Films minces à base de Si nanostructuré pour des cellules ...

Films minces à base de Si nanostructuré pour des cellules ... Films minces à base de Si nanostructuré pour des cellules ...
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Inelastic (Raman and Brillouin) scattering. A part of the photons is re-radiated at the incident energy and this is known as Rayleigh scattering. Few photons are scattered due to interaction with optical and acoustical phonons in the material and are termed as Raman and Brillouin scattering respectively. The energy shift of the Raman scattered light towards high (Anti-stokes) and low (Stokes) frequencies yield information on the vibrational modes in the measured sample. Figure 2.11 illustrates the Raman shift of the scattered light. tel-00916300, version 1 - 10 Dec 2013 Figure 2.11: Illustration of scattering of light and Raman shift. Experimental set-up and working A Raman system typically consists of four major components: ˆ Excitation source (Laser), ˆ Sample illumination system and light collection optics, ˆ Wavelength selector (Filter or Spectrophotometer), ˆ Detector (Photodiode array, CCD or PMT). The schematic diagram of a Raman spectrometer is as shown in gure 2.12. The sample under investigation is illuminated with a laser beam. The scattered light is collected with a lens and is sent through a notch lter which removes the scattered light that is of the frequency of the laser beam. Only the light that has an energy shift (Raman shifted light) passes through the lter. The movable grating disperses the light and the dierent wavelengths are collected by a charged couple device (CCD) camera. Raman spectrometer from Jobin Yvon equipped with Ar 44

Figure 2.12: Raman spectrometer-Schematic representation. tel-00916300, version 1 - 10 Dec 2013 laser was used for measurements on some of the ML samples deposited on a quartz substrate, in order to avoid the confusions between Si contribution from the sample and the Si substrate that has a peak around 521 cm −1 . The laser beam at 532 nm was incident on the sample, and most of the measurements were performed with a low power density of 0.14 MW/cm 2 in order to avoid any inuence of laser heating. Few measurements were also performed by varying the power densities between 0.14- 1.4 MW/cm 2 to see if there were any laser induced annealing on the microstructure of the sample. Figure 2.13 shows a typical Raman spectra obtained from Si and fused silica substrates. (a) Si monocrystalline substrate (b) Fused silica substrate. Figure 2.13: Typical Raman spectra of the substrates used in this thesis. Informations extracted in this thesis ˆ The peak intensity gives information on the volume of crystalline phase of Si. ˆ The shift of the baseline at higher wavenumbers in the Raman spectra is indicative of photoluminescence. 45

Figure 2.12: Raman spectrometer-Schematic representation.<br />

tel-00916300, version 1 - 10 Dec 2013<br />

laser was used for measurements on some of the ML samples <strong>de</strong>posited on a quartz<br />

substrate, in or<strong>de</strong>r to avoid the confusions between <strong>Si</strong> contribution from the sample<br />

and the <strong>Si</strong> substrate that has a peak around 521 cm −1 . The laser beam at 532 nm<br />

was inci<strong>de</strong>nt on the sample, and most of the measurements were performed with a<br />

low power <strong>de</strong>nsity of 0.14 MW/cm 2 in or<strong>de</strong>r to avoid any inuence of laser heating.<br />

Few measurements were also performed by varying the power <strong>de</strong>nsities between 0.14-<br />

1.4 MW/cm 2 to see if there were any laser induced annealing on the microstructure<br />

of the sample. Figure 2.13 shows a typical Raman spectra obtained from <strong>Si</strong> and<br />

fused silica substrates.<br />

(a) <strong>Si</strong> monocrystalline substrate<br />

(b) Fused silica substrate.<br />

Figure 2.13: Typical Raman spectra of the substrates used in this thesis.<br />

Informations extracted in this thesis<br />

ˆ The peak intensity gives information on the volume of crystalline phase of <strong>Si</strong>.<br />

ˆ The shift of the <strong>base</strong>line at higher wavenumbers in the Raman spectra is<br />

indicative of photoluminescence.<br />


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