1 What happens to prayer if we pray to false names ... - African-Israel

1 What happens to prayer if we pray to false names ... - African-Israel

1 What happens to prayer if we pray to false names ... - African-Israel


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<strong>What</strong> <strong>happens</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong><strong>pray</strong>er</strong> <strong>if</strong> <strong>we</strong> <strong>pray</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>false</strong> <strong>names</strong> such as Jesus or Allah? By<br />

Rabbi Simon Altaf<br />

Created 29 Jan 2013<br />

Terms:<br />

Yahushua – The real name of the Messiah<br />

Torah – These are the first five books in the Bible written by Moses (Genesis,<br />

Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy contained in every Christian Bible but<br />

vastly ignored by Christians)<br />

Tanak (Scriptures from Genesis <strong>to</strong> Malachi)<br />

YHWH - The four letters of the sacred name of God.<br />

HTHS - Hidden-Truths Hebraic Scrolls - All references from this bible unless<br />

otherwise stated.<br />

I think <strong>we</strong> all have heard it that the name YHWH has been used in the Bible nearly<br />

7000 times. The name Yahushua is used almost a thousand times in the Brit Khadasha<br />

(NT) then why is it that many people still continue <strong>to</strong> ignore the true sacred <strong>names</strong> of<br />

God and the Messiah and their laws?<br />

There are myriads of excuses offered by all ethnicities of why they do not use the<br />

name and <strong>we</strong> do know that the name Yahushua is spoken of in d<strong>if</strong>ferent language as<br />

Yesu, Yeshua, Eshu, Yesua, ei-soos and likely many other forms <strong>to</strong>o.<br />

The name of the Messiah is Yahushua and the name of the Father is Yahu<strong>we</strong>h<br />

(YHWH) this is without dispute while many people on the divide continue <strong>to</strong> dis<strong>to</strong>rt<br />

the name in various ways and is a divisive fac<strong>to</strong>r amongst many.<br />

Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 8:14 And he shall be for a sanctuary; but for a s<strong>to</strong>ne of<br />

stumbling and for a rock of offence <strong>to</strong> both the houses of Y’sra’el, for a gin<br />

and for a snare <strong>to</strong> the inhabitants of Yerushalim.<br />

The Master's name and even the Father's name has become a stumbling <strong>to</strong> both<br />

Houses and <strong>to</strong> the so called inhabitants of Jerusalem who are not the true children of<br />

<strong>Israel</strong>.<br />

Therefore what about people who <strong>pray</strong> in the wrong <strong>names</strong>.<br />

So let us assume that <strong>if</strong> someone continues <strong>to</strong> petition in the wrong name, what is the<br />

repercussion for that?<br />

One may say that they have ans<strong>we</strong>red <strong><strong>pray</strong>er</strong>s in the name of 'Jesus', other says <strong>we</strong><br />

have ans<strong>we</strong>red <strong><strong>pray</strong>er</strong>s in the name of Krishna the Hindu god and <strong>we</strong> then also hear<br />

Muslim cite <strong>we</strong> have ans<strong>we</strong>red <strong><strong>pray</strong>er</strong> in the name of Allah.<br />


The pro<strong>to</strong>col of the heavens<br />

We know there is only one true El, called YHWH and the laws he gave <strong>to</strong> mankind.<br />

He has stated as <strong>we</strong> will look that he ans<strong>we</strong>rs the <strong><strong>pray</strong>er</strong>s of the right-ruling.<br />

We will also see what role does Satan play and what about people claiming their<br />

ans<strong>we</strong>red <strong><strong>pray</strong>er</strong>s and Christians claiming demons removed in Jesus name which as<br />

<strong>we</strong> know is not the sacred Hebrew name of the Messiah?<br />

First, any <strong><strong>pray</strong>er</strong> that you offer in any name other than the prescribed name is diverted<br />

by Satan. Yes, shocking though it maybe but it is Satan who is the archangel that has<br />

the ability <strong>to</strong> divert and hijack these <strong><strong>pray</strong>er</strong>s. Our <strong><strong>pray</strong>er</strong>s are carried up by angels <strong>to</strong><br />

the throne room.<br />

Rev 5:8 And when he had taken the scroll, the four beasts and t<strong>we</strong>nty four<br />

elders fell down before the Lamb, each one of them having harps, and golden<br />

vials full of aromas, which are the petitions of the Y’sra’elite kedoshim (setapart<br />

saints).<br />

So when many of you cannot receive ans<strong>we</strong>r <strong>to</strong> your <strong><strong>pray</strong>er</strong>s, now you should<br />

understand why. You are <strong>pray</strong>ing in the wrong <strong>names</strong> and these <strong><strong>pray</strong>er</strong>s can be<br />

diverted and even hijacked.<br />

Here is another shocking truth that Christendom has no clue about<br />

The strength of Satan is under estimated.<br />

Satan can ans<strong>we</strong>r <strong><strong>pray</strong>er</strong>s for those that he diverts, yes Satan has been given certain<br />

po<strong>we</strong>r <strong>to</strong> address certain <strong><strong>pray</strong>er</strong>s directly. Let me explain an example how. Someone<br />

may say I cast out a demon in the name of Jesus, <strong>if</strong> the name is wrong then who cast<br />

that demon out?<br />

How about Satan. If this was not Satan and assuming by the ignorant masses that<br />

Yahushua did it then why did the Messiah say the following as a testimony <strong>to</strong> the<br />

lawless Christians;<br />

Matthew 7:21 Not everyone that says <strong>to</strong> me, Adoni, Adoni (Master, Master:<br />

Lord, Lord), shall enter in<strong>to</strong> the kingdom of shamayim; but he that does the<br />

will of my Ab which is in the shamayim. 22 Many will say <strong>to</strong> me in that day,<br />

Master, Master, have <strong>we</strong> not prophesied in your name? And in your name<br />

have cast out demons? And in your name done many wonderful miracles? 1<br />

23 And then will I profess <strong>to</strong> them, I never knew ye: depart from me, you that<br />

work Torahlessness (Negaters of the Torah of Musa).<br />

There would be no reason for the Master Yahushua <strong>to</strong> casting these people out <strong>if</strong> the<br />

wrong name of the Messiah such as the Latin 'Jesus' had any issue of casting out<br />

demons. If <strong>we</strong> simply treat all Christians as his children but the particular writing in<br />

Matthew speaks otherwise.<br />

1 To the average Christian their l<strong>if</strong>e revolves around miracles and they have no real understanding or<br />

knowledge <strong>to</strong> obey Torah.<br />


While many demons inhabit churches, Satan does have control over them. Satan can<br />

order his own demons <strong>to</strong> leave a person or <strong>to</strong> go attack a person. That is how when<br />

you <strong>pray</strong>ed in the <strong>false</strong> name of 'Jesus', the demon left even <strong>if</strong> it may be for a short<br />

period of time but it was not the Master Yahushua who did it but Satan who<br />

intercepted your petition and then asked that demon <strong>to</strong> leave.<br />

Mattityahu 12:22-24 Then was brought <strong>to</strong> him one possessed with a demon,<br />

blind, and dumb: and he healed him, insomuch that the blind and dumb both<br />

spoke and saw. 23 And all the people <strong>we</strong>re amazed, and said, Is not this the<br />

son of Dawud? 24 But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, This fellow<br />

does not cast out demons, but by Beelzebub the ruler of the demons.<br />

The demon was not only cast out and the person healed of blindness, deaf and<br />

muteness.<br />

Its clear some people had demonstrated this in the time through Beelzebub so who is<br />

he?<br />

The Messiah did not use Beelzebub but it is true some others did so it proves my<br />

points <strong><strong>pray</strong>er</strong>s can be intercepted and ans<strong>we</strong>red by the prince of the demons.<br />

You may find this quite hard <strong>to</strong> believe but let me help you with a living testimony.<br />

A lady phoned me and <strong>to</strong>ld me she had a vision several years ago. It just so happened<br />

that she was meant <strong>to</strong> talk <strong>to</strong> me as the cover a brother designed for my book<br />

Yahushua, the Black Messiah, the lady had seen the exact same mountain as I had it<br />

in the picture on the cover with a depiction of the Messiah holding the scrolls of the<br />

Torah. Of course the picture was not of the Messiah but only an illustration.<br />

She said in the vision she saw this mountain and several elders standing there all clad<br />

in golden white clothes with head coverings. She said she felt she was dying in the<br />

vision and the elders would not let her come <strong>to</strong> the mountain as there <strong>we</strong>re Torah<br />

scrolls on the Mountain and the lady was trying <strong>to</strong> grab hold of them in which was<br />

rescue and l<strong>if</strong>e.<br />

She said these elders would not let her grab hold of the Torah scrolls and she kept<br />

calling in the name of "Jesus' as she knew no other name of him apart from the name<br />

in the Akan language (One of the languages of Ghana). The Elders simply ignored her<br />

and did not acknowledge that name. They <strong>to</strong>ld her in order <strong>to</strong> be upon the Mountain<br />

where there was eternal l<strong>if</strong>e and rescue as the world around her was falling apart she<br />

needed the true name but she did not know it. In this vision she kept telling them in<br />

'Jesus' name they said sorry <strong>we</strong> do not recognize that name.<br />

Moral of that vision <strong>if</strong> you don't have the correct name your service or po<strong>we</strong>r is very<br />

limited and whatever you do may not work.<br />

Then she had another vision at another time in which she saw Satan in the clouds. She<br />

was taken up in the clouds and of course having the Christian education <strong>to</strong> scare Satan<br />

away she started <strong>to</strong> yell at Satan in 'Jesus' name as she was trying <strong>to</strong> ascend in<strong>to</strong> the<br />

heavens but kept hitting a brick wall and could not pass it. She kept saying <strong>to</strong> Satan "I<br />


cast you out in Jesus name," nothing happened. He just laughed at her and <strong>to</strong>ld her he<br />

is not moved by this because this is not the name of the Master. She kept trying and<br />

kept falling. Satan <strong>to</strong>ld her that all the people who <strong>pray</strong> in Jesus' name he diverts their<br />

<strong><strong>pray</strong>er</strong>s and the <strong><strong>pray</strong>er</strong>s do not get in<strong>to</strong> heaven, in<strong>to</strong> the throne room, where they are<br />

meant <strong>to</strong> be ans<strong>we</strong>red. He said I ans<strong>we</strong>r these myself and they do not ascend <strong>to</strong> the<br />

Father. Clearly, this believer was not only shocked but learnt an important lesson,<br />

using <strong>false</strong> <strong>names</strong> has a price <strong>to</strong> pay. You think your <strong><strong>pray</strong>er</strong> is ascending <strong>to</strong> Abbah<br />

YHWH but its not.<br />

Can <strong>we</strong> prove this in Scripture or ver<strong>if</strong>y this <strong>if</strong> this is the case? The ans<strong>we</strong>r is yes <strong>we</strong><br />

can. Let me show you a little known verse that is never addresses <strong>to</strong> it's intended<br />

meaning.<br />

Mishle (Pro) 30:4 Who has ascended up in<strong>to</strong> shamayim, or descended? Who<br />

has gathered the wind in his fists? Who has bound the waters in a garment?<br />

Who has established all the ends of the earth? <strong>What</strong> is his name, and what is<br />

his son's name, <strong>if</strong> you can tell? 2<br />

It is actually teaching a very clear cut teaching <strong>to</strong> those of us who have the ears <strong>to</strong><br />

understand.<br />

Concepts:<br />

1. Who has ascended in<strong>to</strong> Shamayim (heavens)?<br />

2. Who has descended from Shamayim (heavens)?<br />

3. Who has the ability <strong>to</strong> gather the winds in his fists?<br />

4. Who has ability the bound the waters in a garment?<br />

5. Who has the ability <strong>to</strong> establish the earth?<br />

The ans<strong>we</strong>r <strong>to</strong> the above is only one. Abbah YHWH and his Son Melek Yahushua. In<br />

other words only Elohim but what is this teaching? The scripture actually teaches that<br />

things going upward can only ascend in the <strong>names</strong> spec<strong>if</strong>ied and designated in the<br />

shamayim such as YHWH and Yahushua. Angels can do the first two and on a limited<br />

ability <strong>to</strong> do three and four. This itself shows angels have been given po<strong>we</strong>r which can<br />

be misused as the Torah shows it was misused when there <strong>we</strong>re two falls.<br />

מי עלה־שׁמים וירד מי אסף־רוח בחפניו מי צרר־מים בשׂמלה מי הקים<br />

כל־אפסי־ארץ מה־שׁמו ומה־שׁם־בנו כי תדע׃<br />

Pro 30:4<br />

Mi Ala Shamyaim, Va Yerad Mi asaf Ruakh, Be Khofnav Mi tzarar mayim Basimla<br />

mi Hekim Kol afsei eretz Ma shmo ooma Shem, Banu ki Teda.<br />

2 (Yud) - 3 (Heh) - 5 (Wah) - 30 (Heh) <strong>to</strong> form the name YHWH is 39.<br />

2 Both the Ab and His Son carry the same name, which is YHWH. Yahushua who many call as Jesus is<br />

also the Word and the middle-pillar known as the Tzadik in Judaism but they do not recognize Him as<br />

Yahushua yet.<br />


edemption; relationship גּאלּה<br />

Either strong relationship or cutting down one according <strong>to</strong> the Hebrew hieroglyphs of<br />

the language.<br />

2 (Yud) - 3 (Heh) - 5 (Wah) - 48 (Shin) - 15 (Ayin) <strong>to</strong> form the name Yahushua is 73.<br />

Ear of Yah אז ניה<br />

The <strong>to</strong>tal of the two is 112 which is the value for Mount Ebal.<br />

So the Hebrew words formed for the three are...<br />

The Ear of YHWH is the way <strong>to</strong> relationship, else the curse of Mount Ebal is upon<br />

you.<br />

<strong>What</strong> is the sign<strong>if</strong>icance of Mount Ebal?<br />

If you do not have a relationship with him then its curses affect you. Mount Ebal is<br />

the witness for the curses let me show you.<br />

Debarim (Deut) 27:9-15 And Musa and the kohenim the Lewites spoke <strong>to</strong> all<br />

Y’sra’el, saying, Be Silent and pay close attention, O Y’sra’el; this day You<br />

have become the people of YHWH Your POWER. 10 You must listen 3<br />

carefully <strong>to</strong> the voice of YHWH Your POWER, and do His commandments<br />

and his statutes, which I command you this day. 11 And Musa commanded<br />

the people the same day, saying, 12 These shall stand upon Mount Gerizim<br />

<strong>to</strong> speak Benefits over the people, when you have come over the Yardan<br />

(Jordan); Shimeon, and Lewi, and Yahudah, and Yskhar (Issachar), and<br />

Yosef, and Benyamin: 13 And these shall stand upon Mount Ebal <strong>to</strong> curse;<br />

Reuben, Gawd, and Asher, and Zebulun, Dan, and Naphtali. 14 And the<br />

Lewites shall speak, and say <strong>to</strong> all the men of Y’sra’el with a loud voice, 15<br />

Cursed be the man that makes any graven or molten image, or something<br />

abhorrent <strong>to</strong> YHWH, the work of the hands of the craftsman, and puts it in a<br />

secret place. And all the people shall ans<strong>we</strong>r and say, Amein.<br />

Mount Gerizim was set as a benefit and a witness and Mount Ebal was set as a<br />

curse for those who refused <strong>to</strong> obey the words of the Torah and <strong>we</strong>re part of Y'sra'el.<br />

This is why the Northern House of Y'sra'el built their Temple for worship of YHWH<br />

near Mount Gerizim and it was later destroyed by the Maccabean dynastic rulers.<br />

Now you are wondering how can it be that my <strong><strong>pray</strong>er</strong>s are diverted. The problem is<br />

the person of Satan is either completely denied even by some Sadducean type<br />

groups or is acknowledged but his po<strong>we</strong>r is not seen <strong>to</strong> be what it is. So people<br />

believe the whole world is deceived but fail <strong>to</strong> see that <strong>if</strong> you <strong>we</strong>re <strong>to</strong> <strong>pray</strong> <strong>to</strong> Allah<br />

and or <strong>to</strong> <strong>pray</strong> <strong>to</strong> an idol in Hinduism then is the physical idol ans<strong>we</strong>ring your <strong><strong>pray</strong>er</strong>s<br />

or the idol of your heart "Allah" ans<strong>we</strong>ring your <strong><strong>pray</strong>er</strong>s?<br />

So when Muslims <strong>pray</strong> or Hindus <strong>pray</strong> who ans<strong>we</strong>rs the <strong><strong>pray</strong>er</strong>? If YHWH ans<strong>we</strong>rs<br />

their <strong><strong>pray</strong>er</strong>s then is Abbah YHWH not giving credibility <strong>to</strong> the demons who operate in<br />

3 ‘Listen and do means,’ <strong>to</strong> obey Torah<br />


these religions? But here is what YHWH said;<br />

Lev 17:7 And they shall no more offer their sacr<strong>if</strong>ices <strong>to</strong> goat demons, after<br />

whom they have gone whoring. This shall be a statute forever <strong>to</strong> them<br />

throughout their generations.<br />

Why does YHWH forbid us from offering sacr<strong>if</strong>ices <strong>to</strong> goat demons or wild desert<br />

unclean creatures? This is because those that offered them sacr<strong>if</strong>ices did see<br />

po<strong>we</strong>rs man<strong>if</strong>est in them. The demons and fallen angels out there have certain<br />

po<strong>we</strong>r and they the fallen angels like Satan who actually has a throne in Turkey can<br />

divert and even ans<strong>we</strong>r some <strong><strong>pray</strong>er</strong>s themselves. There is no purpose of diverting <strong>if</strong><br />

they cannot ans<strong>we</strong>r them. This will then give you the wrong impression that the <strong>false</strong><br />

god Allah, Krishna or Lakshmi the goddess of money has given you your money or<br />

whatever it is <strong>to</strong> be made feel like is truth but the reality is that you are then setup <strong>to</strong><br />

be deceived even further. Ho<strong>we</strong>ver I want <strong>to</strong> point out that Satan's ability <strong>to</strong> ans<strong>we</strong>r<br />

<strong><strong>pray</strong>er</strong> is limited and not unlimited. They cannot ans<strong>we</strong>r every <strong><strong>pray</strong>er</strong> but only certain<br />

allotted <strong><strong>pray</strong>er</strong>s.<br />

While the true Elohim Abbah YHWH and His Son Messiah Yahushua have and hold<br />

the unlimited po<strong>we</strong>r <strong>to</strong> ans<strong>we</strong>r all petitions.<br />

Debarim 32:17 They sacr<strong>if</strong>iced <strong>to</strong> demons, not <strong>to</strong> po<strong>we</strong>rs; <strong>to</strong> po<strong>we</strong>rs whom<br />

they knew not, <strong>to</strong> new po<strong>we</strong>rs that came newly up, whom your ahvot (fathers)<br />

feared not.<br />

These people sacr<strong>if</strong>iced <strong>to</strong> demons as they saw things happen, <strong><strong>pray</strong>er</strong>s ans<strong>we</strong>red<br />

and they started calling these demons gods. Is that not what Muslims and Hindus<br />

do?<br />

Don't take this as a joke as this turns Christendom's erroneous teachings upside<br />

down.<br />

Let me show you that even Laban did this and was successful.<br />

Beresheeth (Gen) 30:19 Now Laban had gone <strong>to</strong> shear his sheep, and<br />

Rach’el had s<strong>to</strong>len the teraphim that <strong>we</strong>re her father's.<br />

Laban used these figurines <strong>to</strong> make inquiry from the dead ances<strong>to</strong>rs and yes he got<br />

certain success.<br />

Teraphim <strong>we</strong>re figurines of the ances<strong>to</strong>rs which <strong>we</strong>re passed from father <strong>to</strong> son.<br />

These would have been passed <strong>to</strong> Laban who was the ruler of this terri<strong>to</strong>ry and he<br />

would then pass them on <strong>to</strong> his firstborn son<br />

Beresheeth 30:23 Then he <strong>to</strong>ok his brethren with him, and pursued him for<br />

seven days' journey; and he over<strong>to</strong>ok him in the mountains of Gilead. 24 But<br />

Elohim had come <strong>to</strong> Laban the Aramee in a dream by night, and said <strong>to</strong> him,<br />

Be careful that you speak <strong>to</strong> Yaqub neither good nor evil.<br />

How did Laban know which way <strong>to</strong> go, not only did he know which way <strong>to</strong> go but he<br />

over<strong>to</strong>ok Yaqub <strong>to</strong> catch him. He has made enquiry of his idols they spoke <strong>to</strong> him<br />

through the demonic po<strong>we</strong>rs behind them.<br />

Then YHWH intervened.<br />


Beresheeth 31:29 It is in my po<strong>we</strong>r <strong>to</strong> do you harm, but the Elohim of your<br />

father spoke <strong>to</strong> me last night, saying, guard your word with which you<br />

speak <strong>to</strong> Yaqub neither good, nor evil.<br />

So YHWH warned him that be careful and speak the right words of Jacob or else you<br />

will be in great trouble.<br />

So what was behind Laban's ances<strong>to</strong>rs? These <strong>we</strong>re demons and they could ans<strong>we</strong>r<br />

his questions, he knew exactly which way Jacob was heading and even got there<br />

before Jacob, overtaking Jacob.<br />

Beresheeth 31:20 And Yaqub s<strong>to</strong>le away unknown <strong>to</strong> Laban the Aramee,4 in<br />

that he did not tell him that he intended <strong>to</strong> flee.<br />

21 So he fled with all that he had; and he arose, and crossed the river, and<br />

headed <strong>to</strong>ward the mountains of Gilead.<br />

22 And Laban was <strong>to</strong>ld on the third day that Yaqub had fled.<br />

23 Then he <strong>to</strong>ok his brethren with him, and pursued him for seven days'<br />

journey; and he over<strong>to</strong>ok him in the mountains of Gilead.<br />

Note Laban knew exactly Jacob's whereabouts and managed <strong>to</strong> overtake him.<br />

So how did Laban know where Jacob was heading <strong>if</strong> his teraphim with their demonic<br />

po<strong>we</strong>rs did not ans<strong>we</strong>r him. Clearly the text says they did so that is why <strong>we</strong> are<br />

warned in Leviticus 17:7 not <strong>to</strong> sacr<strong>if</strong>ice <strong>to</strong> goat demons because of certain of their<br />

po<strong>we</strong>rs <strong>we</strong> can be deceived.<br />

Further proof<br />

You may have been taught many untruths by Christendom so its time now <strong>to</strong><br />

undo those untruths and know the truth at last.<br />

Psalm 82:1 Elohim stands in the congregation of EL (The Po<strong>we</strong>r); he renders<br />

judgment among the el (<strong>false</strong> po<strong>we</strong>rs).<br />

Why would YHWH judge the po<strong>we</strong>rs, are you not <strong>to</strong>ld that Satan and his angels are<br />

already judged then why judge them twice? The second judgment is <strong>to</strong> judge them<br />

based on the deception they <strong>we</strong>aved in addressing some people's <strong><strong>pray</strong>er</strong>s. This is<br />

why like a hen YHWH gathered us and wanted <strong>to</strong> keep us under his wings so <strong>we</strong> are<br />

not deceived by these <strong>false</strong> po<strong>we</strong>rs but when <strong>we</strong> are not <strong>we</strong> can be easily deceived<br />

and start <strong>to</strong> follow those po<strong>we</strong>rs as truth. This is why many good and intelligent<br />

people in the world are deceived otherwise why would they be?<br />

Ps 86:8 Among the elohim (<strong>false</strong> po<strong>we</strong>rs) there is none like <strong>to</strong> you, O<br />

YHWH5; neither are there any works like your works.<br />

Why would this statement even need <strong>to</strong> be made <strong>if</strong> these <strong>false</strong> po<strong>we</strong>rs could not<br />

4 North Syria, region of ancient Turkey<br />

5 See appendix HBYH.<br />


address or hijack <strong><strong>pray</strong>er</strong>s?<br />

Why would this statement even need <strong>to</strong> be made <strong>if</strong> these <strong>false</strong> po<strong>we</strong>rs could not<br />

address or hijack <strong><strong>pray</strong>er</strong>s?<br />

Ps 96:5 For all the elohim (po<strong>we</strong>rs) of the nations are idols: but YHWH made<br />

the shamayim.<br />

כי כל־אלהי העמים אלילים<br />

Ki Kul Elohi Ha-Amim Elee'lim<br />

All the Elohim of nations/peoples are idols, the word Elilim means strengths or<br />

po<strong>we</strong>rs fallen of above.<br />

They must have something in order <strong>to</strong> be a po<strong>we</strong>r.<br />

כי כל־אלהי העמים אלילים<br />

Ki Kul Elohi Ha-Amim Elee'lim<br />

All the Elohim of nations/peoples are idols, the word Elilim means strengths or<br />

po<strong>we</strong>rs fallen of above.<br />

They must have something in order <strong>to</strong> be a po<strong>we</strong>r.<br />

Miracles of Egypt<br />

The magicians there can replicate all the miracles except one. <strong>What</strong> does that<br />

show us? Who or what is helping them replicate the miracles?<br />

1. Water, which turned <strong>to</strong> blood and killed all fish and other aquatic l<strong>if</strong>e (Exodus<br />

7:14–25)<br />

2. Frogs (Shemoth (Exodus) 8:1–8:15)<br />

3. Lice (Shemoth (Exodus) 8:16–19)<br />

4. Flies (Shemoth (Exodus) 8:20–30)<br />

5. Disease on lives<strong>to</strong>ck (Shemoth (Exodus) 9:1–7)<br />

6. Incurable boils (Shemoth (Exodus) 9:8–12)<br />

7. Hail and thunder (Shemoth (Exodus) 9:13–35)<br />

8. Crop destroying Locusts (Shemoth (Exodus) 10:1–20)<br />

9. Darkness (Shemoth (Exodus) 10:21–29)<br />

10. Death of the first-born of all Egyptian humans and animals. To be rescued, the<br />

Ysraelites had <strong>to</strong> place the blood of a lamb on the door post of their homes.<br />

(Exodus 11 and Exodus 12)<br />

Shemoth (Exo) 8:16, 18, 19 And YHWH said <strong>to</strong> Musa, Say <strong>to</strong> Aharon,<br />

Stretch out your rod, and strike the dust of the ground, that it may become lice<br />

throughout all the land of Mitzrayim (Egypt).<br />

18 Now the magicians so worked with their enchantments <strong>to</strong> bring forth<br />

lice, but they could not: so there <strong>we</strong>re lice on man, and beast.<br />

19 Then the magicians said <strong>to</strong> Pharaoh, This is the finger of Elohim: and<br />

Pharaoh's heart grew hard, and he did not heed them; just as YHWH had said.<br />


If <strong>we</strong> examine the first two plagues the turning of water in<strong>to</strong> blood and bringing frogs<br />

it is apparent that the Egyptian magicians <strong>we</strong>re able <strong>to</strong> replicate these two miracles <strong>to</strong><br />

some extent. When <strong>we</strong> examine the 3 rd plague the Egyptian magicians could not<br />

replicate the miracle of producing the lice from the dust of the ground.<br />

John 9:31 Now <strong>we</strong> know that Elohim hears not transgressors: but <strong>if</strong> any man<br />

is a praiser of Elohim, and does his will, he hears him.<br />

El does not hear the <strong><strong>pray</strong>er</strong>s of the transgressors then who does? Fallen angels have<br />

certain po<strong>we</strong>rs they can use <strong>to</strong> direct and even fulfil some of your <strong><strong>pray</strong>er</strong>s <strong>if</strong> called<br />

upon them.<br />

First Kefa (Peter) 3:12 For the eyes of the master YHWH are over the rightruling,<br />

and his ears are open <strong>to</strong> their petitions: but the face of YHWH is<br />

against them that do evil. 6<br />

Kefa is clear Elohim does not ans<strong>we</strong>r the <strong><strong>pray</strong>er</strong>s of the transgressors but clearly some<br />

of the <strong><strong>pray</strong>er</strong>s of unbelievers have been ans<strong>we</strong>red so who ans<strong>we</strong>rs them?<br />

Unless you believe YHWH is going <strong>to</strong> allow someone else <strong>to</strong> take esteem on His<br />

behalf these are directly ans<strong>we</strong>red by the fallen angels that have gone out <strong>to</strong> deceive.<br />

Satan is the chief amongst them.<br />

Mishle (Prov) 1:26-29 I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your<br />

fear comes; 27 When your fear comes as desolation and your destruction<br />

comes as a whirlwind; when distress and anguish comes upon you. 28 Then<br />

shall they call upon me, but I will not ans<strong>we</strong>r; they shall seek me at dawn, but<br />

they shall not find me: 29 For that they hated knowledge, and did not choose<br />

the fear YHWH:<br />

Ps 66:18 If I had harbored transgression in my heart, YHWH will not hear<br />

me: 7<br />

YHWH does not ans<strong>we</strong>r the <strong><strong>pray</strong>er</strong>s. Then who does for unbelievers?<br />

Mishle 28:9 He that turns away his ear from hearing the Torah, 8 even his<br />

petition shall be an abomination.<br />

Elohim does not ans<strong>we</strong>r <strong><strong>pray</strong>er</strong>s of Torah breakers.<br />

So who ans<strong>we</strong>rs? The chief of the demons Satan himself.<br />

Yeshayahu (Isa) 1:15 And when you spread forth your hands, I will hide my<br />

eyes from you: yes, when you make many petitioners, I will not hear: your<br />

hands are full of blood.<br />

6 Anyone no matter what he or she calls themselves <strong>if</strong> they do any type of evil against another man or<br />

woman that means backbiting, backstabbing, evil speech YHWH will repay them. This is the context of<br />

this message.<br />

7 If you live in a sinful state and do not turn away from it then YHWH would not hear your <strong><strong>pray</strong>er</strong>s.<br />

8 YHWH wants us hear and obey (Shma) his Torah the Law of Elohim. The <strong><strong>pray</strong>er</strong>s of those who do not<br />

regard the law of Elohim are not heard and are disregarded.<br />


Scripture is clear Elohim does not ans<strong>we</strong>r these <strong><strong>pray</strong>er</strong>s so <strong>if</strong> you are going <strong>to</strong> tell me<br />

your <strong><strong>pray</strong>er</strong> was ans<strong>we</strong>red by Allah or Ganesh the Hindu god I say sure the demons<br />

behind them are capable with certain po<strong>we</strong>rs <strong>to</strong> do that as all of their head is Satan<br />

who is a po<strong>we</strong>rful fallen angel with his own throne and leaders this is why <strong>we</strong> have so<br />

many people in organised religions of the world mainly controlled by Satan.<br />

Revelation 2:13 I know your works, and where you d<strong>we</strong>ll, even where<br />

Shaitan (Satan)'s seat 9 is: and you hold fast my name, 10 ...<br />

Yirmeyah 11:11-13 Therefore thus says YHWH, Behold, I will bring evil upon<br />

them, which they shall not be able <strong>to</strong> escape; and though they shall cry <strong>to</strong> me,<br />

I will not hearken <strong>to</strong> them. 12 Then shall the cities of Yahudah and inhabitants<br />

of Yerushalim go, and cry <strong>to</strong> the po<strong>we</strong>rs (elohim) <strong>to</strong> whom they offer incense:<br />

but they shall not rescue them at all in the time of their trouble. 13 For<br />

according <strong>to</strong> the number of your cities <strong>we</strong>re your po<strong>we</strong>rs (elohim), O<br />

Yahudah; and according <strong>to</strong> the number of the streets of Yerushalim have you<br />

set up altars <strong>to</strong> that shameful thing, even altars <strong>to</strong> burn incense <strong>to</strong> Baal.<br />

So Elohim says he will not rescue them nor ans<strong>we</strong>r them but these <strong>false</strong> idols <strong>we</strong>re<br />

able <strong>to</strong> ans<strong>we</strong>r some type of <strong><strong>pray</strong>er</strong>s otherwise why go <strong>to</strong> them?<br />

Hence why the real RESCUE/Salvation only comes through Abbah YHWH through<br />

his Son Melek Yahushua.<br />

Psalm 82 proof Demons or their chief ans<strong>we</strong>rs some <strong><strong>pray</strong>er</strong>s though even limited.<br />

Ps 82:1 Elohim stands in the congregation of EL (The Po<strong>we</strong>r); he renders<br />

judgment among the el (<strong>false</strong> po<strong>we</strong>rs).<br />

Why would YHWH have a need <strong>to</strong> judge an idol of wood or s<strong>to</strong>ne? Only <strong>if</strong> something<br />

real behind was able <strong>to</strong> do something then yes.<br />

Luke 18: 11-14 The Pharisee s<strong>to</strong>od and petitioned thus with himself, Elohim,<br />

I thank you, that I am not as other men are, ex<strong>to</strong>rtionists, unjust, adulterers, or<br />

even as this tax collec<strong>to</strong>r. 12 I fast twice the <strong>we</strong>ek I give a tenth in tithes of all<br />

that I possess. 13 And the tax collec<strong>to</strong>r, standing at a distance, would not l<strong>if</strong>t<br />

up so much as his eyes <strong>to</strong> the shamayim, but beat upon his breast, saying,<br />

Elohim be merc<strong>if</strong>ul <strong>to</strong> me a sinner. 14 I tell you, this man <strong>we</strong>nt down <strong>to</strong> his<br />

Beyth (house) just<strong>if</strong>ied rather than the other: for everyone that exalts himself<br />

shall be humbled; and he that humbles himself shall be exalted.<br />

<strong>What</strong> does the Master show? The proud need <strong>to</strong> be humbled and often unbelievers are<br />

very proud of themselves and their deities. Pride comes from Demons hence why it is<br />

prohibited.<br />

Twice the <strong>we</strong>ek is a reference <strong>to</strong> the fast of Esther for three days. Haman’s decree was<br />

issued on the 13 th of the first month and the fast therefore fell on the 14 th , 15 th and 16 th<br />

9 Satan’s seat is in Turkey and also with the Islamic nations generally, it is not in Berlin that is just a<br />

deception of those who lack understanding of the literal meaning of the text.<br />

10 In the Pashat (literal), His true name Yahushua, but in the drash (allegorical), <strong>to</strong> keep His Torah that<br />

He gave <strong>to</strong> Moses.<br />


of the Passover <strong>we</strong>ek which <strong>we</strong>re celebrated by some Yahudim. This would be done<br />

14 th , 15 th and 16 th of Passover <strong>we</strong>ek. The Temple seder was eaten on the 14 th Abib and<br />

the personal seder was eaten at home on the 13 th Abib. Note the fasting is not<br />

commanded but optional. This way it lines up with the death of Yahushua by his<br />

death on the 14 th Day of Abib. The mourning period begins 14 th Abib 15 th Abib and<br />

16 th Abib hence the fast would fit like this for 3 days. As the death of the Messiah is<br />

for salvation/rescue of Y’sra’el <strong>we</strong> mourn for him for the great sacr<strong>if</strong>ice made for us<br />

who <strong>we</strong>re lawless. Ho<strong>we</strong>ver some dispute the fast because they argue how can one<br />

fast and eat the Passover at the same time? The Passover was eaten regardless in the<br />

Temple early 14th and the night prior at home but some Pharisees would fast in this<br />

manner on the 14 th , 15 th and 16 th of Abib. “Twice” the “<strong>we</strong>ek” phrase is applied <strong>to</strong><br />

seven days of the Passover <strong>we</strong>ek as one fast. The comment ‘twice’ is a reference <strong>to</strong><br />

fasting the first day and the second day of the celebration of Unleavened Bread on the<br />

15 th and 16 th of Abib making 3 days.<br />

Now exception <strong>to</strong> the rule for <strong><strong>pray</strong>er</strong>s being heard.<br />

The Master Yahushua will ans<strong>we</strong>r <strong><strong>pray</strong>er</strong>s of transgressor who are repenting and<br />

asking for him <strong>to</strong> speak <strong>to</strong> them.<br />

But <strong>if</strong> transgressors are talking <strong>to</strong> their gods for other things then the Master will not<br />

ans<strong>we</strong>r that petition.<br />

Ho<strong>we</strong>ver The Abbah can have his favour or mercy on whomever he likes but he is an<br />

El of Contracts and relationships these are important <strong>to</strong> him.<br />

So then one may ask how do <strong>we</strong> know who ans<strong>we</strong>red our <strong><strong>pray</strong>er</strong>s, the ans<strong>we</strong>r is <strong>to</strong><br />

look at your l<strong>if</strong>e whether you are in YHWH's contracts and believe and serve Him or<br />

do you serve some other deity under which is a demon appointed by Satan then<br />

could <strong>we</strong>ll be Satan diverts your <strong><strong>pray</strong>er</strong>s.<br />

The po<strong>we</strong>r of money is the same in every country whether England, US, Pakistan,<br />

India and China, the money has the same purchasing po<strong>we</strong>r. So just as currency the<br />

<strong><strong>pray</strong>er</strong>s ans<strong>we</strong>red in every country may seem the same but who is your God and<br />

how do you know it is he who ans<strong>we</strong>rs your <strong><strong>pray</strong>er</strong>s.<br />

Ultimately even <strong>if</strong> small <strong><strong>pray</strong>er</strong>s are ans<strong>we</strong>red by <strong>false</strong> gods, the main important l<strong>if</strong>e<br />

changing <strong><strong>pray</strong>er</strong>s are only ans<strong>we</strong>red by YHWH. As explained earlier YHWH can<br />

have mercy on who he likes <strong>if</strong> he wishes <strong>to</strong> impart his wisdom or rescue someone he<br />

can do it but Satan does have a major role <strong>to</strong> play in the world affairs.<br />

I hope this helps you now understand what <strong>we</strong> are dealing with here.<br />

May the El of Y'sra'el guide you and increase those of you who obey Him.<br />

Rabbi Simon Altaf<br />

For groundbreaking articles… www.african-israel.com.<br />


This article may be distributed freely without alteration and is copyright <strong>to</strong> <strong>African</strong>-<br />

<strong>Israel</strong> Union of International Qahalim. If you wish <strong>to</strong> invite Rabbi Simon <strong>to</strong> your<br />


congregation then by all means leave a message at the telephone number below or<br />

send an e-mail at the e-mail address below. Call +44 (0) 1296-48 27 95 in the UK.<br />

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England (UK).<br />

Simon Altaf was chosen by God in 1998 for the special End-Times prophetic calling.<br />

A lone voice in the wilderness, one taught by Elohim (Ps 119:120-121). He was <strong>to</strong>ld<br />

by Yahushua that he is from the tribe of Lewi, one of the original Semites who was<br />

called out of Islam <strong>to</strong> rejoin His people after his long exile from Iran, then India <strong>to</strong><br />

Pakistan <strong>to</strong> England will follow one day <strong>to</strong> back <strong>to</strong> Y'sra'el through the hands of<br />

Melek Yahushua. His promises are trustworthy and they will come true indeed <strong>we</strong><br />

simply await our Master’s return.<br />

We hope this article has given you an increase in Master Yahushua. Please write <strong>to</strong><br />

us and let us know <strong>if</strong> this has been a help <strong>to</strong> you and <strong>if</strong> you have any other questions<br />

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We suggest you visit our <strong>we</strong>bsite <strong>to</strong> see the following Titles:<br />

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Beyth Yahushua – the Son of Tzadok, the Son of Dawud<br />

Would you like <strong>to</strong> know the identity of Yahushua's family the man you call Jesus?<br />

Did He have brothers and sisters, did He get married, and are not Rabbis meant <strong>to</strong><br />

marry?<br />

Is it true <strong>if</strong> Mary Magdalene was His w<strong>if</strong>e and <strong>if</strong> not then what relationship did she<br />

have with him?<br />

Are you fed-up of hearing objections from unbelievers such as “since you do not<br />

know who Matthew, Mark, Luke and John <strong>we</strong>re then how can you claim <strong>to</strong> have the<br />

truth?” Now you will know the truth without asking your pas<strong>to</strong>r.<br />

Who was Nicodemus and what relationship did Yahushua, Jesus of Nazareth have<br />

with Nicodemus? Who was the wider family of Yahushua?<br />

For far <strong>to</strong>o long He has been portrayed as the wandering man with no belongings and<br />

no family and living outside his home with women offering him money and food.<br />

This picture is both misleading and deceptive.<br />

Do you want <strong>to</strong> know the po<strong>we</strong>rful family of Yahushua that was a threat <strong>to</strong> Rome?<br />

Who <strong>we</strong>re Mark, Luke, and Matthew? Was Luke a gentile or a Hebrew priest?<br />

<strong>What</strong> about the genealogy of Luke and Matthew in which the two fathers of Yahushua<br />

mentioned are Heli or Jacob in Matthew chapter 1:16 and Luke chapter 3:23<br />

respectively?<br />

This book will give you new insights and the rich his<strong>to</strong>ry of Yahushua. Next time you<br />

will be able <strong>to</strong> ident<strong>if</strong>y the ten tribes and the real Messiah Yahushua known as Jesus<br />

of Nazareth.<br />

Islam, Peace or Beast<br />

Have you ever wondered why radical Muslims are blowing up buildings, bombings<br />

planes and creating havoc? We illustrate in this book the reality of radical Islam and<br />

the end of days that are upon us. Why are our governments reluctant <strong>to</strong> tell us the<br />

truth <strong>we</strong> uncover many details.<br />

World War III – Unmasking the End-Times Beast<br />

Who is the Antichrist, what countries are aligned with him and many of your other<br />

questions ans<strong>we</strong>red. All revealed in this book. Which might be the ten nations of the<br />

Antichrist? <strong>What</strong> did the prophets say on these events?<br />

World War III – Salvation of the Jews<br />

- How will the salvation of the Jews come about, will they convert <strong>to</strong><br />

Christianity or will Christianity be folded in<strong>to</strong> Judaism?<br />

- Will the 3rd Temple be built before the return of the Messiah? Analyzed and<br />

explained with the correct sound hermeneutics.<br />


- Will <strong>we</strong> have a war with Iran and when? Considering the pundits have been<br />

wrong since the last 3 years and only Simon has been on track up <strong>to</strong> this time.<br />

<strong>What</strong> signs will absolutely indicate impending war with Iran calculated and<br />

revealed.<br />

- When will the Messiah return, what signs should <strong>we</strong> be looking for, is it on a<br />

Jubilee year?<br />

- Will the Messiah return on the feast of Trumpets fact or fiction?<br />

- Will America win the war in Afghanistan? Yes and No ans<strong>we</strong>r with details.<br />

- Who is the prince of Ezekiel and why is he making sin sacr<strong>if</strong>ices. Can one call<br />

these educational? Read the correct ans<strong>we</strong>rs...<br />

- Should <strong>we</strong> support the Jewish Aliyah <strong>to</strong> <strong>Israel</strong> or is it forbidden <strong>to</strong> enter the<br />

land for permanent stay under a secular godless government?<br />

Rabbi Simon is the only Rabbi <strong>to</strong> look at the thorny issues that no one has addressed<br />

<strong>to</strong> date while many people mostly run with popular churchy opinions coloured by bad<br />

theology by picking and choosing verses in isolation. Is modern Zionism biblical? Is<br />

<strong>Israel</strong> right <strong>to</strong> take over terri<strong>to</strong>ries occupied by Palestinians <strong>to</strong>day? Should people be<br />

selling up homes <strong>to</strong> go and live in <strong>Israel</strong>? All these thorny questions and even more<br />

ans<strong>we</strong>red in this book the sequel <strong>to</strong> the popular prophecy book World War III -<br />

Unmasking the End-Times Beast.<br />

Yeshua or Isa – True path for salvation<br />

Ever tried <strong>to</strong> witness <strong>to</strong> your Muslim friends and <strong>we</strong>re mocked? Do you have Passion<br />

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This book helps you <strong>to</strong> build a solid bridge with the Muslims. It clar<strong>if</strong>ies your<br />

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Dear Muslim – Meet YHWH the God of Abraham<br />

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confounded and duped in<strong>to</strong> something not true.<br />

The Feasts of YHWH, the Elohim of <strong>Israel</strong><br />

Have you ever asked why the feasts <strong>we</strong>re given <strong>to</strong> <strong>Israel</strong>? Their meaning and their<br />

purpose is all explained in this detailed book that delves in<strong>to</strong> the signs of the Messiah<br />

and the fulfillment of the feasts and how the return of the Messiah is revealed in the<br />

feasts. Why <strong>we</strong> are <strong>to</strong> obey the feasts and <strong>if</strong> <strong>we</strong> do not then <strong>we</strong> could potentially lose<br />

our place in the kingdom entry!<br />

Testament of Abraham<br />

Now it’s time <strong>to</strong> hear Abraham’s s<strong>to</strong>ry from his own mouth what happened, how did<br />

he become God’s friend. <strong>What</strong> other missing information that <strong>we</strong> are not <strong>to</strong>ld about is<br />

made available. Without Abraham there will be no Judaism, no Islam and no<br />

Christianity. He is the pivotal point upon which all three religious text claim right but<br />

who does Abraham really belong <strong>to</strong>?<br />


<strong>What</strong> is Truth?<br />

Have you wondered what truth is and how <strong>we</strong> measure it? How do <strong>we</strong> arrive at the<br />

conclusion that what you have is truth? How do you know that the religion you have<br />

been following for so many years is the original faith? Can <strong>we</strong> examine Atheism and<br />

say why it is or is not true. We examine these things.<br />

Hidden Truths Hebraic Scrolls Study Bible 5 th Edition (Complete)<br />

The HT Complete Bible more myths busted. Over 1300 pages packed absolutely full<br />

of information - no Hebrew roots Bible even comes close this is guaranteed!!! The<br />

politically incorrect guide <strong>to</strong> the God of <strong>Israel</strong> and the real chosen people of YHWH.<br />

Are you willing <strong>to</strong> listen <strong>to</strong> what YHWH has said about our world and how He is<br />

going <strong>to</strong> res<strong>to</strong>re all things back including His people?<br />

Many texts uncovered and explained in great details accurately and many corrections<br />

made <strong>to</strong> make this a real eye-opener text.<br />

Was Chava (Eve) the only woman in the garden? We reveal a deep held<br />

secret.<br />

Where did the demons come from?<br />

Ezekiel refers <strong>to</strong> some of <strong>Israel</strong>'s evil deeds in Egypt explicitly uncovered<br />

which are glossed over in the King James Version.<br />

Who are the Real Hebrews of the Bible, which people does the land of<br />

Y’sra’el really belong <strong>to</strong>? Time <strong>to</strong> do away with the deception.<br />

Did Abraham keep the Sabbath? We show you where.<br />

But I thought Keturah was Hagar another error of Judaism corrected.<br />

But I thought Keturah was married <strong>to</strong> Abraham after Sarah’s death, no not<br />

really. A very bad textual translation in Genesis 25:1.<br />

Who was Balaam, a profit for cash as are many pas<strong>to</strong>rs and Bishops <strong>to</strong>day?<br />

Who <strong>we</strong>re Abraham's ances<strong>to</strong>rs, <strong>African</strong>s or Europeans?<br />

Why did Isaac marry at forty years of age, what happened <strong>to</strong> his first w<strong>if</strong>e?<br />

Rebecca was not his only w<strong>if</strong>e an error of Christendom exposed?<br />

Where is Noah's ark likely <strong>to</strong> be? Not Ararat in Turkey or Iran another error.<br />

Who are the four wives of Abraham and who is the real firstborn? Not Ishmael<br />

and not even Isaac. Was Isaac his only son another error?<br />

All the mod<strong>if</strong>ication of modern Judaism of the scribes has been undone <strong>to</strong> give<br />

you what was the real text including the original conversation of the Serpent<br />

with Chava (Gen 3) unedited plus Abraham’s conversation unedited at last in<br />

Genesis 18.<br />

The legendary Rabbi Simon Altaf guarantees that this will teach you <strong>to</strong> take the best<br />

out there and open their eyes in prophecy, his<strong>to</strong>rical argument and theology. He will<br />

personally men<strong>to</strong>r you through the texts of the Torah, the prophets, the disciples and<br />

apostles of Yahushua. Does any Bible seller offer this extent of training? We do. And<br />

Rabbi Simon is available at the end of an e-mail or just a telephone call away for<br />

questions that you have and <strong>if</strong> he is not there you just leave a message on the phone<br />

and his promise is <strong>to</strong> get back <strong>to</strong> you anywhere in the world. We do not charge for<br />

our calls or any teachings over the phone. It does not matter <strong>if</strong> you are in India,<br />

Australia, Russia or the US or Timbuktu <strong>we</strong> will ring you.<br />

Sefer Yashar (The Book of Jasher)<br />


The book of Yashar has been translated from the original sources and with added<br />

commentary, corrected <strong>names</strong> of Elohim with the sacred <strong>names</strong> and with other<br />

missing text from the Hebrew. This will add <strong>to</strong> the gaps in your knowledge from the<br />

book of Genesis such as the following:<br />

- <strong>What</strong> did the wicked do before the flood?<br />

- Who <strong>we</strong>re Abraham’s <strong>African</strong> ances<strong>to</strong>rs?<br />

- Did Abraham have two wives?<br />

- <strong>What</strong> relationship did Abraham have with Eli’ezer?<br />

- Did Isaac wait forty years <strong>to</strong> be married?<br />

- Why did Sarah die so suddenly?<br />

- Did Moses marry in Egypt?<br />

- Moses, what colour? White or Black.<br />

- Many other questions now ans<strong>we</strong>red.<br />

Seferim Chanoch (The Books of Enoch)<br />

The books of Enoch details the fall, the <strong>names</strong> of the angels, what happened in the<br />

beginning and what was the result of those fallen angels. Where are they now and<br />

what will happen <strong>to</strong> them. He also reveals the birth of Noach and some very important<br />

details around this about the <strong>African</strong> ancestry of the patriarchs. He reveals the Son of<br />

Elohim and reveals Yahushua upon a throne. And many other important details <strong>to</strong><br />

complete your knowledge.<br />

Yahushua – The Black Messiah<br />

Have you been lied <strong>to</strong> about the true identity of Yahushua? Have you been shown<br />

pictures of the idolatrous Borgia Cesare and may have believed that this Caucasian<br />

hybrid was Yahushua the Melek? <strong>What</strong> ethnicity was Yahushua and what race of<br />

people did He belong <strong>to</strong>? Is it important that <strong>we</strong> know His ethnicity? <strong>What</strong> colour was<br />

Moses, King David and King Solomon? We examine and look at the massive fraud<br />

perpetrated upon the <strong>we</strong>stern nations by their leaders <strong>to</strong> hide the real identity of the<br />

true Hebrew <strong>Israel</strong>ite people and race which are being res<strong>to</strong>red in these Last Days.<br />

Yahushua said everything will be res<strong>to</strong>red and that includes His and His people’s<br />

ethnicity and colour. Would you like <strong>to</strong> know because it affects your eternity and His<br />

true message then get this book now.<br />

Hebrew Wisdom – Kabbalah in the Brit ha Chadasha<br />

The book’s purpose is <strong>to</strong> illustrate basic principles of Kabbalah and <strong>to</strong> reveal some of<br />

the Kabbalah symbolisms used in the New Testament. We look at the Sefirots what<br />

they mean and how they apply <strong>to</strong> some of the teachings in the New Covenant. We<br />

also look at the first chapter in Genesis and examine some of the symbols there. We<br />

examine the name of Elohim in Exodus 3:14 and see what it means. We examine<br />

some teachings of John <strong>to</strong> reveal how he used Kabbalah freely.<br />

The Apocrypha (With Pirke Avot ‘Ethics of The Fathers’)<br />

Read the f<strong>if</strong>teen books of the Apocrypha <strong>to</strong> get an understanding of the events both of<br />

the exile and of <strong>Israel</strong>’s early his<strong>to</strong>ry before Yahushua the Messiah was born. Read<br />

Ethics of the Fathers <strong>to</strong> understand rabbinic wisdom and some important elements of<br />

the s<strong>to</strong>ry of Genesis. The tests, the trials and the miracles of the Temples. Without<br />

these books the s<strong>to</strong>ry in the bible is incomplete and has gaps which these books will<br />

fill up and give you a more complete understanding.<br />


<strong>African</strong>-<strong>Israel</strong> Siddur transliterated Hebrew with English (Daily l<strong>if</strong>e <strong><strong>pray</strong>er</strong>s)<br />

Many times <strong>we</strong> wonder what <strong><strong>pray</strong>er</strong>s should <strong>we</strong> do when <strong>we</strong> go <strong>to</strong> bed, when <strong>we</strong><br />

leave our home in the morning and how do <strong>we</strong> <strong>pray</strong> daily? <strong>What</strong> <strong><strong>pray</strong>er</strong> should I do <strong>if</strong><br />

I have a ritual bath? <strong>What</strong> <strong><strong>pray</strong>er</strong> is for affixing a Mezuzah? Each year you wonder<br />

how <strong>to</strong> do the Passover Aggadah and what is the procedure. This book also covers<br />

women’s niddah laws <strong>to</strong> give you understanding in<strong>to</strong> women’s ritual purity. Unlike<br />

other <strong><strong>pray</strong>er</strong> books Rabbi Simon actually bothers <strong>to</strong> explain small details that are<br />

important and often ignored. This is one book you should not be without.<br />

World War III, The Second Exodus, Y’sra’el’s return journey home<br />

How will the genetic Hebrews be taken back <strong>to</strong> the land? Are the present day Jews in<br />

Y’sra’el of ancient s<strong>to</strong>ck? Is there any prophecy of foreigners invading Y’sra’el and<br />

inhabiting the land? How will Elohim have war with Amalek and wipe them out and<br />

who is Amalek <strong>to</strong>day? Why is the Church so confused about bible prophecy?<br />

How will the end come and why is the world hiding the identity of the true<br />

Y’sra’elites? Will there be a rapture or marching back on foot? <strong>What</strong> <strong>happens</strong> <strong>if</strong> <strong>we</strong><br />

die in our exile? And many more questions ans<strong>we</strong>red. The time has come <strong>to</strong> expose<br />

the errors of others.<br />

<strong>What</strong> Else Have They Kept From Us?<br />

This book is as the result of an e-mail conversation with a believer who asked me<br />

some questions and one of her questions upon my ans<strong>we</strong>r was “<strong>What</strong> else have they<br />

kept from us?” This was the question that led <strong>to</strong> this book because instead of<br />

ans<strong>we</strong>ring people with small sections of ans<strong>we</strong>rs I decided the time had come that a<br />

book had <strong>to</strong> be written <strong>to</strong> ans<strong>we</strong>r and address everything as it happened from the start<br />

<strong>to</strong> the end so that many may see that the deception is real and it’s a deep cunning<br />

deception which starts from your TV screens, in your newspapers follo<strong>we</strong>d by<br />

wherever you go in your daily l<strong>if</strong>e. How would a person know that they are being<br />

deceived <strong>if</strong> they do not know what <strong>to</strong> look for? Its like a Ten Pound note <strong>we</strong>ll <strong>if</strong> you<br />

saw the original then you have something <strong>to</strong> compare the <strong>false</strong> note with but what <strong>if</strong><br />

you <strong>we</strong>re never presented with the original and always had the fake in your pocket<br />

then you will likely think the fake is real and this is how it is with Christianity <strong>to</strong>day<br />

that is simply mixing paganism with truth. A <strong>false</strong> Ten pound note or a bad tender<br />

which will give you no value when you redeem it as I uncover it in the pages of this<br />

book. Who was Yahushua, the real Hebrews and Y'sra'el.<br />

Patriarchal Marriage, Y’sra’el's Right-Ruling Way of L<strong>if</strong>e Methods and Practice<br />

How did the Y’sra’elites live? <strong>What</strong> form of marriage did they practice and how did<br />

they practice it? This book is about <strong>to</strong> show you what was God’s design from the<br />

beginning and how the Y’sra’elites lived within God’s required parameters. Today<br />

these things appear mythological but here <strong>we</strong> show you the methods and ways of how<br />

this l<strong>if</strong>estyle was practiced and is being res<strong>to</strong>red in these last days while the much<br />

<strong>to</strong>uted monogamy is wrecking lives and destroying families and society around us.<br />

How many marriages are breaking down as a result of the wrong model and how<br />

many children are living fatherless lives while women live husbandless and<br />

unfulfilled lives. This book will show you why the Greek and Roman monogamy<br />

model with a husband and a w<strong>if</strong>e and a bit on the side does not work. While God’s<br />

model of plural marriage is an everlasting model that not only works but saves many<br />

children from losing their father’s and women from losing good husbands.<br />


The Scroll of Yahubel (Jubilees)<br />

The information that is missing in the Torah has been put in here <strong>to</strong> aid us in<br />

understanding the book of Genesis more. There are gaps in Genesis with what<br />

happened with Noakh? <strong>What</strong> was going on in Moses's time. This scroll allows us <strong>to</strong><br />

piece <strong>to</strong>gether that information that is so important for our understanding. True<br />

<strong>names</strong> edition with many corrections made.<br />

Who am I?<br />

A Children's book <strong>to</strong> help the black Hebrew children with identity and direction in<br />

l<strong>if</strong>e. Many Hebrew children while looking for identity easily stray and looking for<br />

love which they do not find in their homes due <strong>to</strong> broken homes venture out and join<br />

gangs, get involved in criminal activities <strong>to</strong> prove themselves ruining their lives. This<br />

book’s purpose is <strong>to</strong> help these children find themselves <strong>to</strong> teach them who they are<br />

and <strong>to</strong> find sound direction in l<strong>if</strong>e. This will help change many lives.<br />


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