Android 开发教程

Android 开发教程

Android 开发教程


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-----------------------------------<strong>Android</strong> 编 程 基 础<br />

4 修 改 mainActivity.java 文 件<br />

package zyf.Ex_Ctrl_6;<br />

import android.app.Activity;<br />

import android.os.Bundle;<br />

import android.widget.RadioButton;<br />

import android.widget.RadioGroup;<br />

import android.widget.TextView;<br />

public class Ex_Ctrl_6 extends Activity {<br />

/** Called when the activity is first created. */<br />

private TextView answer_TextView;<br />

private RadioButton boy_RadioButton,girl_RadioButton;<br />

private RadioGroup radioGroup;<br />

@Override<br />

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {<br />

super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);<br />

setContentView(R.layout.main);<br />

/* findViewById() 从 XML 中 获 取 资 源 对 象 */<br />

answer_TextView=(TextView)findViewById(R.id.TextView_Ask_And_Show);<br />

radioGroup=(RadioGroup)findViewById(R.id.RadioGroup);<br />

boy_RadioButton=(RadioButton)findViewById(R.id.RadioButton_Boy);<br />

girl_RadioButton=(RadioButton)findViewById(R.id.RadioButton_Gril);<br />

/* 给 单 RadioGroup 添 加 状 态 改 变 监 听 器 */<br />

radioGroup.setOnCheckedChangeListener(new<br />

new<br />

RadioGroup.OnCheckedChangeListener(){<br />

}<br />

}<br />

@Override<br />

public void onCheckedChanged(RadioGroup group, int checkedId) {<br />

// TODO Auto-generated method stub<br />

if(boy_RadioButton.isChecked()){<br />

answer_TextView.setText(R.string.iam_Boy);<br />

}else<br />

else{<br />

answer_TextView.setText(R.string.iamGirl);<br />

}<br />

}<br />

});<br />


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