Films minces à base de Si nanostructuré pour des cellules ...

Films minces à base de Si nanostructuré pour des cellules ... Films minces à base de Si nanostructuré pour des cellules ...
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identication of certain defects and impurities. Figure 2.19: Illustration of excitation and de-excitation processes. tel-00916300, version 1 - 10 Dec 2013 Experimental set-up and working The schematic diagram of PL set-up used in our laboratory is as shown in gure 2.20. The optical excitation is provided by a continuous wave Ar laser source (Argon INNOVA CW 90C) operated at 488nm. The laser beam passes through a chopper (Thorlabs MC1000A) set for a chosen frequency (73 Hz). The lock in amplier (SR830) is referenced to the chopper frequency. The laser beam is focussed on the sample at an angle of 45° using appropriate optical lenses. A part of the light emitted by the sample is collected through another set of lenses and is focussed on the entrance slit of the monochromator (TRIAX 180 HORIBA Jobin Yvon). The monochromator disperses the light emitted from the sample and reects towards the exit slit. A photomultiplier tube (PM Vis PL R5108 HAMAMATSU) placed at the exit slit of the monochromator detects the dispersed light. An amplier (AMPLI FEMTO DHPCA-100, DC-200 MHz) amplies the detected signal and converts it into voltage. The signal consisting of all the detected frequencies is fed into the lockin amplier which selects signal at the reference frequency and lter other frequencies (room lighting electrical signal at 50 Hz). All the systems are LABVIEW interfaced. The power of the laser beam at the lm surface was measured using a power meter from LOT-ORIEL. All the PL spectra are standardized to a common reference sample, and corrected to spectral response of the PL set-up. The spectra before and after correcting to spectral response is as shown in gure 2.21. 56

Figure 2.20: Schematic diagram of the photoluminescence experimental set-up. tel-00916300, version 1 - 10 Dec 2013 Informations extracted in this thesis ˆ The information on the presence of Si-nps and radiative defects can be obtained from the position and shape of the luminescence peak. ˆ The shift of the PL peak position with varying deposition parameters yield information on the size of Si-nps ˆ The shape and the intensity of the PL spectra can be used to extract the informations such as the eect with annealing temperature, the sample thickness and interference phenomena especially in multilayers. 57

Figure 2.20: Schematic diagram of the photoluminescence experimental set-up.<br />

tel-00916300, version 1 - 10 Dec 2013<br />

Informations extracted in this thesis<br />

ˆ The information on the presence of <strong>Si</strong>-nps and radiative <strong>de</strong>fects can be obtained<br />

from the position and shape of the luminescence peak.<br />

ˆ The shift of the PL peak position with varying <strong>de</strong>position parameters yield<br />

information on the size of <strong>Si</strong>-nps<br />

ˆ The shape and the intensity of the PL spectra can be used to extract the informations<br />

such as the eect with annealing temperature, the sample thickness<br />

and interference phenomena especially in multilayers.<br />


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