. Insolvenzverwalter Frank Kekebus teilte der 300 Mann starken Belegschaft Mitte Oktober mit, dass der Gläubigerausschuss seinen Empfehlungen gefolgt sei. Er verwies darauf, dass Voerdal dieses Jahr ein positives Ergebnis verbuchen könne. Dennoch bleibt die Hütte von schwierigen Rahmenbedingungen begleitet. Die bisherige Befreiung von den Netzentgelten wird es künftig nicht mehr geben. Welche Belastung auf das Unternehmen zukommt, ist derzeit noch unklar, doch könnte sie bis zu zwei Millionen Euro betragen. Voerdal hatte bereits im Mai 2012 Insolvenz angemeldet. Mitte letzten Jahres hatte der Aluminiumkonzern Aleris die Gießerei des Werks übernommen und damit 130 Arbeitsplätze gesichert. erfolg bei der energiewende erfordert eeG-Reform Inzwischen ist es amtlich: Die EEG-Umlage wird 2014 auf 6,24 Cent je Kilowattstunde erhöht. Die WirtschaftsVereinigung Metalle (WVM) sieht die Grenzen der Belastbarkeit sowohl für private wie industrielle Verbraucher längst erreicht. „Die Umlage finanziert einen Systemfehler im Erneuerbare-Energien- Gesetz (EEG), der einen ungesteuerten Ausbau der Erneuerbaren Energien produziert und damit die Versorgungssicherheit belastet. Das senkt dauerhaft die Akzeptanz für die Energiewende“, erklärt WVM-Präsident Oliver Bell. Die Regierungsbildung wecke Erwartungen auf wettbewerbsfähige Industriestrompreise, einen Ausgleich zwischen Marktchancen und Kosten der Klimapolitik, eine Reform des EEG und eine tragfähige Umsetzung der Energiewende. Gefahr drohe aktuell durch die Eröffnung eines Beihilfeverfahrens gegen die Besondere Ausgleichsregelung im EEG. Die EU- Kommission greife diese Ausgleichsregelung gezielt an, um einen möglichst hohen Druck auf die Bundesregierung auszuüben, das EEG zu ändern. „Allein die schwebende Gefahr einer Aussetzung der besonderen Ausgleichsregelung würde die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit stromintensiver Unternehmen mit mehreren Hunderttausend Arbeitsplätzen in Deutschland existenzgefährdend belasten. Die neue Bundesregierung steht in der Verantwortung, das EEG europakonformer zu gestalten und zugleich die Entlastungen stromintensiver Unternehmen zu verteidigen“, so Bell. ALUMINIUM · 11/2013

NeW s IN B RIef european Aluminium Congress around the corner If not already done, register now – for the European Aluminium Congress 2013. On 25 and 26 November 2013 GDA, the association of the aluminium industry in Germany, will be organising the congress “Aluminium Automotive Applications – Tomorrow’s Design and Sustainable Performance”. This year’s European Aluminium Congress (EAC) will be a venue for industry experts in lightweight construction from the automotive and aluminium industries. Some 80 companies with about 100 experts have already registered in October: professionals from the semis industry as well as automotive parts suppliers and OEMs, such as Audi, BMW, Daimler, Ford, Honda or Jaguar. Suppliers from the area of plant construction or surface engineering will also take part in the congress. Apart from the various uses of aluminium in vehicle manufacturing, further developments that have potential to make vehicles of the future even lighter and more energy efficient will also be presented at the EAC 2013. In his keynote address, Automotive – the key market for the aluminium industry, GDA president Heinz-Peter Schlüter will point out that the use of aluminium in automobile still shows excellent growth potential. Until 2030 the regulation of CO 2 emissions will translate into billions in growth in the triple-digit range, in the area of lightweight construction for automobiles. Accordingly, by 2030 automobile manufactures must raise from 30 to 70 percent the proportion of lightweight parts in vehicles, in order to compensate for the weight increase in vehicles caused by electric drives and fuel efficient engine technology. This will create a new growth market for the aluminium industry and its suppliers. In his keynote address Body-in-White Lightweight Design at Mercedes-Ben – Effects on the Material and Assembly Concepts by the example of the new S Class, Jürgen Bösselman of the Daimler AG – Mercedes- Benz Research and Development will show the effects that lightweight body construction has on material and manufacturing concepts at Mercedes-Benz. The EAC is divided into a total of five sessions, dealing with the subjects design, auto body, process technologies, joining technologies and surfaces, as well as markets, recycling and sustainability. Notable speakers from international companies will give their insights and provide real-life examples in all the sessions of the congress. The official language of the congress is English. All presentations will be simultaneously translated into German. eAA reinforces its recycling expertise The European Aluminium Association (EAA) has appointed Magdalena Garczynska director of its Recycling department. This new position is to strengthen the association’s expertise on a segment that is an environmental cornerstone of the aluminium industry. The appointment comes at a time when the EU starts to revise its waste legislation. “We want the future waste legislation to contribute to secure access to secondary raw materials for the recycling industry,” said Gerd Götz, EAA’s director general. Ms Garczynska, a Polish national, has over ten years’ experience in engineering and public affairs. Prior to joining the EAA, she was a technical manager at the European Association of the Machine Tool Industries (Cecimo) where she guided the association’s work on environmental, energy and other issues. She also worked at the NSF International and the Berlin University of Technology. Magdalena holds a M.Sc. degree in mechanical engineering and a post-graduate degree in Fluid Dynamics. The EAA has enlarged its membership to recyclers that were previously represented by the Organisation of the European Aluminium Recycling Industry (OEA), and consequently founded a new recycling department. CPt and Continuus-Properzi form joint venture for rod lines CPT, a Tunisian company managed by Italian engineers, produces and sells continuous casting and rolling lines for aluminium rod with a potential production of 20,000 tonnes a year or more. Earlier this year CPT and Continuus-Properzi have signed a joint venture agreement when second-hand Properzi lines still demanded by the international market Casting machine completely disappeared by age or became too expensive in refurbishing. CPT now offers technical solutions with European components and proven technology that bridges the gap between lower level machinery and lines which are designed for the maximum level of automation, with a vast number of options. The lines from caster to coiler (also with double automatic reels) are offered under technical supervision of Continuus-Properzi in capacities of 1.6, 2.5 and 3.5 tph, and are capable of producing E.C. aluminium and 6201 T4 rod. These lines are addressed to small cable makers who want to produce their required aluminium rod inhouse. These companies, generally located in emerging countries, select those regions characterised by low-cost labour with basic skills Finishing mill as strategic locations for their operations. CPT lines, the company stresses, are of much higher quality and reliability compared with Asian machinery and offered at pricing levels that allow small cable producers the possibility of vertical integration. © CPT ALUMINIUM · 11/2013

NeW s IN B RIef<br />

european <strong>Alu</strong>minium Congress around the corner<br />

If not already done, register now – for<br />

the European <strong>Alu</strong>minium Congress 2013.<br />

On 25 and 26 November 2013 GDA, the<br />

association of the aluminium industry in<br />

Germany, will be organising the congress<br />

“<strong>Alu</strong>minium Automotive Applications –<br />

Tomorrow’s Design and Sustainable Performance”.<br />

This year’s European <strong>Alu</strong>minium Congress<br />

(EAC) will be a venue for industry experts in<br />

lightweight construction from the automotive<br />

and aluminium industries. Some 80 companies<br />

with about 100 experts have already<br />

registered in October: professionals from the<br />

semis industry as well as automotive parts<br />

suppliers and OEMs, such as Audi, BMW,<br />

Daimler, Ford, Honda or Jaguar. Suppliers<br />

from the area of plant construction or surface<br />

engineering will also take part in the congress.<br />

Apart from the various uses of aluminium in<br />

vehicle manufacturing, further <strong>de</strong>velopments<br />

that have potential to make vehicles of the<br />

future even lighter and more energy efficient<br />

will also be presented at the EAC 2013.<br />

In his keynote address, Automotive – the<br />

key market for the aluminium industry, GDA<br />

presi<strong>de</strong>nt Heinz-Peter Schlüter will point out<br />

that the use of aluminium in automobile still<br />

shows excellent growth potential. Until 2030<br />

the regulation of CO 2 emissions will translate<br />

into billions in growth in the triple-digit range,<br />

in the area of lightweight construction for automobiles.<br />

Accordingly, by 2030 automobile<br />

manufactures must raise from 30 to 70 percent<br />

the proportion of lightweight parts in vehicles,<br />

in or<strong>de</strong>r to compensate for the weight<br />

increase in vehicles caused by electric drives<br />

and fuel efficient engine technology. This will<br />

create a new growth market for the aluminium<br />

industry and its suppliers.<br />

In his keynote address Body-in-White<br />

Lightweight Design at Merce<strong>de</strong>s-Ben – Effects<br />

on the Material and Assembly Concepts<br />

by the example of the new S Class, Jürgen<br />

Bösselman of the Daimler <strong>AG</strong> – Merce<strong>de</strong>s-<br />

Benz Research and Development will show<br />

the effects that lightweight body construction<br />

has on material and manufacturing concepts at<br />

Merce<strong>de</strong>s-Benz.<br />

The EAC is divi<strong>de</strong>d into a total of five sessions,<br />

<strong>de</strong>aling with the subjects <strong>de</strong>sign, auto<br />

body, process technologies, joining technologies<br />

and surfaces, as well as markets, recycling<br />

and sustainability. Notable speakers from international<br />

companies will give their insights<br />

and provi<strong>de</strong> real-life examples in all the sessions<br />

of the congress. The official language of<br />

the congress is English. All presentations will<br />

be simultaneously translated into German.<br />

eAA reinforces its<br />

recycling expertise<br />

The European <strong>Alu</strong>minium Association (EAA)<br />

has appointed Magdalena Garczynska director<br />

of its Recycling <strong>de</strong>partment. This new position<br />

is to strengthen the association’s expertise on a<br />

segment that is an environmental cornerstone<br />

of the aluminium industry. The appointment<br />

comes at a time when the EU starts to revise its<br />

waste legislation. “We want the future waste<br />

legislation to contribute to secure access to secondary<br />

raw materials for the recycling industry,”<br />

said Gerd Götz, EAA’s director general.<br />

Ms Garczynska, a Polish national, has over<br />

ten years’ experience in engineering and public<br />

affairs. Prior to joining the EAA, she was<br />

a technical manager at the European Association<br />

of the Machine Tool Industries (Cecimo)<br />

where she gui<strong>de</strong>d the association’s work on<br />

environmental, energy and other issues. She<br />

also worked at the NSF International and the<br />

Berlin University of Technology. Magdalena<br />

holds a M.Sc. <strong>de</strong>gree in mechanical engineering<br />

and a post-graduate <strong>de</strong>gree in Fluid Dynamics.<br />

The EAA has enlarged its membership to<br />

recyclers that were previously represented by<br />

the Organisation of the European <strong>Alu</strong>minium<br />

Recycling Industry (OEA), and consequently<br />

foun<strong>de</strong>d a new recycling <strong>de</strong>partment.<br />

CPt and Continuus-Properzi form joint venture for rod lines<br />

CPT, a Tunisian company managed by Italian<br />

engineers, produces and sells continuous casting<br />

and rolling lines for aluminium rod with<br />

a potential production of 20,000 tonnes a<br />

year or more. Earlier this year CPT and Continuus-Properzi<br />

have signed a joint venture<br />

agreement when second-hand Properzi lines<br />

still <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong>d by the international market<br />

Casting machine<br />

completely disappeared by age or<br />

became too expensive in refurbishing.<br />

CPT now offers technical<br />

solutions with European components<br />

and proven technology that<br />

bridges the gap between lower<br />

level machinery and lines which<br />

are <strong>de</strong>signed for the maximum<br />

level of automation, with a vast<br />

number of options.<br />

The lines from caster to coiler<br />

(also with double automatic reels)<br />

are offered un<strong>de</strong>r technical supervision<br />

of Continuus-Properzi in<br />

capacities of 1.6, 2.5 and 3.5 tph,<br />

and are capable of producing E.C.<br />

aluminium and 6201 T4 rod. These lines are<br />

addressed to small cable makers who want<br />

to produce their required aluminium rod inhouse.<br />

These companies, generally located in<br />

emerging countries, select those regions characterised<br />

by low-cost labour with basic skills<br />

Finishing mill<br />

as strategic locations for their operations. CPT<br />

lines, the company stresses, are of much higher<br />

quality and reliability compared with Asian<br />

machinery and offered at pricing levels that<br />

allow small cable producers the possibility of<br />

vertical integration.<br />

© CPT<br />

ALUMINIUM · 11/2013

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