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An Integrated Data Analysis Suite and Programming ... - TOBIAS-lib

An Integrated Data Analysis Suite and Programming ... - TOBIAS-lib


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<strong>An</strong> <strong>Integrated</strong> <strong>Data</strong> <strong>An</strong>alysis <strong>Suite</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Programming</strong> Framework<br />

for High-Throughput DNA Sequencing<br />

Dissertation<br />

der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät<br />

der Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen<br />

zur Erlangung des Grades eines Doktors der Naturwissenschaften<br />

(Dr. rer. nat.)<br />

vorgelegt von<br />

Dipl.-Inform. Felix Ott<br />

aus Basel<br />

Tübingen<br />


Tag der mündlichen Qualikation: 18.12.2013<br />

Dekan:<br />

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Rosenstiel<br />

1. Berichterstatter: Prof. Dr. Detlef Weigel<br />

2. Berichterstatter: Prof. Dr. Daniel Huson

Erklärung<br />

Hiermit erkläre ich, dass ich diese Arbeit selbstständig und nur mit den angegebenen Hilfsmitteln<br />

angefertigt habe, und dass alle Stellen, die im Wortlaut oder dem Sinn nach <strong>and</strong>eren Werken<br />

entnommen sind, durch <strong>An</strong>gabe der Quellen kenntlich gemacht sind.<br />

Beiträge Dritter, auf die im Text eingegangen wird, sind auf der Seite Contributions<br />

aufgelistet. Des Weiteren wird auf thematische Überschneidungen mit Publikationen, an denen<br />

ich mitgewirkt habe, im Text explizit hingewiesen. Weitere Überschneidungen mit zukünftigen<br />

Publikationen sind möglich.<br />

Tübingen, 19. Dezember 2013<br />

Felix Ott

Contributions<br />

The high-throughput DNA sequencing data analysis pipeline SHORE that this work is built<br />

around is the work of a variety of contributors. The foundations to the software were laid by<br />

Stephan Ossowski <strong>and</strong> Korbinian Schneeberger, <strong>and</strong> are meticulously described in Stephan Ossowski's<br />

Ph. D. thesis Computational Approaches for Next Generation Sequencing <strong>An</strong>alysis <strong>and</strong><br />

MiRNA Target Search [1]. Concerned with a direct continuation of this work are sections 2.1, 2.3<br />

<strong>and</strong> 2.6. The prerequisites are however discussed explicitly, <strong>and</strong> further delineation is provided<br />

in section 1.7. Jörg Hagmann has supported the development with ideas <strong>and</strong> has contributed a<br />

multitude of improvements as well as modules for RNA editing analysis, bisulte sequencing data<br />

analysis <strong>and</strong> multi-reference variation calling, which are however not subject of this work. Jonas<br />

Müller has contributed RAD-Seq motivated extensions to the read demultiplexing code, which<br />

were incorporated into the methods described in section 2.4. Alf Scotl<strong>and</strong> has supported parts<br />

of the coding eort, <strong>and</strong> Sebastian Bender has contributed further extensions to the software<br />

pipeline not discussed in this work.<br />

In accordance with st<strong>and</strong>ard scientic protocol, rst-person plural pronouns will be used to refer to<br />

the reader <strong>and</strong> the writer, or to my scientic collaborators <strong>and</strong> myself.

Acknowledgment<br />

First of all I would like to thank my supervisors Detlef Weigel <strong>and</strong> Daniel Huson for supporting<br />

my thesis <strong>and</strong> the opportunity to work on countless interesting <strong>and</strong> challenging questions at the<br />

Max-Planck-Institut Tübingen. Further I am grateful to Steen Schmidt <strong>and</strong> Karsten Borgwardt,<br />

for helpful <strong>and</strong> encouraging advice given over the years in their role as members of my Thesis<br />

Advisory Committee.<br />

Jörg Hagmann, Stephan Ossowski <strong>and</strong> Korbinian Schneeberger must be singled out, but I<br />

am grateful for the excellent collaboration with all other contributors to the SHORE software.<br />

Norman Warthmann, Jun Cao, Sang-Tae Kim, Stefan Henz out of many others have been of<br />

great help by using, testing <strong>and</strong> suggesting improvements to the application in various areas.<br />

Markus Schmid, Levi Yant, David Posé Padilla, François Parcy, Edwige Moyroud, Stephan<br />

Wenkel, Ronny Br<strong>and</strong>t, Richard Immink <strong>and</strong> others deserve my gratitude for excellent ChIP-Seq<br />

collaborations, discussions <strong>and</strong> explanations.<br />

There are plenty of other people I would like to thank for outst<strong>and</strong>ing professional collaborations,<br />

advice or interesting discussions <strong>and</strong> input. Among them are Lisa Smith, Br<strong>and</strong>on Gaut,<br />

Jesse Hollister, Xi Wang, Marco Todesco, Felipe Fenselau de Felippes, Pablo Manavella, Ignacio<br />

Rubio Somoza <strong>and</strong> Christa Lanz. To Rebecca Schwab, Jörg Hagmann <strong>and</strong> Jonas Müller I am<br />

immensely grateful for doing a great job proofreading this thesis.<br />

Finally, I apologize to those I forgot.

Zusammenfassung<br />

Die Dideoxynukleotid-Kettenabbruchmethode wird seit dem Jahr 2005 durch eine<br />

Vielzahl an parallelen DNA-Sequenzierungsmethoden ergänzt. Diese haben sich als eine<br />

Schlüsseltechnologie mit einer groÿen <strong>An</strong>zahl von Einsatzmöglichkeiten in der Genetik<br />

erwiesen, stellen <strong>and</strong>ererseits mit einer Flut an erzeugten Daten auch eine Herausforderung<br />

dar. Eine Vielfalt an Algorithmen, die sich mit unterschiedlichen Aspekten der<br />

Sequenzierdaten-Verarbeitung und <strong>An</strong>alyse befassen, wurde bereits erarbeitet und implementiert.<br />

Zur routinemäÿigen <strong>An</strong>alyse dieser Daten benötigt es jedoch zudem eine optimal<br />

aufein<strong>and</strong>er abgestimmte Sammlung von <strong>An</strong>alysewerkzeugen, die alle notwendigen Schritte<br />

von der initialen Rohdatenverarbeitung bis zum Erlangen der primären <strong>An</strong>alyseergebnisse<br />

abdeckt.<br />

Mit der Software SHORE wird eine modulare, vielfältig nutzbare Datenanalyse-Lösung<br />

für die parallele DNA-Sequenzierung bereitgestellt. In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden<br />

die SHORE zugrunde liegenden Konzepte erweitert und verallgemeinert, um den Entwicklungen<br />

der neuen Sequenziermethoden Rechnung zu tragen. Diese Entwicklungen<br />

schlieÿen unter <strong>and</strong>erem einen deutlich erhöhten Datenertrag ein, sowie die Verbreitung<br />

von Protokollen, die das Multiplexen von Proben mittels spezieller Kennzeichnungssequenzen<br />

ermöglichen. Um eine breitgefächerte Unterstützung grundlegender Funktionen<br />

wie Datenkompression und indexierter Suchalgorithmen zu ermöglichen, wurde eine<br />

allgemein nutzbare C++ -Programmierumgebung <strong>lib</strong>shore entwickelt, die als gemeinsame<br />

Basis aller Datenverarbeitungsmodule in SHORE fungiert. Ein weiteres Ziel war hierbei,<br />

Programmierschnittstellen bereitzustellen, die modulares Design sowie Parallelisierung von<br />

Sequenzierdaten-Verarbeitungsalgorithmen unterstützen.<br />

Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit war die Entwicklung von <strong>An</strong>alysealgorithmen<br />

für mittels der Chromatin-Immunopräzipitation gewonnener Daten. Eine Schlüsselrolle in<br />

der Regulierung der DNA-Transkription wird von einer Klasse von DNA-bindenden Proteinen,<br />

den Transkriptionsfaktoren, eingenommen. ChIP-Seq-Studien erlauben die Darstellung<br />

von Transkriptionsfaktor-Bindestellen für das gesamte Genom, und besitzen daher<br />

groÿes Potential, zum Verständnis der Funktionsweise der komplexen regulatorischen Netzwerke<br />

beizutragen. In dieser Arbeit wird ein <strong>An</strong>alysemodul SHORE peak vorgestellt, welches<br />

zur Verarbeitung von Transkriptionsfaktor-Immunopräzipitationsdaten dient. Das Computerprogramm<br />

vereint statistische Detektion angereicherter Sequenzabschnitte mit empirischen<br />

Regeln zur Auslterung von Artefakten, um so die zuverlässige Erkennung der entscheidenden<br />

Bereiche des Genoms zu gewährleisten. Da Wiederholungsexperimente, die durch<br />

fallende Sequenzierungskosten verstärkt ermöglicht werden, ein wichtiges Mittel zur Identizierung<br />

der biologisch relevanten Sequenzbereiche darstellen, wurde zudem besonderer<br />

Wert auf die simultane Auswertung dieser Datensätze gelegt.<br />

Die entwickelten Algorithmen wurden zudem auf weitere <strong>An</strong>alysemodule übertragen,<br />

die mit dem Ziel der möglichst exiblen Kongurierbarkeit entwickelt wurden. In Kombination<br />

mit der bereits enthaltenen Funktionalität zur Detektion genomischer Varianten<br />

sollte die Software SHORE von Nutzen für einen groÿen Teil des <strong>An</strong>wendungsbereiches der<br />

neuen DNA-Sequenzierungstechnologien sein. Mit der allgemein nutzbaren Funktionalität<br />

der <strong>lib</strong>shore-Programmierumgebung sollte zudem die einfache Erweiterbarkeit im Hinblick<br />

auf zukünftige <strong>An</strong>sätze zur Datenanalyse gewährleistet sein.

Abstract<br />

The various parallel DNA sequencing methods that have been introduced since 2005 to<br />

complement the established dideoxynucleotide chain termination method have proved a key<br />

technology with a wide range of applications in genetic research, but also challenge with<br />

a constant ood of data. A multitude of algorithms have been proposed <strong>and</strong> implemented<br />

addressing dierent aspects of sequencing data processing <strong>and</strong> data analysis for a variety<br />

of high-throughput sequencing applications. Routine data analysis however requires a consistently<br />

assembled tool chain to ensure smooth end-to-end processing starting from raw<br />

sequencing read data up to primary analysis results.<br />

The software SHORE aims to be a modular, general-purpose data analysis suite for highthroughput<br />

DNA sequencing. With this work, we extend <strong>and</strong> generalize the concepts of the<br />

SHORE analysis pipeline to accommodate increased throughput of sequencing devices <strong>and</strong><br />

development of novel sequencing protocols such as bar-coded sample multiplexing. To provide<br />

universal support of basic features such as data set compression or indexing <strong>and</strong> query<br />

mechanisms, we develop a generic C++ programming framework <strong>lib</strong>shore to form the foundation<br />

of all of SHORE's modules. Furthermore, we aim to provide a generic application programming<br />

interface facilitating modular design as well as parallelization of high-throughput<br />

sequencing data processing <strong>and</strong> analysis algorithms.<br />

A further focus of this work was on the development of data analysis algorithms for chromatin<br />

immunoprecipitation <strong>and</strong> other sequence enrichment <strong>and</strong> expression proling studies.<br />

Through genome-wide binding-site proling for transcription factors, DNA-binding proteins<br />

occupying a key role in transcription regulation, ChIP-Seq studies have the potential to<br />

greatly improve the ability to underst<strong>and</strong> the functioning of complex regulatory networks.<br />

We present an analysis module SHORE peak oriented towards processing of transcription<br />

factor immunoprecipitation data. Our program combines statistical enrichment detection<br />

with empirical artifact removal rules to ensure robust identication of the most relevant<br />

sites. As replicate experiments are an important factor for the identication of biologically<br />

relevant sites <strong>and</strong> with dropping sequencing cost are rendered more feasible, emphasis was<br />

put on the simultaneous processing of such data sets.<br />

By transferring enrichment detection <strong>and</strong> expression analysis algorithms to further auxiliary<br />

modules emphasizing exibility of conguration, as well as maintaining previously<br />

available variation analysis functionality, SHORE should represent a valuable resource for<br />

the majority of high-throughput sequencing applications. Furthermore, in combination with<br />

the generic functionality of the <strong>lib</strong>shore framework, we hope to ensure extensibility to readily<br />

accommodate future analysis strategies.

Contents<br />

1 Introduction 1<br />

1.1 High-Throughput DNA Sequencing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1<br />

1.2 Approaches to Parallel DNA Sequencing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2<br />

1.3 Applications of High-Throughput Sequencing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3<br />

1.3.1 Genome <strong>and</strong> Transcriptome Sequencing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4<br />

1.3.2 ChIP-Seq <strong>and</strong> further Immunoprecipitation Protocols . . . . . . . . . . . 5<br />

1.4 Properties of Sequencing <strong>Data</strong> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6<br />

1.5 Sequencing <strong>Data</strong> <strong>An</strong>alysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8<br />

1.5.1 Base Calling <strong>and</strong> Read Quality Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8<br />

1.5.2 Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9<br />

1.5.3 Short Read Alignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9<br />

1.5.4 Variation <strong>and</strong> Genotype Calling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10<br />

1.5.5 Quantication by Deep Sequencing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11<br />

1.5.6 ChIP-Seq <strong>An</strong>alysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12<br />

1.6 Storage <strong>and</strong> Representation of Sequencing <strong>Data</strong> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13<br />

1.6.1 Storage Formats for Next-Generation Sequencing <strong>Data</strong> . . . . . . . . . . . 13<br />

1.6.2 Accelerated Queries on Sequencing <strong>Data</strong> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15<br />

1.7 Contributions of this Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15<br />

2 A High-Throughput DNA Sequencing <strong>Data</strong> <strong>An</strong>alysis <strong>Suite</strong> 19<br />

2.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19<br />

2.2 Ecient Storage of High-Throughput Sequencing <strong>Data</strong> Using Text-Based File Formats<br />

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21<br />

2.2.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21<br />

2.2.2 Widely Compatible Indexed Block-Wise Compression . . . . . . . . . . . 23<br />

2.2.3 Ecient Queries on Text Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25<br />

2.2.4 Improved Compression of Read Mapping <strong>Data</strong> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27<br />

2.2.5 Compression Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29<br />

2.2.6 <strong>Data</strong> Storage Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32<br />

2.3 A Non-Destructive Read Filtering <strong>and</strong> Partitioning Framework . . . . . . . . . . 33<br />

2.4 A Flexible Sequencing Read Demultiplexing System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34<br />

2.4.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35<br />

2.4.2 A Format for Description of Multiplexing Setups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36<br />

2.4.3 Barcode Recognition <strong>and</strong> Sample Resolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38<br />

2.5 Versatile Oligomer Detection <strong>and</strong> Read Clipping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38<br />

2.5.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39<br />

2.5.2 Dynamic <strong>Programming</strong> Alignment <strong>and</strong> Backtracing Pipeline . . . . . . . 41<br />


xii<br />


2.6 A Parallelization Front-End for Short Read Alignment Tools . . . . . . . . . . . 43<br />

2.7 Robust Detection of ChIP-Seq Enrichment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45<br />

2.7.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45<br />

2.7.2 Correcting for Duplicated Sequences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45<br />

2.7.3 Detection Phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47<br />

2.7.4 Recognition of Read Mapping Artifacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47<br />

2.7.5 Ranking <strong>and</strong> Assessment of Peak Signicance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49<br />

2.7.6 Experimental Relevance of Peak Signicance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51<br />

2.8 Visualization of Sequencing Read <strong>and</strong> Alignment <strong>Data</strong> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52<br />

2.8.1 Gathering Run Quality <strong>and</strong> Sequence Composition Statistics . . . . . . . 52<br />

2.8.2 Visualization of Read Mapping <strong>Data</strong> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55<br />

2.8.3 Visualization of Local or Genome-Scale Depth of Coverage . . . . . . . . 56<br />

2.8.4 Quantile Correction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57<br />

3 A C++ Framework for High-Throughput DNA Sequencing 61<br />

3.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61<br />

3.2 A Modular Signal-Slot Processing Framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64<br />

3.2.1 Reader <strong>and</strong> Writer Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64<br />

3.2.2 Denition of Processing Network Topology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64<br />

3.2.3 Module Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67<br />

3.2.4 In-Place <strong>Data</strong> Manipulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69<br />

3.3 A Simplied Parallelization Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71<br />

3.3.1 Parallelization Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72<br />

3.3.2 Parallel Pipeline Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73<br />

4 Closing Remarks 77<br />

Bibliography 81

1 Introduction<br />

Next-Generation Sequencing has evolved into a powerful tool for many areas of biological<br />

science, but has also introduced many new challenges related to data analysis<br />

<strong>and</strong> computing infrastructure into the eld. Following a brief recapitulation of highthroughput<br />

DNA sequencing technology, this chapter highlights important areas of<br />

application while discussing previous <strong>and</strong> related work. We outline general sequencing<br />

data analysis methodology <strong>and</strong> conclude by establishing the motivation for this<br />

work.<br />

1.1 High-Throughput DNA Sequencing<br />

Widely deployed for less than a decade, the impact of parallel next-generation sequencing technology<br />

on genetic research has already been considerable. The novel high-throughput sequencing<br />

approaches are characterized by massive parallelism implemented in a single device. From this<br />

design results the key advantage of a signicantly reduced cost per sequenced base, which has<br />

allowed to quickly displace the previously predominant Sanger sequencing method in many areas<br />

of application.<br />

Sanger sequencing, the prevalent sequencing method for the majority of time since its introduction<br />

in 1977 [2], needed to rely on extensive automation in dedicated sequencing centers to<br />

achieve time <strong>and</strong> cost eective readout of large amounts of sequence. Most prominently, this was<br />

put into eect during the eort of generating the rst draft sequence of the human genome [36].<br />

By contrast, high-throughput sequencing instruments are designed to analyze thous<strong>and</strong>s to millions<br />

of DNA molecules simultaneously, <strong>and</strong> thus enable even smaller institutions to produce<br />

large quantities of sequence data on site.<br />

Secondary to elucidation of DNA primary structure, sequencing utilized as a r<strong>and</strong>om sampling<br />

device delivers quantitative clues on sample composition. In this capacity, it has been<br />

used for diverse purposes such as inference of DNA methylation levels [7] or the analysis of environmental<br />

samples [8]. In concert with the economical advantage over the dideoxynucleotide<br />

chain-termination method, parallel DNA sequencing becoming widely accessible to researchers<br />

has served to promote such deep sequencing approaches that open up whole new areas of application<br />

beyond the domain previously occupied by Sanger sequencing.<br />

As an alternative to microarray technologies, for example in gene expression proling or<br />

chromatin immunoprecipitation assays, deep sequencing overcomes fundamental technological<br />

restrictions such as probe resolution <strong>and</strong> probe saturation. Furthermore, without the inherent<br />

requirement of a-priori knowledge of sequences to be detected or quantied, development of novel<br />

protocols of application has been furthered to transform high-throughput sequencing methods<br />

into a versatile tool for research.<br />



1.2 Approaches to Parallel DNA Sequencing<br />

<strong>An</strong> early parallel sequencing method, massively parallel signature sequencing (MPSS), was published<br />

in the year 2000 [9] <strong>and</strong> had already been available as a centralized, commercial service.<br />

However, as its short read length of only 17 to 20 nucleotides proved to be prohibitive in most<br />

potential areas of application, MPSS mainly found use as a gene expression proling assay.<br />

A technological <strong>and</strong> commercial breakthrough was marked by the deployment of integrated<br />

bench top devices through a variety of dierent providers. The rst high-throughput sequencing<br />

instrument brought to the market was the 454 Life Sciences Genome Sequencer FLX in 2005 [10].<br />

Soon after, in 2006, followed Illumina's Genome <strong>An</strong>alyzer [11] instrument <strong>and</strong> the Life Technology<br />

SOLiD system [12] in 2008.<br />

Over a short period of time, considerable technological maturation has ensued, <strong>and</strong> vendors<br />

have started to broaden their portfolios by tailoring their respective solutions to dierent operational<br />

scenarios, exemplied by the Illumina HiSeq <strong>and</strong> MiSeq devices or the 454 Life Sciences<br />

bench top model GS Junior. On the other h<strong>and</strong>, diverse alternative approaches have been proposed<br />

<strong>and</strong> introduced into the market, notably a semiconductor-based solution marketed as Ion<br />

Torrent by Life Technology [13] <strong>and</strong> the Pacic Biosciences single molecule sequencing system<br />

PacBio RS [14].<br />

As their dening feature, all high-throughput sequencing systems share the parallel interrogation<br />

of large numbers of DNA molecules. Sample DNA to be analyzed is typically applied to<br />

an expendable ow cell or ow chip, a specialized glass slide or microtiter plate particular to<br />

the respective technology. Aside from such fundamental analogies, the respective methods of sequence<br />

interrogation dier in key aspects. The basis of most current technologies is formed by the<br />

sequencing-by-synthesis (SBS) principle, with the notable exception of the SOLiD sequencingby-ligation<br />

method. Sequencing-by-synthesis decodes the sequence of DNA molecules by keeping<br />

track of nucleotides incorporated by a DNA polymerase during complementary str<strong>and</strong> synthesis,<br />

with the distinguishing feature of the dierent technological implementations being the manifold<br />

methods employed for detecting events of nucleotide incorporation.<br />

The 454 family of sequencers realize a pyrosequencing approach. The four deoxyribonucleoside<br />

triphosphates (dNTP) adenine, cytosine, guanine <strong>and</strong> thymine are owed cyclically<br />

over microtiter wells holding clonally amplied DNA templates, where each ow of reagents<br />

delivers a specic type of dNTP. The amount of pyrophosphate released during nucleotide<br />

incorporation, which is determined by the number of nucleotides incorporated in each ow, is<br />

converted into light intensity through an enzymatic reaction <strong>and</strong> recorded by a CCD camera. [10]<br />

The Illumina systems are based on reversible chain termination chemistry. A mixture of<br />

all four dNTPs is owed over a slide with r<strong>and</strong>omly distributed clusters of clonally amplied<br />

templates. The dNTPs are modied by a chain terminator, limiting elongation of the synthesized<br />

str<strong>and</strong> to a single nucleotide. Furthermore, each type of dNTP is distinguished by fusion to a<br />

specic uorophore, allowing for identication of the respective incorporated base by means<br />

of laser excitation <strong>and</strong> a CCD detector. Reagents subsequently applied displace the reversible<br />

terminator <strong>and</strong> dye to enable further str<strong>and</strong> elongation in the following cycle. [11]<br />

The Ion Torrent design adopts the homopolymer detection approach introduced by pyrosequencing.<br />

However, instead of pyrophosphate, the release of hydrogen ions serves as a proxy for<br />

str<strong>and</strong> elongation. The individual pH measurements are realized non-optically on an expendable<br />

semiconductor chip. [13]<br />

PacBio RS sequencers implement a technology termed single molecule real-time sequencing<br />

(SMRT). The method is enabled by zero-mode waveguides (ZMW), nanostructures that enable<br />

probing of volumes smaller than the wave length of light [15]. In contrast to the other current<br />

technologies described, the SMRT approach therefore does not need to rely on clonally amplied


DNA templates, <strong>and</strong> instead single DNA molecules <strong>and</strong> polymerases suce for obtaining a recognizable<br />

signal. DNA polymerases are immobilized in ZMW detection volumes, creating a slide<br />

suitable for the parallel observation of polymerase activity. Fluorescently labeled dNTPs are employed<br />

as the substrate, where nucleotides being incorporated are detected via laser excitation<br />

<strong>and</strong> a CCD detector. The uorophore itself is displaced upon nucleotide incorporation. [14]<br />

As opposed to sequencing-by-synthesis reliant on DNA polymerase, SOLiD sequencing constitutes<br />

a sequencing-by-ligation technique that exploits DNA ligase enzymes for sequence decoding.<br />

Probe oligomers partially consisting of degenerate <strong>and</strong> universal bases [16] are ligated to interrogate<br />

di-nucleotides at a spacing of three base pairs. When reaching the full read length, the<br />

template is reset <strong>and</strong> the ligation process is repeated ve times at dierent osets, <strong>and</strong> thus<br />

each of the template's bases is measured twice through dierent probe oligomers. Four dierent<br />

uorophores serve to label the 16 types of probe to obtain an ambiguous color space code. The<br />

properties of the dibase color encoding are such that for any base, the ambiguity may be resolved<br />

as long as the identity of the preceding base is known. [12]<br />

The following discussion centers on Illumina sequencing technology as the primary focus of<br />

the present work, although applicable to varying extent to multiple or all of the currently<br />

available high-throughput sequencing devices.<br />

1.3 Applications of High-Throughput Sequencing<br />

While high-throughput sequencing devices in general excel in the cost-eective generation of massive<br />

amounts of sequence data, the new technologies are still associated with weaknesses regarding<br />

error rates <strong>and</strong> maximal achievable sequencing read length (section 1.4). These weaknesses<br />

limit the capacity to generate base-by-base readouts of entire genome sequences. Nonetheless,<br />

concerted application of complementary technologies including Sanger sequencing has served to<br />

greatly accelerate the pace at which novel reference assemblies for manifold model organisms are<br />

being generated.<br />

Certainly, despite the reduction in cost-per-base that has been achieved, decoding larger,<br />

repeat-rich genome sequences remains a massive task with current DNA sequencing technology.<br />

Genomic inter-individual <strong>and</strong> inter-species variation may however be assessed circumventing the<br />

issue of global-scale sequence topology (section 1.3.1), which has thus evolved as one of the<br />

primary applications of high-throughput sequencing. In turn, interpretation of data generated<br />

with the aim of such consensus-based characterization of sequence variation is greatly facilitated<br />

by the availability of a suitable reference genome assembly.<br />

Similarly, the resequencing scenario facilitates data interpretation for an extensive family of<br />

deep sequencing <strong>and</strong> genome-wide screening applications. As throughput of sequencing devices<br />

has grown to enable routine sequencing even of large genomes to multiple depths of coverage, its<br />

potential for quantitative measurement has been leveraged for the assessment of diverse genomic<br />

properties. With stock genome sequencing protocol, deep sequencing allows estimation of quantiable<br />

statistics such as gene copy number [1719], application to forward genetic screens [20, 21]<br />

or dissection of environmental samples [2224]. To exploit its potential for quantication in a<br />

wide range of further research settings, high-throughput sequencing is complemented by a host<br />

of dierent sample <strong>and</strong> <strong>lib</strong>rary preparation protocols acting as adapters between the property of<br />

interest <strong>and</strong> DNA sequencing technology.<br />

RNA conversion protocols facilitate investigation of transcript structure <strong>and</strong> abundance<br />

[2529] <strong>and</strong> address structure, expression <strong>and</strong> distribution of specic types of transcript<br />

such as long non-coding RNA or small RNA [27, 3033]. In ChIP-Seq, MeDIP-Seq or HITS-<br />

CLIP, immunoprecipitation-based sequence enrichment protocols provide insight into diverse


genetic <strong>and</strong> epigenetic mechanisms including transcription factor binding events, histone <strong>and</strong><br />

DNA modications or specicity of RNA binding proteins [17, 3438].<br />

Conversely, depletion protocols such as MNase-Seq are for example applicable to investigation<br />

of nucleosome positioning [39]. <strong>An</strong> additional option for the study of epigenetic features by highthroughput<br />

sequencing is available in sequence conversion protocols utilizing bisulte treatment<br />

of the sample DNA (BS-Seq) [27, 40, 41].<br />

Further protocols aiming at a reduction of <strong>lib</strong>rary complexity can supply signicantly reduced<br />

cost of sequencing for certain applications, such as retrieval of genetic markers through sequencing<br />

of restriction site associated DNA (RAD-Seq) [42, 43].<br />

By st<strong>and</strong>ard sample preparation protocols, a molecular mixture retrieved from millions of<br />

cells is assessed. This property is exploited de<strong>lib</strong>erately for example by genomic enrichment or<br />

epigenetic sampling protocols such as ChIP-Seq as well as BS-Seq. On the other h<strong>and</strong>, single-cell<br />

sequencing protocols are being developed to enable the maximally ne-grained assessment of<br />

cellular populations [44].<br />

While each sequencing protocol has on its own furthered our underst<strong>and</strong>ing of the molecular<br />

makeup of cells, integration <strong>and</strong> correlation of the dierent types <strong>and</strong> sources of data now available<br />

shows great promise to provide detailed insight into the complex interplay of the various<br />

mechanisms governing the cellular machinery.<br />

1.3.1 Genome <strong>and</strong> Transcriptome Sequencing<br />

Molecular genetics studies how an organism's genome interacts with its cellular environment,<br />

ultimately shaping the organism's phenotype inside its habitat. Learning how this interaction<br />

can be inuenced may ultimately help to develop new capabilities to counteract diseases or<br />

enhance traits like disease resistance or crop yield. <strong>An</strong>alysis of the DNA-level dierences between<br />

organisms, regardless of whether they are of the same species or not, presents an entry point<br />

to obtaining clues on this interaction. With the emergence of next-generation sequencing, for<br />

the rst time researchers are able to employ this approach on the very large scale, exemplied<br />

by a variety of major sequencing projects both on the intra- <strong>and</strong> inter-species level like the<br />

1000 genomes project [45, 46] for the human genome, the 1001 genomes project [19] for the<br />

Arabidopsis thaliana genome, the Genome 10K project [47] with the goal of analyzing 10000<br />

vertebrate genomes or the metagenomic human microbiome project [48, 49].<br />

Due to the short lengths of the sequence reads recovered by most high-throughput sequencers,<br />

most studies circumvent the complex task of whole genome assembly focusing on small scale sequence<br />

variants or localized larger scale rearrangements (section 1.5.4). These genetic markers<br />

thus recovered can be processed further allowing application to a wide range of scientic questions.<br />

Recovered on population scale, they provide insight into a species' population structure<br />

<strong>and</strong> the evolution of its genomes <strong>and</strong> of its subpopulations. When integrated with phenotype<br />

data, functional clues may further be obtained by means of genome wide association studies<br />

(GWAS) (e. g. [50]).<br />

Knowledge of gene expression proles proves valuable in many dierent contexts, <strong>and</strong> may on<br />

the one h<strong>and</strong> provide a means for the classication of entire cells, as well as on the other h<strong>and</strong> of<br />

certain genes or groups of genes with respect to their involvement in specic cellular pathways or<br />

function. While gene expression has been routinely assessed on the large scale using microarray<br />

technology, the method suers from non-linear measurement, probe saturation <strong>and</strong> suboptimal<br />

signal-to-noise ratio.<br />

High-throughput sequencing by contrast allows basically unlimited dynamic range only<br />

bounded by allocatable eort <strong>and</strong> amounts of cellular material. Other than microarrays,


sequencing further enables recovery <strong>and</strong> quantication of unexpected transcripts <strong>and</strong> splice<br />

forms.<br />

A variety of dierent transcriptome sequencing protocols are available, distinguished by their<br />

suitability for assessment of transcript structure <strong>and</strong> quantication as well as capabilities to<br />

detect certain types of transcript <strong>and</strong> to recover transcript directionality. As with all examples<br />

of quantication by sequencing, data interpretation may be intricate (section 1.5.5).<br />

A special class of transcript is given by small RNA, short cellular RNA molecules ∼2025<br />

nucleotides in length ubiquitous in almost all well-studied eukaryotes. These have been identied<br />

as another vital factor for transcript regulation, <strong>and</strong> are further implicated in various important<br />

cellular processes such as DNA methylation <strong>and</strong> pathogen response [51, 52]. Transcript levels<br />

are aected by small RNA through RNA interference (RNAi). As the specicity-determining<br />

component of RNA induced silencing complexes (RISC), they direct the degrading enzymatic<br />

activity of ARGONAUTE proteins at the targeted, roughly complementary transcripts.<br />

Small RNA molecules are attributed to multiple cellular pathways in plants <strong>and</strong> animals generally<br />

involving double str<strong>and</strong>ed RNA or RNA stem-loop structures. According to the generating<br />

biochemical pathway, small RNA can be categorized into dierent classes, notably microRNA<br />

(miRNA) <strong>and</strong> small interfering RNA (siRNA), linked with overlapping, but distinct cellular roles.<br />

High-throughput small RNA proling by sequencing facilitates genome-wide discovery, categorization<br />

<strong>and</strong> relative quantication for the various small RNA species. However, small RNA<br />

quantication is sensitive to sequence specic bias [53], with their short length likely introducing<br />

increased variance to base composition bias (section 1.4) <strong>and</strong> emphasizing the importance of ligation<br />

biases. Furthermore, relative quantication with reference to <strong>lib</strong>rary size is often deemed<br />

unsuitable for an investigation, <strong>and</strong> consensus on appropriate normalizing transformations is currently<br />

lacking (cf. [54]). Nonetheless, small RNA sequencing data prove a valuable quantitative<br />

resource on the genome scale, e. g. as a proxy for RNA-directed DNA methylation [55] or in<br />

correlation with further transcriptome or epigenetic data.<br />

1.3.2 ChIP-Seq <strong>and</strong> further Immunoprecipitation Protocols<br />

Expression of genes is thought to be connected in complex regulatory networks of positive <strong>and</strong><br />

negative feedback. A key role in these networks is occupied by transcription factors, DNA-binding<br />

proteins involved with initiation of gene transcription at the promoter sequences. ChIP-Seq, the<br />

successor of the microarray-based ChIP-chip technology featuring improved signal-to-noise ratio<br />

<strong>and</strong> sharper signal bounds, facilitates the identication of putative transcription factor targets<br />

in a relevant in-vivo context. By elucidation of individual transcription factors' targets, our<br />

underst<strong>and</strong>ing of the complex transcriptional interplay can be gradually improved.<br />

Immunoprecipitation (IP) methods exploit the antibody-antigen anity to enrich specic<br />

molecules in a solution. In the course of the procedure, antibodies for the antigen to be concentrated<br />

are incubated with the solution to promote formation of antibody-antigen complexes.<br />

<strong>An</strong>tibodies are captured on solid-phase beads, thus enabling precipitation to enrich for the formed<br />

complexes.<br />

Chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by high-throughput sequencing (ChIP-Seq) employs<br />

the IP technique for in-vivo detection of regions of co-localization of a specic molecule, usually a<br />

protein, with the genomic DNA. During the procedure, live tissue is prepared with formaldehyde<br />

or an appropriate alternative cross-linking reagent. Formaldehyde undergoes a reaction that<br />

induces cross-linking of amino groups in close vicinity, thereby promoting formation of DNAprotein<br />

complexes (DPC) (cf. Barker et al. [56]). Following lysis of the tissue, the DNA is<br />

sonicated, yielding DPC associated with only short fragments of genomic DNA. The DPC are<br />

immunoprecipitated <strong>and</strong>, by purication <strong>and</strong> amplication of the contained DNA, prepared as


Instrument<br />

Max. Average Read Pairs / Run Time<br />

Read Length Flowcell<br />

Illumina MiSeq 2x250bp 16M 39h<br />

Illumina Genome <strong>An</strong>alyzer IIx 2x150bp 300M 14 days<br />

Illumina HiSeq 2x100bp 1400M 11 days<br />

454 Life Sciences GS Junior ∼400bp 100000 10h<br />

454 Life Sciences GS FLX+ ∼700bp 1M 23h<br />

Life Technologies Ion PGM up to 400bp 1000005M 3.7h7.3h<br />

Life Technologies Ion Proton up to 200bp ∼70M 2h4h<br />

Life Technologies 5500W (SOLiD) 1x75bp / 2x50bp ∼1600M 6 days<br />

Pacic Biosciences PacBio RS ∼4.5kbp ∼22000 2h<br />

Table 1.1: DNA Sequencer Specications According to Device Vendors (3/2013)<br />

a sequencing <strong>lib</strong>rary. Following deep sequencing, thus precipitated tags facilitate identication<br />

<strong>and</strong> localization of putative protein binding sites.<br />

Immunoprecipitation is complemented by techniques that seek to deplete segments of the<br />

DNA that are not protein-bound, e. g. using exonucleases like micrococcal nuclease (MNase) to<br />

digest the unbound parts of the DNA fragments following cross-linking <strong>and</strong> sonication. MNase-<br />

Seq is used on its own to investigate nucleosome positioning [39, 57], but can also be combined<br />

with ChIP-Seq for improved binding site resolution.<br />

When available, immunoprecipitation of the DPC is achieved using a specic antibody raised<br />

against the protein of interest. Alternatively, the experiment is performed using transgenic<br />

organisms where the protein is tagged by an appropriate adapter protein, e. g. GFP [58], for<br />

which a high quality antibody is available. However, this fusion protein approach comes with<br />

the drawback of possible tag-induced alteration of protein function or binding anity.<br />

Apart from its application to the identication of transcription factor targets [34, 35], ChIP-<br />

Seq is most prominently applied for genome-wide screening of histone modications [36]. Using<br />

5-methylcytosine-specic antibodies, immunoprecipitation is further applicable for generating<br />

genome-wide maps of DNA methylation (MeDIP-Seq) [37].<br />

RNA analogues to the ChIP-Seq strategy, high-throughput sequencing of RNA isolated<br />

by crosslinking immunoprecipitation (HITS-CLIP) [38] <strong>and</strong> photoactivatable-ribonucleosideenhanced<br />

crosslinking <strong>and</strong> immunoprecipitation (PAR-CLIP) [59] are used in a similar<br />

fashion to investigate in-vivo binding of RNA associates like e. g. the miRNA binding protein<br />


1.4 Properties of Sequencing <strong>Data</strong><br />

Modications to both the instruments themselves as well as to the sequencing chemistry utilized<br />

have led to vast improvements in per-run output since the rst iteration of next generation sequencers,<br />

which has frequently drawn comparisons to the famous Moore's Law of the development<br />

of integrated circuits [60, 61].<br />

A further reduction of overall sequencing cost remains a primary objective in the further<br />

development of the technologies, often illustrated by the catch phrase 1000 dollar [human]<br />

genome [13, 62]. Eorts directed at this goal include the ongoing pursuit of new sequencing<br />

technologies as well as streamlining key operational aspects such as ease of <strong>lib</strong>rary preparation,<br />

run time <strong>and</strong> quantization of throughput i. e. the minimal amount of sequence that must<br />

be generated per sequencing run to achieve acceptable cost-per-base. However, with dropping


cost-per-base further dierentiated considerations including data h<strong>and</strong>ling <strong>and</strong> analysis cost as<br />

well as the unique capabilities of either respective technology are increasingly moving into focus.<br />

Dierences between the various technologies also imply dierent behavior regarding important<br />

parameters such as read length, frequency, type <strong>and</strong> r<strong>and</strong>omness of sequencing errors or sequence<br />

dependent depth-of-coverage biases. With the targeted eld of application, the impact of either<br />

property varies. Table 1.1 provides a comparison of read length, throughput <strong>and</strong> run time of<br />

sequencing instruments. Despite specications of the young technologies being in constant ux,<br />

the overview highlights the technology's strengths <strong>and</strong> weaknesses discussed in the following.<br />

Reversible chain terminator as well as sequencing-by-ligation approaches enforce in-phase<br />

measurement of all DNA templates being sequenced. Therefore, these devices provide a xed,<br />

user selectable read length. Albeit currently providing the highest level of parallelism <strong>and</strong> of<br />

per-run throughput in terms of sequenced bases, they oer a signicantly shorter maximal read<br />

length compared to the other methods discussed.<br />

Sequencing-by-synthesis methods that as in the case of 454 <strong>and</strong> Ion Torrent instruments<br />

imply measurement of the homopolymer sequence of the respective DNA templates generate sequence<br />

reads of variable length determined by the actual nucleotide composition of the molecules.<br />

Whereas minimum read length equals the number of sequencing cycles, i. e. one quarter of the<br />

number of dNTP ows, the average read length thus depends on the type of DNA being sequenced.<br />

By contrast, no phasing of str<strong>and</strong> elongation is enforced by the single molecule real time<br />

sequencing approach, neither on single base nor on the homopolymer level. The method instead<br />

attempts near-continuous tracking of the str<strong>and</strong> elongation process. SMRT devices produce<br />

variable length reads, with the read length largely dependent on the binding anity of the<br />

polymerase enzyme utilized by the technology. The method currently achieves the longest average<br />

read length, with however a broad spectrum of read lengths <strong>and</strong> below-average level of parallelism.<br />

The dideoxynucleotide chain-termination sequencing method has undergone a considerable<br />

time span of continued renement. Therefore, although next-generation instruments are improving<br />

steadily with more <strong>and</strong> more sophisticated chemistry <strong>and</strong> signal processing, Sanger sequencing<br />

technology still denes the gold st<strong>and</strong>ard in terms of single read accuracy. Apart from stochastic<br />

measurement uctuations, all present technologies feature an error prole with an increase in<br />

error frequency towards the end of the read. Typical sources of systematic decline in sequence<br />

quality include deterioration of the sequencing reagents over time or loss of phasing for methods<br />

relying on clonally amplied DNA. Orthogonally, overall read quality is inuenced by factors like<br />

cross-talk between adjacent spots, mixed clusters or optical distortion. [63]<br />

Due to phased probing of the template DNA, with the Illumina <strong>and</strong> SOLiD instruments<br />

measurement error mostly induces base substitution errors. Conversely, 454 <strong>and</strong> Ion Torrent<br />

instruments are primarily susceptible to over- or underestimation of homopolymer lengths, which<br />

results in an elevated frequency of base insertion <strong>and</strong> deletion errors. SMRT suers from an<br />

elevated frequency of nucleotide deletion errors.<br />

All platforms including Sanger sequencing are furthermore subject to sequence specic biases,<br />

where both the probability of sampling specic sequences as well as single base accuracy can be<br />

strongly inuenced by the local sequence context. Besides the implications for sequencing data<br />

analysis <strong>and</strong> interpretation, uneven error rates <strong>and</strong> sampling probabilities result in an increase<br />

of required average sequence coverage <strong>and</strong> thus elevated cost-per-base.<br />

Sampling bias may be introduced not only during the actual steps of the sequencing procedure,<br />

but also the weakly st<strong>and</strong>ardized sequencing <strong>lib</strong>rary preparation, with e. g. PCR amplication an<br />

important <strong>and</strong> frequently cited source of bias [64]. Sequencing bias is classied either according<br />

to the introducing reaction or step of the <strong>lib</strong>rary preparation, such as ligation or fragmentation<br />

bias, or according to the sequence properties it is attributed to, such as base composition or end


biases.<br />

Since quality <strong>and</strong> strength of these biases are dependent on an only vaguely understood<br />

interplay of variable factors like fragmentation size <strong>and</strong> exact PCR conditions, they are not<br />

easily corrected for <strong>and</strong> must be considered during data analysis <strong>and</strong> interpretation of results.<br />

1.5 Sequencing <strong>Data</strong> <strong>An</strong>alysis<br />

While data analysis strategies for dierent applications of high-throughput sequencing naturally<br />

diverge at some point following the initial base calling of the read sequences, they frequently share<br />

common data processing tasks or generic approaches such as reference genome-based resequencing.<br />

In addition to software solutions oered by device vendors or other commercial providers,<br />

countless computational utilities are developed by the scientic community implementing specic<br />

analysis strategies or prerequisites of generic analysis approaches such as read mapping.<br />

Following the base calling step in which nucleotide sequences are deduced from signal intensities<br />

delivered by the sequencing device, raw sequence data undergo quality control <strong>and</strong> further<br />

processing according to parameters dictated by the respective application <strong>and</strong> analysis strategy.<br />

Subsequent strategies diverge into dierent classes such as reference sequence-guided resequencing<br />

approaches, de-novo sequence analysis such as genome assembly as well as reference-free<br />

multi-sample comparison for diverse purposes such as e. g. assessment of variation or microRNA<br />

content. Primarily motivated by the relatively short read lengths oered by current sequencing<br />

technology, reference sequence-guided resequencing remains the most widely used <strong>and</strong> practical<br />

method (section 1.5.3).<br />

1.5.1 Base Calling <strong>and</strong> Read Quality Assessment<br />

Base calling is the initial step of deducing an actual nucleotide sequence from the raw signal<br />

measurements delivered by sequencing machines, e. g. the brightness levels measured by the<br />

CCD detector for uorescence-based techniques. Parallel sequencers operate by sampling the<br />

entire measurement area supporting large numbers of DNA molecules (e. g. ow cell) at certain<br />

intervals (section 1.2). Instrument measurements initially are stored as a series of images, where<br />

each image represents the signal intensities across the measurement area at a single sampling<br />

interval. The stack of images generated is subsequently processed in software.<br />

In short, base calling software is required to locate spots within the measurement area that<br />

represent valid DNA templates, <strong>and</strong> further analyze the run of signal intensities at each spot<br />

to provide a nucleotide sequence that likely explains the observed intensities. In addition to<br />

this maximum likelihood estimate of a sequencing read's nucleotide sequence, a measure of<br />

reliability for the issued base calls is desirable. Due to their conceptual simplicity, PHREDlike<br />

per-base quality scores [65, 66] have become the de facto st<strong>and</strong>ard across all platforms.<br />

Additional measures that capture the peculiarities of the respective sequencing process, like e. g.<br />

individual base likelihood in the case of reversible chain terminator sequencing or homopolymer<br />

accuracy in the case of pyrosequencing, can be calculated by specic base callers but are widely<br />

disregarded by downstream analysis software.<br />

Base calling software is usually highly device specic <strong>and</strong> thus provided by the instrument<br />

vendors; alternative software solutions exist in some cases [6771], but have not become widely<br />

adopted.<br />

Quality of high-throughput sequencing reads can be highly variable <strong>and</strong> is dependent on many<br />

dierent factors (section 1.4). Therefore, prior to further analysis it is often desirable to assess<br />

the quality of the generated sequencing reads, <strong>and</strong> to pre-lter the raw read data accordingly.<br />

Furthermore, depending on the sequencing protocol <strong>and</strong> application, the relevant sequences are


often fused to utility oligomers like bar codes, sequencing adapters or linker sequences that are<br />

still present in the sequencer's output <strong>and</strong> interfere with direct application of the appropriate<br />

analysis algorithm. Countless tools <strong>and</strong> scripts have been developed for these purposes <strong>and</strong> are<br />

in some cases made freely available.<br />

FastQC [72] for example is a simple Java application providing visualization for average read<br />

quality <strong>and</strong> various other properties of the data set. The FASTX Toolkit [73] provides tools for<br />

creating sequence quality charts, adapter removal <strong>and</strong> demultiplexing operations. TagDust [74]<br />

is a tool that identies <strong>lib</strong>rary artifacts such as sequencing primer dimers. Similar capabilities<br />

are oered by the tool TagCleaner [75], with additional read clipping, trimming <strong>and</strong> splitting<br />

options. A collection of Perl scripts for read ltering, quality-based trimming <strong>and</strong> creating read<br />

quality charts is provided by the NGS QC Toolkit [76].<br />

1.5.2 Assembly<br />

While the classical domain of large-scale DNA sequencing is the assembly of entire genomes,<br />

due to their short read length most high-throughput sequencing technologies do not produce<br />

data optimally suited to this approach. Computational tools based on alternative assembly<br />

algorithms <strong>and</strong> data structures such as De Bruijn graphs have been developed that can better<br />

cope with large amounts of short reads, for example the Velvet [77], Oases [78], SOAPdenovo [79],<br />

ALLPATHS [80, 81] <strong>and</strong> ALLPATHS-LG [82, 83] assemblers. Despite these improvements, stock<br />

short read assemblies still do not reach the quality of typical laboriously generated reference<br />

genomes [84]. Generating high quality reference assemblies continues to require enormous eort<br />

often involving construction of BAC <strong>lib</strong>raries <strong>and</strong> large amounts of man-hours both on the wet<br />

lab <strong>and</strong> data analysis sides for closing gaps in the assembly, ordering the assembled scaolds or<br />

identication of mis-assembled regions.<br />

These remaining issues prevent large-scale multiple whole-genome comparison approaches,<br />

<strong>and</strong> as a consequence, solutions to data representation <strong>and</strong> methodology for this type of analysis<br />

are not yet well established. In the medium term, sequencing technology can be expected to<br />

reach a sucient mixture of sequencing cost, throughput, read length <strong>and</strong> accuracy to render<br />

whole-genome assembly a rather routine task. For genome-wide variation analysis, this should<br />

bring about a shift towards such large-scale assembly approaches.<br />

1.5.3 Short Read Alignment<br />

While direct genome assembly remains impractical, most applications of next-generation sequencing<br />

are analyzed through resequencing approaches that rely on the availability of a suitable<br />

reference genome sequence. Relating all data to a single assembled genome circumvents the issue<br />

of assembly, facilitates comparisons by establishing a common coordinate system <strong>and</strong> allows to<br />

examine analysis results in the context of a fully rened genome annotation.<br />

Mapping millions of short reads to reference genomes up to multiple gigabases in size constitutes<br />

one of the computationally most dem<strong>and</strong>ing tasks of the resequencing strategy. In the<br />

presence of sequencing errors, erroneous reference sequences <strong>and</strong> possibly genomic variation such<br />

as SNPs, indels <strong>and</strong> rearrangements, perfect match queries between read <strong>and</strong> reference sequence<br />

cannot in general deliver satisfactory results.<br />

The read alignment problem presents a string matching task that has quickly been met<br />

by a variety of proposed algorithms <strong>and</strong> software solutions, confronting the scientic community<br />

with a multitude of freely available alignment tool options like BWA [85], Bowtie [86],<br />

Bowtie2 [87], SOAP [88], SOAP2 [89], SHRiMP [90], SHRiMP2 [91], MAQ [92], GenomeMapper<br />

[93], PALMapper [94] or CloudBurst [95].


To achieve satisfactory performance, alignment tools rely upon precomputed, static index<br />

data structures usually generated for the reference genome, ranging from simple k-mer hashes<br />

or spaced-seed strategies to sux trees, sux arrays or equivalent compressed full text indexes<br />

such as the Burrows-Wheeler transform (BWT) based FM-index [96]. The genome indexing<br />

approach has implications regarding both performance <strong>and</strong> hardware requirements of an alignment<br />

algorithm. Disk space <strong>and</strong> index memory required for k-mer indexes, sux trees <strong>and</strong> plain<br />

sux arrays amount to a multiple of the size of the indexed nucleotide sequence. In contrast,<br />

compressed BWT-based indexes have the advantage of an inherent representation of the genome<br />

sequence, with their size approaching that of the compressed sequence.<br />

Dierent index data structures aside, read mapping algorithms are set apart by their choice of<br />

trade-os between mapping speed, accuracy, sensitivity <strong>and</strong> supported alignment parameters. At<br />

the same time, mapping accuracy is partially inuenced by mapping sensitivity, since a missed<br />

mapping location for a read may lead to spurious mappings to a dierent location of similar<br />

sequence. Read mapping algorithms commence by identication of potential origins of seeds,<br />

short substrings of the sequence read matching the reference genome sequence at high sequence<br />

identity. The tradeo between mapping speed on the one side <strong>and</strong> accuracy <strong>and</strong> sensitivity on the<br />

other is greatly inuenced by seed selection, seed length as well as the required level of sequence<br />

identity. Tools may decide to ignore seeds that occur with very high frequency in the reference<br />

genome, further accelerating the mapping process at the cost of sensitivity.<br />

Following seed placement, follow-up alignment algorithms establish the actual base pairings<br />

between sequencing read <strong>and</strong> reference sequence, in the process identifying the best possible<br />

match for the entire read according to the scoring measure dened by the mapping tool. Furthermore,<br />

many mapping utilities in addition allow the explicit or implicit retrieval of the next-best<br />

mapping location, permitting to infer the reliability of the assigned location (mapping quality)<br />

under the assumption of completeness <strong>and</strong> correctness of the provided reference genome<br />

sequence.<br />

The set of features supported by mapping <strong>and</strong> alignment algorithms decides over their suitability<br />

for dierent kinds of sequencing data or application. However, omission of certain features<br />

may help with optimization of the algorithm. Gapped alignments for example come with a significant<br />

performance hit, but are indispensable for application in variation detection or for aligning<br />

sequencing reads obtained by pyrosequencing, Ion Torrent or SMRT technology. Further gaprelated<br />

features such as ane gap costs or split-read approaches permit correct placement of the<br />

read in presence of longer insertions <strong>and</strong> deletions or intron-exon boundaries.<br />

Sequencing reads with special properties such as color space or bisulte converted data furthermore<br />

require fully customized mapping <strong>and</strong> alignment strategies.<br />

1.5.4 Variation <strong>and</strong> Genotype Calling<br />

Reversing the assembly <strong>and</strong> multi-genome comparison approach (section 1.5.2), resequencing<br />

has become the current method of choice for assessing genomic variation. In the resequencing<br />

setting, all read data for certain subspecies, strains or mutants are mapped to a single reference<br />

sequence of a closely related organism. The complexity of the analysis task is therefore shifted<br />

from establishing <strong>and</strong> examining complex relations between multiple assembled genomes towards<br />

obtaining a comprehensive <strong>and</strong> reliable readout of the structural information contained in the<br />

short read alignments.<br />

Basic consensus calling is limited to the detection of conserved regions <strong>and</strong> small scale variation<br />

like single nucleotide polymorphisms <strong>and</strong> small insertions <strong>and</strong> deletions contained therein.<br />

Such regions of evident sequence conservation are directly suggested by the short read mappings.<br />

The task for analysis algorithms is therefore to assess each of the supported positions to identify


the most likely combination of alleles to give rise to the observed data, along with a measure of<br />

condence for the provided solution.<br />

Identication of this most likely combination of alleles at each reference genome position is<br />

therefore the main problem to be solved by analysis algorithms. A major issue to be overcome<br />

by these algorithms is to achieve an integration of models for sequencing errors, read mapping<br />

<strong>and</strong> base alignment errors. While the probability of sequencing errors may be systematically<br />

inuenced by the local sequence context, individual error events in dierent reads may be considered<br />

as largely independent. Sources of mapping <strong>and</strong> base alignment error are however mostly<br />

systematic in nature. Reads <strong>and</strong> aligned bases therefore do not represent independent evidence<br />

for a certain allele conguration, preventing these types of error from being as readily captured<br />

by statistical modeling.<br />

The majority of consensus <strong>and</strong> genotype calling algorithms commence by examining the<br />

pileup of base calls <strong>and</strong> base qualities provided by the mapped reads overlapping a position.<br />

Given sucient depth of coverage, eventual sequencing errors can be thereby identied at high<br />

condence.<br />

However, sequencing error may not only cause invalid readout of single positions, but also<br />

spurious cross-mappings to loci with similar sequence to that of the true origin of a read. The<br />

likelihood of such spurious mappings may be assessed using measures like the mapping quality<br />

provided by some alignment tools (section 1.5.3). Furthermore, heuristic parts of the mapping<br />

algorithms used to achieve improved mapping performance may also cause systematic crossmappings<br />

that can be indistinguishable from true variants or give rise to invalid multi-allelic<br />

calls. Such pseudo multi-allelic regions may further arise due to copy number variants, underrepresentation<br />

of repetitive sequence in the reference assembly or sample contamination.<br />

<strong>An</strong>other source of systematic miscalls presents base alignment error. Base alignment error<br />

is introduced by reads, albeit mapped to the locus on the reference genome from which they<br />

originate, whose alignment provided by the read mapping tool does not suggest the correct set<br />

of base pairings. This type of error mainly occurs at transition points to insertions, deletions,<br />

copy number variants or other types of rearrangement or at exon-intron boundaries in mRNA<br />

sequencing. Reads overlapping these transition points only with a small number of positions do<br />

not contain enough information to support the correct type of variant, causing spurious alignment<br />

of terminal nucleotides.<br />

For these reasons, current consensus <strong>and</strong> genotype call algorithms employ combinations of<br />

statistical models as well as alignment correction algorithms <strong>and</strong> heuristics for removing or<br />

penalizing read alignment issues.<br />

The Genome <strong>An</strong>alysis Toolkit (GATK) [97] combines Bayesian heterozygous genotype calling<br />

based on quality score reca<strong>lib</strong>ration with indel realignment <strong>and</strong> various heuristics for penalizing<br />

mapping artifacts [98].<br />

SHORE [18] implements a exibly ca<strong>lib</strong>ratable scoring matrix approach [1, 99] that calculates<br />

SNP, indel <strong>and</strong> reference call scores based on a user-denable weighting of various properties of<br />

the read alignments overlapping a position. The method allows to impose a penalty on, or to<br />

ignore a number of terminal nucleotides towards the ends of each alignment, ruling out many<br />

cases of base alignment error at the cost of an eective loss of sequencing depth.<br />

The SAMtools package [100] implements a prole HMM for estimation of a Base Alignment<br />

Quality (BAQ) for the assessment of potential mapping artifacts [101].<br />

1.5.5 Quantication by Deep Sequencing<br />

In principle, deep sequencing constitutes statistical sampling of the population of molecules that<br />

make up the sequencing <strong>lib</strong>rary. Therefore, obtained sequencing data may be transformed into


quantities that represent a frequency distribution that may be used to infer relative quantities<br />

with reference to this population.<br />

Depending on the application, these measurements may be processed further for mere classication<br />

purposes (e. g. enriched versus not enriched in chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP)<br />

assays) or transformed into quantities appropriate for multi-sample comparison (e. g. normalized<br />

expression level in RNA sequencing).<br />

For routinely used, but weakly dened concepts such as gene expression, denition of an appropriate<br />

reference for obtaining biologically meaningful quantities can be intricate. Depending<br />

on the application the appropriate unit of measurement might be absolute, i. e. the number of<br />

copies of a molecule in the cell or in the sample, a cellular or compartmental concentration, or<br />

relative to the total population of molecules of the same family. To a certain degree, relative measurements<br />

can be directly obtained from sequencing data, whereas calculation of absolute values<br />

is in general not possible. For identication of dierentially expressed loci in a multi-sample<br />

comparison, it may however be sucient to represent all measurements in relation to a common<br />

reference value. Given many loci contribute to the sequencing <strong>lib</strong>rary with a majority following<br />

the same distribution in all conditions examined, the problem of calculation of a common<br />

reference value can be reduced to identication of outliers in a multi-sample comparison.<br />

Next to basic compensation for sequencing <strong>lib</strong>rary size, further specialized normalization procedures<br />

are therefore often applied to the raw quantities of sequenced reads. Some of these procedures<br />

attempt inference of quantities that are better suited to the comparison of the biological<br />

conditions in question, such as estimation of absolute quantities. Further aims of normalization<br />

include stabilization of measurement variance or removal of sequence specic biases. As<br />

an example, for whole transcriptome sequencing a normalizing procedure termed trimmed mean<br />

of M-values (TMM) [102] has been shown to compare favorably with plain relative quantication.<br />

For data with dierent properties such as microRNA proles, consensus regarding data<br />

normalization is yet to be reached [103].<br />

1.5.6 ChIP-Seq <strong>An</strong>alysis<br />

While chromatin IP (section 1.3.2) enriches for sequence fragments that contain a binding site for<br />

the protein of interest, no perfect purication is achieved. Obtained sequencing data therefore<br />

tend to contain signicant amounts of background noise in the form of reads that represent<br />

DNA fragments that were sequenced purely by chance rather than due to their anity to the<br />

DNA-binding protein. Primary data analysis involves the identication of those genomic regions<br />

that potentially contain one or more binding sites, recognizable from the mapped read data by<br />

characteristic peaks in sequencing depth at the respective sites <strong>and</strong> their close vicinity.<br />

Single transcription factors are often thought to contribute to the regulation of hundreds<br />

or thous<strong>and</strong>s of dierent genes, <strong>and</strong> to take on dierent roles in various regulatory networks.<br />

This creates the need for peak calling algorithms that are able to process the ChIP-Seq data<br />

to identify all putative binding sites in a genome-wide scan. Multiple freely available computational<br />

tools including MACS [104], QuEST [105], SISSRs [106], PeakSeq [107], cisgenome [108] or<br />

FindPeaks [109] all implement dierent algorithmic approaches to the peak calling problem.<br />

MACS employs estimation of local depth of coverage background using a sliding window. By<br />

this background estimate, p-values for enrichment are calculated based on the Poisson distribution.<br />

The program is able to operate with or without control <strong>lib</strong>raries <strong>and</strong> calculates false<br />

discovery rates through a sample-control swap.<br />

SISSRs calculates net tag count as the dierence of forward <strong>and</strong> reverse str<strong>and</strong> read mappings<br />

in short jumping windows. Base line transitions of net tag count are retained as sites of putative<br />

enrichment, which are further compared to Poisson-motivated read support thresholds.


The PeakSeq program identies c<strong>and</strong>idate enriched regions through segment-wise calculation<br />

of a depth of coverage threshold obtained by simulation of r<strong>and</strong>om read distribution, taking into<br />

account a pre-computed mappability map to capture repetitive parts of the genome. Thus<br />

obtained c<strong>and</strong>idates are assessed further using a binomial test comparing sample <strong>and</strong> scaled<br />

control data.<br />

Particular to the QuEST algorithm, peak detection relies on score proles generated by kernel<br />

density estimation over the reads' 5 ′ mapping coordinates rather than depth of coverage. Peak<br />

calling is achieved by identication of local score maximums <strong>and</strong> a combination of score <strong>and</strong> fold<br />

change thresholds.<br />

While a multitude of dierent analysis algorithms thus exist, due to the diculty of assessing<br />

the quality of the provided solution there is generally no consensus which of the available<br />

algorithms performs best in a given scenario.<br />

1.6 Storage <strong>and</strong> Representation of Sequencing <strong>Data</strong><br />

High <strong>and</strong> constantly improving throughput of sequencing instruments implies routine production<br />

of uncommonly large data sets. The amount of data produced poses challenges not only regarding<br />

data transfer, processing <strong>and</strong> analysis, but also in terms of data storage. In the desire to guarantee<br />

best possible traceability of scientic results <strong>and</strong> all potential sources of error, the benet of longterm<br />

storage of all raw data must be balanced with storage cost, further considering the likelihood<br />

to again require certain types of data <strong>and</strong> the cost of eventually regenerating experimental data.<br />

Under these considerations it has become accepted practice to require long-term storage of at<br />

least nucleotide sequences <strong>and</strong> PHRED qualities of sequencing reads, whereas the preservation<br />

of raw signal measurements or further quality measures (section 1.5.1) is deemed optional.<br />

Generally, large storage size of the data sets emphasizes the importance of the tradeo between<br />

space <strong>and</strong> access eciency. While o-line long-term storage solutions are able to mainly address<br />

space eciency, with the only restriction being that the computational eort required to convert<br />

to <strong>and</strong> from the compressed representation of the data should remain in tolerable bounds, on-line<br />

representation of the data during the data analysis phase has to provide additional guarantees<br />

regarding data access.<br />

1.6.1 Storage Formats for Next-Generation Sequencing <strong>Data</strong><br />

High-throughput sequencing data sets store elements like sequencing reads or read alignments,<br />

which dene a tuple of attributes, such as a read identier, nucleotide sequence <strong>and</strong> per-base<br />

qualities. Additional meta-data items like sequencing instrument, run or processing information<br />

may be required to be kept alongside the data set. On-line sequencing data representation has<br />

to at least guarantee ecient sequential traversal of a data set's elements, i. e. enable ecient<br />

retrieval of all of the respective next element's attributes. Furthermore, it is typically required<br />

to allow storage of the data set elements in a specic order not dictated by space eciency<br />

considerations. Finally, accelerated queries for data set elements with specic properties, such<br />

as range queries for retrieval of elements overlapping with a given region of the genome, require<br />

a certain degree of r<strong>and</strong>om access support from the storage solution.<br />

While generic solutions such as relational database management systems (RDBMS) address<br />

many of these requirements, they come with an excess of further features while impeding data<br />

set distribution. Therefore, most sequencing data analysis solutions rely on custom le-based<br />

storage solutions. File formats in the bioinformatics eld have traditionally been ASCII text<br />

les following simple formatting rules. Examples include the de facto st<strong>and</strong>ard formats for representation<br />

of biological sequences, FASTA <strong>and</strong> FASTQ [110]. For description of large amounts


of features that are relative to a reference sequence, simple tab-delimited tables have emerged as<br />

the predominant storage formats. For example, SAM [100, 111] is a st<strong>and</strong>ard le format used for<br />

storing sequencing reads <strong>and</strong> read alignments. GFF [112] is a generic format for description of<br />

genomic features that is primarily used, but not restricted to, representation of genome annotation<br />

data, <strong>and</strong> its subset specication GVF [113] is targeted at description of genomic variation<br />

like SNP or structural variants. VCF [114] provides a specication for storage of multi-sample<br />

variation <strong>and</strong> genotype information. SAM, GFF <strong>and</strong> VCF are structured similarly, with each data<br />

set element being represented on a single line. Common or m<strong>and</strong>atory element attributes like<br />

reference genome coordinates are stored as m<strong>and</strong>atory columns, whereas optional attributes are<br />

added in arbitrary order in the form of key-value pairs (tags). All three formats are generic formats<br />

that allow users to specify arbitrary additional attributes, <strong>and</strong> allow inclusion of meta-data<br />

in the le in the form of lines starting with a certain character sequence serving as meta-data<br />

indicator. The SAM format comes with an equivalent binary companion format BAM with the<br />

aim of reduced le parsing overhead.<br />

While processed data like variant calls are usually moderate in size, space eciency is a<br />

concern for raw read <strong>and</strong> read alignment data, suggesting the application of data compression<br />

algorithms. The generic compression algorithm DEFLATE [115] is one of the most widely used<br />

compression methods due to a tradeo between compression eciency <strong>and</strong> compression <strong>and</strong><br />

decompression speed that is acceptable in many settings. Generic compression algorithms are<br />

also applied to sequencing data, e. g. the BAM format is routinely encoded as BGZF [111], a<br />

simple subset specication of the GZIP [116] format for DEFLATE-compressed data.<br />

However, compression eciency can be improved through use of sequencing data specic encoding<br />

methods or preprocessing. To some extent, high-throughput sequencing data compression<br />

is related to the issue of DNA sequence compression. Complete genome sequences are known<br />

to be hardly compressible beyond the typical 2-bit encoding of the four bases using common<br />

generic compression algorithms [117]. Most eorts preceding the emergence of high-throughput<br />

sequencing have thus been directed at generating ecient representations of such large biological<br />

sequences. However, algorithms that have been made available for this purpose are not readily<br />

applicable to short read sequencing data.<br />

Common approaches used by most DNA compression algorithms in the literature rely on<br />

sux arrays or similar index data structures for detecting <strong>and</strong> collapsing perfectly or imperfectly<br />

repetitive regions in a small set of large sequences. As such, these implementations are not suited<br />

to the task of compressing the huge sets of very short sequences generated by a high-throughput<br />

sequencing run. <strong>An</strong>alogous approaches are however available for short read sequences. Imposing<br />

a specic ordering on the elements of a data set potentially leads to an increase in entropy, <strong>and</strong><br />

thereby reduced compression eciency. A utility SCALCE implements a read reordering method<br />

using a similarity-based clustering approach that serves as a compression booster in combination<br />

with generic compression algorithms <strong>and</strong> formats [118]. However, as specic element order is<br />

often a requirement of analysis algorithms, SCALCE <strong>and</strong> similar reordering approaches are most<br />

suitable for o-line long-term storage <strong>and</strong> data distribution. A dierent approach is taken by<br />

the tool Quip, which implements an assembly-based short read compression scheme where reads<br />

are represented by their position on specically assembled contigs [119]. Assembled contigs must<br />

be stored along with the data set elements, but allow ecient compression of data sequenced to<br />

multiple depth.<br />

While these approaches focus on compression of short nucleotide sequences, those represent<br />

just one of the attributes to be stored in next-generation sequencing data sets, along with read<br />

identiers, per-base PHRED qualities <strong>and</strong> possibly read alignments. Various methods therefore<br />

attempt to improve compression ratio for these heterogeneous collections of data. Notably, the<br />

CRAM format [120] aims at being a drop-in replacement for the SAM/BAM format, to large extent


supporting the same logical structure <strong>and</strong> set of features. The main features of CRAM are reduced<br />

representations of aligned read sequences <strong>and</strong> per-base qualities. For aligned sequences, the<br />

format implements reference compression. In reference compressed alignments only the lengths<br />

of read subsequences that perfectly match the reference genome are stored, or an equivalent<br />

representation. While in principle a lossy operation, all discarded information may subsequently<br />

be recovered as long as the appropriate reference sequence is available. For PHRED quality<br />

data, CRAM oers a choice of various lossy binning schemes aimed at reduction of the entropy<br />

introduced with the read qualities. Following such preprocessing operations, CRAM encodes data<br />

into a custom binary format utilizing well-known encoding schemes such as Golomb [121] <strong>and</strong><br />

Human coding [122].<br />

1.6.2 Accelerated Queries on Sequencing <strong>Data</strong><br />

Support for accelerated queries on a data set is required to enable rapid data visualization<br />

[123, 124] <strong>and</strong> data set exploration. Indexed range queries are e. g. supported by the<br />

BigWig <strong>and</strong> BigBed formats [123], the BAM format or the utility Tabix [125] using R-tree [126]<br />

based indexing [124].<br />

While stock generic compression algorithms permit streaming encoding <strong>and</strong> decoding <strong>and</strong> are<br />

thus compatible with the goal of sequential, ordered traversal of data sets, they do not comply<br />

with r<strong>and</strong>om access requirements. This disadvantage is commonly mitigated by enabling seeking<br />

to dened positions in the stream. These decoding osets are realized by periodically either<br />

saving the complete state of the encoder, or by causing an encoder reset. In both cases, the<br />

cost is an eective decrease in compression eciency, either because of the overhead of saving<br />

the series of encoder states along with the compressed data, or because the encoder needs to be<br />

retrained following each reset. Additionally, an index data structure must be integrated to allow<br />

conversion between compressed <strong>and</strong> uncompressed stream osets. As a result, there is a tradeo<br />

between compression ratio <strong>and</strong> r<strong>and</strong>om access granularity, <strong>and</strong> thus eciency.<br />

1.7 Contributions of this Work<br />

The software SHORE is a processing <strong>and</strong> analysis pipeline for high-throughput DNA sequencing<br />

data [1, 18]. The pipeline is targeted at a reference sequence-based resequencing data analysis<br />

approach, combining raw read manipulation <strong>and</strong> ltering, read mapping <strong>and</strong> several analysis<br />

modules specic to dierent sequencing applications.<br />

With this work, large parts of our pipeline were reworked for coping with increasingly large<br />

amounts of data, optimization of workows <strong>and</strong> extended analysis requirements. In the process,<br />

SHORE was embedded into a generic programming framework to provide universal support of<br />

introduced features across all processing modules (section 3.1). Increasing storage sizes of data<br />

sets produced by high-throughput sequencing devices have been addressed by implementation of a<br />

variety of data compression options. At the same time, increased processing times were countered<br />

by extended parallel processing facilities, <strong>and</strong> specically distributed memory parallelization<br />

of the read mapping process. Furthermore, with greater data set size, eciency of retrieval<br />

of specic data set elements or subsets has gained importance for data set exploration <strong>and</strong><br />

visualization. To meet these requirements, appropriate data indexing <strong>and</strong> query algorithms were<br />

incorporated. Exploiting the data set indexing facilities, within several analysis modules we<br />

address basic visualization of sequencing read alignment <strong>and</strong> depth of coverage distribution to<br />

mitigate the need for time-consuming data set copying <strong>and</strong> conversion for use with external<br />

visualization solutions.


Our application programming framework <strong>lib</strong>shore was implemented as a common foundation<br />

to all SHORE processing modules. In addition to elementary functionality such as automatic<br />

input <strong>and</strong> output decoding <strong>and</strong> encoding, algorithms for indexing sequencing-related data <strong>and</strong><br />

alignment of biological sequences are provided. Furthermore, we developed a generic processing<br />

framework with the aim of facilitating breakdown <strong>and</strong> implementation of rather complex<br />

sequencing data analysis algorithms as collections of manageable <strong>and</strong> self-contained processing<br />

modules. We further extended on this framework for straightforward parallelization of basic<br />

sequencing data processing.<br />

The fundamental data analysis workow introduced with the initial version of SHORE consists<br />

of subsequent application of read ltering, read mapping <strong>and</strong> application-specic analysis<br />

modules. While this basic approach has been maintained, it has been extended in many areas<br />

for simplication of a variety of routine tasks. <strong>An</strong> overview of the modied workow is therefore<br />

given in section 2.1.<br />

Signicant modications to core pipeline modules concern raw sequencing read import <strong>and</strong><br />

ltering as well as read mapping. <strong>Data</strong> import was modied to enable recovery of raw data<br />

or iterative data set re-ltering (section 2.3), <strong>and</strong> complemented with extended functionality to<br />

address e. g. the more <strong>and</strong> more widespread use of a variety of <strong>lib</strong>rary multiplexing <strong>and</strong> further<br />

adapter ligation protocols. For this purpose, exible sequence-specic read partitioning <strong>and</strong><br />

clipping facilities have been added (sections 2.4, 2.5). SHORE's read mapping module initially<br />

constituted a basic parallelization wrapper providing a unied interface to dierent short read<br />

alignment tools. To take advantage of an increasing diversity of read mapping algorithms, features<br />

have been added to enable integration of the results obtained using dierent alignment<br />

algorithms or parameters (section 2.6).<br />

Application-specic data analysis modules initially implemented in SHORE mainly addressed<br />

the assessment of genomic variation. This functionality has largely been maintained, with only<br />

slight modications to take advantage of the <strong>lib</strong>shore infrastructure. A focus of this work however<br />

was on quantitative application of high-throughput sequencing, <strong>and</strong> primarily ChIP-Seq<br />

data analysis. Within the SHORE analysis environment, we have implemented an enrichment<br />

detection module targeted at the analysis of transcription factor immunoprecipitation data (section<br />

2.7). In comparison to other approaches, our method emphasizes robustness towards read<br />

mapping artifacts <strong>and</strong> simplies h<strong>and</strong>ling of replicate experiments. Our ChIP-Seq enrichment<br />

detection module is complemented by congurable auxiliary utilities allowing composition of custom<br />

workows applicable to various expression proling or enrichment detection applications.<br />

In conclusion, with this work the SHORE software has been developed from an analysis pipeline<br />

consisting of a set of largely independent submodules targeted primarily at genomic variation<br />

assessment into a tightly integrated, general-purpose sequencing data analysis suite supporting<br />

a set of coordinated, interdependent features. The SHORE sequencing data analysis suite is open<br />

source software freely available 1 under the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 3.<br />

1 http://shore.sf.net

2 A High-Throughput DNA Sequencing <strong>Data</strong> <strong>An</strong>alysis<br />

<strong>Suite</strong><br />

The constant pace of development of high-throughput sequencing technology <strong>and</strong> protocols<br />

is a force driving continued adaptation <strong>and</strong> improvement of related software<br />

solutions. The present chapter is concerned with the data storage solutions <strong>and</strong> retrieval<br />

algorithms, high-throughput sequencing data analysis algorithms <strong>and</strong> software<br />

utilities that were developed in the course of this work for use with the SHORE DNA<br />

sequencing data processing <strong>and</strong> analysis pipeline.<br />

2.1 Overview<br />

Amounts of data produced by high-throughput sequencing devices have from the start posed<br />

a challenge with respect to data analysis. Since their introduction, countless computational<br />

utilities have been developed to satisfy dierent data processing <strong>and</strong> analysis needs in all areas of<br />

application. Large-scale high-throughput sequencing projects however emphasize the importance<br />

of st<strong>and</strong>ardized work ows <strong>and</strong> data storage. With data analysis extending over multiple phases<br />

as well as a signicant time span <strong>and</strong> overall man-hours distributed among multiple individuals,<br />

coordinated eorts to ensure coherence <strong>and</strong> reproducibility of processing <strong>and</strong> analysis results<br />

become imperative.<br />

A basic level of st<strong>and</strong>ardization is readily achieved by reliance on whole-sale software solutions,<br />

with all required data processing <strong>and</strong> analysis algorithms based on a common framework.<br />

However, apart from commercial oers few freely available high-throughput sequencing applications<br />

provide integration to varying degrees of more than just isolated processing <strong>and</strong><br />

analysis steps, e. g. SOAP, SAMtools [100] or GATK [97].<br />

With the SHORE software, we provide an integrated high-throughput sequencing read processing<br />

<strong>and</strong> analysis framework based on consistent data storage concepts. SHORE oers an<br />

end-to-end pipeline including all relevant steps starting from initial raw read data ltering <strong>and</strong><br />

partitioning <strong>and</strong> proceeding up to primary analysis results. <strong>An</strong> overview of SHORE's general data<br />

analysis work ow is provided in gure 2.1. While in principle consistent with what has been<br />

described [1] (cf. section 1.7), we implement a variety of extensions including optional recovery<br />

of raw data, on-the-y merging, subset selection <strong>and</strong> ltering as well as data visualization, as<br />

discussed in the following.<br />

In a reference sequence-guided resequencing approach, primary data analysis proceeds in three<br />

main stages. First, raw sequencing read data obtained from the base calling software become<br />

subject to quality control <strong>and</strong> demultiplexing algorithms (gure 2.1(a) ). Thus processed reads<br />

are subsequently mapped to the appropriate reference genome sequence (b). Application-specic<br />

algorithms then interpret the read alignment data as the nal step of the primary analysis (d),<br />

such as genotype calling, assessment of structural variation, enrichment detection or dierential<br />

expression analysis. Approaches to follow-up analysis of the generated primary results are<br />

manifold <strong>and</strong> highly divergent, <strong>and</strong> therefore not currently integrated with the pipeline.<br />



Base Calling<br />

Unprocessed<br />

Reads<br />

Import,<br />

Filtering <strong>and</strong><br />

Demultiplexing<br />

(a)<br />

Processed<br />

Reads<br />

Recovery<br />

(e)<br />

Visualization <strong>and</strong><br />

Quality Assessment<br />

(g)<br />

Read<br />

Mapping<br />

(b)<br />

Export<br />

(f )<br />

Unprocessed<br />

Reads<br />

Archiving or<br />

Distribution<br />

Read<br />

Alignments<br />

Merge,<br />

Select<br />

<strong>and</strong> Filter<br />

(c)<br />

Export<br />

(h)<br />

Processed<br />

Reads<br />

Visualization<br />

(i)<br />

<strong>An</strong>alysis<br />

(d)<br />

Read<br />

Alignments<br />

Results<br />

External <strong>An</strong>alysis<br />

or Visualization<br />

Figure 2.1: The SHORE Workow<br />

Our analysis pipeline is realized as a comm<strong>and</strong> line application organized as a collection of<br />

submodules. A module SHORE import provides initial processing of raw read data <strong>and</strong> logically<br />

organizes its output in a predened directory hierarchy, which forms the basis for the operation of<br />

further modules (section 2.3). The module provides a comprehensive set of commonly required<br />

ltering operations such as quality based ltering <strong>and</strong> read trimming, removal of sequencing<br />

adapters or demultiplexing for bar-coded samples (section 2.4). To facilitate iterative adjustment<br />

of ltering parameters or distribution of raw read data to third parties, the module further<br />

provides functionality to fully restore its original input data (e).<br />

<strong>An</strong>alysis of SHORE processed data by means of third-party analysis utilities is possible through<br />

format conversion. A module SHORE convert provides read <strong>and</strong> alignment data export to a<br />

variety of commonly supported data exchange formats such as FASTA, FASTQ, SAM, BED or<br />

GFF (f, h). To assess overall run quality, nucleotide composition <strong>and</strong> base quality distributions<br />

may optionally be visualized with a module SHORE tagstats (g, section 2.8).<br />

<strong>Data</strong> analysis methods implemented in SHORE primarily follow a reference sequence-oriented<br />

resequencing approach (section 1.5). The provided module SHORE mapowcell is responsible for<br />

the required mapping of the processed read data to a reference genome sequence. The mapping<br />

module is realized as a high-level comm<strong>and</strong> line interface <strong>and</strong> parallelization front-end to a variety<br />

of widely useful read mapping tools such as GenomeMapper, BWA or Bowtie2 (section 2.6).



Read mapping data stored as a result of the SHORE mapowcell module constitute the input<br />

for data analysis modules such as variant calling or enrichment detection (d). Available analysis<br />

modules cover SNP <strong>and</strong> indel detection (SHORE qVar, consensus), ChIP-Seq analysis (SHORE peak,<br />

section 2.7), reference-based small RNA analysis as well as versatile modules SHORE coverage <strong>and</strong><br />

SHORE count applicable to a variety of expression analysis <strong>and</strong> enrichment sequencing approaches.<br />

A further module SHORE mapdisplay as well as SHORE coverage <strong>and</strong> count support data set exploration<br />

through visualization of read alignments or depth of coverage, respectively (i, section 2.8).<br />

Alignment input data to analysis <strong>and</strong> visualization modules can on-the-y be selected by<br />

region of interest, merged with data of e. g. further sequencing runs as well as passed through a<br />

variety of ltering operations such as duplicate sequence removal (c, sections 2.2.3, 2.7.2).<br />

The SHORE data analysis suite is designed for seamless integration into established Unix<br />

comm<strong>and</strong> line workows. Where appropriate, modules support streaming input <strong>and</strong> output<br />

to <strong>and</strong> from other comm<strong>and</strong>s. SHORE's data are stored in simple line based text le formats<br />

utilizing st<strong>and</strong>ards-compliant compression formats, facilitating data manipulation by stock text<br />

processing utilities. To support routine application in a specic scenario, all of SHORE's defaults<br />

may be pre-congured through user-specic conguration les.<br />

2.2 Ecient Storage of High-Throughput Sequencing <strong>Data</strong> Using<br />

Text-Based File Formats<br />

For large data sets as generated by high-throughput sequencing machines, space ecient ondisk<br />

representation is imperative. At the same time, during active analysis phases data must<br />

remain easily retrievable, requiring an appropriate compromise between compression ratio <strong>and</strong><br />

access eciency (section 1.6). This section presents data storage formats, indexing <strong>and</strong> retrieval<br />

mechanisms implemented in the SHORE pipeline.<br />

Typical binary le formats for sequencing data come with both advantages <strong>and</strong> disadvantages<br />

compared to traditional text-based alternatives. SHORE makes use of compressed text le formats<br />

for read alignment data that achieve similar or better compression ratios compared to compressed<br />

binary formats such as CRAM. SHORE's le compression formats all support streaming input<br />

<strong>and</strong> output as well as near-r<strong>and</strong>om read access to decompressed le osets. Users may exibly<br />

choose the desired tradeo between compression ratio, decoding <strong>and</strong> encoding speed <strong>and</strong> r<strong>and</strong>om<br />

access guarantees. Specialized utilities oer binary search like queries <strong>and</strong> range queries on<br />

compressed or uncompressed data sets for many types of text-based le format popular with the<br />

bioinformatics community.<br />

2.2.1 Overview<br />

Driven by the amounts of short read <strong>and</strong> alignment data generated during HTS data analysis,<br />

specialized binary storage formats have been introduced, notably the BAM format [100] <strong>and</strong><br />

the CRAM format [120] both designed for storage of aligned as well as unaligned short read<br />

data. BAM employs binary encoding of values with the aim of reduced le parsing overhead,<br />

i. e. to improve eciency of conversion between the disk <strong>and</strong> the in-memory representations of<br />

data. On the other h<strong>and</strong>, CRAM denes a specialized format with the aim of enabling increased<br />

compression ratios by supporting custom encoding for certain attributes of the data set elements.<br />

In spite of the reasons in favor of specialized binary data encoding, there are also drawbacks<br />

compared to traditional ASCII text-based storage formats. Parsing custom binary formats requires<br />

careful consideration of technical details like machine endianness <strong>and</strong> representation of<br />

oating point numbers. Additionally, in depth knowledge of the relevant data encoding <strong>and</strong><br />

compression algorithms is inevitable. Unless a parsing <strong>lib</strong>rary is provided for the programming


language of choice, readout of binary formats is therefore often too laborious or beyond basic programming<br />

skills, eectively limiting users of the format to choose from a narrow set of supported<br />

programming languages.<br />

In contrast, basic parsers are straightforward to implement for simple tab-delimited table<br />

formats. Requirements such as string tokenization <strong>and</strong> conversion between character strings <strong>and</strong><br />

numeric types are well supported by high level scripting languages popular in the bioinformatics<br />

eld such as Perl or Python, <strong>and</strong> considered a basic skill in next to any programming language.<br />

The line-based formats are furthermore accessible to shell scripting <strong>and</strong> readily ltered through<br />

widely used Unix text processing utilities such as grep, awk, sed or sort. While conversion<br />

between le <strong>and</strong> in-memory representation is less ecient compared to optimized binary formats,<br />

the introduced overhead is marginal in relation to the overall CPU consumption of data analysis<br />

algorithms.<br />

Furthermore, delimited text tables can serve as a basic framework for le format denitions<br />

such as SAM, GFF or VCF. This common foundation enables implementation of generic algorithms<br />

applicable to a large variety of dierent le formats, as demonstrated for example by the<br />

tool Tabix [125] for range indexing of genomic feature le formats. Adapting similar algorithms to<br />

dierent specialized binary formats is laborious, requiring reimplementation or implementation<br />

of sophisticated adapter mechanisms.<br />

Format issues are easily identiable with text-based le formats without requirement of expert<br />

knowledge or implementation of specialized format verication routines. Software dealing with<br />

data produced by a rapidly evolving technology as is high-throughput sequencing instrumentation<br />

is likely required to undergo constant adaptation. Besides, at high rates of data production<br />

storage systems may operate close to the limits of their capacity. In such potentially unstable<br />

settings, simplicity of le formats constitutes a signicant advantage.<br />

On grounds of these considerations, the SHORE analysis suite relies on tab-delimited table<br />

formats for storing reads, read mapping data <strong>and</strong> analysis results. Users may further choose to<br />

store les either directly as plain text, or between one of two widely used compression formats,<br />

GZIP [116] <strong>and</strong> XZ [127]. While such generic compression le formats themselves represent<br />

binary formats, decoding comm<strong>and</strong>s <strong>and</strong> routines are widely available across platforms <strong>and</strong><br />

programming languages <strong>and</strong> are employed merely as a ltering layer, thus retaining most of the<br />

advantages of a text-based format. With compression, SHORE implements block-wise encoding<br />

for both the GZIP <strong>and</strong> the XZ format to enable near-r<strong>and</strong>om read access at any decompressed<br />

le oset. Our implementation enables free adjustment of r<strong>and</strong>om access <strong>and</strong> space eciency<br />

trade-os (section 2.2.2).<br />

SHORE's text-based read alignment le format was extended to support reference compression<br />

as introduced by the binary CRAM format (section 1.6), as well as further simple preprocessing<br />

lters serving to boost compressibility in combination with generic compression algorithms.<br />

Depending on the choice of preprocessing lters, compression algorithm <strong>and</strong> r<strong>and</strong>om access resolution,<br />

our compressed text le formats enable similar or better read alignment compression<br />

ratios compared to CRAM (section 2.2.5).<br />

<strong>An</strong>other common requirement in sequencing data analysis is the retrieval of data set elements<br />

with a certain attribute value, e. g. extraction of the set of single nucleotide polymorphisms<br />

included in a certain range of the reference genome or retrieving a read with a specic identier<br />

for a short read data set. However, st<strong>and</strong>ard linear search is slow when processing large data sets.<br />

Given the data set is in sorted order with respect to the key attribute, accelerated queries are<br />

possible. SHORE sort oers text le sorting functionality similar to the st<strong>and</strong>ard sort comm<strong>and</strong><br />

line utility, optimized for use with typical high-throughput sequencing le formats. Additionally,<br />

the tool is capable of performing binary accelerated queries on arbitrary sorted tab-delimited<br />

text les.



(a) GZIP<br />

(b) BGZF<br />

(c) dictzip<br />

(d) SHORE-GZIP<br />

GZIP header<br />

DEFLATE compressed data<br />

GZIP footer<br />

Indexing information embedded in header<br />

Figure 2.2: Basic Structure of the GZIP Format <strong>and</strong> its Sub-Formats<br />

Binary search is however not applicable to elements like read mappings, gene models or<br />

variant information representing two-dimensional objects with a start <strong>and</strong> an end coordinate.<br />

Fast access to such data set elements overlapping a specic region of interest is crucial for data<br />

visualization <strong>and</strong> manual data set exploration. A text-le indexing approach capable of answering<br />

various types of range queries is implemented as a utility SHORE 2dex, providing functionality<br />

similar to Tabix [125] or the BAM [100] <strong>and</strong> BigBed [123] indexing schemes. In comparison to<br />

the also-generic Tabix indexer, SHORE provides additional functionality such as exible choice of<br />

compression format <strong>and</strong> r<strong>and</strong>om access resolution, indexing of les not sorted by start coordinate<br />

<strong>and</strong> fast queries on data sets with deep sequence coverage.<br />

Both utilities SHORE sort <strong>and</strong> SHORE 2dex make use of SHORE's generic r<strong>and</strong>om read access<br />

back end <strong>and</strong> can thereby seamlessly be applied to both compressed <strong>and</strong> uncompressed data sets.<br />

2.2.2 Widely Compatible Indexed Block-Wise Compression<br />

GZIP [116] is one of the most widely used generic compression formats with a high level of<br />

support across operating systems, programming languages, comm<strong>and</strong> line utilities <strong>and</strong> many<br />

further software applications. The employed DEFLATE compression algorithm [115] oers a<br />

reasonable compromise between encoding <strong>and</strong> decoding speed <strong>and</strong> compression ratio. Therefore,<br />

the format is an obvious choice for compression of sequencing related data. However, it lacks<br />

r<strong>and</strong>om read access support, forcing decompression of all data preceding a required section of<br />

the compressed le. As this interferes with the ability to perform accelerated queries on the<br />

compressed data sets, subset specications have been developed to add this feature without<br />

breaking compatibility.<br />

The GZIP le format embeds DEFLATE compressed data between a header <strong>and</strong> a footer<br />

sequence (gure 2.2(a) ). Encoding parameters are specied within the header, whereas the<br />

footer consists solely of eight byte specifying a checksum as well as the decompressed le size<br />

modulo 2 32 . Header, compressed data <strong>and</strong> footer constitute a GZIP stream, <strong>and</strong> a GZIP compliant<br />

le consists of one ore more concatenated streams. Upon decompression, data of concatenated<br />

GZIP streams are concatenated as well.


The BGZF format developed for the BAM format <strong>and</strong> the Tabix utility [100, 111, 125] exploits<br />

the concatenation feature to implement independently compressed blocks within the GZIP speci-<br />

cation. Uncompressed data are split into 64 kilobyte (kB) blocks, compressed independently as<br />

GZIP streams <strong>and</strong> eventually concatenated (gure 2.2(b) ). Although the resulting compressed<br />

size of a block is unpredictable <strong>and</strong> depends on the compressibility of the data, with the knowledge<br />

of the start osets of all blocks in a compressed le it is possible to quickly locate the block<br />

containing a specic uncompressed le oset. Thereby excess data that have to be decompressed<br />

to access any specic position of the le are limited to at most the block size of 64 kB. BGZF<br />

however does not specify a means of storing the start oset of each of the compressed blocks. To<br />

realize accelerated queries on top of BGZF, block oset information must therefore be incorporated<br />

in external index les. This represents a source of potential error, as the contents of the<br />

compressed le may diverge from the stored index data. Furthermore, various software applications<br />

do not correctly implement the stream concatenation feature of the GZIP specication,<br />

resulting in BGZF compressed data being truncated after decompression of the rst block.<br />

The open source comm<strong>and</strong> line tool dictzip comes with a specication for an indexed GZIPcompliant<br />

format. The GZIP format specication allows up to 64 kB of arbitrary extra data<br />

to be embedded within the header sequence. This extra data is simply to be ignored by basic<br />

GZIP decoders. The dictzip format takes advantage of the extra data eld for storing block<br />

oset information (gure 2.2(c) ). During the encoding process, the DEFLATE algorithm oers<br />

the possibility of manual insertion of reset points from which decompression may be started<br />

without processing the entire le. By exploiting this feature to compress blocks of input data<br />

independently, the dictzip tool avoids reliance on the stream concatenation feature as in the<br />

case of BGZF. However, with the extra data eld in the GZIP header being limited to 64 kB by<br />

specication, the number of blocks that can be stored is limited as well, eectively prohibiting<br />

storage of data with an uncompressed size of more than 1.8 gigabyte (GB). Furthermore, the<br />

entire index data to be stored in the GZIP header only becomes available after the entire le has<br />

been encoded. Streaming output is therefore incompatible with the format, which is therefore<br />

suitable for medium size, static data sets, but is not well matched to the compression of large-scale<br />

sequencing data.<br />

Due to the shortcomings of available formats, we introduce a further subset specication.<br />

The SHORE-GZIP format compresses the entire le as a single GZIP stream to provide optimal<br />

compatibility. To enable streaming output, all indexing information is stored at the end of the<br />

le. On decompression using either SHORE or arbitrary third party tools, block osets stored<br />

in the index are discarded. Thereby, index information is guaranteed to remain consistent with<br />

the le contents. To allow ne-tuning the tradeo between compression ratio <strong>and</strong> r<strong>and</strong>om access<br />

overhead, the format enables free choice of encoding block size.<br />

SHORE-GZIP realizes block-wise encoding similar to the dictzip approach by requesting periodic<br />

resets of the DEFLATE encoder (gure 2.2(d) ). During encoding, the method keeps track<br />

of the compressed block osets. After encoding all input data, the recorded index information<br />

is split into blocks of approximately 64 kB. Each block is embedded as extra data eld into a<br />

GZIP header, which is appended to the compressed le followed by two byte signaling empty<br />

compressed data to DEFLATE decoders, as well as eight further byte forming the appropriate<br />

GZIP footer. The indexing information is hence stored as consecutive empty GZIP streams that<br />

will be ignored by st<strong>and</strong>ard decoding of the data set. The SHORE-GZIP implementation is however<br />

able to recognize, collect <strong>and</strong> decode the trailing index blocks on dem<strong>and</strong> to enable r<strong>and</strong>om<br />

read access.<br />

<strong>An</strong> important feature of plain GZIP is the ability for users to concatenate compressed les<br />

without breaking format compliance. With SHORE-GZIP, concatenation results in index records<br />

being interspersed among the data streams. Through correct recognition of such interspersed



index elements by SHORE's index parsing algorithm, r<strong>and</strong>om access functionality is preserved in<br />

concatenated les.<br />

Apart from GZIP, SHORE oers le compression using the XZ [127] format. XZ employs the<br />

LempelZivMarkov chain algorithm (LZMA) to achieve considerably improved average compression<br />

ratio compared to DEFLATE. LZMA oers decompression performance close to that<br />

of DEFLATE, whereas compression requires signicantly more computational resources. XZ is<br />

modeled after the GZIP format by specication of a similar structure of concatenated streams<br />

of encoded data. The le format however natively includes terminal index records that store<br />

all positions of an eventual encoder reset <strong>and</strong> can therefore be employed within SHORE without<br />

further extensions.<br />

2.2.3 Ecient Queries on Text Files<br />

Queries for specic elements in a sorted sequence can be quickly answered by binary search<br />

in O(log n) time, where n is the length of the input sequence. Stock binary search algorithms<br />

however are not directly applicable to text-formatted data sets where the total number of elements<br />

<strong>and</strong> their exact start osets in the le are not known. We therefore implement a modied binary<br />

search for text le queries. Our algorithm bisects the data set by seeking to the central byte <strong>and</strong><br />

subsequently seeking past the next newline marker following that position. Except for border<br />

cases that must be h<strong>and</strong>led separately, the following line is compared to the user-provided search<br />

key <strong>and</strong> the algorithm is applied recursively to the appropriate subset of the le. In general,<br />

worst case time complexity of the modied binary search algorithm is O(m) on arbitrary text<br />

les with a total size of m byte, which however reduces to O(log n) for an n-element data set if<br />

a static limit for the maximal byte size per element is assumed to exist.<br />

Generic text le search functionality is made available through the SHORE sort utility. The<br />

program is applicable to arbitrary sorted tab-delimited text tables, oering the capability to<br />

retrieve specic data set elements as well as to bisect the data set using a search key.<br />

Automated data analysis can often narrow down the data relevant to the investigation to<br />

a small set of regions on the reference genome. Close examination of such individual genomic<br />

regions necessitates rapid retrieval of data associated with the appropriate range of positions. Unless<br />

consisting completely of non-overlapping entries, range queries can however not be answered<br />

by binary search.<br />

Objects associated with a specic range are two-dimensional entities that can be interpreted<br />

as points in a plane dened by their start <strong>and</strong> end coordinate. A query range q = (x q , y q )<br />

then is itself a point in the plane, which together with its reection about the 45 degree line<br />

q ′ = (y q , x q ) partitions the search space into six dierent quadrants (gure 2.3(a) ). Area A<br />

includes all objects fully included in the query range, dened by constraints x ≥ x q <strong>and</strong> y ≤ y q .<br />

Subdivision B represents all elements whose range itself includes the entire query range, with<br />

the constraints x ≤ x q <strong>and</strong> y ≥ y q . All objects intersecting the query are represented by the set<br />

union of areas A to D dened by y > x q <strong>and</strong> x < y q , whereas elements completely disjoint from<br />

the query range fall into quadrants E <strong>and</strong> F (y ≤ x q or x ≥ y q ).<br />

One of many ways to impose a spacial partitioning on multi-dimensional data represent<br />

k-d trees [128], recursively bisecting the data set with respect to alternating dimensions (gure<br />

2.3(b) ). In a perfectly balanced k-d tree, each recursion splits the current subset of the data<br />

at the median of the respective dimension's values. In that case, the tree may be represented<br />

implicitly by an array of its elements with a particular ordering [129]. k-d trees can answer<br />

region searches with a worst case time complexity of O(k · n 1−1/k + r), i. e. O( √ n + r) in the<br />

two-dimensional case, with n the total number of data set elements <strong>and</strong> r the number of elements<br />

to be retrieved [130].


B<br />

D<br />

F<br />

Start + Size<br />

C<br />

q = (x q , y q )<br />

A<br />

q ′ = (y q , x q )<br />

E<br />

Start<br />

Start<br />

(a) Range Query<br />

Figure 2.3: Range Search Using k-d Trees<br />

(b) Search Space Partitioning<br />

SHORE implements a generic algorithm to impose 2-d tree ordering on array-like objects.<br />

Given a 2-d tree ordered array object, further algorithms facilitate retrieval of elements intersecting<br />

(AD), included by (A) or including (B) a query range or entirely located upstream (E)<br />

or downstream (F) of a query position.<br />

Based on the 2-d tree algorithms, we developed a persistent indexing scheme for textformatted<br />

range data les, made available through the SHORE 2dex utility. The indexing method<br />

processes input les in blocks of a xed, user-provided byte size. For each block, we record<br />

a sequential identier as well as the sequence range spanned by the combined elements whose<br />

storage entry starts inside the respective block. If a block is not associated with any storage<br />

entry, no information is saved. Blocks records are arranged in 2-d tree order <strong>and</strong> saved to disk<br />

as the concatenation of three arrays providing the reordered identiers, genomic start positions<br />

<strong>and</strong> sizes. For answering range queries, array information is mapped into memory <strong>and</strong> supplied<br />

to the appropriate 2-d tree query algorithm, thereby providing the identiers of all blocks that<br />

potentially contain elements relevant to the query. In combination with the index block size,<br />

block identiers allow calculation of the uncompressed start osets of the blocks in the le. A<br />

subsequent linear search phase scans the blocks indicated by the 2-d tree query to assemble the<br />

nal search result.<br />

Through the block size parameter, users are enabled to variably adjust the tradeo between<br />

index le size <strong>and</strong> maximum length of the linear search phase. In sparse range data sets or<br />

data sets not ordered by sequence coordinate, a query range may be spanned by the combined<br />

elements associated with a block although none of the individual elements is of relevance to the<br />

respective query. In such cases irrelevant blocks must frequently be subjected to linear search<br />

unless the index block size is suciently small. To overcome this slight deciency, we introduce<br />

a second user parameter maxgap. If subsequent data set elements in a block are farther apart on<br />

the genomic sequence than the provided maxgap size, then the respective block is stored multiple<br />

times associated with dierent ranges that do not include any coverage gap larger than maxgap.



(a)<br />


||||||||||**|||||||||||||****|||||||||||||<br />


(b)<br />

(c)<br />


10[TA,GT]13[AAA,---][CT]13<br />

(d)<br />

Query CIGAR MD<br />


Figure 2.4: Example Read Alignment <strong>and</strong> its Representations in the MapList <strong>and</strong> SAM Formats<br />

BAM indexing as well as the Tabix utility are two incarnations of a similar indexing scheme<br />

based on R-trees which was rst introduced for the UCSC Genome Browser [124]. Utilities like<br />

the BAM indexer however are tied to their specic associated le format. The more versatile<br />

Tabix utility supports many text-based le formats, but requires BGZF compressed data. By<br />

separating the r<strong>and</strong>om access <strong>and</strong> range indexing concepts, the 2d-tree index is universally applicable<br />

to all storage formats supported by the r<strong>and</strong>om access back end, currently including plain<br />

text, XZ <strong>and</strong> SHORE-GZIP. Moreover, the ability of indexing data sets not strictly required to<br />

be ordered by sequence coordinate is unique among the stated indexing methods. As described,<br />

our method indexes chunks of the data set having a xed byte size. The UCSC R-tree family of<br />

indexes dier in this respect by grouping data set elements into tiling windows on the genomic<br />

sequence at a maximum resolution of 16 kilobases. This binning approach implies the disadvantage<br />

of potential uncontrollable growth of the linear search phase for deeply covered regions<br />

of the genome. We further regard the 2d-tree index's homogeneous array layout a substantial<br />

implementation advantage.<br />

2.2.4 Improved Compression of Read Mapping <strong>Data</strong><br />

To cope with increasingly large amounts of read mapping data, we implement reference based<br />

compression, quality reduction, read relabeling as well as a simple transposition algorithm capable<br />

of further boosting compressibility of SHORE alignment les <strong>and</strong> other types of tab-delimited table.<br />

Conversion from st<strong>and</strong>ard to condensed representations is implemented as a tool SHORE coal.<br />

A read mapping by our denition is a multi-attribute entity composed of its mapping coordinates<br />

on the reference genome as well as a read alignment that species the exact set of<br />

base pairings, traditionally represented in a multi-line format (gure 2.4(a) ). The line-based,<br />

tab-delimited MapList format [1] dened by SHORE stores mapping coordinates, read alignments<br />

along with the original read information <strong>and</strong> attributes describing the reliability of the mapping<br />

as well as read pairing information. Alignments are stored in an alignment string format resembling<br />

that originally introduced by Vmatch [131], a sequence matching tool based on enhanced<br />

sux arrays [132]. In the Vmatch format, matching positions are represented literally by the<br />

matching nucleotide symbol, whereas edit operations are described by the pair of mismatching<br />

symbols enclosed in square brackets (gure 2.4(b) ).<br />

To adjust to the development of sequencing technology <strong>and</strong> read mapping tools, we have<br />

carefully amended the original alignment representation with a small set of additional features<br />

while maintaining full backwards compatibility. With the constant increase of achievable read<br />

length, it becomes possible for read mapping tools to align reads across longer stretches of


inserted, deleted or polymorphic sequence. For more concise <strong>and</strong> readable representation of such<br />

alignments, we additionally allow consecutive edit operations of the same type to be indicated by<br />

two comma-separated strings representing the sequence of the reference <strong>and</strong> the read, respectively.<br />

Reference-based compression as introduced by CRAM in our format is supported by simple<br />

substitution of all substrings representing exact matches between read <strong>and</strong> reference sequence by<br />

their length (gure 2.4(c) ).<br />

The st<strong>and</strong>ard SAM/BAM format splits read alignment information across three attributes<br />

(gure 2.4(e) ). In this format, the nucleotide sequence of a read (query) is stored unaltered.<br />

Actual alignment information is separated into a CIGAR string as well as an optional MD tag<br />

required to specify reference sequence information for mismatch <strong>and</strong> deletion positions. Omission<br />

of read information redundant with the reference sequence via reference-based compression is<br />

not supported by the format specication. In the opposite direction, the SHORE alignment<br />

string format species further enhancements such as inclusion of soft clipped sequence enclosed<br />

in angle brackets (not shown) to enable full feature compatibility with the CIGAR alignment<br />

representation.<br />

Apart from read alignments, read qualities <strong>and</strong> identiers can make up for a considerable<br />

fraction of the storage requirements of compressed read data (cf. section 2.2.5). SHORE oers a<br />

simple algorithm capable of lowering base quality resolution <strong>and</strong> thereby read quality entropy<br />

similar to the quality binning approach taken by cramtools [120]. We take a user-specied<br />

resolution threshold k to partition each read quality string into sections where the lowest <strong>and</strong><br />

highest quality value dier by at most k. Each nucleotide is then assigned the lowest quality<br />

value found in the respective section. Information on edit operations is prioritized by always<br />

storing the exact quality value for read bases representing mismatches or insertions relative to<br />

the reference sequence.<br />

Simplication of read identiers can amount to a signicant further reduction of storage<br />

requirements. St<strong>and</strong>ard read identiers are strings automatically generated by the base calling<br />

software. For example, Illumina software builds read labels from a sequencing run identier<br />

as well as the reads' coordinates on the ow cell. Due to the r<strong>and</strong>omness of the coordinates<br />

as well as the r<strong>and</strong>om order of occurrence of the reads in a typical mapping data set ordered<br />

by alignment coordinate, the sequence of identiers to be stored is of high entropy <strong>and</strong> poor<br />

compressibility. Post-mapping systematic relabeling of reads can therefore drastically improve<br />

compression ratio. Following relabeling, information content of the sequence of stored identiers<br />

is primarily determined by their actual function, which is identication of associated data set<br />

entries such as paired reads or repetitive read mappings. SHORE coal oers such relabeling<br />

combining simple enumeration by alignment coordinate with a static data set identier.<br />

In general, generic compression algorithms like DEFLATE or LZMA better pick up redundancy<br />

in homogeneously structured data. This suggests that e. g. read quality data might be<br />

compressed more eectively when grouped together rather than stored interleaved with the further<br />

attributes of the data set elements such as identiers <strong>and</strong> read alignments. Isolated storage<br />

of these attributes however prohibits data streaming. Furthermore, given presence of variablelength<br />

attributes that cannot reasonably be stored in a xed, predetermined amount of space,<br />

r<strong>and</strong>om access to the full set of attributes of a certain data set element requires additional index<br />

data structures that counter the aim of optimizing compression ratio. A compromise between<br />

such an attribute centric <strong>and</strong> the regular element centric representation constitutes block-wise<br />

coding of the data in an attribute centric representation, with block size chosen small enough to<br />

transform a block into an element centric representation on-the-y.<br />

To explore the eectiveness of such a mixed representation for boosting compressibility, we<br />

implemented a simple transposition operation applicable to tab-delimited le formats (algorithm<br />

2.1). Our algorithm takes as parameter a xed block size k for transformation of the



input : Text T, block size k<br />

output : Transposed text T ′<br />

foreach block B in T of size k<br />

do<br />

rst_row ← rst row of B;<br />

remove the rst row from B;<br />

last_row ← last row of B;<br />

remove the last row from B;<br />

append rst_row to T ′ ;<br />

if B is a table then<br />

foreach column C in B<br />

do<br />

append C as row to<br />

T ′ ;<br />

end<br />

else<br />

append B to T ′ ;<br />

end<br />

append last_row to T ′ ;<br />

end<br />

Algorithm 2.1: Block-Wise Text Transposition<br />

input data. Input is subdivided into blocks of k byte. First <strong>and</strong> last row of a block are dened<br />

as the characters up to, <strong>and</strong> including the rst newline, as well as the characters following the<br />

last newline marker found in the block. For each block, rst <strong>and</strong> last row are output unaltered,<br />

preserving lines spanning block boundaries. <strong>Data</strong> in between are checked whether they represent<br />

a table with xed number of columns, <strong>and</strong> if so are transposed swapping rows for columns.<br />

When applied to data represented as a tab-delimited table with a xed number of columns,<br />

the transposition algorithm succeeds in grouping together all attribute values of the same type<br />

in a block, lines at block boundaries excluded. For tables with variable number of columns or<br />

other data, the input is left unaltered. Applied twice with the same block size parameter value,<br />

the original input is guaranteed to be restored.<br />

SHORE supports a transposed format by addition of a special header marking transposed<br />

data <strong>and</strong> specifying the transformation's block size. On le access this header is recognized <strong>and</strong><br />

input is passed through a lter applying the appropriate block-wise back-transposition. R<strong>and</strong>om<br />

access is supported by reading the appropriate block of data, back-transposing <strong>and</strong> subsequently<br />

seeking to the correct oset inside the block.<br />

2.2.5 Compression Results<br />

We used a data set consisting of approximately 6.8 million aligned 40 base pair Arabidopsis<br />

thaliana reads obtained by Illumina sequencing for evaluation of eectiveness of the measures<br />

implemented to improve space eciency.<br />

In plain MapList format, the read mapping data set occupied about 1.1 Gb of disk space. To<br />

assess the potential for reduction of total data set size by optimizing encoding <strong>and</strong> representation<br />

of certain attributes, we extracted individual data set columns (table 2.1). Read alignments <strong>and</strong>


Attribute Plain Size Compressed Size Compression Ratio<br />

read alignments (ref. comp.) 349 Mb (33 Mb) 19 Mb (3.4 Mb) 5.7% (10.3%)<br />

read IDs (relabeled) 227 Mb (117 Mb) 39 Mb (3.2 Mb) 17.5% (2.7%)<br />

qualities (reduced) 341 Mb (341 Mb) 76 Mb (30 Mb) 22.3% (8.8%)<br />

other elds 163 Mb 5.4 Mb 3.3%<br />

Table 2.1: Compressibility of Individual Read Mapping Attributes<br />

qualities accounted for 349 Mb <strong>and</strong> 341 Mb, each corresponding to approximately 32% of the<br />

total storage size, followed by st<strong>and</strong>ard read identiers with 227 Mb (21%) <strong>and</strong> the collective<br />

size of all further attributes (163 Mb, 15%).<br />

Column data were compressed in XZ format at 128 kB block size. Read alignments were<br />

thereby reduced to 5.7% (19 Mb) of their original size, further elds to 3.3% (5.4 Mb), whereas<br />

read identiers <strong>and</strong> quality strings could not be compressed as eectively with compression ratios<br />

of 17.5% (39 Mb) <strong>and</strong> 22.3% (76 Mb), respectively.<br />

By application of reference-based compression, storage size of read alignments was reduced to<br />

less than ten percent (33 Mb) in plain text format. This gain was however somewhat diminished<br />

in compressed format due to the worse compressibility of the data, resulting in a compressed size<br />

of 3.4 Mb at a compression ratio of 10.3%.<br />

Relabeling of the reads resulted in a storage gain of roughly fty percent relative to the<br />

original representation owing to the shorter read identiers. Vastly improved however was the<br />

compressibility of the identier sequence, resulting in a reduction to just 2.7% (3.2 Mb) relative<br />

to plain text format.<br />

Eect of reduced quality value resolution was assessed using the cramtools quality binning<br />

conguration N40-R8 to allow direct comparison to the CRAM format, although the algorithm<br />

implemented in SHORE achieved similar results. The N40-R8 setting preserves quality values of<br />

all reference sequence mismatches, while assigning quality values of sequence matches to one of<br />

eight possible bins. Application of quality resolution reduction improved compression ratio of<br />

the quality data from 22.3% to 8.8%.<br />

We further assessed the eect of various combinations of compression <strong>and</strong> data reduction<br />

congurations on total data set size by application of the SHORE compress <strong>and</strong> SHORE coal utilities<br />

to the data set in MapList format <strong>and</strong> compare the results with storage of SAM/BAM <strong>and</strong> CRAM<br />

formatted data (table 2.2).<br />

Eect of compression block size was evaluated using SHORE's r<strong>and</strong>om access granularity presets<br />

fast, corresponding to 128 kB block size, medium, 2 MB, <strong>and</strong> slow, 64 MB. Compression<br />

of the 1.1 GB data set in SHORE-GZIP format at 128 kB block size reduced space requirements<br />

to 205 MB, or 19% of the uncompressed le size. Increasing block size to 2 MB further improved<br />

space eciency by just 1.5% to 202 MB storage size, <strong>and</strong> use of 64 MB blocks did not have a<br />

signicant advantage over 2 MB.<br />

Selecting the XZ compression format at 128 kB block size resulted in a storage size of 163 MB,<br />

15% of plain data set size <strong>and</strong> a 20% improvement over SHORE-GZIP at the same block size. Eect<br />

of increased compression block size was more pronounced for XZ than for SHORE-GZIP. At 2 MB<br />

<strong>and</strong> 64 MB block size disk usage was reduced to 140 MB <strong>and</strong> 116 MB, respectively, improvements<br />

of 14% <strong>and</strong> 17% over the respective previous block size.<br />

Block-wise transposition was applied using the block size parameter matching the respective<br />

compression block size. At the smallest block size, size of the transformed data in SHORE-GZIP<br />

format was 181 MB, a 12% improvement over untransposed storage. Block-wise transposition<br />

also augmented the eect of increased block sizes, achieving le sizes of 160 MB at 2 MB <strong>and</strong> of



File Format Preprocessing Compression Format Block Size Compressed File Size<br />

SAM - - - 1.3 GB<br />

MapList - - - 1.1 GB<br />

BAM - BGZF default 237 MB<br />

SAM - GZIP 128 kB 216 MB<br />

MapList - GZIP 128 kB 205 MB<br />

MapList - GZIP 2 MB 202 MB<br />

MapList - GZIP 64 MB 202 MB<br />

MapList BT GZIP 128 kB 181 MB<br />

MapList - XZ 128 kB 163 MB<br />

MapList BT GZIP 2 MB 160 MB<br />

MapList BT GZIP 64 MB 157 MB<br />

MapList BT XZ 128 kB 150 MB<br />

MapList BT, RC GZIP 2 MB 143 MB<br />

MapList - XZ 2 MB 140 MB<br />

CRAM RC - default 135 MB<br />

MapList BT, RC XZ 128 kB 132 MB<br />

MapList BT XZ 2 MB 123 MB<br />

MapList - XZ 64 MB 116 MB<br />

MapList BT, RC, RL GZIP 2 MB 114 MB<br />

MapList BT, RC, QR GZIP 2 MB 109 MB<br />

MapList BT, RC XZ 2 MB 108 MB<br />

CRAM RC, QR - default 103 MB<br />

MapList BT, RC, QR XZ 128 kB 100 MB<br />

MapList BT XZ 64 MB 96 MB<br />

MapList BT, RC, RL XZ 128 kB 95 MB<br />

MapList BT, RC XZ 64 MB 84 MB<br />

MapList BT, RC, RL, QR GZIP 2 MB 81 MB<br />

MapList BT, RC, QR XZ 2 MB 80 MB<br />

MapList BT, RC, RL XZ 2 MB 77 MB<br />

MapList BT, RC, QR XZ 64 MB 62 MB<br />

MapList BT, RC, RL XZ 64 MB 60 MB<br />

MapList BT, RC, RL, QR XZ 64 MB 39 MB<br />

BT:<br />

RC:<br />

RL:<br />

QR:<br />

block-wise transposition<br />

reference-based compression<br />

read relabeling<br />

lossy quality resolution reduction (cramtools [120] preset N40-R8)<br />

Table 2.2: Comparison of Alignment File Compression Eciency


157 MB at the 64 MB conguration. This corresponds to advantages of 21% <strong>and</strong> 22% over the<br />

matching untransformed representations.<br />

With XZ/LZMA compression, compression ratios beneted slightly less from block-wise transposition,<br />

at the three dierent block sizes gaining 8%, 12% <strong>and</strong> 17% over untransposed data to<br />

obtain le sizes of 150 MB, 123 MB <strong>and</strong> 96 MB, respectively.<br />

We further list the eect of additionally applying various combinations of reference-based<br />

compression, read relabeling <strong>and</strong> quality resolution for transposed data encoded in GZIP format<br />

with 2 MB block size as well as encoded in XZ format at the three dierent block sizes. In<br />

all compression formats <strong>and</strong> block sizes assessed, reference-based compression could account for<br />

11% to 12% of additional storage space savings. Added relabeling of reads resulted in le sizes<br />

reduced by further 20% in SHORE-GZIP format <strong>and</strong> by over 28% in the three XZ encoded les.<br />

Reduction of quality resolution gave similar improvements, producing slightly higher savings<br />

than read relabeling in GZIP compressed data, but had somewhat lesser impact compared to<br />

relabeling in XZ encoding.<br />

For comparison of formats, table 2.2 also includes disk usage for the same data set converted<br />

to SAM, BAM <strong>and</strong> CRAM le formats. The SAM format representation of the data set entries<br />

was slightly more verbose compared to the MapList formatting, resulting in an uncompressed<br />

le size of approximately 1.3 GB. The BAM encoded data set was about 14% larger compared<br />

to MapList, <strong>and</strong> about 9% larger than the SAM formatted data compressed as SHORE-GZIP<br />

at 128 kB block size. When applying reference-based compression only, size of CRAM encoded<br />

data ranked slightly better than the MapList le compressed in XZ format at 2 MB block size<br />

or compressed as GZIP following block-wise transposition <strong>and</strong> reference-based compression, <strong>and</strong><br />

slightly worse than the 128 kB block size XZ-encoded le with block-wise transposition <strong>and</strong><br />

reference-based compression enabled. With additional reduction of quality value resolution,<br />

CRAM ranked somewhat worse than the XZ compressed MapList le for the same data encoded<br />

in 128 kB chunks with block-wise transposition.<br />

2.2.6 <strong>Data</strong> Storage Considerations<br />

Choice of sequencing data storage formats depends on three areas of application with overlapping,<br />

but distinct design goals. O-line data archiving requires primarily space-ecient representation.<br />

<strong>Data</strong> exchange formats must conform to a highly st<strong>and</strong>ardized <strong>and</strong> stable format specication <strong>and</strong><br />

allow combined distribution of all data <strong>and</strong> meta-data in a single le, while directly supporting<br />

simple analysis <strong>and</strong> processing tasks. Finally, on-line storage solutions should be optimized<br />

regarding the trade-o between space eciency <strong>and</strong> certain access guarantees to provide optimal<br />

support for the respective approaches to analysis.<br />

With the implementation of the SHORE storage formats, we demonstrate indexable, space ef-<br />

cient on-line data storage for high-throughput sequencing on the basis of simple text-based le<br />

format denitions <strong>and</strong> stock compression formats. While binary formats dedicated to sequencing<br />

data storage such as CRAM should permit further optimization for improved performance<br />

<strong>and</strong> space eciency, the outlined simple formats <strong>and</strong> pre-processing methods should provide a<br />

valuable benchmark for future eorts.<br />

The implemented indexing solution for compressed sequencing data les forms the basis for<br />

rapid data retrieval for iterative analysis <strong>and</strong> data set exploration. Furthermore, our indexing<br />

approach should facilitate the implementation of caching strategies e. g. for implementation of<br />

fully interactive visualization of large sequencing data sets.


2.3 A Non-Destructive Read Filtering <strong>and</strong> Partitioning Framework<br />

To streamline further processing <strong>and</strong> analysis, it is in general desirable to initially prune highthroughput<br />

sequencing data sets of sequence with below-par quality. Sequencing of short polymers<br />

such as small RNA, bar-coded multiplexing <strong>and</strong> diverse other protocols in addition to that<br />

require sequence context sensitive read clipping <strong>and</strong> data partitioning.<br />

With SHORE import, we provide a utility to apply such initial read ltering operations, in<br />

the process converting sequencing reads from various supported input formats into SHORE's<br />

FlatRead format <strong>and</strong> partitioning the data according to the predened SHORE directory hierarchy<br />

as described [1]. This work further develops the application into a modular <strong>and</strong> extensible read<br />

ltering framework.<br />

<strong>Data</strong> analysis frequently is an iterative process, where at advanced stages it may become clear<br />

that an initial choice of ltering parameters for a data set was suboptimal. However, retrieval of<br />

the original source data may be hampered by archiving in backup solutions, unless large amounts<br />

of duplicate data are to be supported <strong>and</strong> managed on disk. Our utility was therefore reworked to<br />

perform all sequencing read editing <strong>and</strong> ltering in a non-destructive, reversible manner, exploiting<br />

the predened SHORE directory hierarchy for preventing loss of information. It is thus able<br />

to seamlessly recover the raw unprocessed sequencing data sets for straightforward re-ltering<br />

or distribution to third parties. Processing facilities provided by the application include custom<br />

quality <strong>and</strong> chastity ltering, low complexity read removal, quality-based trimming of read ends<br />

<strong>and</strong> small RNA adapter clipping, as described [1, 18]. We have further added lters for sequence<br />

context-dependent read splitting as well as a versatile demultiplexing system (section 2.4). Defaults<br />

of the program are congured such that no ltering is applied automatically, but quality<br />

lters indicated by the input format are respected. Supported read ltering operations must be<br />

selectively enabled by the user <strong>and</strong> are applied in a dened order.<br />

SHORE import further provides optional functionality for partitioning its output into batches of<br />

xed, user denable size, as well as additionally by the length of the processed reads. As sequence<br />

length is a highly signicant property e. g. for small RNA data, length partitioning facilitates<br />

selection of subsets relevant to the respective analysis. <strong>Data</strong> partitioning may furthermore oer<br />

technical advantages. For example, large sequencing data sets may require a long period time<br />

to be written to disk, with a correspondingly high possibility of encountering system failures or<br />

other issues in the process. Reduction of the amount of data stored in a single le represents a<br />

trivial yet eective measure for limiting the signicance of such failures for processing operations<br />

that are applied on a per-le basis. As SHORE is capable of merging sorted data sets on-the-y<br />

with minor processing overhead, potential downsides of data set partitioning are minimized.<br />

The original denition of the SHORE run directory hierarchy was amended to support nondestructive<br />

read ltering, sample demultiplexing <strong>and</strong> raw data recovery. The directory hierarchy<br />

by default includes four levels (gure 2.5). The root of the hierarchy represents a single run of<br />

a sequencing instrument. This directory is named according to the respective output directory<br />

parameter, an arbitrary user provided string. Subdirectory names have dened meanings. The<br />

rst level below the root directory comprises of solely numeric names, representing the individual<br />

physically separated lanes of the sequencing run. The second level includes two dierent types<br />

of directory. Cleaned <strong>and</strong> demultiplexed read data are stored in directories corresponding to<br />

the appropriate sample identier prexed by the string sample_. On the same level, a directory<br />

filtered stores all data required to restore the original unedited data set.<br />

A further sub-level resides within the sample directories. Valid paired-end sequencing reads<br />

are partitioned into directories named according to an integer enumeration of the paired-end<br />

read indexes. Reads obtained by single end sequencing or paired-end reads losing their partner<br />

due to read ltering are stored in a separate directory single. <strong>Data</strong> les are stored either


Run-EAS67.136<br />

1<br />

2<br />

ltered<br />

sample_Ler-1<br />

sample_Col-0<br />

sample_Kro-0<br />

sample_Bur-0<br />

ltered<br />

1<br />

2<br />

single<br />

1<br />

2<br />

single<br />

1<br />

2<br />

single<br />

1<br />

2<br />

single<br />

Figure 2.5: SHORE Run Directory Hierarchy<br />

directly in the single <strong>and</strong> paired-end directories, or below a further sub-level for batching or read<br />

length-dependent partitioning.<br />

On completion of a batch of reads, the associated le is sorted to enable accelerated queries<br />

on the data set (section 2.2.3) <strong>and</strong> compressed in a supported indexed compression format (section<br />

2.2.4). Output is formatted in SHORE's FlatRead format; results of read trimming <strong>and</strong><br />

clipping are on request reported via a set of optional tags rather than being applied directly<br />

to make ltering results available for further customized processing. Optionally, SHORE directory<br />

hierarchy output can be disabled to transform the program into a Unix pipeline-compliant<br />

st<strong>and</strong>alone read ltering utility. The application reports basic read trimming <strong>and</strong> ltering statistics,<br />

whereas quality <strong>and</strong> nucleotide content statistics are implemented as a separate module<br />

SHORE tagstats (section 2.8).<br />

SHORE import denes various dierent importers to be capable of dealing with a variety of<br />

input formats. For correct processing of read data, the program must be able to determine<br />

all reads belonging to the same read pairing. For pairing recognition to be possible without<br />

disproportional time or memory overhead, input data must be ordered according to adequate<br />

criteria. Currently available importers allow input where read pairs are provided as separate,<br />

correspondingly ordered les such as Illumina GAPipeline directories, sets of FASTQ les or<br />

SOLiD color space FASTA les, as well as sorted input in FlatRead, FASTQ, Illumina QSEQ or<br />

454 SFF format. Therefore, unordered input data require preprocessing, but can be conveniently<br />

passed to the application via Unix pipes using utilities SHORE convert <strong>and</strong> SHORE sort.<br />

Our utility automatically recognizes any filtered directories residing within SHORE run or<br />

lane directories that are passed to it as input. The contents of these directories are automatically<br />

parsed to restore the original state of the data prior to any SHORE specic ltering, optionally<br />

re-ltering the data set with altered settings. Filtering dened by the original input format is<br />

by default restored as well, but can be explicitly ignored. By passing the restored output to the<br />

tool SHORE convert, raw data can be obtained for distribution in a variety of widely supported<br />

formats.<br />

2.4 A Flexible Sequencing Read Demultiplexing System<br />

To minimize cost per sequenced base, next-generation sequencing instruments must be uncompromisingly<br />

optimized for maximum throughput, at the expense of generating more data in a<br />

single run than would be required for many types of research project. Therefore, most current se-


quencers feature physically separated sequencing lanes or dierent types of ow cells or ow chips<br />

to allow either to distribute overall throughput to multiple samples or to enable reduced-output<br />

modes of operation. While physical compartmentalization allows simple sample multiplexing<br />

without any requirement for adaptation of work ows, it is tied to the sequencing hardware <strong>and</strong><br />

therefore oers very limited capabilities.<br />

Bar coded multiplexing strategies have thus quickly become the method of choice to achieve<br />

greater operational exibility with the primarily throughput-optimized high-end sequencer models.<br />

Bar coding protocols oer near-perfect scalability by allowing to distribute per-run sequencing<br />

depth to an almost arbitrary number of samples.<br />

Bar coded sequencing data require that prior to further analysis demultiplexing is performed<br />

in software to separate the respective samples as well as sample sequences from the articial bar<br />

code oligomers. The SHORE import utility integrates a exible demultiplexer capable of dealing<br />

with a wide variety of st<strong>and</strong>ard <strong>and</strong> custom bar coding protocols. The respective bar coding<br />

setup is provided by the user in a simple tab-delimited sample sheet format. Our tool supports<br />

all combinations of 5 ′ bar code ligation <strong>and</strong> index read protocols, variable length bar codes <strong>and</strong><br />

is able to take advantage of additional common subsequences such as e. g. restrictions sites in<br />

RAD-Seq applications (section 1.3).<br />

2.4.1 Overview<br />

Bar coding is realized by fusing sample DNA with index oligomers that serve as an unambiguous<br />

sample identier. Ligation of these bar codes can be achieved in many dierent ways, each coming<br />

with a dierent set of advantages <strong>and</strong> disadvantages regarding <strong>lib</strong>rary preparation, cost <strong>and</strong><br />

exibility. Therefore, various bar coding protocols as well as dierent bar coding kits provided<br />

by sequencing instrument vendors are available.<br />

Using the Illumina platform, index sequences may be associated with particular sequencing<br />

primers to be read as a separate index read. Other protocols ligate bar codes to be read in one<br />

go with the sample DNA, resulting in index oligomer <strong>and</strong> sample DNA being fused into a single<br />

sequence read. Moreover, paired-end sequencing protocols imply various possible bar coding<br />

congurations, with oligomer labels either attached to the start of just one of the sequencing<br />

reads, identical labels attached to either read, or dierent labels inserted at the start of the<br />

rst <strong>and</strong> the second read. Labeling reads individually, or even combining 5 ′ <strong>and</strong> index read bar<br />

codes, enables large numbers of samples to be discriminated using only few dierent oligomer<br />

tags, at the cost of a more elaborate sample preparation procedure <strong>and</strong> an increased overhead<br />

in sequencing cycles.<br />

Often multiple dierent labels are chosen to identify each respective sample. For example,<br />

strong bias in the sequenced sample may in certain cases interfere with sequencing instrument<br />

ca<strong>lib</strong>ration, <strong>and</strong> due to that the set of bar code oligomers must be carefully compiled to achieve<br />

a largely balanced nucleotide composition in the multiplexed DNA.<br />

Demultiplexing via tools provided by the sequencing instrument vendors is usually only possible<br />

for the vendor-specic indexing protocols. With the increasing variety in dierent bar coding<br />

protocols, we have gradually developed bar code matching integrated with the SHORE import utility<br />

into a exible demultiplexing solution that is congurable for all compositions of index read<br />

<strong>and</strong> 5 ′ ligated bar coding via a simple sample sheet format. We employ a read oriented format to<br />

avoid manual enumeration of all valid bar code combinations for multi bar code congurations.<br />

Prior to resolving tuples of bar codes to the appropriate sample identiers, bar code matching is<br />

performed individually for each read for improved performance <strong>and</strong> detection of potential mislabeling.<br />

The current bar code matching implementation is able to tolerate a xed, user-specied<br />

number of mismatches <strong>and</strong> no gaps.


1 #?sample read barcode<br />

Col-0 2 TTCACG<br />

Col-0 2 GGATGT<br />

Ler-1 2 CTAGGC<br />

5 Ler-1 2 AGACCA<br />

Listing 2.1: Example of a Simple Demultiplexing Sheet<br />

2.4.2 A Format for Description of Multiplexing Setups<br />

A SHORE demultiplexing sample sheet is a simple tab-delimited text table with named columns.<br />

The recognized column names are lane, sample, barcode_group, read, barcode, extbarcode<br />

<strong>and</strong> barcode_type.<br />

The sample sheet is parsed utilizing a generic table input API provided by the SHORE <strong>lib</strong>rary.<br />

Column names are dened in the header line, the rst non-empty line of the le that is not a line<br />

comment, or is introduced with a special comment tag #?. Columns are recognized by name<br />

<strong>and</strong> may occur in arbitrary order; further columns may be present, but are ignored.<br />

The only m<strong>and</strong>atory column, named sample, denes the sample identiers that bar codes are<br />

to be translated to. All further columns may be added in arbitrary combinations <strong>and</strong> order. A<br />

typical simple index read demultiplexing conguration is described by additionally specifying the<br />

read <strong>and</strong> barcode columns (listing 2.1), with read specifying the index of the read that contains<br />

the bar code tag <strong>and</strong> barcode the actual sequence of the bar code oligomer. The read index<br />

column may be omitted, indicating that all sequence reads of a pair are attached to identical bar<br />

codes.<br />

Index read <strong>and</strong> 5 ′ bar coding require suitable treatment of the respective bar code oligomers.<br />

While 5 ′ bar codes must be clipped, with the remaining part of the read sequence to be retained,<br />

index reads must be removed completely from the data set. The default implemented in SHORE<br />

is to apply bar code clipping if the sample sheet entry refers to the rst read or if the read<br />

index was omitted, <strong>and</strong> to lter bar-coded reads where the read index is greater than one. The<br />

barcode_type column allows to explicitly control this behavior. SHORE accepts bar code types<br />

read, 5prime <strong>and</strong> none, where the type is associated with the read index, i. e. all of a lane's<br />

entries with the same read index must also specify the same bar code type. Bar codes of type<br />

read will trigger ltering of the entire bar code associated read, whereas 5prime bar codes will<br />

be clipped.<br />

For congurations with bar code information distributed across multiple sequence reads, several<br />

entries with dierent read index values are for each sample added to the denition (listing 2.2,<br />

lines 47). The sample sheet entries will then be grouped on the sample identier, with each<br />

possible combination of bar codes with diering read indexes considered a valid bar code tuple<br />

for the respective sample. Sample sheet entries with the special sample identier * are interpreted<br />

as valid for each sample specied for the respective sequencing lane (e. g. lines 1617).<br />

For example, listing 2.2 denes two valid bar codes for the Ler-1 sample for each of the three<br />

sequencing reads, <strong>and</strong> thus 2 3 = 8 valid 3-tuples of bar codes that can be resolved to that sample.<br />

Automatic combination of all entries listed for a sample can be controlled by the user via<br />

specication of the barcode_group column. Sample sheet entries with dierent bar code group<br />

values are not able to form a valid bar code tuple (e. g. listing 2.2, lines 1013). For example, the<br />

rst read bar code specied in line 10 for the Col-0 sample may only combined with the second<br />

read entry from line 11 <strong>and</strong> not the one from line 13. Furthermore, a combination of line 10 <strong>and</strong><br />

13 would collide with the bar code tuples including entries from line 4 <strong>and</strong> 7, which are already<br />

specied to resolve to the Ler-1 sample. As with the sample column, the bar code group may be<br />

set to * to specify <strong>and</strong> entry that refers to all groups of the respective sample in the respective


1 #?lane sample barcode_group read barcode extbarcode barcode_type<br />

# Bar codes for the Ler-1 sample.<br />

1 Ler-1 0 1 AACT TGCAG 5prime<br />

5 1 Ler-1 0 1 TAGC TGCAG 5prime<br />

1 Ler-1 0 2 AACT * read<br />

1 Ler-1 0 2 CCCT * read<br />

# Bar codes for the Col-0 sample.<br />

10 1 Col-0 0 1 AACTT GCAG 5prime<br />

1 Col-0 0 2 GGAC * read<br />

1 Col-0 1 1 TTGCT GCAG 5prime<br />

1 Col-0 1 2 CCCT * read<br />

15 # Third read has the same bar codes for all valid samples.<br />

1 * * 3 GGAC * 5prime<br />

1 * * 3 TTGC * 5prime<br />

# Lane 2 is not multiplexed, discard the index read.<br />

20 2 Bur-0 0 2 * * read<br />

Listing 2.2: Example of a Full Demultiplexing Sheet<br />

lane (e. g. lines 1617).<br />

For certain applications, the identity of several nucleotides immediately following 5 ′ bar code<br />

sequences is known, like for example restriction site sequence in RAD-Seq (section 1.3). While<br />

such sequences can be exploited to correctly assign each read to the appropriate sample, they<br />

usually should in contrast to the bar code oligomers not be removed from the output. Parts of the<br />

recognition sequence that should not be clipped from the read can be specied in the extended<br />

bar code (extbarcode) eld of the table. Internally, the sequence to be recognized is contructed<br />

by concatenation of the barcode <strong>and</strong> extbarcode elds, while the division of sequence among<br />

both elds is translated into a bar code cut position. For bar code types other than 5prime, the<br />

split into bar code <strong>and</strong> extended bar code has no eect. The bar code cut position is determined<br />

in the context of the respective bar code tuple, i. e. for the same recognition sequence dierent<br />

samples may dene a dierent split between bar code <strong>and</strong> extended bar code, as demonstrated<br />

by lines 4 <strong>and</strong> 10 of listing 2.2. If no part of the recognition sequence is to be removed from the<br />

output, then the entire oligomer can be provided as extended bar code, with column barcode<br />

either omitted or set to * .<br />

If neither bar code nor extended bar code are provided with a value other than * , then the<br />

respective sample sheet entry will match any read sequence. With bar code type either none<br />

or 5prime, such an entry can be utilized for assigning a certain sample identier to an entire<br />

sequencing lane. On the other h<strong>and</strong>, this property may be exploited to completely remove all<br />

reads with a certain read index from the output (e. g. listing 2.2, line 20).<br />

The sample sheet column lane serves to allow independent demultiplexing specications for<br />

dierent sequencing lanes in a single sample sheet le. Rows with diering sequencing lane elds<br />

are completely independent of each other. If the sequencing lane column is omitted, then the<br />

entire demultiplexing specication is considered valid for all lanes of the instrument run.


2.4.3 Barcode Recognition <strong>and</strong> Sample Resolution<br />

Despite current sequencing technologies having reached rather high levels of stability, single cycle<br />

quality dropouts can not completely ruled out. Therefore, algorithms matching reads <strong>and</strong> bar<br />

code oligomers should be able to tolerate at least limited hamming or edit distance. Rather than<br />

directly mapping each tuple of reads to one of the potentially huge number of possible bar code<br />

tuples with a certain cumulative edit distance, our algorithm proceeds by individually assigning<br />

each sequence read to a specic bar code.<br />

Sample demultiplexing is thus broken down into three successive operations. First, each<br />

sequencing read is matched to the set of allowed bar code sequences associated with the respective<br />

read index. Subsequently, given all sequences for a ow chamber spot could be matched to one<br />

of the oligomers, the resulting tuple of bar codes is mapped to the appropriate sample identier.<br />

Following successful bar code resolution, reads are then pruned of the index oligomers as required.<br />

The initial bar code recognition step tolerates up to a xed, user specied hamming distance<br />

between prex of the sequencing read <strong>and</strong> bar code sequence. We perform a staged prex<br />

matching to precomputed sorted sets of sequences, where each stage corresponds to a certain<br />

hamming distance to the exact tag sequences. The set of sequences for each stage is generated<br />

from the set of valid tags for the respective read index by recursively mutating the sequences<br />

of the respective previous set, with the mutated sequences carrying a pointer to the original<br />

unmodied bar code. Potential collisions in bar code resolution are automatically detected <strong>and</strong><br />

the corresponding entries pruned. At each stage, the read being assessed is used to query the set<br />

of tag sequences utilizing a binary relation that denes a pair of sequences as equivalent given<br />

that one is the prex of the other. If the query returns no result, the algorithm proceeds to the<br />

next stage, until the user specied number of mismatches is reached <strong>and</strong> the read is discarded<br />

as unresolvable.<br />

Given a tuple of reads could thus be successfully mapped to a tuple of valid index sequences,<br />

the set of valid bar code tuples is interrogated to resolve the bar code combination to the appropriate<br />

sample identier. Each of the reads is then either pruned of its 5 ′ end or agged as ltered<br />

according to the sample sheet's bar code type specication. Since the bar code cut position can<br />

in general only be resolved in the context of the complete bar code tuple, this clipping operation<br />

is postponed until sample identier <strong>and</strong> bar code group have been resolved.<br />

Due to its restriction to hamming distance rather than edit distance, our demultiplexer is of<br />

limited applicability to indel-prone sequencing technologies such as 454, Ion Torrent of SMRT<br />

sequencing. However, in certain cases perfect matching may be sucient, or probable indels<br />

might be represented explicitly in the sample sheet. In setups requiring very long bar code<br />

oligomers <strong>and</strong> a high mismatch tolerance, recursive generation of the mutated bar code sets<br />

threatens to become overly resource intensive. However, bar code matching is implemented as<br />

one of several isolated modules with a simple interface, such that additional matching options<br />

might easily be added in the future as required, e. g. utilizing the dynamic programming alignment<br />

algorithms provided by the SHORE <strong>lib</strong>rary. For highly customized context sensitive read clipping<br />

<strong>and</strong> splitting allowing for gaps <strong>and</strong> user dened scoring schemes, we provide a separate utility<br />

SHORE oligo-match (section 2.5).<br />

2.5 Versatile Oligomer Detection <strong>and</strong> Read Clipping<br />

In addition to sample demultiplexing, a wealth of dierent <strong>lib</strong>rary preparation protocols <strong>and</strong><br />

sequencing applications exist that involve ligation of certain adapter or linker sequences, or otherwise<br />

require sequence context aware clipping or splitting of the unprocessed read sequences.<br />

Depending on the protocol or application, the respective recognition sequences may be degener-


ate or truncated in various ways. Therefore, computational tools are required that are capable of<br />

detecting optimal sequence matches given dened constraints, <strong>and</strong> can utilize detected matches<br />

for pruning, splitting or otherwise manipulating sequencing read data according to user requirements.<br />

In this work, a highly congurable utility SHORE oligo-match for pair-wise sequence matching<br />

<strong>and</strong> match based read manipulation was implemented. The program utilizes dynamic programming<br />

alignment algorithms with customized alignment matrix <strong>and</strong> backtrace initialization, modes<br />

of backtracing <strong>and</strong> match ltering. Various modes of sequencing read manipulation or annotation<br />

are provided, <strong>and</strong> full match information may be retrieved for advanced customization needs.<br />

Our application supports both threaded as well as distributed memory modes of parallel operation.<br />

It is applicable to matching, manipulating <strong>and</strong> ltering even large data sets of sequencing<br />

reads by a small set of provided oligomer sequences.<br />

2.5.1 Overview<br />

Optimal pairwise sequence alignments can be computed using well known dynamic programming<br />

algorithms, given that no larger-scale sequence rearrangements need to be accounted for. Pairwise<br />

alignment algorithms are grouped into two classes, global alignment methods like the Needleman-<br />

Wunsch algorithm [133] <strong>and</strong> local alignment such as the Smith-Waterman algorithm [134]. However,<br />

matching pairs of short sequences such as high throughput sequencing reads <strong>and</strong> adapter<br />

oligomers usually implies specic sequence overlap congurations, <strong>and</strong> therefore represents neither<br />

a global nor local alignment use case.<br />

Mate pair sequencing <strong>lib</strong>raries for Roche 454 Genome Sequencer instruments are constructed<br />

through the Cre/lox system. Cre is an enzyme that catalyzes site specic recombination at<br />

pairs of lox sequences. The protocol exploits this anity for circularizing multiple kilobase DNA<br />

fragments. Circularized DNA is then cut in relative proximity to the recombination site to<br />

obtain a shorter linear fragment consisting of the inverted ends of the original fragment joined<br />

by a linker oligomer that includes a lox sequence. To obtain mate pair reads, the compound<br />

insert is sequenced <strong>and</strong> then split computationally adjacent to the detected location of the linker<br />

oligomer.<br />

Cre/lox mate pair sequencing protocols have also been introduced to Illumina technology<br />

[135]. Due to the by comparison short read lengths, both ends of the circularized fragment<br />

cannot in general be retrieved as a single sequence read <strong>and</strong> thus the insert is sequenced from<br />

both ends. The linker oligomer may be detectable in none, only one, or both sequences of a<br />

read pair, depending on read length, linker position <strong>and</strong> size of the insert.<br />

Recognition <strong>and</strong> removal of adapter oligomers is further required in all situations where there<br />

is an overlap between the distributions of insert size <strong>and</strong> sequencing read length. In small RNA<br />

sequencing, all relevant sequencing reads will contain the 3 ′ sequencing adapter due to the short<br />

length of the sequenced polymer. Alternative multiplexing protocols are enabled by this property<br />

where the bar code oligomer is ligated to the 3 ′ <strong>lib</strong>rary adapter. In total RNA <strong>lib</strong>raries adapter<br />

sequences are in contrast only picked up in a minority of reads.<br />

Adapter <strong>and</strong> linker recognition require nding the optimal pair-wise alignment with the constraint<br />

of specic sequence overlap congurations. We dene ve dierent keywords global,<br />

local, dangling_qry, dangling_ref <strong>and</strong> dangling_any for description of pair-wise sequence<br />

overlap congurations. At either end of the sequence alignment there are four dierent possible<br />

overlap congurations overhang of the reference sequence (dangling_ref), overhang of<br />

the query sequence (dangling_qry), unaligned sequence in both reference <strong>and</strong> query (local) as<br />

well as no sequence overhang (global) <strong>and</strong> therefore 16 dierent alignment congurations in<br />

total (table 2.3).


Alignment Matrix initialization (left end) Backtracing (right end)<br />

1 global global<br />

2 global dangling_qry, dangling_any<br />

3 global dangling_ref, dangling_any<br />

4 global local<br />

5 dangling_qry, dangling_any global<br />

6 dangling_qry, dangling_any dangling_qry, dangling_any<br />

7 dangling_qry, dangling_any dangling_ref, dangling_any<br />

8 dangling_qry, dangling_any local<br />

9 dangling_ref, dangling_any global<br />

10 dangling_ref, dangling_any dangling_qry, dangling_any<br />

11 dangling_ref, dangling_any dangling_ref, dangling_any<br />

12 dangling_ref, dangling_any local<br />

13 local global<br />

14 local dangling_qry, dangling_any<br />

15 local dangling_ref, dangling_any<br />

16 local local<br />

Table 2.3: Dynamic <strong>Programming</strong> Alignment Modes


The conguration depicted in the rst column indicates the type of end overhang that should<br />

not be penalized by the alignment algorithm's scoring method, with the lower line dened as<br />

reference (ref) <strong>and</strong> the upper line as query (qry). The dierent end alignment modes form a<br />

hierarchy of constraints, with dangling_any a subset of local, dangling_qry <strong>and</strong> dangling_ref<br />

subsets of dangling_any, <strong>and</strong> global a common subset dangling_qry <strong>and</strong> dangling_ref.<br />

The term query will be used in the following to always indicate the sequencing read, <strong>and</strong><br />

reference may thus refer to a possibly much shorter oligomer sequence. Alignment of a short<br />

read to a part of a genomic reference sequence constitutes an example of overlap conguration 11,<br />

dened by the keyword pair (dangling_ref;dangling_ref). Detection of sequencing adapters<br />

or 3 ′ bar codes in small RNA sequencing data corresponds to congurations 6 or 7, depending<br />

on whether the read contains the entire or only the partial adapter sequence. This subset of<br />

congurations is dened by the pair (dangling_qry;dangling_any). Detection of bar codes in<br />

5 ′ bar-coded sequences is represented by case 2 (global;dangling_qry).<br />

For Cre/lox-type recombinant mate pair sequencing varied overlap constraints may be appropriate<br />

depending on the desired sensitivity-specicity tradeo. Conservative detection of<br />

linker sequences in valid 454 type mate pairs corresponds to conguration 6. Illumina Cre/lox<br />

mate pair protocols obtain read pairs where the linker sequence is expected towards the end<br />

of either read (conguration 6 or 7). Occasionally one of the enzymatic cuts of the circular<br />

DNA may also occur inside the linker DNA. Such cases are described by conguration<br />

10. The subset of congurations 6, 7 <strong>and</strong> 10 constitutes a case of mutually dependent end<br />

alignment congurations. Thus, it can not be accounted for by a single keyword pair, but the<br />

two pairs (dangling_qry;dangling_any) <strong>and</strong> (dangling_ref;dangling_qry) (or alternatively,<br />

(dangling_any;dangling_qry) <strong>and</strong> (dangling_qry;dangling_ref)).<br />

The SHORE oligo-match utility is capable of for each sequencing read selecting the optimal<br />

alignment or alignments out of multiple pairs of end alignment modes, multiple reference<br />

oligomers <strong>and</strong> optionally their reverse complemented sequence.<br />

By utilizing a fully customizable 16x16 scoring matrix, the program enables adjustable h<strong>and</strong>ling<br />

of ambiguous IUPAC nucleotide codes as well as asymmetric base mismatch penalties with<br />

respect to the direction of the match.<br />

A pair-wise sequence mapping is composed of two pairs of end coordinates as well as the<br />

alignment describing actual base pairings <strong>and</strong> sequence gaps. To increase specicity of read<br />

clipping <strong>and</strong> splitting operations, it is desirable to ensure that optimal pair-wise mappings feature<br />

a unique pair of end coordinates, whereas potential alternative alignments can be considered<br />

irrelevant. Our alignment algorithm is capable of either generating an exhaustive list of all<br />

possible alignments, a list featuring a representative of all alignments with a dierent pair of<br />

end coordinates, or just a single representative for each pair-wise mapping, which is optionally<br />

assessed for uniqueness of end coordinates.<br />

The utility provides lters for pair-wise mappings with respect to uniqueness of oligomer<br />

selection <strong>and</strong> end coordinates. Alignments valid following ltering may be comprehensively<br />

reported <strong>and</strong> applied to clipping or splitting sequencing reads at either, or at both ends of the<br />

detected oligomer.<br />

2.5.2 Dynamic <strong>Programming</strong> Alignment <strong>and</strong> Backtracing Pipeline<br />

Our alignment pipeline proceeds in three subsequent passes. Initially dynamic programming<br />

alignment of the sequencing read is performed to each oligomer <strong>and</strong> for each pair of provided end<br />

alignment modes. The optimal alignment or alignments are passed to the backtracing module.<br />

Finally, generated traces are ltered <strong>and</strong> may subsequently be applied to read manipulation.


While alignment scores become available after the initial stage, ltering is delayed until after<br />

backtracing for reasons of threshold calculation.<br />

The end alignment mode for the left end of the alignment determines the mode of alignment<br />

matrix initialization <strong>and</strong> alignment score calculation. With left end alignment mode local<br />

initialization <strong>and</strong> score calculation proceeds according to st<strong>and</strong>ard local alignment, with rst<br />

row <strong>and</strong> column initialized to zero <strong>and</strong> the alignment score at each eld of the matrix truncated<br />

at zero from below. Left end mode dangling_any utilizes the same matrix initialization, but<br />

does not clip alignment scores at zero. With dangling_ref <strong>and</strong> dangling_qry, only the rst row<br />

or column is zero-initialized, respectively, given the width of the matrix is determined by the<br />

size of the reference sequence. Sequence overhangs for the respective other sequence are valued<br />

with the regular gap penalty. Mode global does not perform pre-initialization of the matrix, as<br />

in st<strong>and</strong>ard global alignment.<br />

For selection of the best out of multiple permitted pairs of end alignment mode for a reference<br />

oligomer, multiple passes of dynamic programming alignment must be performed due to the<br />

distinct requirements of matrix initialization. For each distinct left end alignment mode a corresponding<br />

right end alignment mode may be dened. However, alignment is only performed if the<br />

conguration is not included by a dierent pair of modes specied, i. e. if the constraint on the<br />

right end of the alignment is weaker than that specied by the next left end mode that includes the<br />

current one. Due to the hierarchical nature of tolerated sequence overhang congurations there<br />

is nonetheless a chance that the same alignment will be produced multiple times by dierent keyword<br />

pairs. For example, (dangling_ref;dangling_qry) <strong>and</strong> (dangling_qry;dangling_ref)<br />

both dene supersets of the (global;global) conguration. Such redundancies can be eliminated<br />

prior to backtracing by determining the subset of the respective end alignment mode that<br />

has already been covered by previous alignments <strong>and</strong> excluding it by assigning corresponding<br />

elds of the alignment matrix the maximum penalty.<br />

For backtracing initialization <strong>and</strong> alignment score calculation, the alignment algorithm<br />

keeps track of values <strong>and</strong> locations of last row, last column <strong>and</strong> global score maximums for the<br />

matrix. Mirroring matrix initialization, backtracing starts at global score maximums for right<br />

end alignment mode local, at last row <strong>and</strong> last column maximums for modes dangling_ref<br />

<strong>and</strong> dangling_qry, respectively, at the combined last row <strong>and</strong> last column maximums for<br />

dangling_any, <strong>and</strong> at the lower right corner for global.<br />

Whenever the backtracing algorithm encounters multiple possible elds of origin for an alignment<br />

score, alternative paths are stacked for later completion, unless retrieval of only a single<br />

representative alignment was requested. While exhaustive tracing of all possible alignment paths<br />

can be combinatorially unfavorable, generating a representative for all distinct pairs of mapping<br />

end coordinates can be performed eciently. For this purpose, each eld of the matrix that has<br />

been reached by the backtracing algorithm from the same right end coordinates is marked as<br />

visited. If a eld marked as visited is reached from one of the stacked alternative paths, the<br />

respective path is aborted <strong>and</strong> the algorithm proceeds to assessing the next path.<br />

For read clipping purposes it is typically only relevant whether an oligomer can be assigned<br />

to unique coordinates on the sequencing read. For assessment of coordinate uniqueness, the<br />

backtracing algorithm proceeds only until alternative end coordinates have been encountered, <strong>and</strong><br />

the alternative trace is not emitted. If the backtrace completes without encountering coordinates<br />

dierent from the primary trace, its end coordinates are marked as unique.<br />

Reliability of a sequence match is determined by both the length of the match <strong>and</strong> its relative<br />

amount <strong>and</strong> type of edit operations. Alignment score ltering is therefore congured by setting<br />

slope <strong>and</strong> oset of a linear function. By default, the function's parameter is the length within the<br />

shorter sequence out of reference <strong>and</strong> query that is spanned by the match. Alignments with a<br />

score below the threshold thus calculated are not propagated to the list of results <strong>and</strong> sequencing


read manipulation. Alternatively, the score threshold may be set up to be calculated using the<br />

total length of the selected sequence as the function parameter.<br />

2.6 A Parallelization Front-End for Short Read Alignment Tools<br />

A great variety of sequencing read mapping <strong>and</strong> alignment programs are nowadays available to<br />

users. While most of these applications are similar in operation, each comes with its own specic<br />

user interface <strong>and</strong> usage peculiarities. Despite the huge selection of dierent implementations<br />

<strong>and</strong> extensive optimization of the underlying mapping <strong>and</strong> alignment algorithms, read mapping<br />

is furthermore still one of the computationally most expensive steps for resequencing applications<br />

(section 1.5.3). While parallel processing can often solve the issue of extensive run times,<br />

parallelization support is not uniform among all available solutions. Therefore, as each read<br />

alignment tool comes with its own set of trade-os, strengths <strong>and</strong> weaknesses, users are often left<br />

to decide between performance <strong>and</strong> required or desired features, <strong>and</strong> frequently need to adapt to<br />

dierent interfaces.<br />

The SHORE mapowcell application is a parallelization, pre- <strong>and</strong> post-processing wrapper for<br />

a variety of widely used <strong>and</strong> freely available short read mappers [1]. In addition to shared memory<br />

parallelization, the application has been reimplemented supporting networked distributed<br />

memory architectures through the Message Passing Interface (MPI) st<strong>and</strong>ard. Further added<br />

capabilities include automatic adjustment of parameters for h<strong>and</strong>ling of data sets with heterogeneous<br />

read lengths, as well as straightforward integration of mapping results obtained using<br />

dierent aligner back-ends or sets of mapping parameters. The program thus constitutes a<br />

meta-alignment tool able to amend mapped sequencing read data sets using dierent aligners,<br />

parameters or additional reference sequence information. Such multi-pass read mapping may<br />

especially benet computationally expensive approaches such as spliced read mapping.<br />

SHORE mapowcell currently provides a common user interface to the tools GenomeMapper,<br />

BWA, Bowtie, Bowtie2, ELAND <strong>and</strong> BLAT. User parameters are automatically transformed into<br />

the appropriate equivalent for the respective mapping back-end <strong>and</strong> results consistently reported<br />

in compressed, seekable SHORE MapList format easily convertible to various data exchange formats<br />

such as SAM.<br />

Ion or pyrosequencing read data sets as well as other types of sequencing data set following<br />

quality based read trimming (section 2.3) or sequence context specic read clipping (section 2.5)<br />

feature read length distributions with broad support range. However, many read mapping tools<br />

only support a set of static alignment parameters provided at program startup, resulting in<br />

below-par mapping specicity for reads on the lower tail of the read length distribution <strong>and</strong><br />

insucient sensitivity for reads at the upper end of the length spectrum.<br />

The SHORE mapowcell application automates read length-dependent selection of all relevant<br />

alignment parameters such as maximum tolerated edit distance, gap extension lengths or seed<br />

sizes. These user parameters may be provided as either absolute values or percentage of read<br />

length; additionally, edit distance may be bounded according to the alignment seed lemma.<br />

Given a certain read length l <strong>and</strong> edit distance d, a read alignment is guaranteed to contain a<br />

perfectly matching seed of size s = ⌊l/(d + 1)⌋, <strong>and</strong> therefore the maximum edit distance that<br />

guarantees nding a seed for each valid mapping is d = ⌊l/s⌋ − 1. We provide two modes of<br />

reducing the initially specied edit distance. A mode strict limits maximum edit distance to<br />

d max = ⌊l/s⌋ − 1, thereby ensuring that either all valid alignments with optimal edit distance<br />

are found for a read, or it is left unmapped (further seed selection heuristics implemented by<br />

the mapping tool excluded). <strong>An</strong> alternative setting on sets a weaker limit d max = ⌊l/s⌋, such<br />

that some of multiple mappings with the same edit distance may be missed, but reads are left<br />

unmapped if valid alignments at lesser edit distance can not be excluded.


Sequencing of DNA that is highly diverged from available reference genome sequences as well<br />

as transcriptome sequencing due to intron exon junctions imply that many sequencing reads<br />

can not be mapped to the reference as a contiguous unit. Such data must be mapped using<br />

specialized spliced sequencing read mapping programs like PALMapper [94] or generic matching<br />

tools such as BLAT [136]. Specialized spliced mapping algorithms may however represent a<br />

suboptimal choice for mapping the entire data set, either for reasons of performance or specicity.<br />

A dierent, yet related problem pose cases where the respective reference sequence is too large<br />

to be h<strong>and</strong>led with a certain combination of mapping tool <strong>and</strong> available hardware. Our utility<br />

is able to mitigate these issues through automatic combination of the results of multiple read<br />

mapping passes using dierent alignment tools, parameters or reference sequence information.<br />

Two dierent re-mapping modes oer either full reassessment of the entire data set utilizing<br />

the information of prior read mapping passes, or processing <strong>and</strong> integrating additional mapping<br />

results for read previously not mappable to the reference genome.<br />

For robust h<strong>and</strong>ling of variable reference sequence information provided to the program,<br />

SHORE mapowcell maintains a sequence dictionary used to record reference sequence identiers,<br />

metadata <strong>and</strong> checksums along with the alignment result le. With each read mapping pass the<br />

reference dictionary is updated appropriately <strong>and</strong> possible additional sequences are assigned new<br />

unique sequence identiers as required.<br />

For reassessment of read previously not mappable to the reference genome, mapping proceeds<br />

as in single pass application, <strong>and</strong> results are the union of all newly discovered read mappings with<br />

the results of the previous pass. For full renement of entire data sets, both previously mapped<br />

<strong>and</strong> unmapped reads become subject to realignment. Previous mapping results are however<br />

factored into calculation of alignment parameters <strong>and</strong> determination of batch identity. On completion,<br />

results of the current <strong>and</strong> previous mapping run are merged while at the same time<br />

pruning read alignments rendered suboptimal by the newly obtained results from the mapping<br />

data set.<br />

Read mapping tools incorporating computationally more expensive spliced alignment algorithms<br />

further emphasize the need for ecient <strong>and</strong> capable parallelization of the mapping process.<br />

While many aligners implement simple threaded parallelization, support is not universal, <strong>and</strong><br />

only a few mapping tool-specic solutions exist for distributed memory settings or cloud environments,<br />

like e. g. CloudBurst [95]. SHORE mapowcell implements a simple batch-based parallelization<br />

approach, in which automatically generated batches of input data may be distributed<br />

to either an alignment tool running in multi-threaded mode, to multiple aligner processes instantiated<br />

on the same machine, to alignment tools running within MPI processes distributed over a<br />

network, or a hybrid combination of all of the above.<br />

SHORE mapowcell denes a binary relation on read data by which reads are equivalent if<br />

they are set to be aligned using the same combination of static mapping parameters, <strong>and</strong> divides<br />

the data set into batches accordingly. Reads are partitioned into batch-specic les in SHORE's<br />

temporary le directory <strong>and</strong>, on reaching a user specied maximum batch size, submitted for<br />

parallel processing. Parallel operations include actual read mapping as well as format conversions<br />

<strong>and</strong> sorting where required. With ne tuning of the maximum batch size parameter, a simple<br />

measure is provided for adjustment of the tradeo between minimal parallelization overhead <strong>and</strong><br />

improved load balancing. For distributed memory parallelization, the temporary le location<br />

specied is required to be shared over the relevant network, with only meta information on each<br />

batch being transmitted via MPI channels for simplicity of implementation. On completion of<br />

all batches related to a specic input le, mapping results are automatically merged back into<br />

the permanent storage location.


2.7 Robust Detection of ChIP-Seq Enrichment<br />

Investigation of protein-DNA interaction by ChIP-Seq can help to further our underst<strong>and</strong>ing of<br />

cellular regulatory networks (section 1.3.2). Primary data analysis for ChIP-Seq experiments<br />

requires software tools that can pinpoint hundreds to thous<strong>and</strong>s of putative protein binding sites<br />

from data sets of high-throughput sequencing read alignments (section 1.5.6).<br />

This section discusses the peak calling pipeline SHORE peak integrated into the SHORE analysis<br />

suite. The utility is able to discriminate true enrichment from common artifact patterns using<br />

various robust heuristics, calculates false discovery rates (FDR) by interrogation of control experiments<br />

<strong>and</strong> implements a unique joint detection, separate evaluation approach to h<strong>and</strong>ling of<br />

replicate experiments. The program outputs locations of possible binding regions together with<br />

their FDR <strong>and</strong> various additional features potentially useful for ranking, ltering or ne-tuning<br />

the detection. It further enables users to generate graphical representations of peak regions,<br />

put detected loci into the context of available genome annotation or to extract binding region<br />

sequences for subsequent motif sampling <strong>and</strong> analysis.<br />

Our pipeline is pre-congured for straightforward detection of dened loci of ChIP-Seq enrichment<br />

as produced by transcription factor (TF) binding sites. Settings may however be adjusted<br />

to support the detection of clusters of enrichment that occur e. g. in data representing states<br />

of histone modication. Individual algorithms are implemented as pluggable modules <strong>and</strong> have<br />

been brought over to multi-purpose tools SHORE coverage <strong>and</strong> SHORE count, allowing ne-grained<br />

control <strong>and</strong> exible applicability of enrichment detection in diverse scenarios such as MNase-Seq<br />

assays or assessment of copy number variation (CNV).<br />

The SHORE peak pipeline has been outlined [58, 137] <strong>and</strong> further employed [138141] in multiple<br />

biological publications.<br />

2.7.1 Overview<br />

Were sequencing reads r<strong>and</strong>omly sampled from the genome, sequencing depth should be distributed<br />

according to the Poisson distribution whose parameter equals the average depth [142].<br />

Although high-throughput sequencing is known to be highly non-r<strong>and</strong>om, with biases that bring<br />

about considerable deviation from the Poisson model (section 1.4), the distribution can still<br />

present a powerful tool for the detection of irregularities in sequencing depth at high sensitivity.<br />

Our peak calling algorithm consists of two major steps. The rst pass is a detection phase that<br />

employs a relaxed Poisson assumption to the read alignment data generated through the ChIP-<br />

Seq experiment to identify regions of putative enrichment at high sensitivity. In the subsequent<br />

second pass implemented to improve specicity of the prediction, these c<strong>and</strong>idate regions are<br />

subjected to several robust empirical rules for artifact removal <strong>and</strong> further tested against control<br />

experiment data to assess signicance of the enrichment.<br />

2.7.2 Correcting for Duplicated Sequences<br />

The ChIP-Seq procedure yields quantities of DNA that are typically orders of magnitude below<br />

the amounts retrieved by other methods of DNA sampling. The excess PCR rounds required<br />

to obtain a compliant sequencing <strong>lib</strong>rary often bring about signicant amounts of duplicated<br />

sequences, reducing <strong>lib</strong>rary complexity. PCR may entail signicant sequence bias (section 1.4)<br />

with erratic rates of fragment duplication.<br />

Duplicate sequences represent the same fragment of DNA <strong>and</strong> therefore violate the assumption<br />

that each sequencing read is sampled independently from the set of sequences under examination.<br />

During detection of sequence enrichment, the presence of duplicate sequences must thus be<br />

explicitly accounted for by the predictive model, or these sequences must be pruned from the


data set prior to application of the actual detection algorithm. Most current ChIP-Seq analysis<br />

algorithms including SHORE peak implement a pruning approach.<br />

In the presence of sequencing errors or variable read length, PCR duplicates cannot be recognized<br />

by simply collapsing all reads having the same nucleotide sequence. Furthermore, at<br />

enriched loci identical sequences may be sampled independently. In the sequencer output, these<br />

identical sequences are thus indistinguishable from PCR artifacts.<br />

Duplicate recognition is therefore implemented as a ltering step that is applied after mapping<br />

the reads to the reference genome. ChIP-Seq algorithms typically restrict usage of duplicate reads<br />

by applying a static limit to the number of reads having their 5 ′ end mapped to the same position<br />

of the genome. While reliably removing duplicated sequences, the approach does not distinguish<br />

between duplication events <strong>and</strong> independent sampling, <strong>and</strong> thus suers from saturation once all<br />

reference positions are becoming occupied.<br />

We therefore adaptively remove PCR duplicates, using a heuristic based on the assumption<br />

that the number of non-duplicated reads n ∗ x that have their 5 ′ end at any position x of the<br />

genome is sampled from a Poisson distribution with unknown distribution parameter λ x , <strong>and</strong><br />

that each of these reads is represented on average by an unknown number of copies α x . Given the<br />

assumption holds, α x equals the dispersion index D x = σ 2 x/µ x for the read count distribution<br />

including duplicates. We further assume that all λ i <strong>and</strong> all α i for positions that are in close<br />

vicinity take similar values, <strong>and</strong> that the read count distribution for any position x can therefore<br />

be approximated using a short range of positions adjacent to x. Based on these assumptions,<br />

we estimate α for each position using a sliding window. In a window, the dispersion index is<br />

estimated as the ratio of the empirical variance <strong>and</strong> mean of the read counts. To increase the<br />

adaptiveness of the sliding window calculation, the ratio is calculated independently for a left<br />

window that includes all positions from x − k to x, <strong>and</strong> a right window including positions x to<br />

x + k<br />

ˆD left = s2 (x−k)..x<br />

¯n (x−k)..x<br />

ˆD right = s2 x..(x+k)<br />

¯n x..(x+k)<br />

with s 2 <strong>and</strong> ¯n the empirical variance <strong>and</strong> mean over the positions indicated, respectively. The<br />

left <strong>and</strong> right results are then averaged using the root mean square (RMS) of both values to<br />

obtain an estimate ˆα x of α x √<br />

1<br />

ˆα x =<br />

2 · ( ˆD left 2 + ˆD right 2 )<br />

The division into left <strong>and</strong> right windows should allow for sharper boundaries between enriched<br />

<strong>and</strong> background sites. RMS average over the two windows was chosen to ensure that re-evaluation<br />

using a scaled read count vector n ′ = n · 1/ˆα x as input will always yield ˆα ′ x = 1.0.<br />

In scenarios where it is desirable to retain the complete set of sequences with their associated<br />

base qualities, the estimated multiplicity factor ˆα x may be incorporated into the analysis by<br />

assigning each read starting at x a weight of 1/ˆα x during calculation of sequencing depth. If<br />

retaining all sequences is not a concern, the maximal number of reads may alternatively limited<br />

to ⌊n x /ˆα x ⌋, with n x the observed read count at a position x. The limiting approach is currently<br />

implemented in SHORE, discarding all excess alignments when the read count limit for the<br />

respective position has been reached.<br />

The duplicate correction algorithm does not provide any guarantees regarding the correctness<br />

of ˆα x . However, given that the variance of the read counts of adjacent positions is likely to<br />

exceed the Poisson assumption, average multiplicity should be overestimated. The algorithm is


therefore conservative in the sense that the true number of non-duplicated reads per position<br />

will be underestimated. In contrast to imposing a static limit on the number of reads accepted<br />

at each position, the adaptive heuristic still allows to discriminate dierent levels of extreme<br />

enrichment as well as peak calling in presence of deep background coverage.<br />

2.7.3 Detection Phase<br />

The ChIP-Seq procedure enriches for short DNA fragments with above average anity to the<br />

protein of interest. One or both ends of these fragments are subsequently sequenced, allowing<br />

detection of its origin on the reference genome assembly. In the following, the enriched DNA<br />

fragments subjected to sequencing will be referred to as inserts, whereas the sequenced ends<br />

of the fragments will be referred to as reads. The number of inserts putatively overlapping a<br />

position will be termed insert depth, <strong>and</strong> the number of reads overlapping the position read depth.<br />

The primary peak detection phase, resembling that of MACS [104] (section 1.5.6), is realized<br />

as a sliding window analysis of insert depth. A window of xed, user-selectable width is shifted<br />

along the reference sequence in single base steps. In each step, the algorithm calculates the<br />

average depth of insert coverage over the current window. In the case of paired-end sequencing,<br />

insert depth is calculated from the ranges dened by read pairs. For single end sequencing, each<br />

read is extended in 3 ′ direction to match the estimated average insert size. To exclude regions<br />

not accessible to the sequencing experiment, positions with sequencing depth zero are ignored,<br />

i. e. the average depth is calculated as<br />

∑<br />

¯d ′ x∈W<br />

W =<br />

d(x)<br />

|{x ∈ W : d(x) > 0}|<br />

where W is the set of reference sequence positions included by the sliding window <strong>and</strong> d(x)<br />

signies the depth at a position x. Since the sliding window may or may not contain enriched<br />

sites, ¯d′ W may be regarded a conservative estimate of the minimum average background signal<br />

over the window. ¯d′ W is used as the average coverage depth parameter to evaluate the potential<br />

enrichment at the central position x c of the sliding window by a one-sided Poisson test. The<br />

test calculates the p-value for the respective coverage depth from the cumulative distribution<br />

function for the upper tail of the Poisson distribution<br />

⌊d(x<br />

p(x c ) = 1 − e − ¯d ∑ c)⌋<br />

′<br />

W ·<br />

i=0<br />

( ¯d ′ W )i<br />

i!<br />

Consecutive positions falling below a certain signicance threshold, by default set to 0.05, are<br />

joined to form a c<strong>and</strong>idate region.<br />

Detection is ne-tunable using two auxiliary signicance thresholds. A relaxed probing signicance<br />

threshold is accepted to automatically join c<strong>and</strong>idate regions separated only by short<br />

drops in depth of coverage into a contiguous region. Furthermore, c<strong>and</strong>idate regions may be<br />

pre-ltered using an acceptance threshold, discarding all regions that do not include at least one<br />

position that satises this more stringent signicance criterion.<br />

2.7.4 Recognition of Read Mapping Artifacts<br />

Final signicance scores for enrichment are calculated based on the number of read mappings<br />

providing evidence for a respective site (section 2.7.5). For multiple reasons, signicance of<br />

enrichment is on its own of limited value for singling out relevant protein binding sites (section<br />

2.7.6). Peak signicance is therefore primarily used as a means of imposing a ranking on<br />

the detected loci.


Strong oversampling of a region of the reference sequence, for example due to collapsing of<br />

repetitive sequence onto few representations in a reference (section 1.5.3), may result in high<br />

levels of signicance for such loci even for minimal strengths of enrichment. Thus oversampling<br />

entails high-ranking loci that are of limited relevance to the analysis when compared to signicant<br />

loci sampled at regular depth.<br />

SHORE peak oers various ltering heuristics that allow for reliable removal of typical oversampling<br />

artifacts. Oversampled regions are marked by elevated depth of coverage in both<br />

experiment <strong>and</strong> control sample. By specication of a maximum coverage depth tolerated in the<br />

control for valid c<strong>and</strong>idate regions, many oversampled positions are ruled out. SHORE lters<br />

c<strong>and</strong>idate regions based on their average depth of control sample coverage, discarding regions<br />

whose depth lies above a certain threshold. The rejection threshold is calculated adaptively in<br />

terms of a user specied multiple of st<strong>and</strong>ard deviations distance from the median chromosomal<br />

depth of coverage. When analyzing multiple replicate experiments, such suspiciously high depth<br />

of coverage in any of the controls specied triggers removal of the proposed c<strong>and</strong>idate region<br />

by our algorithm. By default, regions with average control sample read depth more than six<br />

st<strong>and</strong>ard deviations above median depth are ignored.<br />

Fold change, calculated as the ratio of read counts or average depths of experiment <strong>and</strong><br />

control sample coverage at a c<strong>and</strong>idate locus, in some cases presents a more sensitive criterion for<br />

recognition of loci that satisfy a strict signicance cuto due to oversampling, but are of limited<br />

relevance to further analysis. Oversampling is then marked by large amounts of supporting<br />

evidence in the form of reads mapped to the region, but comparably weakly pronounced fold<br />

change. SHORE calculates normalized fold change values for a region as<br />

f =<br />

¯d e<br />

k e,c · ¯d c<br />

(2.1)<br />

where ¯d e <strong>and</strong> ¯d c represent the mean depth of coverage for experiment <strong>and</strong> control, respectively,<br />

<strong>and</strong> k e,c a scaling factor calculated for experiment <strong>and</strong> control over the respective chromosome to<br />

accommodate dierences in overall sequencing depth (section 2.7.5). Regions with a normalized<br />

fold change f < 2 are not considered by default. For experiments comprising multiple replicates,<br />

the user-specied fold change criterion must be satised by at least one replicate.<br />

For true sequence enrichment, mapped reads represent precipitated fragments of DNA typically<br />

larger than the sequenced read length. By contrast, oversampling artifacts arise due to<br />

over-representation solely of the part of the sequence utilized for read mapping. Given this<br />

mapping length is shorter than the actual insert length, a characteristic dierence in the str<strong>and</strong><br />

specic read depth curves ensues for enrichment compared to oversampling. In the case of enrichment,<br />

read depth curves for the forward <strong>and</strong> the reverse str<strong>and</strong> are shifted, with the shift oset<br />

representing the missing 3 ′ parts of the inserts that are not taken into account for the read depth<br />

calculation (gure 2.6). Contrarily, for oversampled regions not comprising enriched sequence,<br />

no such shift in str<strong>and</strong> specic read depth may be observed. The peak shift of single-end read<br />

depth therefore may be exploited as an acceptance criterion for enriched regions. SHORE peak<br />

estimates a peak shift value for a region based on the two areas under the read depth curves<br />

for each str<strong>and</strong>. For both these areas, the center of gravity (COG) is calculated. The estimated<br />

peak shift then equals dierence between the x-coordinate of the COG for the reverse str<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong><br />

the x-coordinate of the forward str<strong>and</strong> COG. In multi-replicate experiments, the user-specied<br />

peak shift threshold must be satised by at least one replicate.<br />

COG-based shift estimation may be considered robust for dened loci such as transcription<br />

factor binding sites. For larger stretches of enriched sequence representing clustered binding<br />

sites or histone methylation, the COG is easily skewed by local biases or r<strong>and</strong>om uctuations in<br />

sequencing depth, <strong>and</strong> therefore does not provide reliable estimation of peak shift.


200<br />

SOC1<br />

100<br />

0<br />

Depth of Coverage [# Reads]<br />

-100<br />

-200<br />

10<br />

5<br />

0<br />

Control<br />

-5<br />

-10<br />

18810400 18810600 18810800 18811000 18811200 18811400 18811600 18811800<br />

Position [bp]<br />

Chromosome 2<br />

Figure 2.6: ChIP-seq Depth of Coverage in the Vicinity of a Transcription Factor Binding Site<br />

2.7.5 Ranking <strong>and</strong> Assessment of Peak Signicance<br />

In a nal step, the peak calling algorithm assesses detected c<strong>and</strong>idate regions to establish a<br />

ranking of putative peak sites <strong>and</strong> determine their level of signicance.<br />

For any c<strong>and</strong>idate region, given the read count for the experiment is a r<strong>and</strong>om variable X<br />

<strong>and</strong> the read count for the control is a r<strong>and</strong>om variable Y , then their joint read count is the<br />

convolution Z = X ∗ Y .<br />

Assuming the joint read count in a region takes an observed value Z = z, then the experiment<br />

read count is distributed according to a probability mass function P (X = x|Z = z). Using Bayes'<br />

theorem, it is<br />

P (Z = z|X = x) · P (X = x)<br />

P (X = x|Z = z) =<br />

P (Z = z)<br />

P (Y = (z − x)) · P (X = x)<br />

=<br />

P (Z = z)<br />

(2.2)<br />

P (Y = (z − x)) · P (X = x)<br />

= ∑ z<br />

k=0 (P (Y = (z − k)) · P (X = k)) (2.3)<br />

Were experiment <strong>and</strong> control read counts following Poisson distributions, X ∼ Pois(λ 1 )<br />

<strong>and</strong> Y ∼ Pois(λ 2 ), then their convolution is Poisson distributed as well, Z ∼ Pois(λ 3 ), where


λ 3 = λ 1 + λ 2 .<br />

When applying the Poisson assumption to equation 2.2, it follows that<br />

P (X = x|Z = z) =<br />

λ z−x<br />

2 ·e −λ 2<br />

(z−x)!<br />

· λx 1 ·e−λ 1<br />

x!<br />

λ z 3·e−λ 3<br />

z!<br />

z!<br />

=<br />

x! · (z − x)! · λx 1 · λ2 z−x · e −(λ1+λ2)<br />

λ z 3<br />

( · e−λ3<br />

z λ<br />

= ·<br />

x)<br />

x 1 · λ2<br />

z−x<br />

=<br />

( z<br />

x)<br />

·<br />

(λ 1 + λ 2 ) z<br />

( ) x λ1<br />

·<br />

λ 1 + λ 2<br />

(<br />

1 − λ 1<br />

λ 1 + λ 2<br />

) z−x<br />

(2.4)<br />

Therefore, given Poisson distributed read counts <strong>and</strong> an observed joint read count for a region<br />

Z = z, the read count of the experiment follows a binomial distribution, X ∼ B(z, p), with the<br />

probability parameter p as implied by equation 2.4<br />

p = λ 1<br />

λ 1 + λ 2<br />

(2.5)<br />

Our algorithm relies on the Poisson assumption to assess the signicance level of c<strong>and</strong>idate<br />

peaks using a one-sided binomial test, i. e. by evaluating the upper tail of the cumulative distribution<br />

function (CDF) of the binomial distribution for the experiment read count x <strong>and</strong> joint<br />

read count z<br />

z∑<br />

( z<br />

P (X ≥ ⌊x⌋) = · p<br />

k)<br />

k · (1 − p) z−k<br />

k=⌊x⌋<br />

The oor function ⌊ ⌋ is applied to x to accommodate weighted read counts as e. g. used for<br />

reads mapping to multiple positions of the reference genome in a conservative way.<br />

Normalization of experiment <strong>and</strong> control is therefore dened by calculation of an appropriate<br />

value for the probability parameter p of the binomial distribution. To obtain an estimate ˆp of the<br />

probability parameter we dene a sequencing depth scaling factor as δ = λ 1 /λ 2 . By equation 2.5,<br />

the relation between the depth scaling factor <strong>and</strong> the probability parameter is<br />

p =<br />

δ<br />

δ + 1<br />

δ =<br />

p<br />

1 − p<br />

Chromosomal, mitochondrial <strong>and</strong> plastid sequences may be present at considerably dierent<br />

number of copies in the cell, implying potentially dierent depth of coverage for these sequences.<br />

The probability parameter is therefore estimated independently for each chromosome or organelle<br />

sequence. The sequence is subdivided into xed-size non-overlapping bins. The normalization<br />

algorithm then chooses ˆδ such that the median of the read counts associated with the bins for<br />

the experiment equals the median of the control sample bins multiplied by ˆδ. This estimate is<br />

then used to replace δ in equation 2.6 to obtain a probability parameter for the binomial tests<br />

on the respective chromosome or organelle sequence.<br />

While detection of c<strong>and</strong>idate regions is applied to the joint data of all experiments, nal<br />

assessment of peak signicance is carried out separately for each replicate data set. This joint<br />



detection, separate evaluation approach ensures that replicate results are immediately comparable<br />

without requirement for peak overlap calculation involving arbitrary thresholds. At the<br />

same time, signicance levels obtained still represent independent entities.<br />

To account for the potentially large number of binomial tests performed, we nally process<br />

the p-values calculated to obtain false discovery rates (FDR) using Benjamini-Hochberg estimation<br />

[143].<br />

Finally, to allow ne-grained custom ltering of peak lists, a variety of further peak properties<br />

are reported by our program, such as peak shift, peak height <strong>and</strong> fold enrichment ratio. Fold<br />

change values between sample <strong>and</strong> control are reported as a score F on the interval [−1, 1] using<br />

the transformation F = 4 π · arctan(f) − 1 on equation 2.1.<br />

2.7.6 Experimental Relevance of Peak Signicance<br />

Besides true DNA binding anity of the protein of interest <strong>and</strong> described artifact patterns,<br />

sources of bias may contribute to sequence enrichment in some cases indistinguishable in ChIP-<br />

Seq results.<br />

For example, between-sample variation in the strength of sequence specic sampling bias<br />

might potentially be introduced due to slight dierences in sample preparation parameters (section<br />

1.4). Modeling varying sequencing depth as a scaling factor that globally applies to entire<br />

chromosomes then has the consequence that the denition of enrichment of a sequence in a<br />

two-sample comparison may include positions with above-average sampling bias, if the specic<br />

bias is pronounced more strongly in the experiment than in the control; as well as positions with<br />

below-average bias where the bias in the experiment is weaker when compared to control. Such<br />

dierences in sampling bias strength can likely not be estimated globally, as the eects of multiple<br />

sources of bias might be superimposed. Adequate sampling bias estimation <strong>and</strong> correction<br />

therefore can be expected to require complex modeling based on specic sequence features <strong>and</strong><br />

likely further investigation into sequencing <strong>and</strong> sample preparation processes. Str<strong>and</strong> specic<br />

eects may however be ruled out by assessment of properties like peak shape, peak shift or<br />

forward-reverse fold change. Furthermore, such technical sources of enrichment can sometimes<br />

be excluded by downstream binding motif analysis.<br />

Moreover, correctly identied sites with above-average protein-DNA anity might be biologically<br />

irrelevant. With multiple co-factors contributing to transcription initiation, evolutionary<br />

forces restricting the genome-wide development of individual binding sites are likely weak. Relevant<br />

sites should therefore be dened by presence of further promoter elements. Furthermore,<br />

both transcription factor binding as well as the ChIP procedure itself are governed by complex<br />

physico-chemical dynamics. DNA fragments with above-average anity to the protein of interest<br />

might become detectable in ChIP-Seq, where the induced binding is however not suciently<br />

stable to result in transcription-regulatory relevance. Signicance of such sites is however solely<br />

determined by sucient depth of sequencing.<br />

Further biological factors such as chromatin state <strong>and</strong> accessibility may contribute to significant<br />

enrichment not directly related to protein binding events. For these reasons, statistical<br />

signicance of enrichment can on its own not provide a criterion for denition of biologically<br />

relevant binding sites.<br />

Furthermore, the interpretation of the ranking imposed by binding site signicance involves<br />

intricate considerations. Signal resulting from several dierent inuences becomes convoluted<br />

through the ChIP procedure. Quality of the employed antibody, overall quality of the precipitation<br />

procedure, prevalence of the DNA-protein interaction across tissues as well as the actual<br />

anity of the protein of interest to its target motifs all contribute to the overall signal observed.<br />

The rst two eects globally aect the ratio of enriched sites to the magnitude of background cov-


erage, <strong>and</strong> therefore impair the ability to observe global discrepancies in binding anity between<br />

samples. By contrast, tissue composition <strong>and</strong> binding anity are both locus specic eects that<br />

are indistinguishable during analysis, i. e. the procedure does not allow distinguishing between<br />

the strength of the Protein-DNA interaction <strong>and</strong> its predominance across the cells <strong>and</strong> tissue<br />

types from which the sample was retrieved. The large amount of tissue required for immunoprecipitation<br />

protocols likely contributes to a lack of controllability of the analyzed tissue states<br />

<strong>and</strong> composition, which may constitute a factor impeding experimental reproducibility.<br />

2.8 Visualization of Sequencing Read <strong>and</strong> Alignment <strong>Data</strong><br />

Exploration <strong>and</strong> iterative analysis of high-throughput sequencing data require computational<br />

tools able to rapidly retrieve <strong>and</strong> visualize certain subsets or features of a data set. After obtaining<br />

raw or ltered read data, assessment of base call quality, nucleotide composition <strong>and</strong> read length<br />

distribution is desirable to verify overall data quality prior to further analysis (section 1.5.1).<br />

At later stages of data analysis, visual inspection of read alignment data can be a valuable<br />

tool for verication of loci of identied mutation c<strong>and</strong>idates (section 1.3) or underst<strong>and</strong>ing the<br />

structure of complex genomic regions of clustered polymorphisms or rearrangements. For other<br />

applications such as mRNA-, small RNA- or ChIP-Seq, examination of local depth of coverage<br />

curves is an adequate approach to value structure or expression of individual transcripts or<br />

rule out a potential mapping artifact. Finally, dierent approaches to data visualization are<br />

required for gaining cues towards potential megabase scale or genome wide characteristics of the<br />

sequencing depth distribution in applications targeting e. g. epigenomic modications.<br />

While web browser or graphical user interface driven applications allow fully interactive navigation<br />

of data sets, they may require considerable eort in data preparation or are not easily<br />

operated remotely over a network.<br />

The SHORE pipeline implements a variety of means to ad-hoc sequencing data visualization.<br />

The SHORE tagstats utility oers a summarized view of base quality distributions, per-base<br />

nucleotide composition as well as read length distribution. We further provide an application<br />

SHORE mapdisplay capable of rapidly generating comprehensible views of read alignment data,<br />

either as a text-based representation viewable in a terminal window, or in the form of static<br />

scalable vector graphics (SVG) images readily displayed in modern web browsers. In addition<br />

to that, versatile utilities SHORE coverage <strong>and</strong> SHORE count provide options for visualizing local<br />

depth of coverage as well as larger-scale genomic distribution of read mappings, respectively.<br />

2.8.1 Gathering Run Quality <strong>and</strong> Sequence Composition Statistics<br />

The SHORE tagstats utility summarizes content of unique read sequences in a data set, <strong>and</strong><br />

additionally gathers base quality <strong>and</strong> per base nucleotide statistics. Statistics are collected in<br />

various tables <strong>and</strong> may additionally be visualized in the form of an all-in-one gure generated as<br />

a static Portable Document Format (PDF) image (gure 2.7).<br />

Read quality distribution is represented as a per-base box plot, with indicators for median<br />

values, second <strong>and</strong> third quartile as well as the range included by a single st<strong>and</strong>ard deviation<br />

distance from the mean. Median <strong>and</strong> quartile values are corrected for quantization bias (section<br />

2.8.4).<br />

Total number of reads extending beyond a certain length is indicated by the support curve.<br />

The gure further includes the frequency of either nucleotide at each cycle of the sequencing run.<br />

Nucleotide frequencies are displayed multiplied by four to allow lineup with the support curve. In<br />

presence of sequencing errors <strong>and</strong> varying read length, uniqueness of read sequences cannot serve<br />

as a means of removal of duplicate sequences arising due to PCR amplication. Moreover, the


Quality Score | Nucleotide Count<br />

0 8 16 24 32 40 48<br />

0 5356 10712 16067 21423 26779 32135<br />

Median Base Quality<br />

Inner Quality Quartiles<br />

Average Quality ±SD<br />

Support<br />

4A<br />

4C<br />

4G<br />

4T<br />

Length Distribution<br />

Dashed: Unique Sequences<br />

1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91 101 111 121 131 141 151 160<br />

Cycle [bp]<br />

Figure 2.7: Read <strong>and</strong> Quality Statistics for a Paired-End Sequencing Run Following Quality-<br />

Based Read Trimming<br />

likelihood of reads originating from duplicates having the same nucleotide sequence decreases with<br />

increasing read length (sections 1.4, 2.7.2). Frequency <strong>and</strong> nucleotide composition of unique read<br />

sequences can however still provide valid clues on ChIP-Seq <strong>lib</strong>rary quality <strong>and</strong> complexity <strong>and</strong><br />

reveal important sample properties in small RNA sequencing applications. Thus, support <strong>and</strong><br />

nucleotide composition after pruning of redundant read sequences is indicated by a corresponding<br />

dashed line for each property.<br />

Finally, distribution of read lengths is dicult to pick up visually from support distributions<br />

alone. For improved appraisal, the distributions are therefore additionally indicated by short<br />

vertical bars at the bottom of the gure.<br />

While the presented superimposition of quality <strong>and</strong> nucleotide composition curves may in<br />

some cases serve to obfuscate the interpretability of either individual property, it renders multivariate<br />

entities such as correlations between read quality issues <strong>and</strong> skews in nucleotide composition<br />

or the eectiveness of read trimming algorithms visually immediately appraisable.


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#?chr<br />

----------|-<br />

----------|-<br />

0001018414|C<br />

0001018391|C<br />

0001018411|T<br />

0001018408|A<br />

0001018370|A<br />

0001018372|C<br />

0001018365|G<br />

0001018403|A<br />

0001018394|A<br />

0001018388|A<br />

0001018417|T<br />

0001018378|A<br />

0001018371|A<br />

0001018367|G<br />

0001018422|A<br />

0001018369|A<br />

0001018379|A<br />

0001018430|A<br />

0001018380|G<br />

0001018397|A<br />

0001018395|A<br />

0001018431|G<br />

0001018384|G<br />

0001018373|G<br />

0001018366|A<br />

0001018386|G<br />

0001018416|T<br />

0001018361|G<br />

0001018399|G<br />

0001018387|T<br />

0001018383|G<br />

0001018401|A<br />

0001018363|A<br />

0001018368|G<br />

0001018402|A<br />

0001018421|G<br />

0001018432|T<br />

0001018404|C<br />

0001018377|G<br />

0001018396|A<br />

0001018359|G<br />

0001018362|A<br />

0001018376|A<br />

0001018358|G<br />

0001018428|C<br />

0001018435|C<br />

0001018375|G<br />

0001018434|A<br />

0001018418|A<br />

0001018405|A<br />

0001018374|T<br />

0001018415|T<br />

0001018420|G<br />

0001018423|G<br />

0001018412|G<br />

0001018429|A<br />

0001018410|T<br />

0001018409|C<br />

0001018381|A<br />

0001018389|A<br />

0001018407|A<br />

0001018398|T<br />

0001018393|A<br />

0001018425|G<br />

0001018433|A<br />

0001018390|A<br />

0001018436|T<br />

0001018406|C<br />

0001018424|G<br />

0001018427|C<br />

0001018392|A<br />

0001018385|A<br />

0001018364|A<br />

0001018382|T<br />

0001018419|T<br />

0001018426|C<br />

0001018413|A<br />

0001018400|A<br />

0001018360|T<br />

pos|refbase<br />

alignments<br />

Figure 2.8: Vertical Scrolling Text Mode Alignment View of SHORE mapdisplay


2:1018241 2:1018261 2:1018281 2:1018301 2:1018321 2:1018341 2:1018361 2:1018381 2:1018401 2:1018421 2:1018441 2:1018461<br />

C T C A C A A G A G C T G T T T T A T G T C C T A A A T G A A A C A A T T T A T G G A T T A T A T T T T T T T C T C G T C A T G A T T T T A T G G A G T T T A T T G A T T T G G T A A A T A A T A A G T A A C T T T T T T T G G T A A A A T G G T G A A A G A G G A A A C G T G A G A A G A T G G A G T A A A C A A A A A A T G A A A A C A C A A C T T G A C T T T A T G G A G G G C C C A A G T A A C T T T G A A A A C G G G C C A A A G A G A C A A T A C A T C C T T A A T A<br />

C<br />

G<br />

C<br />

A<br />

C<br />

A<br />

-<br />

C<br />

A<br />

C<br />

T<br />

C<br />

A<br />

-<br />

A<br />

A<br />

-<br />

C<br />

A<br />

A<br />

A<br />

-<br />

N<br />

C<br />

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-<br />

C<br />

A<br />

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A<br />

A<br />

-<br />

T<br />

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A<br />

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A<br />

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A<br />

-<br />

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-<br />

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C<br />

N G<br />

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N<br />

T<br />

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C<br />

T<br />

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T<br />

T<br />

T<br />

A<br />

A<br />

A<br />

A<br />

A<br />

A<br />

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A<br />

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A<br />

A<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

A<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

C<br />

-<br />

A<br />

C<br />

C<br />

C<br />

A<br />

A<br />

A A<br />

T<br />

A<br />

Figure 2.9: Vector Graphics Alignment View of SHORE mapdisplay<br />

2.8.2 Visualization of Read Mapping <strong>Data</strong><br />

By utilizing SHORE's generic indexed query mechanisms (section 2.2.3), the SHORE mapdisplay<br />

program is able to rapidly retrieve all read mappings associated with a user specied genomic<br />

region. By default, the program generates a comprehensible colored ASCII/ANSI text representation<br />

of the read alignments, which is presented as a scrollable terminal view using the Unix le<br />

pager utility less. For technical reasons, read mappings are displayed in a vertical layout (gure<br />

2.8).<br />

Insertions are represented as additional positions in the alignment view. <strong>An</strong>alogous to SHORE<br />

alignment string format (section 2.2.4), mismatching positions in the alignment are displayed<br />

with the reference base on the left <strong>and</strong> the query base on the right side. When a more compact<br />

view is required, display of the reference nucleotide is omitted. To allow distinguishing between<br />

reads mapping to the forward or to the reverse str<strong>and</strong> of the reference sequence, reverse str<strong>and</strong><br />

associated alignments are printed in lower case <strong>and</strong> forward str<strong>and</strong> sequences in upper case letters,<br />

<strong>and</strong> 3 ′ <strong>and</strong> 5 ′ ends are indicated by corresponding colored end markers. To allow identication of<br />

individual reads in the alignment view, inclusion of further information such as read identiers<br />

<strong>and</strong> paired-end sequencing information may be requested on program startup.<br />

The text mode mapping viewer provides a rapid, detailed view of read mapping data without<br />

interruption of workows. It is however less suited to obtaining a medium- to larger-scale<br />

overview of complex genomic regions. Therefore, we additionally provide the possibility of generating<br />

an alternative alignment view as an SVG image (gure 2.9).<br />

SVG les generated are easily <strong>and</strong> eciently rendered in a web browser. In contrast to<br />

the text view, read sequences are omitted in the SVG view except for mismatching alignment<br />

positions to enable improved rendering performance. Mismatching alignment positions as well<br />

as insertions <strong>and</strong> deletions are color coded <strong>and</strong> their sequence included for direct examination at<br />

close zoom levels. Directionality of read mappings is indicated both by shape <strong>and</strong> color of the<br />

corresponding horizontal bars. As layout locations for the read mappings are generally assigned<br />

by a greedy algorithm that picks the lowest possible y coordinate immediately when an alignment


Depth of Coverage [# Reads]<br />

0 5 10 15 20 25<br />

Median Depth of Coverage<br />

Depth Inner Quartiles<br />

Average Depth ±SD<br />

2:1 2:10000001 3:200001 3:10200001 3:20200001<br />

Position [bp]<br />

Figure 2.10: Segment-Wise Genome-Wide Box Plot<br />

is encountered, depth of coverage can be hard to judge from the read alignments alone. Therefore,<br />

the SHORE mapdisplay program generates an overlay of depth of coverage, represented as vertical<br />

bars, <strong>and</strong> the horizontal bars of the read mappings. In addition, the SVG view allows retrieval<br />

of exact depth of coverage information for each position <strong>and</strong> detailed alignment information for<br />

each of the reads displayed in the form of mouse activated tool tips.<br />

2.8.3 Visualization of Local or Genome-Scale Depth of Coverage<br />

SHORE coverage is a multi-purpose tool for depth of coverage calculation <strong>and</strong> depth based segmentation<br />

(section 2.7). The complementary SHORE count utility gathers a wide variety of segmentrelated<br />

statistics. Like most SHORE modules, both programs are capable of rapidly retrieving<br />

<strong>and</strong> processing alignment information associated with dened regions of the genome.<br />

SHORE coverage can be utilized to obtain visual representations of local depth of coverage (gure<br />

2.6) or of kmer-phasing for small RNA data analysis (not shown). Per-base rendering of depth<br />

of coverage is however inappropriate for examination of larger scale distribution of sequencing<br />

depth. Visualization capability for such types of analysis is integrated with the SHORE count<br />

program. The software collects segment associated statistics for either user provided or xed size<br />

jumping window segments. The segment data collected may be incorporated into a continuous<br />

genome- or chromosome-wide box plot (gure 2.10).<br />

In the representation, the median line connects the median depth of coverage value for each<br />

of the segments provided, <strong>and</strong> is enclosed by boxes indicating second <strong>and</strong> third quartiles as well<br />

as the single st<strong>and</strong>ard deviation range surrounding the average depth of coverage of the segment.<br />

Red vertical bars indicate chromosome boundaries. As read depths mostly represent integer<br />

values, median <strong>and</strong> quartile values are adjusted to compensate quantization (section 2.8.4).


Quality Score<br />

16 24 32 40<br />

Depth of Coverage [# Reads]<br />

0 5 10<br />

Median Base Quality<br />

Inner Quality Quartiles<br />

1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81<br />

Cycle [bp]<br />

Median Depth of Coverage<br />

Depth Inner Quartiles<br />

3:9250001 3:9250001<br />

Position [bp]<br />

Figure 2.11: Quantile Interpolation Applied to Base Qualities <strong>and</strong> to Depth of Coverage<br />

2.8.4 Quantile Correction<br />

As in the case of base quality data or positional depth of coverage, quantile values of integer<br />

data distributed over a narrow range only coarsely represent the distribution of interest due to<br />

the small number of dierent values that such quantiles can assume (gure 2.11, left side).<br />

Given that the integer data in fact represent real-valued entities that have at some point<br />

been rounded, then it can be assumed that the original value of an integer s follows an unknown<br />

distribution supported on the interval [s − 0.5, s + 0.5). For an integer data set of size N, this<br />

implies for an arbitrary integer j-th c-quantile q i , that the expected value for the quantile of<br />

the original, non-rounded data q r data equals the minimal value to be considered for q r plus the<br />

k-th order statistic for n values distributed according to the unknown distribution. Here, n is<br />

the number of values in the integer data set of equal value to q i , <strong>and</strong> k = ⌈(j · N)/c⌉ − u, where<br />

u denotes the number of integer data with smaller value than the quantile q i .<br />

Given n i. i. d. samples X 1 , . . . , X n , then their k-th order statistic is a r<strong>and</strong>om variable W (n,k)<br />

with probability density function<br />

( ) n − 1<br />

f W(n,k) (x) = n · · f X (x) · F X (x) k−1 · (1 − F X (x)) n−k (2.7)<br />

k − 1<br />

Assuming X is distributed uniformly over the unit interval, then the k-th order statistic follows


a beta distribution, W (n,k) ∼ Beta(k, n − k + 1), with expected value <strong>and</strong> variance<br />

E(W (n,k) ) =<br />

k<br />

n + 1<br />

k<br />

Var(W (n,k) ) =<br />

(n + 1) · (n + 2) ·<br />

(<br />

1 − k )<br />

n + 1<br />

The assumption of rounded data is reasonable for base quality values <strong>and</strong> arguable also for<br />

observed read count data. Therefore, it can be considered valid to estimate corrected quantile<br />

values as<br />

ˆq r = q i − 0.5 +<br />

k<br />

n + 1<br />

(2.8)<br />

(2.9)<br />

(2.10)<br />

While the assumption of uniformity for the distribution of the original data to be considered<br />

may be questionable with special emphasis for read depth data with value zero, the adjusted<br />

quantiles still provide a considerable improvement for appraisal of the distribution compared<br />

to their integer counterparts. Equation 2.7 might be exploited where a better approximation<br />

of the actual distribution is available. For simplicity of implementation, we do not calculate<br />

the exact values of the ˆq r , but employ a probabilistic algorithm that adds a r<strong>and</strong>om real value<br />

uniformly sampled from the interval [−0.5, 0.5) to each integer value prior to quantile calculation<br />

(gure 2.11, right side).

3 A C ++ Framework for High-Throughput DNA<br />

Sequencing<br />

In a large, multi-purpose data analysis software solution, there are inevitably many<br />

recurring processing tasks <strong>and</strong> algorithmic challenges. To avoid large amounts of<br />

complex, redundant <strong>and</strong> error-prone code, the common subproblems must be isolated<br />

as reusable modules. With the SHORE DNA sequencing data analysis suite, we have<br />

striven to implement frequently required segments of code using consistent design patterns<br />

<strong>and</strong> interfaces. The resulting C++ programming framework <strong>lib</strong>shore constitutes<br />

the subject of this chapter.<br />

3.1 Overview<br />

High-throughput sequencing has become adopted as a versatile tool applicable to a wide range of<br />

dierent scientic questions (section 1.3). While data analysis for dierent types of application<br />

must be approached from unique angles (section 1.5), in their elementary building blocks methods<br />

<strong>and</strong> algorithms often share considerable overlap on many levels.<br />

Reading, parsing <strong>and</strong> formatted output of sequencing data in st<strong>and</strong>ard storage formats is a<br />

near universal requirement. Additionally, subsetting data sets by dened properties, achievable<br />

through dierent combinations of simple accept-reject ltering operations, is an often powerful<br />

tool for adjustment of an analysis' sensitivity-specicity tradeo. More complex operations rely<br />

on the relationship between multiple data set elements, like e. g. removal of PCR duplicate sequences<br />

from read alignment data, or alter certain properties of the data set elements themselves,<br />

<strong>and</strong> are therefore sensitive to, <strong>and</strong> potentially useful not only in various combinations, but also<br />

orders of application. Finally, entire analysis processes can be modeled as modules or series of<br />

modules transforming the type of the data, for example read alignments into depth of coverage<br />

or read alignments into positional pileups into variant calls.<br />

While isolation <strong>and</strong> encapsulation of subproblems facilitates correct implementation <strong>and</strong> comprehensibility<br />

of each individual step, the logic required to tie components into end-to-end processing<br />

pipelines can itself become extensive. For versatile modes of application, modularized<br />

components must therefore be embedded into a more generic framework capable of providing the<br />

glue between input, output <strong>and</strong> data ltering, manipulation <strong>and</strong> transformation.<br />

The <strong>lib</strong>shore C++ framework code is loosely categorized into ten dierent packages including<br />

application framework functionality, generic data processing infrastructure <strong>and</strong> sequencing specic<br />

processing modules <strong>and</strong> data structures. With gure 3.1 we present a package overview in<br />

a simplied UML-like representation, illustrating exemplary classes <strong>and</strong> associations.<br />

The base package comprises elementary low level functionality <strong>and</strong> utilities as well as machine<br />

or system-dependent blocks of code. While its functionality is required for most other packages,<br />

it is self-contained <strong>and</strong> does not by itself depend on other parts of the <strong>lib</strong>rary.<br />

The class program from the package of the same name constitutes the base class of all SHORE<br />

comm<strong>and</strong> line utilities. The base class combines comm<strong>and</strong> line interface denition, documen-<br />



base<br />

program<br />

stream<br />

av_parser<br />

add_option(spec,var,desc)<br />

operator()(argc,argv)<br />

uncaught_h<strong>and</strong>ler<br />

operator()(func)<br />

istreams<br />

xz_istream<br />

gzx_istream<br />

0..*<br />

std::istream<br />

program<br />

add_option(specication,variable,description)<br />

operator()(argc,argv)<br />

algo<br />

<strong>Data</strong>Iterator<br />

FunctionArrayIterator<br />

<strong>Data</strong>Iterator<br />

sux_array FunctionArrayIterator<br />

CmpX<br />

CmpY<br />

d2tree CmpXY<br />

cmp_x: CmpX<br />

cmp_y: CmpY<br />

cmp_xy : CmpXY<br />

dp_aligner_pipe<br />

fmtio<br />

Pipe<br />

Reader<br />

sam_reader<br />

Reader<br />

bam_reader<br />

Reader<br />

fastq_reader<br />

Reader<br />

s_reader<br />

sux_query<br />

line_sorter<br />

sux_index<br />

twodex<br />

Cmp<br />

sort_les(les)<br />

merge_les(les)<br />

is_sorted(le)<br />

upper_bound(le, line)<br />

Reader<br />

alignment_reader<br />

Reader<br />

maplist_reader<br />

Reader<br />

read_reader<br />

Reader<br />

atread_reader<br />

container<br />

intpack<br />

statistics<br />

Distribution<br />

binomial<br />

Distribution<br />

poisson<br />

mtc<br />

ostreams<br />

parallel<br />

thread<br />

1..*<br />

parallelizer<br />

sync<br />

datatype<br />

processing<br />

T<br />

T<br />

Pipe<br />

xz_ostream<br />

gzx_ostream<br />

alignment_lter_pipe<br />

alignment<br />

Pipe<br />

pipe_facade<br />

Writer<br />

Source<br />

feed<br />

Sink<br />

Reader<br />

extractor<br />

T<br />

T<br />

Derived<br />

read<br />

serial<br />

desync<br />

Source/Pipe/Sink<br />

Pipe/Sink<br />

parallel<br />

Pipe<br />

pipe<br />

0..*<br />

T<br />

alignment_tokenizer<br />

Source<br />

source<br />

Writer-Reader<br />

Writer<br />

Reader<br />

pipe_box<br />

Sink<br />

sink<br />

std::ostream<br />

nucleotide<br />

sequence_record<br />

Reader<br />

Pipe<br />

Writer<br />

Writer<br />

atread_writer<br />

Writer<br />

maplist_writer<br />

Writer<br />

sam_writer<br />

Reader<br />

fasta_reader<br />

Basic_Reader<br />

Reader<br />

T<br />

monolithic buer_chain<br />

0..*<br />

plugin<br />

T<br />

Figure 3.1: <strong>lib</strong>shore Overview

3.1. OVERVIEW 63<br />

tation <strong>and</strong> comm<strong>and</strong> line parsing through an auxiliary class av_parser <strong>and</strong> incorporates an<br />

object of class uncaught_h<strong>and</strong>ler to provide h<strong>and</strong>ling <strong>and</strong> reporting of fatal error conditions<br />

encountered by the application.<br />

Classes istreams <strong>and</strong> ostreams of the stream package simplify h<strong>and</strong>ling of les or other input<br />

or output destinations. Interpretation of special location strings or prexes facilitates specication<br />

of special les or other sources or destinations of input <strong>and</strong> output as option arguments or<br />

option default values, like e. g. st<strong>and</strong>ard input, output or Unix pipes. Input or output locations<br />

compressed in GZIP, BAM or XZ format are delegated to appropriate helper stream classes for<br />

automatic decoding, encoding or h<strong>and</strong>ling of r<strong>and</strong>om access requests (section 2.2.2). Both classes<br />

in addition provide input/output error checking <strong>and</strong> further stream-related functionality. Class<br />

ostreams furthermore implements simplied h<strong>and</strong>ling of temporary le destinations as well as<br />

optional temporary le compression for improved h<strong>and</strong>ling of large amounts of temporary data.<br />

Package algo comprises of dynamic programming alignment (section 2.5.2) as well as indexing,<br />

sorting <strong>and</strong> query algorithms <strong>and</strong> associated persistent data structure implementations<br />

(section 2.2.3). The platform for range indexing <strong>and</strong> queries is provided by a generic 2-d tree algorithm<br />

template d2tree, which is further utilized by the class twodex that supplies a persistent<br />

index data structure congurable for a variety of genomic data formats. Multiple algorithm templates<br />

with the prex suffix_ implement generic sux array construction <strong>and</strong> queries [144, 145].<br />

The sux array algorithms are employed by objects of class suffix_index, which provides persistent<br />

disk indexes for genomic sequences congurable <strong>and</strong> capable of answering various types<br />

of sequence match queries. To support up to 64 bit data at reasonable space eciency, persistent<br />

suffix_index <strong>and</strong> twodex index data are encoded <strong>and</strong> decoded non-byte aligned with respective<br />

exact required bit width utilizing class intpack of the container package.<br />

The <strong>lib</strong>shore data processing infrastructure is dened <strong>and</strong> implemented as a set of templates<br />

forming the processing package (section 3.2). Package parallel extends on this infrastructure<br />

to build an abstracted parallel processing interface (section 3.3).<br />

Despite growing acceptance of data exchange specications such as SAM/BAM for short read<br />

mapping data, data format issues can present a major impediment to application of algorithms<br />

to input data from diverse sources. Therefore, the <strong>lib</strong>rary includes support for a broad variety<br />

of sequencing read, mapping <strong>and</strong> further sequencing <strong>and</strong> DNA-related input <strong>and</strong> output le formats<br />

provided through the fmtio package. Format support is implemented as Reader <strong>and</strong> Writer<br />

classes with a consistent interface modeled after the requirements of the data processing infrastructure.<br />

To simplify working with various formats, for sequencing read <strong>and</strong> alignment data the<br />

<strong>lib</strong>rary provides multi-format readers read_reader <strong>and</strong> alignment_reader which automatically<br />

incorporate the adequate Reader objects for each respective input le.<br />

File format parsing <strong>and</strong> decoding requires adequate in-memory representation for the respective<br />

elements of the various types of data set, which are dened in the datatype package. Plain<br />

data structures read <strong>and</strong> alignment provide the st<strong>and</strong>ard representation of short sequencing<br />

read data, whereas large genomic sequences are stored as sequence_record objects with more<br />

sophisticated internal memory management. Additionally, processing modules <strong>and</strong> utilities specic<br />

to a certain type of data set element or certain properties of data set elements are also<br />

grouped under this package. For example, a class alignment_filter_pipe combines application<br />

of a variety of frequently required ltering <strong>and</strong> editing modules to read mapping data. Parsing<br />

<strong>and</strong> decoding the SHORE alignment string pair-wise alignment representation (section 2.2.4) into<br />

CIGAR string-equivalent tokens is provided as a class alignment_tokenizer. Class nucleotide<br />

provides decoding, encoding <strong>and</strong> ecient manipulation of IUPAC encoded DNA bases.<br />

The additional statistics package supplies the basis for statistical hypothesis tests based on<br />

a variety of distributions. The complementary class mtc re-implements various multiple hypothesis<br />

test correction procedures in C++ following the R multtest package implementation [146].


Supported procedures include false discovery rate (FDR) calculation following Benjamini <strong>and</strong><br />

Hochberg [143] as well as Benjamini <strong>and</strong> Yekutieli [147] <strong>and</strong> further family wise error rate<br />

(FWER) control via Bonferroni [148], Hochberg [149], Holm [150] as well as Sidak [151] correction<br />

algorithms.<br />

3.2 A Modular Signal-Slot Processing Framework<br />

3.2.1 Reader <strong>and</strong> Writer Concepts<br />

The requirement to support large numbers of dierent input le formats emphasizes the advantage<br />

of consistent interfaces to provide access to the data. The <strong>lib</strong>shore framework therefore<br />

denes the concept of a Reader as a class providing three methods named has_data, current<br />

<strong>and</strong> next which allow linear iteration over the data set's elements.<br />

The has_data method returns a boolean value indicating whether further data set elements<br />

are available to the respective Reader object. The method current provides access to the element<br />

of the data set at the current position of the iteration, <strong>and</strong> next indicates the current element<br />

has been processed <strong>and</strong> may be discarded. Initialization of the following element for retrieval by<br />

current may be h<strong>and</strong>led by either of the next or has_data methods.<br />

Conversely, we dene the concept of a Writer as a class supporting methods append <strong>and</strong><br />

flush. The method append is used to pass the object a data set element for processing, whereas<br />

flush serves as a notication that no more data are available for processing, triggering nalizing<br />

actions such as addition of footer sequences for compressed data sets.<br />

Intermediary processing <strong>and</strong> ltering modules can thus be realized as classes conforming to<br />

both the Writer <strong>and</strong> Reader concepts. Method flush in this case adopts the role of nishing data<br />

processing <strong>and</strong> propagating all remaining data to the object's Reader interface. For example, in a<br />

sliding window analysis output of data will be delayed until enough input data become available<br />

to cover the entire width of the window. On receiving a ush request, processing of remaining<br />

elements must however be completed without waiting for further data associated with the sliding<br />

window.<br />

3.2.2 Denition of Processing Network Topology<br />

With the Reader <strong>and</strong> Writer concepts, propagation of data through a network of processing<br />

modules might be accomplished through a series of nested processing loops (listing 3.1). The<br />

example illustrates propagation of data read from a single source of input through two cascaded<br />

ltering operations. Processing results are to be written to the application's st<strong>and</strong>ard output<br />

stream, whereas intermediate results following the rst step of ltering are additionally recorded<br />

as a separate output le. The rst set of loops of lines 827 constitute the actual propagation of<br />

input data. Read mapping data provided by the reader object are appended to the rst ltering<br />

module (line 10). As a result, the lter object may or may not produce an arbitrary amount of<br />

data (e. g. due to sliding window based removal of PCR duplicated sequences), which are passed<br />

to the intermediate le writer as well as the second lter object (lines 1224). <strong>Data</strong> produced by<br />

the second lter object must be transmitted to the nal output accordingly through a further<br />

nested loop (lines 1721). Additional sets of nested loops correspond to propagation of remaining<br />

data following appropriately stacked ush requests to each of the modules (lines 3056).<br />

The demonstrated mode of explicit data propagation is verbose <strong>and</strong> error prone. Our programming<br />

framework therefore implements a set of class templates providing a signal-slot pipeline<br />

architecture to allow more concise <strong>and</strong> comprehensible representations. A signal constitutes a<br />

function object that may be connected to an arbitrary number of function objects supporting


1 alignment_reader r("in.bam");<br />

alignment_filter f1(filter1_config);<br />

alignment_filter f2(filter2_config);<br />

maplist_writer w1("filtered1.maplist");<br />

5 maplist_writer w2("stdout");<br />

// Process data.<br />

while(r.has_data())<br />

{<br />

10 f1.append(r.current());<br />

while(f1.has_data())<br />

{<br />

w1.append(f1.current());<br />

15 f2.append(f1.current());<br />

while(f2.has_data())<br />

{<br />

w2.append(f2.current());<br />

20 f2.next();<br />

}<br />

25<br />

}<br />

}<br />

r.next();<br />

f1.next();<br />

// Finish.<br />

30 f1.flush();<br />

while(f1.has_data())<br />

{<br />

w1.append(f1.current());<br />

35 f2.append(f1.current());<br />

while(f2.has_data())<br />

{<br />

w2.append(f2.current());<br />

40 f2.next();<br />

}<br />

45<br />

}<br />

w1.flush();<br />

f1.next();<br />

f2.flush();<br />

50 while(f2.has_data())<br />

{<br />

w2.append(f2.current());<br />

f2.next();<br />

}<br />

55<br />

w2.flush();<br />

Listing 3.1: Using Processing Modules with Nested Loops


Source<br />

data<br />

Pipe<br />

data<br />

Sink<br />

ush<br />

ush<br />

freeze<br />

freeze<br />

thaw<br />

thaw<br />

Signal<br />

Slot<br />

Figure 3.2: Pipeline Connections<br />

1 alignment_source r("in.bam");<br />

alignment_filter_pipe f1(filter1_config);<br />

alignment_filter_pipe f2(filter2_config);<br />

maplist_sink w1("filtered1.maplist");<br />

5 maplist_sink w2("stdout");<br />

// Connect modules.<br />

r | f1 | f2 | w2;<br />

10 f1 | w1;<br />

// Process data <strong>and</strong> finish.<br />

r.dump();<br />

Listing 3.2: Using Processing Modules with the <strong>lib</strong>shore Pipeline API<br />

the same types of function parameters (slots). Calling a signal function passes the respective set<br />

of function parameters to all connected slots in an unspecied order of invocation.<br />

We thereby dene the concept of a Source as a class providing signals named data as well<br />

as flush, <strong>and</strong> further slots labeled freeze <strong>and</strong> thaw. A Sink concept is conversely dened as a<br />

class providing slots named data <strong>and</strong> flush, as well as signals freeze <strong>and</strong> thaw. Furthermore, a<br />

Pipe amalgamates both the Source <strong>and</strong> the Sink concept. Thus dened Pipe processing modules<br />

immediately forward all elements of output data produced in response to ush requests or data<br />

appended the data slot to their respective data signal. A processing pipeline can thus be dened<br />

as a series of connected Pipe elements terminated by Sources <strong>and</strong> Sinks at either end, respectively<br />

(gure 3.2).<br />

A Source or Sink can be realized using respective templates source <strong>and</strong> sink capable of<br />

appropriately transforming Reader <strong>and</strong> Writer objects. A further template pipe is provided for<br />

transformation of objects conforming to both the Reader <strong>and</strong> Writer concepts. For each le<br />

format Reader <strong>and</strong> Writer class, the <strong>lib</strong>rary denes corresponding Source <strong>and</strong> Sink classes by<br />

means of the respective template, which are marked by suxes _source <strong>and</strong> _sink.<br />

Source, Pipe <strong>and</strong> Sink objects can be combined into extensive processing networks through<br />

connection of the appropriate signals <strong>and</strong> slots. To improve the clarity of denition of such<br />

networks, an overload of the pipe operator ( |) is provided for establishing pair-wise module<br />

connections. The code of the processing example can thereby be simplied to a large extent<br />

(listing 3.2). Lines 8 <strong>and</strong> 10 dene the topology of the processing network. The source template


further denes a method dump, which causes all data provided by the incorporated Reader to be<br />

passed to the data signal before triggering the flush signal to nalize processing (line 13).<br />

For cases where application to entire data sets is not the intended use, modules must provide<br />

a means of suspending the ow of processing. Classes implementing the Reader concept may for<br />

example oer congurable st<strong>and</strong>ard ltering facilities comprising of multiple cascaded processing<br />

modules. However, while the Reader concept implies that each data set element is retrievable<br />

individually, Pipe elements may produce an arbitrary amount of output in response to input<br />

data processing, which would render such modules unsuitable for this type of reuse. We therefore<br />

introduce the additional module connections freeze <strong>and</strong> thaw serving to suspend <strong>and</strong> resume<br />

processing pipeline data ow, respectively (gure 3.2). These connections run anti-parallel to<br />

the data <strong>and</strong> flush signals. As signal invocation corresponds to a series of nested function<br />

calls transmitted along the connected modules, source <strong>and</strong> pipe templates are able to directly<br />

detect suspend <strong>and</strong> resume requests sent by downstream elements. A provided class template<br />

extractor utilizes the implemented suspend facilities to act as a bridge between the Sink <strong>and</strong><br />

Reader concepts. Thus, extractor objects may be inserted at the end of a line of processing<br />

modules to retrieve generated output data individually. A complementary template feed provides<br />

bridging between the Writer <strong>and</strong> Source concepts.<br />

3.2.3 Module Implementation<br />

Encapsulation of subproblems as modules implementing both the Writer <strong>and</strong> Reader concepts<br />

comes with the disadvantage that all data generated in response to a single invocation of one of<br />

the Writer methods must be kept in an internal buer for subsequent retrieval via the Reader<br />

interface. However, in the context of a processing pipeline each element of output data can in<br />

principle directly be transmitted to downstream modules for further processing, often avoiding<br />

the need to implement internal buering. Direct propagation can be achieved by direct implementation<br />

of the Pipe concept, thus exposing direct access to the module's data <strong>and</strong> ush<br />

signals. Implementation logic of unbuered, interruptible processing is however more complex<br />

than the buered equivalent. We therefore provide a base class template pipe_facade enforcing<br />

a restricted programming model to support correct implementation of such modules.<br />

The facade template requires distribution of processing implementation across four function<br />

calls prepare, append, next <strong>and</strong> flush. A function emit is further made accessible to subclasses<br />

to propagate generated output. The template enforces a single-emit rule by which invocation<br />

of the emit base class function is permissible exactly once during each call to either of the four<br />

implementation functions. The purpose of each of the four functions is illustrated by example<br />

(listing 3.3).<br />

Raw sequencing read input data will typically be ordered by an identier specic to the<br />

respective insert, whereas order of the individual reads retrieved from the insert is arbitrary.<br />

For some purposes further ordering of sequencing reads of the same insert by their paired-end<br />

sequencing index may however be convenient. Implementation of an appropriate reordering<br />

module demonstrates the purpose of each of the four facade functions.<br />

The reordering module collects all reads belonging to the same insert in an internal buer,<br />

<strong>and</strong> subsequently orders them by value of their paired-end index. The prepare method serves as<br />

an initial notication about next element that will be passed to the object's append method. In<br />

the case of the example module, identiers are compared to determine whether further reads are<br />

available for the insert currently being processed. If the next read does not belong to the current<br />

insert, reordering of the reads by paired-end index is triggered. Reads are then transmitted for<br />

downstream processing by invocation of emit on the rst of the collected reads. In concert with


1 class order_paired_reads_pipe<br />

:public pipe_facade<br />

{<br />

private:<br />

10 // Grants pipe_facade access to private member functions.<br />

friend class pipeline_core_access;<br />

15<br />

// Stores all reads with the same identifier.<br />

std::vector m_buffer;<br />

// Orders all reads collected in buffer by their paired-end index.<br />

void order_reads_by_index();<br />

// Tests if a read has no mates.<br />

20 static bool is_single_read(const read &);<br />

void next()<br />

{<br />

if(!m_buffer.empty())<br />

25 {<br />

m_buffer.pop_front();<br />

30 }<br />

}<br />

if(!m_buffer.empty())<br />

emit(m_buffer.front());<br />

void prepare(const read & r)<br />

{<br />

35 if(!m_buffer.empty() && (r.id != m_buffer.front().id))<br />

{<br />

order_reads_by_index();<br />

emit(m_buffer.front());<br />

}<br />

40 }<br />

void append(const read & r)<br />

{<br />

if(is_single_read(r))<br />

45 emit(r);<br />

else<br />

m_buffer.push_back(r);<br />

}<br />

50 void flush()<br />

{<br />

if(!m_buffer.empty())<br />

{<br />

order_reads_by_index();<br />

55 emit(m_buffer.front());<br />

}<br />

}<br />

};<br />

Listing 3.3: Usage Example for the pipe_facade Template


the method next described below, the internal sequencing read buer thereby gets successively<br />

freed for processing of the following insert.<br />

Processing of new input data must be h<strong>and</strong>led by the method append. In the context of the<br />

reordering example, single-end <strong>and</strong> orphan reads i. e. all reads that for any reason are the only<br />

ones for their respective insert can be immediately transmitted downstream, whereas paired<br />

reads are appended to the internal sequencing read buer for subsequent sorting.<br />

The method next is automatically invoked through the facade class on completing propagation<br />

of an element of output data. Subclasses may implement the method with the purpose<br />

of discarding data no longer required. The emit method may be re-invoked inside the method<br />

body. In the example module, this property is exploited to iteratively emit all reads of the<br />

current insert <strong>and</strong> free the buer for processing of the following insert.<br />

By means of the division of implementation among the four processing functions in concert<br />

with the single-emit rule, the facade template is able to ensure correct data propagation <strong>and</strong><br />

h<strong>and</strong>ling of suspend <strong>and</strong> resume requests triggered through the freeze <strong>and</strong> thaw slots. Subclasses<br />

may however omit implementation of individual methods not required for the respective<br />

processing task.<br />

3.2.4 In-Place <strong>Data</strong> Manipulation<br />

In the pipeline model, processing modules are presented with individual data set elements that<br />

are invalidated as the following element becomes available. As demonstrated by the example<br />

(listing 3.3), this implies that operations that rely on a relation between multiple elements must<br />

maintain an internal buer to accumulate the relevant data. Furthermore, to avoid unintended<br />

side eects between dierent branches of the downstream processing setup, modules <strong>and</strong> data<br />

sources must prohibit direct manipulation of transmitted data. Copying of data is therefore also a<br />

prerequisite to implementing manipulation of certain properties of the data set's elements. Both<br />

restrictions may therefore result in a considerable level of unnecessary data copying overhead.<br />

To mitigate this issue with the explicit model of data propagation (section 3.2.2), Reader<br />

classes are initially implemented following a lower level concept Basic_Reader, which is dened<br />

as a class with a single method next. The method can be used to attempt reading a single data<br />

set element into an externally provided buer, <strong>and</strong> returns a boolean ag to indicate whether an<br />

element could be successfully retrieved. <strong>Data</strong> read into the provided buer can then be freely<br />

manipulated prior to further processing. The Basic_Reader variant of a class is identied by the<br />

prex basic_. The corresponding Reader classes compliant with the processing infrastructure<br />

are generated automatically via a class template monolithic (gure 3.1).<br />

The processing framework provides a more generic mechanism to avoid data copying overhead.<br />

By implementation as plug-in class, operations with identical input <strong>and</strong> output data type can be<br />

realized using in-place manipulation of an arbitrary number of data set elements determined by<br />

the class.<br />

For plug-in module support, Reader, Source or Pipe classes inherit a template class<br />

buffer_chain. The template maintains an extensible list of re-assignable buers for the<br />

respective type of data set element associated with the data source. Prior to downstream<br />

propagation of data, objects of classes inheriting a class plugin of appropriate type may be<br />

granted access to the list of maintained buers for manipulation, removal or requesting further<br />

buering of data set elements.<br />

As a simple example, we present the implementation of a plug-in for sort order verication<br />

(listing 3.4). Prior to propagation of the rst of the buered elements, plug-in modules<br />

are presented with the internal list of buers, as well as a list of unused buers to which discarded<br />

elements may be added. The module's apply method may freely manipulate, discard,


1 class sequence_sorting_check<br />

:public plugin<br />

{<br />

private:<br />

5<br />

// Generates an exception to indicate data are not sorted<br />

// according to expectation.<br />

void sorting_error();<br />

10 public:<br />

virtual int apply(std::deque & buffers,<br />

std::vector & unused,<br />

const bool flush)<br />

15 {<br />

if(buffers.size() < 2)<br />

return flush ? (PLUGIN_SUCCESS) : (PLUGIN_STARVED);<br />

if(buffers[1]->sequence < buffers[0]->sequence)<br />

20 sorting_error();<br />

};<br />

}<br />

return PLUGIN_SUCCESS;<br />

Listing 3.4: Plugin Implementation Example<br />

re-use buers of the unused buers list or allocate further buers for its data manipulation task.<br />

Given enough data set elements have been buered for the module to carry out its operation,<br />

a status value PLUGIN_SUCCESS is returned, <strong>and</strong> status PLUGIN_STARVED otherwise to cause the<br />

buffer_chain object to delay data propagation <strong>and</strong> collect further data. In case of the sort order<br />

example, the method indicates at least two elements are required to complete the operation (line<br />

16). Given the prerequisite is fullled, the module proceeds to verify the ordering of the rst two<br />

elements found in the buer (line 19).<br />

Support for plug-in modules can be readily combined with the pipe_facade approach (listing<br />

3.5). The source code example presents a simple conversion module for sequencing read<br />

data types. To allow a more direct representation of the le structure, sequences read from 454<br />

St<strong>and</strong>ard Flowgram Format (SFF) les are initially stored in a data structure distinct from the<br />

<strong>lib</strong>shore regular sequencing read representation. To be used with generic read processing modules,<br />

a conversion of read data is thus required. The append method of the conversion module requests<br />

an unused buer <strong>and</strong> uses it to perform the data type conversion (lines 21, 23). Given plug-in<br />

modules succeed, a data set element is transmitted downstream (lines 25, 26). The module's<br />

next method invalidates the rst of the buered elements <strong>and</strong> transmits further data when appropriate.<br />

When combined with the buffer_chain class, the method flush of the pipe_facade<br />

template must be implemented to nalize processing of elements that were possibly delayed by<br />

request of plug-in modules (lines 2933).


1 class sff_flatten_pipe<br />

:public shore::pipe_facade,<br />

public buffer_chain<br />

{<br />

5 private:<br />

// Grants pipe_facade access to private member functions.<br />

friend class shore::pipeline_core_access;<br />

10 // Performs the conversion from sff_read to read type.<br />

static void init_read_from_sff(read & r, const sff_read & sff);<br />

void next()<br />

{<br />

15 if(buffer_chain_pop())<br />

emit(buffer_chain_front());<br />

}<br />

void append(const shore::sff_read & r)<br />

20 {<br />

shore::read & current = buffer_chain_push();<br />

init_read_from_sff(current, r);<br />

25 if(buffer_chain_prepare())<br />

emit(buffer_chain_front());<br />

}<br />

void flush()<br />

30 {<br />

if(buffer_chain_flush(false))<br />

emit(buffer_chain_front());<br />

}<br />

};<br />

Listing 3.5: Usage Example for the buffer_chain Template<br />

3.3 A Simplied Parallelization Interface<br />

While run time of simple high-throughput sequencing data processing tasks is often primarily<br />

determined by the available capacities for input <strong>and</strong> output, computationally more expensive<br />

operations such as mapping of reads to a reference genome sequence may require heavy<br />

parallelization to complete in an acceptable time span. Correctness of in general error prone<br />

implementation of parallel algorithms is dicult to assess. We build on the <strong>lib</strong>shore pipeline<br />

infrastructure (section 3.2) to realize a parallelization framework that oers a simplied parallel<br />

programming model sucient for typical processing of sequencing data. The framework provides<br />

an interface that abstracts from parallelization-related implementation details <strong>and</strong> is able<br />

to seamlessly support both shared <strong>and</strong> distributed memory modes of operation.


1 const int NUM_THREADS = 16;<br />

const int BATCH_SIZE = 100;<br />

parallelizer par(NUM_THREADS, BATCH_SIZE);<br />

5 sync syn1;<br />

sync syn2;<br />

serial r("in.bam");<br />

parallel f1(filter1_config);<br />

10 parallel f2(filter2_config);<br />

serial w1("filtered1.maplist");<br />

serial w2("stdout");<br />

// Connect modules.<br />

15 r | par | f1 | f2 | syn2 | w2;<br />

f1 | syn1 | w1;<br />

// Process data <strong>and</strong> finish.<br />

20 dump(r);<br />

Listing 3.6: Parallel Processing Example<br />

3.3.1 Parallelization Modules<br />

Our parallelization <strong>lib</strong>rary is based primarily on ve dierent C++ class templates (gure 3.1).<br />

Class templates parallelizer, sync <strong>and</strong> desync can be instantiated to provide special parallelization<br />

modules for incorporation into a processing pipeline. Instantiated objects constitute<br />

special processing modules with identical input <strong>and</strong> output data type. The respective templates<br />

are parametrized on the type of data that is processable by the module. The template<br />

parallelizer is responsible for thread creation <strong>and</strong> management as well as dispatching of data<br />

to dierent threads or processes. Objects instantiated from the class template sync can be<br />

incorporated into a parallel pipeline to protect following pipeline modules from concurrent modi-<br />

cation. The third type of parallelization module desync allows transition from pipeline modules<br />

protected by a sync object to further concurrently modiable processing modules. For creation<br />

of parallel processing pipelines, the actual processing modules must further be incorporated by<br />

class templates parallel or serial to indicate whether the respective module may be used<br />

concurrently.<br />

While the basic processing infrastructure only enforces compatibility of input <strong>and</strong> output<br />

data types of connected modules, the parallelization templates impose additional restrictions<br />

upon which classes of object can be connected. Outputs of serial objects may be connected<br />

to either other serial or to parallelizer or desync objects. Objects instantiated from the<br />

parallel template are the only objects capable of receiving input from parallelizer objects.<br />

The parallel objects can be connected downstream to either further objects instantiated from<br />

the parallel template, or to appropriate sync objects. Finally, desync outputs can only be<br />

connected to parallel objects.<br />

Using these templates, the original data processing example (listing 3.2) can be reformulated<br />

to support parallel modes of operation (listing 3.6). As indicated by the example, the level of<br />

parallelism is requested through a parallelizer object (line 4). The parallelizer distributes<br />

batches of data collected from the connected reader object to the worker threads associated with<br />

it. The two subsequent ltering operations are carried out in concurrent mode, whereas the


output operations must be protected by respective sync objects to prevent garbled output.<br />

Our API abstracts from the actual implementation by which parallelization <strong>and</strong> synchronization<br />

of program ow is accomplished. The underlying framework currently supports multithreaded<br />

operation as well as distributed memory congurations such as compute clusters utilizing<br />

the Message Passing Interface (MPI) st<strong>and</strong>ard. To avoid a hard dependency on MPI<br />

implementations, support for distributed operation is disabled by default, but may be enabled<br />

at compile time without further source code modication.<br />

3.3.2 Parallel Pipeline Architecture<br />

Internally, automation of parallel processing is accomplished by introduction of further signalslot<br />

connections between the parallelization modules. The framework's mode of operation is<br />

illustrated with a block diagram depicting all possible module connections (gure 3.3(a) ). The<br />

data Source for the processing pipeline is incorporated by the leftmost serial object. The<br />

data <strong>and</strong> flush signals of the source are connected to a multiplexer object internal to the<br />

parallelizer. The parallelizer further incorporates multiple thread objects (multiplicity is<br />

indicated by three dots in the lower compartment of the respective block diagram element). <strong>Data</strong><br />

collected by the multiplexer are dispatched to threads by means of a condition variable <strong>and</strong><br />

simple exchange of buers.<br />

Pipeline initialization is controlled by an auxiliary connection numthreads oered by all parallelization<br />

classes (not shown). Objects of class parallel on initialization create multiple separate<br />

processing modules. Each of these modules is associated with one specic thread of the<br />

parallelizer, to which it is connected to through its data <strong>and</strong> flush slots.<br />

On the output side, each module incorporated by the parallel object is further connected<br />

to a unique track provided by the sync object. All of the tracks' data signals are connected<br />

to the same downstream serial object, whereas received flush requests must be integrated by<br />

the parent sync object to ensure that the downstream section of the pipeline gets ushed after<br />

processing has completed on all threads.<br />

A sync incorporates a mutex variable which is used to protect downstream parts of the<br />

pipeline from concurrent use. On activation of a track object's data or flush slots, this mutex<br />

is acquired by the respective track before conveying the signal to the connected serial object.<br />

By the nested function call property of signals passed to connected pipeline elements, it is ensured<br />

that all contiguous, serial downstream operations are completed as the signal call returns. The<br />

mutex can thus be released immediately to free the protected modules for use by other threads.<br />

The desync template is intended to enable correct resumption of parallel mode of operation<br />

downstream of a section of the processing pipeline controlled by a sync object. To accomplish<br />

that, desync objects must provide a decoupling of downstream processing modules from the<br />

upstream serial modules. For this purpose, the module receives locking information from the<br />

controlling sync object by means of four additional signal-slot connections. These connections<br />

between the sync <strong>and</strong> the desync object are established through objects lock_link provided<br />

by the serial modules composing the enclosed section of the pipeline. A signal postlock is<br />

transmitted by the sync object after the mutex variable has been acquired by a thread. In<br />

response, the desync object starts to accumulate all data that is generated by the upstream<br />

pipeline in a thread-specic buer. The signal preunlock is received immediately before the<br />

mutex is unlocked by the upstream sync. The signal causes the thread-specic buer to be<br />

detached from upstream pipeline input. Finally, a third signal postunlock indicates that the<br />

respective thread has just relinquished the sync's mutex variable, <strong>and</strong> causes the desync to dump<br />

all data collected in a buer to the channel of the downstream pipeline that is associated with


(a)<br />

serial<br />

parallelizer<br />

parallel<br />

sync<br />

serial<br />

desync<br />

parallel<br />

Source<br />

multiplexer<br />

track<br />

Pipe<br />

multiplexer<br />

thread<br />

Pipe<br />

lock_link<br />

. . .<br />

. . .<br />

. . .<br />

. . .<br />

track<br />

Sink<br />

. . .<br />

. . .<br />

(b)<br />

serial<br />

parallelizer<br />

parallel<br />

sync<br />

serial<br />

desync<br />

parallel<br />

multiplexer<br />

track<br />

multiplexer<br />

thread<br />

Pipe<br />

lock_link<br />

. . .<br />

. . .<br />

. . .<br />

. . .<br />

track<br />

Sink<br />

. . .<br />

. . .<br />

Signal<br />

data<br />

ush<br />

Slot<br />

postlock<br />

preunlock<br />

postunlock<br />

join<br />

Figure 3.3: Connections between Parallel Processing Objects<br />

the respective thread. <strong>An</strong> auxiliary flush signal in addition conveys the thread-specic ush<br />

state across synchronized sections of the processing pipeline.<br />

Finally, a connection join is supported by all parallel processing modules to ensure correct<br />

termination of processing across all threads.<br />

For distributed memory architectures, data are distributed from a single root process to<br />

several worker processes. Worker processes must receive the data to be processed concurrently<br />

from the root process, <strong>and</strong> must subsequently return their output data for processing by serial<br />

modules (gure 3.3(b) ).<br />

Objects of parallelizer, sync <strong>and</strong> desync initialized in worker processes automatically<br />

establish connections for exchange of data with their respective counterpart in the root process,<br />

where each connection is associated with an additional thread in the root process.<br />

To prevent initialization conicts <strong>and</strong> overhead, serial objects are associated with the additional<br />

function of preventing creation of their respective incorporated processing module when


not in the root process.<br />

Threads of worker processes' parallelizer objects operate by requesting data from the respective<br />

counterpart in the root process. Failure to retrieve data indicates that processing is<br />

complete, <strong>and</strong> triggers invocation of the thread's ush signal <strong>and</strong> subsequently thread termination.<br />

Otherwise, data received are transmitted to the subsequent parallel object, identical with<br />

threaded operation.<br />

Subsequent sync objects submit received data <strong>and</strong> ush signals to the corresponding object<br />

of the root process. Sections formed by serial objects however cause an interruption in the<br />

pipelines of worker processes. Therefore, sync objects must exploit the postlock signal transmitted<br />

through serial modules to trigger a downstream desync object to request data generated<br />

by serial processing from its counterpart in the root process.

4 Closing Remarks<br />

Routine analysis of high-throughput sequencing data not only requires development of an appropriate<br />

analysis strategy for the respective application as well as solving associated algorithmic<br />

challenges, but is further greatly facilitated by embedding the approach into an underlying framework<br />

optimized for h<strong>and</strong>ling large sequence data sets. With SHORE, we have implemented an<br />

end-to-end pipeline providing a powerful <strong>and</strong> modular analysis environment. Through tight<br />

integration of all required analysis modules, data ow is optimized, minimizing overhead <strong>and</strong><br />

incompatibilities at the transition points between the various steps of an analysis. Through embedding<br />

into the pipeline environment, even supplementary utility algorithms are augmented by<br />

readily available complementary functionality such as capable read data ltering.<br />

A variety of analysis modules dedicated to specic high-throughput sequencing applications<br />

are already made available with SHORE. With the SHORE peak module, this work introduced support<br />

for ChIP-Seq enrichment proling oering highly congurable peak detection <strong>and</strong> ltering<br />

mechanisms. With an approach that renders analysis results of simultaneously processed data<br />

sets immediately comparable, obtaining conclusions from replicate experiments is in our view<br />

greatly facilitated. With further general-purpose modules SHORE coverage <strong>and</strong> SHORE count providing<br />

exible depth of coverage-based sequence segmentation <strong>and</strong> comprehensive gathering of<br />

segment-associated statistics, SHORE should prove applicable to a wide range of expression pro-<br />

ling, enrichment or depletion protocols without further adaptation.<br />

With the integrated approach, we were able to introduce a common foundation in the form<br />

of the <strong>lib</strong>shore framework. This has allowed us to implement a common data storage solution<br />

allowing universal support of exible <strong>and</strong> eective data compression <strong>and</strong> accelerated data set<br />

queries across all analysis modules. Thereby, we maintain the usefulness of the analysis suite in<br />

the face of vastly increased quantities of data produced by sequencing instruments. With generalpurpose<br />

modules such as SHORE oligo-match, we further demonstrate that usability of st<strong>and</strong>-alone<br />

utilities also benets from the common framework in terms of le format independence, familiar<br />

comm<strong>and</strong> line interfaces, automatic support for compressed or streaming input <strong>and</strong> output, or<br />

capable parallelization. With the <strong>lib</strong>shore processing framework, we provide a means for designing<br />

complex analysis algorithms as a collection of manageable, self-contained modules. The ability<br />

to parallelize many such algorithms without further modication from our point of view has<br />

signicant value with the still increasing rate of sequencing data production, <strong>and</strong> might serve as a<br />

basis for the development of further abstracted parallel processing approaches targeted at specic<br />

subclasses of sequencing application. For example, parallel implementations of reference-guided<br />

variant calling algorithms require appropriate data partitioning <strong>and</strong> result merging mechanisms,<br />

distributing read mapping data to dierent processing threads according to their location on the<br />

reference sequence. Such mechanisms are potentially intricate if multi-position traits such as<br />

allelic phasing of single nucleotide polymorphisms are to be assessed.<br />

Despite next-generation sequencing technology now having been available for several years,<br />

for most applications surprisingly little consensus has been reached regarding optimal analysis<br />



algorithms. With the sample preparation procedure leading up to the sequencing device being<br />

application-specic, weakly st<strong>and</strong>ardized, involving signicant amounts of manual work <strong>and</strong> thus<br />

ultimately highly variable, development of robust statistical models has proved intricate. Furthermore,<br />

strategies for result validation are usually laborious, cost-intensive or have yet to be<br />

developed. In many cases, specicity or sensitivity of predictions can be improved by intersection<br />

or union of results obtained through partially complementary algorithms, respectively. For<br />

example, with the SHORE mapowcell utility, we provide a unied interface that allows to readily<br />

obtain <strong>and</strong> combine the results of a variety of available read mapping algorithms in consistent<br />

<strong>and</strong> immediately comparable output formats. Implementation of further wrapper infrastructure<br />

to similarly integrate third-party analysis algorithms for applications such as variation calling or<br />

enrichment proling might be a future direction to obtain a valuable resource to readily determine<br />

individual algorithms' strengths <strong>and</strong> weaknesses through large-scale comparison. However,<br />

the various algorithms available for a specic high-throughput sequencing application often share<br />

similar fundamental ideas, <strong>and</strong> thus suer from corresponding systematic issues.<br />

The initially rapid pace at which innovations improving throughput, read lengths or error<br />

rates have been achieved now seems to be diminishing for the current generation of sequencing<br />

technologies. However, conceptually dierent high-throughput sequencing approaches such as<br />

nanopore sequencing are being investigated, <strong>and</strong> might in the medium term account for further<br />

drastic changes in the eld. With cost reduced by a further magnitude <strong>and</strong> improved reliability<br />

<strong>and</strong> automation of sample preparation, DNA sequencing could nd its way into routine medical<br />

application. However, other than cost-per-base, changes in the properties of the data should<br />

prove most relevant for scientic application <strong>and</strong> data analysis.<br />

Sequencing read length has long been perceived as a critical factor for genome assembly or<br />

assessment of genome structure. It seems likely that a technology able to deliver read lengths<br />

of multiple tens of kilobases at competitive accuracy <strong>and</strong> price would bring about a major shift<br />

towards multiple whole-genome comparison strategies. In addition to whole-genome topology,<br />

such approaches will implicitly yield traits like copy number variation as well as single nucleotide<br />

polymorphisms <strong>and</strong> all other types of localized, small-scale variation, <strong>and</strong> possibly render the<br />

corresponding reference-based resequencing approaches irrelevant. However, to fully leverage the<br />

advantages compared to reference sequence-guided analysis, signicant further challenges with<br />

respect to data analysis <strong>and</strong> representation will have to be overcome. Reasonable relations must<br />

be devised to capture homology, replacing the linear reference genome coordinate system. Providing<br />

manageable breakdown <strong>and</strong> visualization of such data will be essential, <strong>and</strong> likely require<br />

a variety of dierent approaches depending on the respective focus of the investigation. To assess<br />

the functional implications of primary analysis results, gene annotation or annotation transfer<br />

algorithms will have to be simplied <strong>and</strong> improved. Finally, ensuring immediate comparability<br />

of results across dierent studies should prove challenging.<br />

Technological innovations that could potentially replace or drastically improve the power<br />

of current deep sequencing approaches such as whole-genome enrichment or expression pro-<br />

ling are more dicult to envision. Single-molecule sequencing methods however may in the<br />

future permit amplication- <strong>and</strong> ligation-free sequencing of samples from small amounts of starting<br />

material. From such elimination of steps of the sample preparation procedure might follow a<br />

signicant reduction of sequence-specic biases. Furthermore, this simplication should present<br />

opportunities for st<strong>and</strong>ardization <strong>and</strong> automation of sequencing <strong>lib</strong>rary production to further reduce<br />

technical variability. With minimization of the amount of required DNA <strong>and</strong> tissue, sample<br />

composition should correspondingly be rendered more controllable. Spike-in of st<strong>and</strong>ard quantities<br />

of DNA oligomers seems to have been ab<strong>and</strong>oned by the scientic community, but might in<br />

future rened <strong>and</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ardized incarnations provide an additional resource to data normalization<br />

<strong>and</strong> estimation of measurement variance. Dropping sequencing cost <strong>and</strong> simplication of <strong>lib</strong>rary

79<br />

preparation should further induce tolerance to employ the resource sequencing less sparingly.<br />

While most current studies due to economical considerations rely on no more than two replicate<br />

experiments, gathering extensive experimental evidence in the form of many replicate data sets<br />

could become st<strong>and</strong>ard in the future. Combined, these factors may entail improved statistical<br />

power from quantitative sequencing experiments, while at the same time facilitating statistical<br />

modeling of the sequencing <strong>and</strong> sample preparation process.<br />

To this eect, the fundamental approaches to quantitative sequencing data analysis should<br />

require rather gradual modication compared to genome structure <strong>and</strong> variation analysis. Reference<br />

sequence-based analysis as implemented in our modules SHORE peak or SHORE count will<br />

probably remain the preferred strategy in the near future, although it may become more commonplace<br />

to generate appropriate reference genomes de-novo along with the quantitative data. A<br />

medium-term goal might be complementing the available algorithms for quantitative data with<br />

methods that allow to better leverage the statistical power acquired by increasing the number of<br />

replicate experiments. Short-term improvements could possibly be achieved by investing in more<br />

sophisticated models <strong>and</strong> algorithms to capture <strong>and</strong> estimate an increasing number of parameters<br />

of <strong>lib</strong>rary preparation, sequencing <strong>and</strong> data analysis. However, the characteristics of current<br />

data sets may be the result of superimposition <strong>and</strong> complex interplay of a variety of eects, <strong>and</strong><br />

are furthermore subject to constant change as protocols <strong>and</strong> sequencing chemistry evolve.<br />

With progress with respect to sequencing read length, sequence assembly <strong>and</strong> automated<br />

genome annotation algorithms, reference-based variation detection as implemented by<br />

SHORE consensus or SHORE qVar modules could be superseded by fundamentally dierent strategies.<br />

However, SHORE <strong>and</strong> <strong>lib</strong>shore may still constitute a valuable framework for implementation<br />

of such future methods. While increasing read length should automatically resolve many of<br />

the ambiguities that current analysis algorithms are confronted with, the biological questions<br />

to address by future algorithms are likely to gain complexity. They should therefore pose<br />

computationally intensive tasks that benet from application programming frameworks oriented<br />

towards the ecient processing of large amounts of biological sequence data.<br />

While the focus of this work was on the technical <strong>and</strong> algorithmic aspects of obtaining primary<br />

analysis results from various types of high-throughput DNA sequencing data set, a future<br />

challenge will lie with moving from elucidation of isolated properties of the cellular mechanism<br />

to building consistent theoretical frameworks through integration of the data made accessible by<br />

dierent sequencing applications <strong>and</strong> further complementary technologies.

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