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ALUMINIUMwALzINDUSTRIe Neue Schneidpräzision für Karosseriebleche aus Aluminium © Schuler Durch eine neuartige Laserschneidanlage in Dormagen bietet der Aluminiumkonzern Hydro seinen Kunden in der Automobilindustrie künftig Karosseriebleche in bislang nicht gekannter Präzision – ein weiterer Fortschritt im wachsenden Markt für den Fahrzeugleichtbau. Eingeweiht wurde die Anlage von Hydro gemeinsam mit ihrem lokalen Partner Alu-Laser- Service GmbH & Co. KG (ALS) sowie dem Lieferanten Schuler. Bei einer Jahreskapazität von bis zu 20.000 Tonnen verstärkt sie den Hydro-Standort Dormagen zu einem hochmodernen Schneidezentrum nach Maß für Bandund Blechanwendungen im Automobil – vor allem für die Fahrzeugaußenhaut. „Mit praktisch gratfreien Konturblechen, von Lasern im kontinuierlichen Prozess direkt aus dem Coil gestaltet, verarbeiten wir unser Material sauberer und reduzieren Prozessschrott“, erklärt Pascal Wagner, Leiter Lithographie, Automotive & Wärmetauscher bei Hydro. „Zugleich entstehen in der hoch automatisierten Schneidanlage mit Festkörperlasern hoch präzise Automobilbleche für große und kleine Serien. So bedienen wir effizient eine wachsende Vielfalt an Modellreihen und kommen der Plattformstrategie führender Fahrzeughersteller entgegen.“ Die Anlage schneidet per Laserstrahl Bänder von 0,7 bis 3 mm Dicke in Platinen von 200 x 200 mm bis zu Maßen von 2.000 x 4.000 mm. Das ermöglicht Elemente vom Kleinteil zur Karosserieverstärkung über die Motorhaube bis zur kompletten Seitenwand eines Premium-Fahrzeugs. Das Vormaterial kommt aus dem nahe gelegenen Hydro-Walzwerk Grevenbroich. Dessen Glühlinie im Zentrum für Automobilbänder wird zurzeit auf eine Kapazität bis zu 50.000 Jahrestonnen fast verdoppelt – vor Bei Laseranlagen mit DynamicFlow- Technologie, wie jetzt erstmals in Dormagen installiert, entfallen Investitionen in Werkzeuge und deren Instandhaltung sowie Werkzeugwechsel in der Produktion vollständig Laser lines with DynamicFlow Technology mean that no investment is needed for buying and maintaining dies and no production time is lost changing them dem Hintergrund, dass der europäische Markt für Alukarosserien zwischen 2011 und 2018 schätzungsweise jedes Jahr um 15 bis 20 Prozent wachsen wird. In Dormagen hat der Maschinenbauer Schuler erstmals seine neu entwickelte DynamicFlow-Laserschneidtechnologie installiert. Betrieben wird die Anlage auf dem Gelände der Hydro von dem Unternehmen Alu-Laser- Service (ALS). „Mit ALS-Geschäftsführer Heinz-Walter Schewe setzen wir eine schon bei der Längsteilanlage nebenan bewährte, langjährige Zusammenarbeit fort“, so Franz Steimmel, Leiter des Produktbereichs Automotive und Wärmetauscher bei Hydro. New edge in precision cutting of body sheet Thanks to a novel laser-cutting facility at the site in Dormagen, Germany, the aluminium company Hydro can now offer its automotive customers body sheet of unmatched precision, taking yet another step forward in the growing market for automotive light-weighting with aluminium. Eine weitere Partnerschaft begann Hydro vor kurzem auch mit dem Konzern Kobe Steel in Japan: Über den Austausch von Technologie stärken sich beide Unternehmen gegenseitig als Anbieter hochwertiger Aluminiumwalzprodukte gegenüber einem zunehmend globalisierten Einkauf und einer globalen Produktion in der Automobilindustrie. Hydro beliefert vor allem die führenden Premiumhersteller in Europa. „Mit all diesen Entscheidungen folgen wir unserer Strategie, im Geschäft mit Walzprodukten unsere führende Stellung durch innovative Lösungen und Produkte zu festigen – und helfen insbesondere der Automobilindustrie, mit nachhaltigen Lösungen den Leichtbau von Fahrzeugen voranzubringen und deren CO 2 -Ausstoß zu verringern”, erklärt Hydro- Konzernvorstand Oliver Bell, der für das Geschäft mit Walzprodukten verantwortlich ist. ■ The new facility was inaugurated by Hydro together with the local operator Alu-Laser- Service and its supplier Schuler. Adding a capacity of up to 20,000 tonnes a year, the new facility boosts the Hydro site at Dormagen into a most modern cut-to-size centre for automotive strip and sheet applications, in particular for body-in-white parts. “In a continuous process, our aluminium sheets are being shaped directly from the coil by solid state lasers that cut practically burrfree. Thereby we make manufacturing cleaner and reduce process scrap,” says Pascal Wagner, head of Hydro’s Lithography, Automotive & Heat Exchanger business unit. “Furthermore, this highly automated laser-cutting facility delivers high-precision car sheet both for large and for small volume series. Thus we are able to efficiently service a growing variety of model series and accommodate the platform strategy of leading carmakers.” 48 ALUMINIUM · 11/2013

SPe CIAL ALUMINIUM ROLLING INDUSTRY Aus einem ständig laufenden Blechband werden mit einem hochmodernen Laserverfahren Platinen geschnitten Cutting-edge lasers are used to form blanks from a continuously running coil On the new line, laser beams cut aluminium strip of gauges between 0.7 and 3 mm into sheets from 200 x 200 mm up to 2,000 x 4,000 mm. This enables the customer to form elements from small parts to fortify the body over one-piece bonnets onto complete side panels for premium automobiles. The stock comes from Hydro’s rolling mill in nearby Grevenbroich, where capacity of the annealing line in the centre for automotive strip is being almost doubled, up to 50,000 tonnes a year – based on a European market for aluminium car body that is expected to grow by 15 to 20 percent each year between 2011 and 2018. In Dormagen, the engineering company Schuler has installed the very first type of its newly developed DynamicFlow laser-cutting technology. On Hydro’s Dormagen site, the new facility is operated by the Alu-Laser- Service (ALS). “We thereby continue a partnership with ALS managing director Heinz- Walter Schewe that has proven successful already for many years with the slitting facility next door,” says Franz Steimmel, head of the Automotive & Heat Exchanger product group in Hydro. Recently, Hydro also established a partnership with the Kobe Steel group from Japan: through exchange of technology, both parties strengthen each other as suppliers of premium rolled aluminium products for an increasingly global sourcing and manufacturing in the automotive industry. Hydro primarily supplies to the leading premium carmakers in Europe. “All these decisions follow our strategy in the Rolled Products business to keep our leading edge by offering innovative solutions and advanced products – while helping namely the automotive industry to boost the making of light-weight cars and thereby reduce automotive CO 2 emissions,” says Hydro executive vice president Oliver Bell, who leads Rolled Products. ■ Installation of UACJ cold-rolling mill for Thailand in final stage In recent years, the demand for aluminium has increased worldwide, especially in the automotive industry. This has led Japanese manufacturers to expand overseas, as they seek to provide high-quality aluminium products for the global market. The UACJ Group has also been establishing production and sales bases in regions around the world to strengthen its network and ensure stable supply. As part of this plan, the company is currently constructing a new integrated factory in Thailand that will undertake all processes related to rolled sheet production, from melting to casting, rolling and finishing. Initially, the new factory will supply products such as can end and automotive heat exchanger materials. Work on the new factory began in March 2012. Construction and installation is now in the final stage for the cold-rolling to finishing line. Start of operations is scheduled for January 2014. Construction on a second line has also been underway since February 2013. This line, to be commissioned in March 2015, aims at handling casting and hot-rolling processes. The facility is expected to have a total production Advertisement capacity of up to 180,000 tonnes a year. “This volume will give us a clear edge in cost over our competitors, including Chinese and Korean manufacturers, who have grown in market strength in recent years,” UACJ says. ■ ALUMINIUM · 11/2013 49

SPe CIAL<br />


Aus einem ständig laufen<strong>de</strong>n Blechband<br />

wer<strong>de</strong>n mit einem hochmo<strong>de</strong>rnen Laserverfahren<br />

Platinen geschnitten<br />

Cutting-edge lasers are used to form<br />

blanks from a continuously running coil<br />

On the new line, laser beams cut aluminium<br />

strip of gauges between 0.7 and 3 mm<br />

into sheets from 200 x 200 mm up to 2,000 x<br />

4,000 mm. This enables the customer to form<br />

elements from small parts to fortify the body<br />

over one-piece bonnets onto complete si<strong>de</strong><br />

panels for premium automobiles.<br />

The stock comes from Hydro’s rolling<br />

mill in nearby Grevenbroich, where capacity<br />

of the annealing line in the centre for automotive<br />

strip is being almost doubled, up to<br />

50,000 tonnes a year – based on a European<br />

market for aluminium car body that is expected<br />

to grow by 15 to 20 percent each year<br />

between 2011 and 2018.<br />

In Dormagen, the engineering company<br />

Schuler has installed the very first type of<br />

its newly <strong>de</strong>veloped DynamicFlow laser-cutting<br />

technology. On Hydro’s Dormagen site,<br />

the new facility is operated by the <strong>Alu</strong>-Laser-<br />

Service (ALS). “We thereby continue a partnership<br />

with ALS managing director Heinz-<br />

Walter Schewe that has proven successful already<br />

for many years with the slitting facility<br />

next door,” says Franz Steimmel, head of the<br />

Automotive & Heat Exchanger product group<br />

in Hydro.<br />

Recently, Hydro also established a partnership<br />

with the Kobe Steel group from Japan:<br />

through exchange of technology, both parties<br />

strengthen each other as suppliers of premium<br />

rolled aluminium products for an increasingly<br />

global sourcing and manufacturing in the automotive<br />

industry. Hydro primarily supplies<br />

to the leading premium carmakers in Europe.<br />

“All these <strong>de</strong>cisions follow our strategy<br />

in the Rolled Products business to keep our<br />

leading edge by offering innovative solutions<br />

and advanced products – while helping namely<br />

the automotive industry to boost the making<br />

of light-weight cars and thereby reduce<br />

automotive CO 2 emissions,” says Hydro executive<br />

vice presi<strong>de</strong>nt Oliver Bell, who leads<br />

Rolled Products.<br />

■<br />

Installation of UACJ cold-rolling mill for Thailand in final stage<br />

In recent years, the <strong>de</strong>mand for aluminium<br />

has increased worldwi<strong>de</strong>, especially in the automotive<br />

industry. This has led Japanese manufacturers<br />

to expand overseas, as they seek to<br />

provi<strong>de</strong> high-quality aluminium products for<br />

the global market. The UACJ Group has also<br />

been establishing production and sales bases<br />

in regions around the world to strengthen its<br />

network and ensure stable supply.<br />

As part of this plan, the company is currently<br />

constructing a new integrated factory in<br />

Thailand that will un<strong>de</strong>rtake all processes related<br />

to rolled sheet production, from melting<br />

to casting, rolling and finishing. Initially, the<br />

new factory will supply products such as can<br />

end and automotive heat exchanger materials.<br />

Work on the new factory began in March<br />

2012. Construction and installation is now in<br />

the final stage for the cold-rolling to finishing<br />

line. Start of operations is scheduled for January<br />

2014.<br />

Construction on a second line has also been<br />

un<strong>de</strong>rway since February 2013. This line, to be<br />

commissioned in March 2015, aims at handling<br />

casting and hot-rolling processes. The facility<br />

is expected to have a total production<br />

Advertisement<br />

capacity of up to 180,000 tonnes a year. “This<br />

volume will give us a clear edge in cost over<br />

our competitors, including Chinese and Korean<br />

manufacturers, who have grown in market<br />

strength in recent years,” UACJ says. ■<br />

ALUMINIUM · 11/2013 49

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