Oral Antidiabetic Agents - Luzimar Teixeira

Oral Antidiabetic Agents - Luzimar Teixeira Oral Antidiabetic Agents - Luzimar Teixeira


Drugs 2005; 65 (3): 385-411 REVIEW ARTICLE 0012-6667/05/0003-0385/$39.95/0 © 2005 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Oral Antidiabetic Agents Current Role in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Andrew J. Krentz 1 and Clifford J. Bailey 2 1 Southampton University Hospitals NHS Trust, Southampton, UK 2 Life and Health Sciences, Aston Pharmacy School, Aston University, Birmingham, UK Contents Abstract ....................................................................................386 1. Insulin Secretagogues ....................................................................390 1.1 Sulphonylureas ......................................................................390 1.1.1 Mode of Action ................................................................390 1.1.2 Pharmacokinetics ..............................................................391 1.1.3 Indications and Contraindications ...............................................391 1.1.4 Efficacy .......................................................................393 1.1.5 Adverse Events ................................................................393 1.1.6 New Formulations of Sulphonylureas .............................................395 1.2 Rapid-Acting Prandial Insulin Releasers .................................................395 1.2.1 Mode of Action ................................................................395 1.2.2 Pharmacokinetics ..............................................................396 1.2.3 Indications and Contraindications ...............................................396 1.2.4 Efficacy .......................................................................396 1.2.5 Adverse Events ................................................................396 2. α-Glucosidase Inhibitors ..................................................................397 2.1 Mode of Action .....................................................................397 2.2 Pharmacokinetics ....................................................................397 2.3 Indications and Contraindications .....................................................398 2.4 Efficacy .............................................................................398 2.5 Adverse Effects ......................................................................398 3. Insulin Sensitisers ..........................................................................399 3.1 Biguanides ..........................................................................399 3.1.1 Mode of Action ................................................................399 3.1.2 Pharmacokinetics ..............................................................401 3.1.3 Indications and Contraindications ...............................................401 3.1.4 Efficacy .......................................................................402 3.1.5 Adverse Effects ................................................................403 3.2 Thiazolidinediones ...................................................................404 3.2.1 Mode of Action ................................................................404 3.2.2 Pharmacokinetics ..............................................................404 3.2.3 Indications and Contraindications ...............................................405 3.2.4 Efficacy .......................................................................407 3.2.5 Adverse Effects ................................................................407 4. Summary and Conclusion .................................................................408

Drugs 2005; 65 (3): 385-411<br />

REVIEW ARTICLE 0012-6667/05/0003-0385/$39.95/0<br />

© 2005 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved.<br />

<strong>Oral</strong> <strong>Antidiabetic</strong> <strong>Agents</strong><br />

Current Role in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus<br />

Andrew J. Krentz 1 and Clifford J. Bailey 2<br />

1 Southampton University Hospitals NHS Trust, Southampton, UK<br />

2 Life and Health Sciences, Aston Pharmacy School, Aston University, Birmingham, UK<br />

Contents<br />

Abstract ....................................................................................386<br />

1. Insulin Secretagogues ....................................................................390<br />

1.1 Sulphonylureas ......................................................................390<br />

1.1.1 Mode of Action ................................................................390<br />

1.1.2 Pharmacokinetics ..............................................................391<br />

1.1.3 Indications and Contraindications ...............................................391<br />

1.1.4 Efficacy .......................................................................393<br />

1.1.5 Adverse Events ................................................................393<br />

1.1.6 New Formulations of Sulphonylureas .............................................395<br />

1.2 Rapid-Acting Prandial Insulin Releasers .................................................395<br />

1.2.1 Mode of Action ................................................................395<br />

1.2.2 Pharmacokinetics ..............................................................396<br />

1.2.3 Indications and Contraindications ...............................................396<br />

1.2.4 Efficacy .......................................................................396<br />

1.2.5 Adverse Events ................................................................396<br />

2. α-Glucosidase Inhibitors ..................................................................397<br />

2.1 Mode of Action .....................................................................397<br />

2.2 Pharmacokinetics ....................................................................397<br />

2.3 Indications and Contraindications .....................................................398<br />

2.4 Efficacy .............................................................................398<br />

2.5 Adverse Effects ......................................................................398<br />

3. Insulin Sensitisers ..........................................................................399<br />

3.1 Biguanides ..........................................................................399<br />

3.1.1 Mode of Action ................................................................399<br />

3.1.2 Pharmacokinetics ..............................................................401<br />

3.1.3 Indications and Contraindications ...............................................401<br />

3.1.4 Efficacy .......................................................................402<br />

3.1.5 Adverse Effects ................................................................403<br />

3.2 Thiazolidinediones ...................................................................404<br />

3.2.1 Mode of Action ................................................................404<br />

3.2.2 Pharmacokinetics ..............................................................404<br />

3.2.3 Indications and Contraindications ...............................................405<br />

3.2.4 Efficacy .......................................................................407<br />

3.2.5 Adverse Effects ................................................................407<br />

4. Summary and Conclusion .................................................................408

386 Krentz & Bailey<br />

Abstract<br />

Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a progressive and complex disorder that is difficult<br />

to treat effectively in the long term. The majority of patients are overweight or<br />

obese at diagnosis and will be unable to achieve or sustain near normoglycaemia<br />

without oral antidiabetic agents; a sizeable proportion of patients will eventually<br />

require insulin therapy to maintain long-term glycaemic control, either as monotherapy<br />

or in conjunction with oral antidiabetic therapy. The frequent need for<br />

escalating therapy is held to reflect progressive loss of islet β-cell function,<br />

usually in the presence of obesity-related insulin resistance.<br />

Today’s clinicians are presented with an extensive range of oral antidiabetic<br />

drugs for type 2 diabetes. The main classes are heterogeneous in their modes of<br />

action, safety profiles and tolerability. These main classes include agents that<br />

stimulate insulin secretion (sulphonylureas and rapid-acting secretagogues),<br />

reduce hepatic glucose production (biguanides), delay digestion and absorption of<br />

intestinal carbohydrate (α-glucosidase inhibitors) or improve insulin action (thiazolidinediones).<br />

The UKPDS (United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study) demonstrated the<br />

benefits of intensified glycaemic control on microvascular complications in newly<br />

diagnosed patients with type 2 diabetes. However, the picture was less clearcut<br />

with regard to macrovascular disease, with neither sulphonylureas nor insulin<br />

significantly reducing cardiovascular events. The impact of oral antidiabetic<br />

agents on atherosclerosis – beyond expected effects on glycaemic control – is an<br />

increasingly important consideration. In the UKPDS, overweight and obese<br />

patients randomised to initial monotherapy with metformin experienced significant<br />

reductions in myocardial infarction and diabetes-related deaths. Metformin<br />

does not promote weight gain and has beneficial effects on several cardiovascular<br />

risk factors. Accordingly, metformin is widely regarded as the drug of choice for<br />

most patients with type 2 diabetes. Concern about cardiovascular safety of<br />

sulphonylureas has largely dissipated with generally reassuring results from<br />

clinical trials, including the UKPDS. Encouragingly, the recent Steno-2 Study<br />

showed that intensive target-driven, multifactorial approach to management,<br />

based around a sulphonylurea, reduced the risk of both micro- and macrovascular<br />

complications in high-risk patients. Theoretical advantages of selectively targeting<br />

postprandial hyperglycaemia require confirmation in clinical trials of drugs<br />

with preferential effects on this facet of hyperglycaemia are currently in progress.<br />

The insulin-sensitising thiazolidinedione class of antidiabetic agents has potentially<br />

advantageous effects on multiple components of the metabolic syndrome;<br />

the results of clinical trials with cardiovascular endpoints are awaited.<br />

The selection of initial monotherapy is based on a clinical and biochemical<br />

assessment of the patient, safety considerations being paramount. In some circumstances,<br />

for example pregnancy or severe hepatic or renal impairment, insulin may<br />

be the treatment of choice when nonpharmacological measures prove inadequate.<br />

Insulin is also required for metabolic decompensation, that is, incipient or actual<br />

diabetic ketoacidosis, or non-ketotic hyperosmolar hyperglycaemia. Certain<br />

comorbidities, for example presentation with myocardial infarction during other<br />

acute intercurrent illness, may make insulin the best option.<br />

<strong>Oral</strong> antidiabetic agents should be initiated at a low dose and titrated up<br />

according to glycaemic response, as judged by measurement of glycosylated<br />

© 2005 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Drugs 2005; 65 (3)

<strong>Oral</strong> <strong>Antidiabetic</strong> <strong>Agents</strong> 387<br />

haemoglobin (HbA1c) concentration, supplemented in some patients by self<br />

monitoring of capillary blood glucose. The average glucose-lowering effect of the<br />

major classes of oral antidiabetic agents is broadly similar (averaging a 1–2%<br />

reduction in HbA1c), α-glucosidase inhibitors being rather less effective. Tailoring<br />

the treatment to the individual patient is an important principle. Doses are<br />

gradually titrated up according to response. However, the maximal glucose-lowering<br />

action for sulphonylureas is usually attained at appreciably lower doses<br />

(approximately 50%) than the manufacturers’ recommended daily maximum.<br />

Combinations of certain agents, for example a secretagogue plus a biguanide or a<br />

thiazolidinedione, are logical and widely used, and combination preparations are<br />

now available in some countries. While the benefits of metformin added to a<br />

sulphonylurea were initially less favourable in the UKPDS, longer-term data have<br />

allayed concern. When considering long-term therapy, issues such as tolerability<br />

and convenience are important additional considerations.<br />

Neither sulphonylureas nor biguanides are able to appreciably alter the rate of<br />

progression of hyperglycaemia in patients with type 2 diabetes. Preliminary data<br />

suggesting that thiazolidinediones may provide better long-term glycaemic stability<br />

are currently being tested in clinical trials; current evidence, while encouraging,<br />

is not conclusive.<br />

Delayed progression from glucose intolerance to type 2 diabetes in high-risk<br />

individuals with glucose intolerance has been demonstrated with troglitazone,<br />

metformin and acarbose. However, intensive lifestyle intervention can be more<br />

effective than drug therapy, at least in the setting of interventional clinical trials.<br />

No antidiabetic drugs are presently licensed for use in prediabetic individuals.<br />

In 1998, the results of the randomised, multicen- management plan that encompasses effective treattre<br />

UKPDS (United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes ment of hypertension and dyslipidaemia; [2-6] both<br />

Study) [1] provided firm evidence of the importance are commonly encountered in patients with type 2<br />

of long-term glycaemic control in middle-aged patients<br />

with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus.<br />

Table I. Summary of main results of UKPDS (United Kingdom<br />

Compared with dietary manipulation alone,<br />

Relative<br />

Prospective Diabetes Study) glycaemic control study.<br />

risk (RR) reductions in clinical endpoints for patients randomised to<br />

intensified therapy in the form of oral antidiabetic intensive (i.e. sulphonylurea or insulin) vs conventional therapy (i.e.<br />

agents or insulin significantly reduced the development<br />

of microvascular complications (table I). [1]<br />

diet)<br />

Endpoints RR for Confidence Log-rank<br />

intensive interval<br />

This knowledge drives current clinical practice, in<br />

p-value<br />

therapy<br />

which treatment is directed to the attainment of<br />

Aggregate endpoints b<br />

near-normoglycaemia, i.e. glycosylated haemoglobin<br />

Diabetes-related endpoints 0.88 0.79, 0.99 0.029<br />

(HbA1c) concentrations of 6.5–7.0%. [2-4] Microvascular complications 0.75 0.60, 0.93 0.0099<br />

While such targets may be perceived as being unrealistic<br />

for many – perhaps most – patients, there is<br />

Single endpoints<br />

Sudden death 0.54 0.24, 1.21 0.047<br />

a broad consensus that chronic hyperglycaemia Retinal photocoagulation 0.71 0.53, 0.96 0.0031<br />

should be managed as well as is possible, weighing Cataract extraction 0.76 0.53, 1.08 0.046<br />

safety and quality-of-life considerations on an individual<br />

basis. It is important to bear in mind that<br />

a 95% Confidence interval for aggregate endpoints; 99%<br />

confidence interval for single endpoints.<br />

glycaemic control is just one aspect of an overall<br />

b As defined and ascertained in UKPDS 33. [1]<br />

© 2005 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Drugs 2005; 65 (3)

388 Krentz & Bailey<br />

Table II. Main results for intensive (n = 80) vs conventional (n = 80) treatment of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and microalbuminuria.<br />

Mean follow-up was 7.8 years [8]<br />

Outcomes Intensive (%) Conventional (%) Adjusted HR (95% CI) RRR (95% CI) NNT (95% CI)<br />

Composite endpoint 24 44 0.47 (0.22, 0.74) 5 (3, 19)<br />

nephropathy 24 47 61% (13, 83) 4 (3, 14)<br />

retinopathy 52 71 58% (14, 79) 5 (3, 35)<br />

autonomic neuropathy 36 64 63% (21, 82) 4 (2, 9)<br />

HR = hazard ratio; NNT = number needed to treat; RRR = relative risk reduction.<br />

diabetes and are regarded as important modifiable physical activity. The objective is always to improve<br />

risk factors for atherosclerosis, the principal cause metabolic control through reductions in bodyweight<br />

of premature mortality. Thus, a combined mul- – obesity being present in the majority of patients –<br />

tifactorial therapeutic approach is required to max- and other lifestyle measures that help improve insuimise<br />

the impact of lifestyle and drug therapy on lin sensitivity. However, it is recognised that even if<br />

chronic micro- and macrovascular complications. diet and exercise advice is successfully implement-<br />

Since management of chronic vascular and neuro- ed, the majority of patients will require pharmacopathic<br />

complications accounts for the majority of logical therapy in the medium- to long term. Thus,<br />

health service spending for diabetes, such an ap- only 25% of patients in UKPDS maintained a HbA1c<br />

proach is likely to be cost effective. [7] The Steno-2 level

<strong>Oral</strong> <strong>Antidiabetic</strong> <strong>Agents</strong> 389<br />

obese, sedentary middle-aged patients. Failure to diabetes. We consider both well established drugs<br />

respond rapidly (i.e. within a week or two) to an oral and recent additions to the armamentarium. For each<br />

agent in a patient thought to be complying with the class of agents we present an outline of the mode of<br />

dietary advice usually signals the need for early use action, pharmacokinetics, indications and contrainof<br />

insulin. If a partial response is observed, dose dications, efficacy, safety and tolerability, current<br />

escalation is followed by step-wise addition of com- place in management and future prospects, includplementary<br />

drugs (figure 1). Insulin is usually re- ing role in prevention of type 2 diabetes. We have<br />

served for patients: (i) who fail to respond adequate- grouped the drugs according to their principal mode<br />

ly to a combination of oral agents; (ii) in whom of action: (i) those that increase insulin secretion<br />

control deteriorates despite logical and adequate (insulin secretagogues); (ii) drugs delaying the rate<br />

drug combinations; or (iii) for whom safety and of digestion and absorption of carbohydrates (αefficacy<br />

considerations favour its use as the drug of glucosidase inhibitors); and (iii) those with direct<br />

choice, for example during pregnancy, or in patients effects on insulin-responsive tissues (insulin-senwith<br />

severe hepatic or renal impairment. [10] Several sitising agents). This sequence should not be taken<br />

classes of oral antidiabetic agents are currently to imply a hierarchy in terms of efficacy or merit.<br />

available, the range of options having enjoyed a The recognition that type 2 diabetes is usually a<br />

welcome expansion in recent years. However, the progressive disease implies that drug dosages will<br />

evidence base and clinical experience vary consider- need to be increased or therapy moved to another<br />

ably not only between classes but also between stage in the treatment algorithm. [2,4]<br />

drugs drawn from the same class. As a result, pre-<br />

While this article primarily reflects current pracscribing<br />

decisions often appear to be made on rather<br />

tice in the UK, we have endeavoured to provide a<br />

subjective grounds, such as familiarity with a particreview<br />

that acknowledges important differences in<br />

ular drug; this practice may help to explain notable<br />

prescribing in other countries. A word about moniregional<br />

differences in prescribing.<br />

toring: assessing the response to antidiabetic therapy<br />

In the remainder of this article we focus on involves periodic – generally 3- to 6-monthly –<br />

treatment of hyperglycaemia in patients with type 2 measurement of HbA 1c . This approach, which is<br />

Aim<br />

Diagnosis<br />

Procedure<br />

Diet, exercise, weight control<br />

and health education<br />

Relieve symptoms,<br />

improve glycaemic<br />

control, enhance<br />

quality of life<br />

<strong>Oral</strong> agent monotherapy:<br />

metformin, sulphonylurea, meglitinide,<br />

thiazolidinedione 1 , acarbose<br />

<strong>Oral</strong> agent combination therapy<br />

(using two different classes)<br />

Move to next stage<br />

if there is inadequate<br />

control of glycaemia<br />

or inadequate relief<br />

of symptoms<br />

Insulin or insulin plus an oral agent<br />

Fig. 1. An algorithm for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus. The progressive hyperglycaemia in type 2 diabetes requires a steppedcare<br />

approach with treatment being modified and added over time. Rapid progression to the next stage is recommended if the glycaemic<br />

target is not achieved. Late introduction of combinations of oral antidiabetic agents is often a prelude to insulin treatment. 1 Note that in<br />

Europe, thiazolidinediones and nateglinide have limited licenses. The α-glucosidase inhibitor miglitol is also available in some countries<br />

(reproduced from Krentz and Bailey, [4] with permission from the Royal Society of Medicine Press).<br />

© 2005 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Drugs 2005; 65 (3)

390 Krentz & Bailey<br />

recommended in the UK, can be usefully comple- nylureas with respect to the risks of weight gain and<br />

mented by self measurement of capillary blood glu- hypoglycaemia. Compared with older sulphocose<br />

in selected, empowered patients and in particu- nylureas, glimepiride is relatively expensive and<br />

lar clinical scenarios, for example in patients in clinical outcome data are not available, as they are<br />

whom iatrogenic hypoglycaemia is a concern. for the agents used in the UKPDS. The clinical<br />

relevance of theoretical, but much debated, effects<br />

1. Insulin Secretagogues<br />

of glimepiride on ischaemic preconditioning –<br />

whereby a brief episode of ischaemia protects the<br />

myocardium against the detrimental effects of sub-<br />

1.1 Sulphonylureas sequent and more severe interruption of perfusion –<br />

remain uncertain. The issues of the importance of<br />

Sulphonylureas have been extensively used for ischaemic preconditioning and the possible influthe<br />

treatment of type 2 diabetes for nearly 50 years. ence of different sulphonylureas continue to be de-<br />

They lower blood glucose concentrations primarily bated (see section 1.1.5). [14]<br />

by stimulating insulin secretion from the β cells of<br />

the pancreatic islets. By the 1960s several sulphonylureas<br />

were available, including tolbutamide,<br />

1.1.1 Mode of Action<br />

acetohexamide, tolazamide and chlorpropamide, ofproducing<br />

Sulphonylureas have direct effects on the insulin-<br />

fering a range of pharmacokinetic options. Howsulphonylurea<br />

islet β cells. The drugs bind to the β-cell<br />

ever, doubts about safety were raised in the 1970s. A<br />

receptor (SUR)-1, part of a transever,<br />

large US multicentre trial of antidiabetic therapy, membrane complex with adenosine 5′-triphosphatethe<br />

UGDP (University Group Diabetes Program) [11] sensitive Kir 6.2 potassium channels (KATP chan-<br />

reported apparent detrimental cardiovascular effects nels). [14,15] Binding of the sulphonylurea closes these<br />

of tolbutamide. The UGDP was heavily criticised KATP channels; this reduces cellular potassium ef-<br />

for perceived methodological failings and its find- flux favouring membrane depolarisation. In turn,<br />

ings were far from being universally accepted. Sub- depolarisation opens voltage-dependent calcium<br />

sequent observational and randomised clinical stud- channels, resulting in an influx of calcium that actiies<br />

using sulphonylureas have provided mixed evi- vates calcium-dependent proteins that control the<br />

dence, but a review of the available literature release of insulin (figure 2). When sulphonylureas<br />

provides little in the way of convincing evidence of interact with SUR1 in the β-cell plasma membrane<br />

cardiovascular toxicity. [12] Indeed, some studies they cause prompt release of pre-formed insulin<br />

have reported a decreased incidence of cardio- granules adjacent to the plasma membrane – the sovascular<br />

events in subjects with lesser degrees of called ‘first phase’ of insulin release. [16] Sulphoglucose<br />

intolerance who received sulphony- nylureas also increase the extended (‘second phase’)<br />

lureas. [12] The UKPDS investigators did not find any of insulin release that begins approximately 10 minincrease<br />

in risk of myocardial infarction among pa- utes later as insulin granules are translocated to the<br />

tients treated with sulphonylureas compared with membrane from within the β cell. [17] The protracted<br />

patients randomised to insulin as monotherapy. [1] stimulation of the ‘second phase’ of insulin release<br />

The Steno-2 Study, [8] has already been mentioned. involves the secretion of newly formed insulin granules.<br />

A succession of more potent so-called secondwhile<br />

The increased release of insulin continues<br />

generation sulphonylureas emerged in the 1970s and<br />

there is ongoing drug stimulation, provided<br />

1980s, for example glibenclamide (glyburide), the β cells are fully functional. Sulphonylureas can<br />

gliclazide and glipizide. The latest, glimepiride, was cause hypoglycaemia since insulin release is initiat-<br />

introduced in the late 1990s. [13] Glimepiride is a ed even when glucose concentrations are below the<br />

once-daily drug for which claims have been made normal threshold for glucose-stimulated insulin re-<br />

that it might offer advantages over other sulpho- lease (approximately 5 mmol/L).<br />

© 2005 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Drugs 2005; 65 (3)

<strong>Oral</strong> <strong>Antidiabetic</strong> <strong>Agents</strong> 391<br />

Glucose<br />

GLUT2<br />

Succinate esters<br />

Glucokinase<br />

Glucose<br />

metabolism<br />

ATP<br />

SUR1<br />

Kir 6.2<br />

K ATP<br />

channel<br />

Sulphonylureas<br />

Repaglinide<br />

Nateglinide<br />

Proinsulin<br />

biosynthesis<br />

Depolarisation<br />

PKA<br />

Ca 2+ -sensitive<br />

proteins<br />

Ca 2+<br />

channel<br />

GLP-1<br />

Exenatide<br />

Adrenergic<br />

receptors<br />

α 2 -adrenoceptor<br />

antagonists<br />

Receptors<br />

cAMP<br />

PDE<br />

inhibitors<br />

Insulin<br />

Exocytosis<br />

Insulin<br />

Fig. 2. The insulin-releasing effect of sulphonylureas and other agents on the pancreatic islet β cell. Sulphonylureas bind to the sulphonylurea<br />

receptor (SUR)-1 located within the plasma membrane. This closes Kir 6.2 potassium channels which reduces potassium efflux,<br />

depolarises the cell and opens voltage-dependent calcium influx channels. Raised intracellular calcium brings about insulin release.<br />

According to the stimulus-secretion model, metabolism of glucose generates adenosine 5′-triphosphate (ATP) leading to closure of<br />

potassium channels, permitting the normal β cell to link insulin secretion closely to glucose concentration. Sulphonylureas may also<br />

enhance nutrient-stimulated insulin secretion by other actions on the β cell. Other secretagogues, e.g. repaglinide, nateglinide, also<br />

stimulate insulin secretion via the SUR-Kir 6.2 complex. Other agents, e.g. phosphodiesterase (PDE) inhibitors, glucagon-like peptide<br />

(GLP)-1 (7–36 amide), act via cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) and protein kinase A (PKA) to promote proinsulin synthesis<br />

(reproduced from Krentz and Bailey, [4] with permission from the Royal Society of Medicine Press). GLUT2 = glucose transporter-2.<br />

1.1.2 Pharmacokinetics liver, although metabolites and their routes of elimination<br />

The principal distinguishing feature between different<br />

vary considerably between compounds.<br />

sulphonylureas relates to their pharmacokineproteins<br />

Since all sulphonylureas are highly bound to plasma<br />

tic characteristics (table III). Duration of action vardrugs<br />

they have the potential to interact with other<br />

ies from 24 hours for<br />

sharing this binding, for example salicylates,<br />

chlorpropamide because of differences in (i) rates of sulphonamides and warfarin; displacement from cir-<br />

metabolism; (ii) activity of metabolites; and (iii) culating proteins has been implicated in cases of<br />

rates of elimination. [18] These properties have im- severe sulphonylurea-induced hypoglycaemia (table<br />

portant implications for the risk of hypoglycaemia<br />

IV).<br />

associated with various sulphonylureas, an issue that 1.1.3 Indications and Contraindications<br />

is further complicated by retarded release prepara- Sulphonylureas remain a popular choice as firsttions<br />

of some compounds. All sulphonylureas are line oral therapy for patients with type 2 diabetes<br />

well absorbed and most reach peak plasma concen- who have not achieved or maintained adequate glytration<br />

in 2–4 hours. They are metabolised in the caemic control using nonpharmacological measures.<br />

© 2005 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Drugs 2005; 65 (3)

392 Krentz & Bailey<br />

Table III. Pharmacokinetic properties of sulphonylureas [19]<br />

Sulphonylureas Daily dosage (mg) Duration of action a Activity of metabolites Main route of<br />

elimination<br />

First generation<br />

Chlorpropamide b 100–500 Long Active Urine >90%<br />

Tolbutamide c 500–2000 Short Inactive Urine ≈100%<br />

Second generation<br />

Glibenclamide (glyburide) 2.5–15 Intermediate to long Active Bile ≈50%<br />

Glimepiride 1–6 Intermediate Active Urine ≈80%<br />

Glipizide 2.5–20 Short to intermediate Inactive Urine ≈70%<br />

Gliquidone 15–180 Short to intermediate Inactive Bile ≈95%<br />

Gliclazide 40–320 d Intermediate Inactive Urine ≈65%<br />

a<br />

b<br />

c<br />

d<br />

Long >24h; intermediate 12–24h; short

<strong>Oral</strong> <strong>Antidiabetic</strong> <strong>Agents</strong> 393<br />

be monitored by periodic measurement of HbA1c (or nylurea therapy generally has modest effects on<br />

fructosamine if HbA1c is not available).<br />

blood lipid profiles, although some studies have<br />

noted a small decrease in plasma triglyceride levels<br />

1.1.4 Efficacy – possibly linked to improved glycaemic control –<br />

The blood glucose-lowering efficacy of sulpho- and minor increments in high-density lipoprotein<br />

nylureas has been evaluated in many retrospective (HDL)-cholesterol. When a sulphonylurea is used in<br />

and prospective studies, and from decades of collec- combination with another antidiabetic agent, the<br />

tive worldwide clinical experience. When used as glucose-lowering efficacy of the sulphonylurea is<br />

monotherapy in patients inadequately controlled by approximately additive to the effect of the other<br />

nonpharmacological measures, sulphonylureas can agent. Once again, response is crucially dependent<br />

be expected to reduce fasting plasma glucose by an on the presence of adequate β-cell function. Early<br />

average of 2–4 mmol/L accompanied by a decrease use of such combination therapy is indicated when<br />

in HbA1c of 1–2%. [4,19,21] However, individual re- optimal titration of a single agent does not achieve<br />

sponses are variable. Since the hypoglycaemic ef- adequate glycaemic control.<br />

fect of sulphonylureas is attributable to increased The combination of two different types of agents<br />

insulin secretion, the effectiveness of these drugs is is more likely to achieve glycaemic targets, albeit<br />

dependent on adequate β-cell function. The afore- for a variable period of time. If combination therapy<br />

mentioned progressive β-cell failure that determines is started at a stage when hyperglycaemia is already<br />

the natural history of type 2 diabetes may require an marked (after ‘failure’ of monotherapy), then β-cell<br />

increased dosage of sulphonylureas if glycaemic depletion is likely to be advanced. Under these<br />

control deteriorates. Rapid and uncontrollable dete- circumstances, oral combination therapy is likely to<br />

rioration of glycaemic control during sulphonylurea offer limited benefit and the need for an early move<br />

therapy is sometimes termed ‘secondary sulphony- to insulin treatment is usually clear. Since there are<br />

lurea failure’. This phenomenon, which is some- occasional exceptions to this rule, a limited trial of<br />

thing of a misnomer, occurs in approximately combination oral therapy may be worthwhile. How-<br />

5–10% of patients per annum with suggestions of ever, the temptation to procrastinate unduly on<br />

differences in ‘failure’ rates between some com- transferring the patient to insulin treatment should<br />

pounds. [21,22] The inability to maintain acceptable be firmly resisted, not least since some patients<br />

glycaemic control is common to all sulphonylureas derive rapid symptomatic benefit from insulin therand<br />

is held to reflect an advanced stage of β-cell apy. Impending metabolic decompensation, with or<br />

failure, that is, it is a reflection of disease progres- without ketosis, mandates immediate insulin treatsion<br />

rather than a true failure of therapy. Individuals ment; more severe degrees of decompensation, for<br />

who have greater degrees of β-cell reserve usually example obtundation, dehydration, ketosis-assorespond<br />

well to sulphonylureas; early use of sulpho- ciated vomiting, necessitates emergency hospitalisanylureas<br />

as first-line monotherapy in these patients tion for treatment with intravenous insulin, fluids<br />

will produce better blood glucose lowering than late and electrolytes.<br />

intervention in patients with severely compromised<br />

β-cell function.<br />

1.1.5 Adverse Events<br />

The plasma insulin concentrations achieved Hypoglycaemia, usually subclinical or minor but<br />

during sulphonylurea therapy do not usually extend occasionally life threatening, is the most common<br />

beyond the range observed in the general non-diabe- and potentially most serious adverse effect of sultic<br />

population (including those with impaired glu- phonylurea therapy. [23] Patients receiving sulphocose<br />

tolerance), and suggestions that sulphonylurea- nylureas should receive instruction on the recogniinduced<br />

hyperinsulinaemia might increase the risk tion and prevention of hypoglycaemia and the<br />

of detrimental insulin-induced effects on the cardio- prompt actions they must take should warning<br />

vascular system remain unsubstantiated. [12] Sulpho- symptoms develop. Severe protracted hypogly-<br />

© 2005 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Drugs 2005; 65 (3)

394 Krentz & Bailey<br />

caemia is more likely with longer-acting sulpho- patients receiving insulin therapy is orders of magninylureas<br />

such as glibenclamide, with tolbutamide tude higher. However, this does not detract from the<br />

holding the lowest place in the hierarchy of risk (see importance of sulphonylurea-induced hypoglyalso<br />

section 1.1.6). Individuals with irregular eating caemia. Minor recurrent hypoglycaemia should<br />

habits (see section 1.2.3) or excessive alcohol con- prompt a reassessment of the choice of agent and<br />

sumption are at higher risk of sulphonylurea-in- consideration of an alternative secretagogue, for exduced<br />

hypoglycaemia. As mentioned in section ample a rapid-acting insulin releaser (see section<br />

1.1.3, hypoglycaemia is also more likely to occur in 1.2). The treatment schedule, the possibility of drug<br />

patients with satisfactory glycaemic control, as indi- interactions (table IV) and relevant features of the<br />

cated by an HbA1c concentration within, or just patient’s lifestyle, such as diet, meal patterns and<br />

above, the non-diabetic reference range. These pa- alcohol use, should be reviewed. Severe episodes of<br />

tients should always be questioned directly about sulphonylurea-induced hypoglycaemia mandate imrecent<br />

symptoms of hypoglycaemia, although their mediate admission to hospital: treatment with a connonspecific<br />

nature can raise problems of over-diag- tinuous intravenous infusion of dextrose may be<br />

nosis; self-monitoring of capillary blood glucose required for several days. There is a tendency for<br />

concentrations during suggestive episodes should hypoglycaemia to recur shortly after initial resuscihelp<br />

to clarify this issue, although uncertainties may tation with intravenous dextrose; the patient should<br />

not be completely dispelled. If there is continuing not be prematurely discharged after emergency<br />

doubt, a temporary reduction in dose is usually treatment. Where accumulation of chlorpropamide<br />

indicated. Estimates of the incidence of mild hypo- is suspected, renal elimination may be enhanced by<br />

glycaemia, that is, not requiring assistance from forced alkaline diuresis. The vasodilator diazoxide<br />

another individual, are often based on symptoms<br />

and the somatostatin analogue octreotide [24] have<br />

which have not necessarily been confirmed by conbeen<br />

used successfully to reversibly inhibit insulin<br />

temporaneous self-measurement of capillary blood<br />

secretion in severe sulphonylurea-induced hypoglyglucose.<br />

In the UKPDS, for example, about 20% of<br />

caemia, thereby reducing intravenous dextrose resulphonylurea-treated<br />

patients reported one or more<br />

quirements. These drugs should be regarded as poepisodes<br />

suggestive of hypoglycaemia annually;<br />

tentially useful adjuncts to intravenous glucose in<br />

other studies have suggested similar rates. [23] The<br />

some patients; octreotide avoids the adverse haemotiming<br />

of hypoglycaemia tends to reflect the<br />

dynamic effects of diazoxide, an obsolete antihyperpharmacokinetics<br />

of the sulphonylurea. Thus, glitensive<br />

agent that may pose a hazard in the elderly<br />

benclamide has a propensity to cause inter-prandial<br />

patient with compromised cardiovascular reflexes.<br />

hypoglycaemia whereas chlorpropamide tends to<br />

induce hypoglycaemia in the pre-breakfast period. Other adverse events of sulphonylureas include<br />

More severe hypoglycaemia (i.e. requiring assis- uncommon sensitivity reactions – usually cutaneous<br />

tance) occurred in about 1% of sulphonylurea-treatrare.<br />

– that are usually transient; erythema multiforme is<br />

ed patients annually in the UKPDS. In general,<br />

Fever, jaundice and blood dyscrasias are very<br />

lower rates (approximately 0.2–2.5 episodes per rare; some sulphonylureas can reportedly precipitate<br />

1000 patient-years) have been reported from adheyday,<br />

acute porphyria in predisposed individuals. In its<br />

verse event reporting to regulatory authorities or<br />

chlorpropamide was notorious for causing<br />

from physician-completed questionnaires. The morquantities<br />

unpleasant facial flushing after consuming small<br />

tality risk from severe sulphonylurea-induced hyporeported.<br />

of alcohol; photosensitivity has also been<br />

glycaemia has been calculated to be 0.014–0.033 per<br />

Chlorpropamide could also increase renal<br />

1000 patient-years. [23] Predictably, longer-acting sensitivity to antidiuretic hormone, occasionally<br />

high-potency agents, such as glibenclamide, appear causing water retention with hyponatraemia. In con-<br />

to carry the greater mortality risk. For comparison, trast, glibenclamide is credited with a mild diuretic<br />

the occurrence of severe hypoglycaemia induced in action. Weight gain is regarded as a class effect of<br />

© 2005 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Drugs 2005; 65 (3)

<strong>Oral</strong> <strong>Antidiabetic</strong> <strong>Agents</strong> 395<br />

sulphonylurea therapy, typically amounting to held to be equivalent to 80mg of unmodified glicla-<br />

1–4kg and stabilising after about 6 months. This zide. In a recent 6-month comparative multicentre<br />

weight gain, which is always unwelcome, is thought study, gliclazide MR was associated with approxito<br />

reflect the anabolic effects of increased plasma mately 50% reduction in episodes of minor hypoglyinsulin<br />

concentrations; some studies have suggested caemia compared with glimepiride, at similar levels<br />

that reduced loss of calories as glucose in the urine of glycaemic control; no episodes of severe hypomay<br />

account for the majority of the weight glycaemia were observed with either agent in this<br />

gain. [19,21] study. [26]<br />

The saga of the questionable cardiovascular safety<br />

of the sulphonylureas was given a nudge by the 1.2 Rapid-Acting Prandial Insulin Releasers<br />

discovery that cardiac muscle and vascular smooth<br />

Under experimental conditions the first phase of<br />

muscle express isoforms of the SUR2A and SUR2B.<br />

glucose-stimulated insulin secretion is diminished<br />

Sulphonylureas that contain a benzamido group (gliearly<br />

in the natural history of type 2 diabetes. The<br />

benclamide, glipizide, glimepiride) can bind to<br />

prompt physiological rise in plasma insulin in res-<br />

SUR2A and SUR2B, [15] whereas those without (e.g.<br />

ponse to meals is attenuated and its peak delayed.<br />

tolbutamide, chlorpropamide and gliclazide) show An initial surge of insulin release appears to be<br />

very little interaction with the cardiac and vascular<br />

particularly important for effective postprandial<br />

SUR receptors. The effects of the KATP channel<br />

suppression of hepatic glucose production; failure to<br />

opener nicorandil (an anti-anginal drug with cardisuppress<br />

endogenous glucose production exaceroprotective<br />

properties) are blocked by sulphobates<br />

postprandial hyperglycaemia. Because postnylureas<br />

that have a benzamido group. [15] The clinprandial<br />

hyperglycaemia contributes to elevated<br />

ical implications of these observations remain to be<br />

HbA1c levels it is a logical therapeutic target. Rapiddetermined.<br />

Although very high concentrations of<br />

acting prandial insulin releasers are available that<br />

sulphonylureas can cause contraction of cardiac and<br />

stimulate rapid, but short-lived, insulin secrevascular<br />

muscle, this is regarded as being unlikely to<br />

tion. [27,28] These agents are taken orally immediately<br />

be clinically significant effect at therapeutic drug<br />

before a meal. Derivatives of meglitinide, such as<br />

concentrations. Nonetheless, on the basis of adverse<br />

repaglinide and the phenylalanine derivative nategclinical<br />

experiences in high-risk patients, some high<br />

linide, are promoted as ‘prandial glucose regulaprofile<br />

authorities continue to advocate that sulphotors’;<br />

in fact, fasting hyperglycaemia is also imnylurea<br />

use be kept to a minimum in patients with<br />

proved to a lesser extent, particularly with repagliovert<br />

coronary artery disease. [25]<br />

nide. Clinical experience with these agents remains<br />

limited in most countries; these drugs are appreci-<br />

1.1.6 New Formulations of Sulphonylureas<br />

ably more expensive than most sulphonylureas, the<br />

Alterations to the formulation of some sulpholatter<br />

also having the reassurance of outcome data<br />

nylureas have been undertaken to modify the durafrom<br />

the UKPDS.<br />

tion of action. [4] For example, a micronised formulation<br />

of glibenclamide is available in the US that 1.2.1 Mode of Action<br />

increases the rate of gastrointestinal absorption, Benzamido prandial insulin releasers bind to the<br />

thereby enabling an earlier onset of action. A longer- SUR1 in the plasma membrane of the β cell at a site<br />

acting (‘extended release’) formulation of glipizide distinct from the sulphonylurea binding site (figure<br />

has also been introduced. A new (‘modified release’ 2). Since the KATP channel is closed when either the<br />

[MR]) formulation of gliclazide was launched in benzamido binding site or the sulphonylurea bindsome<br />

countries in 2002. This formulation has been ing site on the SUR1 is bound with its respective<br />

designed to produce an initially rapid, followed by agonist, there is no advantage in giving a prandial<br />

steady release of the drug to enable once-daily dos- insulin releaser in addition to a sulphonylurea. Howage.<br />

For the MR formulation of gliclazide, 30mg is ever, drugs are also in development that promote β-<br />

© 2005 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Drugs 2005; 65 (3)

396 Krentz & Bailey<br />

cell proinsulin synthesis and act via signalling path- daily dosages is a potential disincentive. Repagliways<br />

distinct from the KATP channel (figure 2). The nide should ideally be taken about 15–30 minutes<br />

short half-life of repaglinide results in enhancement before a meal. Starting with a low dose, for example<br />

of the first-phase and early second-phase of insulin 0.5mg before each main meal, the effect on glysecretion<br />

that is less sustained than that observed caemic control is monitored and the dosage titrated<br />

with sulphonylureas. [27-29] Theoretical benefits on up every 2 weeks to a maximum of 4mg before each<br />

cardiovascular outcomes from preferentially target- main meal; if a meal is not consumed the correing<br />

the postprandial period remain to be con- sponding dose of repaglinide should be omitted. If<br />

firmed. [28,29] It is unclear whether postprandial glycaemic targets are not met, consider early introhyperglycaemia<br />

per se is detrimental to the vascular duction of combination therapy (e.g. with metforendothelium<br />

or whether closely associated metabol- min). Unlike some sulphonylureas and metformin,<br />

ic disturbances, for example dyslipidaemia, are re- repaglinide is suitable for patients with moderate<br />

sponsible. Thus, the mechanism of the association renal impairment, although careful upward dose<br />

between post-challenge hyperglycaemia and mor- titration and close monitoring is still recommended.<br />

tality observed in the multicentre DECODE (Diabe- In contrast with the US, the UK license for nateglites<br />

Epidemiology: Collaborative analysis Of Diag- nide currently restricts use to combination therapy<br />

nostic criteria in Europe) study is uncertain. [30] Ran- with metformin in patients who do not achieve glydomised<br />

trials that are currently in progress should caemic targets with the latter drug as monotherhelp<br />

clarify this issue.<br />

apy. [29] In the US, nateglinide may also be used as<br />

monotherapy or combined with a thiazolidinedione.<br />

1.2.2 Pharmacokinetics<br />

Nateglinide should be used with caution in patients<br />

Repaglinide is rapidly and almost completely<br />

with hepatic disease.<br />

absorbed after oral administration, with peak plasma<br />

concentrations achieved in about 1 hour. [27] The<br />

1.2.4 Efficacy<br />

drug is rapidly metabolised in the liver to inactive<br />

Repaglinide (0.5–4mg taken about 15–30 minmetabolites,<br />

which are mainly excreted in bile.<br />

utes before meals) results in dose-dependent in-<br />

When taken about 15 minutes before a meal, repagcreases<br />

in insulin secretion with reduced postprandilinide<br />

produces a prompt insulin-releasing effect,<br />

al hyperglycaemia; a lesser reduction in fasting<br />

which is limited to a period of about 3 hours, roughhyperglycaemia<br />

is also observed. Overall reductions<br />

ly coinciding with the duration of meal digestion.<br />

in HbA1c are similar in magnitude to those observed<br />

Nateglinide has a slightly faster onset and shorter<br />

with sulphonylureas, that is 1–2%. Combined with<br />

duration of action, its binding to target receptors<br />

metformin, nateglinide reduces HbA 1c by up to<br />

lasting only seconds. A 60mg dose of nateglinide<br />

1.5%.<br />

taken 20 minutes before an intravenous glucose<br />

[28,29]<br />

tolerance test restored first-phase insulin release and<br />

1.2.5 Adverse Events<br />

lowered glucose concentrations. [28,29]<br />

The overall incidence of hypoglycaemic episodes<br />

1.2.3 Indications and Contraindications is lower with repaglinide than with sulphonyureas.<br />

Repaglinide may be used as monotherapy in pa- Sensitivity reactions, usually transient, can occur.<br />

tients inadequately controlled by nonpharmacologi- Increased plasma levels of repaglinide have been<br />

cal measures. Suitable candidates for rapid-acting reported when co-administered with gemfibrozil. A<br />

insulin releasers include individuals with irregular small increase in bodyweight can be expected in<br />

lifestyles wherein meals are unpredictable or patients starting repaglinide as initial monotherapy,<br />

missed. The lower risk of hypoglycaemia associated but there may be little change in weight among<br />

with its use makes repaglinide an attractive option patients switched from a sulphonylurea. Nateglinide<br />

for some elderly patients, particularly if other agents appears to have little effect on bodyweight when<br />

are contraindicated. However, the need for multiple combined with metformin. [29]<br />

© 2005 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Drugs 2005; 65 (3)

<strong>Oral</strong> <strong>Antidiabetic</strong> <strong>Agents</strong> 397<br />

Intestinal<br />

lumen<br />

Brush<br />

border<br />

α-Amylase<br />

Starch<br />

Maltose<br />

maltotriose<br />

dextrins<br />

Sucrose<br />

α-Glucosidase<br />

inhibitor (acarbose,<br />

miglitol, voglibose)<br />

Enterocyte<br />

Microvillus<br />

α-Glucosidase<br />

enzymes<br />

Villus<br />

Fig. 3. α-Glucosidase inhibitors (e.g. acarbose) competitively inhibit the activity of α-glucosidase enzymes in the brush border of small<br />

intestinal enterocytes (reproduced from Krentz and Bailey, [4] with permission from the Royal Society of Medicine Press).<br />

2. α-Glucosidase Inhibitors carbohydrate digestion until further along the intestinal<br />

tract, in turn causing glucose absorption to be<br />

Inhibitors of intestinal α-glucosidase enzymes<br />

delayed. The α-glucosidase inhibitors should be takretard<br />

the rate of carbohydrate digestion, thereby<br />

en with meals containing digestible carbohydrates,<br />

providing an alternative means to reduce postprannot<br />

monosaccharides; these drugs generally do not<br />

dial hyperglycaemia. [31] Acarbose, the first α-<br />

significantly affect the absorption of glucose. Since<br />

glucosidase inhibitor to be marketed, was introα-glucosidase<br />

inhibitors move glucose absorption<br />

duced in the early 1990s. Recently, two additional<br />

more distally along the intestinal tract they alter<br />

agents, miglitol and voglibose, have been introglucose-dependent<br />

release of intestinal hormones<br />

duced in some countries. [4] The α-glucosidase inhibthat<br />

enhance nutrient-induced insulin secretion. Reitors<br />

do not cause weight gain, can reduce postpranlease<br />

of gastric inhibitory polypeptide, which occurs<br />

dial hyperinsulinaemia and have lowered plasma<br />

triglyceride concentrations in some studies. [31] Their mainly from the jejunal mucosa, may be reduced by<br />

good safety record is a further advantage, but limited α-glucosidase inhibitors, whereas glucagon-like<br />

gastrointestinal tolerability has substantially limited peptide-1 (7–36 amide) secretion (mostly from the<br />

their use. The relatively high cost of α-glucosidase ileal mucosa) is increased. Overall, α-glucosidase<br />

inhibitors is another consideration that has influthrough<br />

the attenuated rise in postprandial glucose<br />

inhibitors reduce postprandial insulin concentrations<br />

enced prescribing. In the UK, acarbose use remains<br />

low.<br />

levels. [31]<br />

2.1 Mode of Action<br />

The α-glucosidase inhibitors competitively inhibit<br />

the activity of α-glucosidase enzymes in the<br />

brush border of enterocytes lining the intestinal villi<br />

(figure 3). High affinity binding prevents these enzymes<br />

from cleaving their normal disaccharide and<br />

oligosaccharide substrates into monosaccharides<br />

prior to absorption. This defers the completion of<br />

2.2 Pharmacokinetics<br />

Acarbose is absorbed only to a trivial degree<br />


398 Krentz & Bailey<br />

2.3 Indications and Contraindications breast-feeding are traditionally regarded to be contraindications<br />

for all oral antidiabetic drugs, mainly<br />

An α-glucosidase inhibitor may be used as because of a lack of safety data rather than evidence<br />

monotherapy for patients with type 2 diabetes that is of detrimental effects.<br />

inadequately controlled by nonpharmacological<br />

measures. Because α-glucosidase inhibitors target 2.4 Efficacy<br />

postprandial hyperglycaemia, they can be a useful<br />

An α-glucosidase inhibitor can reduce peak confirst-line<br />

treatment in patients who have a combinacentrations<br />

of blood glucose and reduce interprandition<br />

of only slightly raised basal glucose concentraal<br />

troughs. Used as monotherapy to patients who<br />

tions and more marked postprandial hyperglycomply<br />

appropriately with dietary advice, an α-<br />

caemia. A recent multicentre clinical trial (STOPglucosidase<br />

inhibitor will typically reduce postpran-<br />

NIDDM [Study TO Prevent NonInsulin-Dependent<br />

dial glucose concentrations by 1–4 mmol/L. The<br />

Diabetes Mellitus]) confirmed the utility of acarbose<br />

incremental area under the postprandial plasma gluin<br />

preventing the transition from impaired glucose<br />

cose curve can be more than halved in some individtolerance<br />

to diabetes [32] (see section 2.4). Acarbose<br />

uals. There seems to be a ‘carry-over’ effect that<br />

can be used in combination with other antidiabetic<br />

may produce a reduction in basal glycaemia up to<br />

agents. When starting therapy with an α-glucosidase<br />

1 mmol/L. The decrease in HbA1c is usually about<br />

inhibitor it is said to be important to ensure that the<br />

0.5–1.0%, provided that a high dose of the drug is<br />

patient is taking a diet rich in complex carbohytolerated<br />

and dietary compliance is maintained.<br />

drates, as opposed to simple sugars. Acarbose<br />

[33]<br />

There may be a trivial alteration in the gastrointestishould<br />

be taken with meals, starting with a low dose,<br />

nal absorption of other oral antidiabetic agents when<br />

for example 50 mg/day, and slowly titrating up over<br />

used in combination therapy. In general, the extra<br />

several weeks. Monitoring of glycaemic control,<br />

benefit to glycaemic control achieved by addition of<br />

particularly postprandially, may be helpful. The<br />

an α-glucosidase inhibitor to another antidiabetic<br />

postprandial action of these agents would not be<br />

agent is additive. In the recently published multicenexpected<br />

to induce hypoglycaemia, at least when<br />

tre STOP-NIDDM trial acarbose reduced the risk of<br />

they are used as monotherapy. The maximum dosprogression<br />

from impaired glucose tolerance to type<br />

age of α-glucosidase inhibitors may be limited by<br />

2 diabetes (relative hazard 0.75; 95% CI 0.63, 0.90;<br />

gastrointestinal symptoms; this is certainly our exp<br />

= 0.0015). [32] This study randomised 1429 patients<br />

perience with acarbose (see section 2.5). Intuitively,<br />

with impaired glucose tolerance to acarbose 100mg<br />

patients experiencing gastrointestinal adverse efthree<br />

times daily or placebo, of whom data were<br />

fects with metformin may not be the best candidates<br />

available for a modified intention-to-treat analysis<br />

in whom to add an α-glucosidase inhibitor. A hisin<br />

1368 patients. Glucose tolerance was determined<br />

tory of chronic intestinal disease serves as a – largeusing<br />

a 75g oral glucose tolerance test. Intriguingly,<br />

ly theoretical – contraindication to acarbose and<br />

new cases of hypertension and major cardiac events,<br />

other agents in this class. High dosages of acarbose<br />

including overt and clinically silent myocardial incan<br />

occasionally increase liver enzyme concentrafarction,<br />

were also reduced by acarbose therapy.<br />

tions, and it is recommended that transaminase con-<br />

[34]<br />

The latter were not primary endpoints of the study, a<br />

centrations are measured at intervals in patients relimitation<br />

acknowledged by the investigators.<br />

ceiving the maximum dosage (200mg three times<br />

[34]<br />

The results of ongoing trials using acarbose and<br />

daily in the UK, a dosage rarely attained in practice<br />

other agents in this class are awaited.<br />

for the aforementioned reasons). If liver enzymes<br />

[35]<br />

are raised, the dosage of acarbose should be reduced<br />

to a level at which normal enzyme concentrations<br />

2.5 Adverse Effects<br />

are re-established. Alternative causes of hepatic dys- The most common problems with α-glucosidase<br />

function should be considered. Pregnancy and inhibitors are gastrointestinal adverse effects. In the<br />

© 2005 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Drugs 2005; 65 (3)

<strong>Oral</strong> <strong>Antidiabetic</strong> <strong>Agents</strong> 399<br />

guanidine derivatives in the 1920s. These early<br />

antidiabetic agents were all but forgotten as insulin<br />

became widely available and it was not until the late<br />

1950s that three antidiabetic biguanides were report-<br />

ed: metformin, phenformin and buformin. Phen-<br />

formin was withdrawn in many countries in the<br />

1970s because of a high incidence of lactic acidosis;<br />

buformin received limited use in a few countries,<br />

leaving metformin as the main biguanide on a global<br />

basis. Metformin is the only biguanide available in<br />

the UK and, since 1995, the US. [23,40] Extensive<br />

clinical experience with metformin has been com-<br />

plemented by favourable results from the UKPDS.<br />

Metformin also enjoys the accolade of being among<br />

the least expensive of the oral antidiabetic agents.<br />

STOP-NIDDM trial 31% of acarbose-treated patients<br />

compared with 19% on placebo discontinued<br />

treatment early. [32] If the dosage is too high (relative<br />

to the amount of complex carbohydrate in the meal),<br />

undigested oligosaccharides pass into the large bowel.<br />

[23] Carbohydrates fermented by the flora of the<br />

large bowel cause flatulence, abdominal discomfort<br />

and sometimes diarrhoea. This is most likely to<br />

occur during the initial titration of the drug and can<br />

sometimes be minimised by slow titration and by<br />

ensuring dietary compliance with meals rich in complex<br />

carbohydrate. In some patients the gastrointestinal<br />

symptoms may gradually subside with time,<br />

suggesting an adaptive response within the gastrointestinal<br />

tract. Hypoglycaemia is only likely to be<br />

encountered when an α-glucosidase inhibitor is used<br />

in combination with a sulphonylurea or insulin. [23]<br />

No clinically significant drug interations have been<br />

reported. However, agents affecting gut motility can<br />

potentially influence the efficacy and gastrointesti-<br />

nal effects of acarbose; cholestyramine may increase<br />

the glucose-lowering effect of acarbose.<br />

3. Insulin Sensitisers<br />

Insulin resistance is a prominent metabolic defect<br />

in most patients with type 2 diabetes. [36,37] Defective<br />

insulin action is not confined to glucose metabolism,<br />

subtle defects also being demonstrable in the regulation<br />

of other aspects of intermediary metabolism<br />

(e.g. lipolysis), using appropriate investigative techniques.<br />

Many cross-sectional and prospective studies<br />

have implicated insulin resistance in the pathogenesis<br />

of type 2 diabetes and the related metabolic<br />

syndrome of cardiovascular risk. [38] Therefore, defective<br />

insulin action at target tissue level is an<br />

attractive therapeutic target in type 2 diabetes. [39]<br />

The biguanides and, in particular, the thiazolidinediones<br />

act directly against insulin resistance, and so<br />

are regarded as insulin sensitising drugs.<br />

3.1 Biguanides<br />

The finding that Galega officinalis (goat’s rue or<br />

French lilac), historically used as a traditional treatment<br />

for diabetes in Europe, was rich in guanidine<br />

led to the introduction of several glucose-lowering<br />

3.1.1 Mode of Action<br />

Metformin has a variety of metabolic effects,<br />

some of which may confer clinical benefits that<br />

extend beyond glucose lowering (table V). However,<br />

the molecular mechanisms of metformin have<br />

yet to be fully identified. At the cellular level, met-<br />

formin improves insulin sensitivity to some extent,<br />

an action mediated via post-receptor signalling pathways<br />

for insulin. [41,42] Recent data have suggested<br />

that adenosine 5′-monophosphate-activated protein<br />

Table V. Metabolic and vascular effects of metformin<br />

Anti-hyperglycaemic action<br />

suppresses hepatic glucose output<br />

increases insulin-mediated glucose utilisation<br />

decreases fatty acid oxidation<br />

increases splanchnic glucose turnover<br />

Weight stabilisation or reduction<br />

Improves lipid profile<br />

reduces hypertriglyceridaemia<br />

lowers plasma fatty acids and LDL-cholesterol; raises HDLcholesterol<br />

in some patients<br />

No risk of serious hypoglycaemia<br />

Counters insulin resistance<br />

decreases endogenous or exogenous insulin requirements<br />

reduces basal plasma insulin concentrations<br />

Vascular effects<br />

increased fibrinolysis<br />

decreases PAI-1 levels<br />

improved endothelial function<br />

HDL = high-density lipoprotein; LDL = low-density lipoprotein;<br />

PAI-1 = plasminogen activator inhibitor-1.<br />

© 2005 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Drugs 2005; 65 (3)

400 Krentz & Bailey<br />

Metformin<br />

Intestine<br />

Fat<br />

↑ Anaerobic glucose<br />

metabolism<br />

↑ Glucose uptake<br />

and oxidation<br />

↑ Lactate<br />

↓ Fatty acids<br />

↓ Glyconeogenesis<br />

↓ Glycogenesis<br />

↓ Oxidation of FA<br />

↑ Glucose<br />

uptake and<br />

oxidation<br />

↑ Glycogenesis<br />

↓ Oxidation<br />

of FA<br />

Liver<br />

Muscle<br />

↓ Hepatic glucose<br />

production<br />

↑ Insulin-mediated<br />

glucose disposal<br />

↓ Blood glucose<br />

concentration<br />

Fig. 4. Actions of metformin. Inhibition of hepatic glucose production is regarded as the principal mechanism through which metformin<br />

lowers blood glucose (reproduced from Krentz and Bailey, [4] with permission from the Royal Society of Medicine Press). FA = fatty acids;<br />

↑ indicates increase; ↓ indicates decrease.<br />

nant glucose-lowering mechanism of action of met-<br />

formin is to reduce excessive rates of hepatic glu-<br />

cose production. Metformin reduces gluconeogene-<br />

sis by increasing hepatic sensitivity to insulin (figure<br />

4) and decreasing the hepatic extraction of certain<br />

gluconeogenic substrates (e.g. lactate). Hepatic<br />

glycogenolysis is also decreased by metformin. In-<br />

sulin-stimulated glucose uptake in skeletal muscle is<br />

enhanced by metformin. This involves an increase<br />

in the movement of insulin-sensitive glucose trans-<br />

porter molecules to the cell membrane; an increase<br />

in the activity of the enzyme glycogen synthase<br />

promotes synthesis of glycogen. Metformin also<br />

kinase (AMPK) is a possible intracellular target of<br />

metformin. [43] Through phosphorylation of key proteins,<br />

AMPK acts as a regulator of glucose and lipid<br />

metabolism and cellular energy regulation. [44] Since<br />

metformin lowers blood glucose concentrations<br />

without causing overt hypoglycaemia it is most appropriately<br />

classed as an anti-hyperglycaemic – as<br />

distinct from hypoglycaemic – agent. The clinical<br />

efficacy of metformin in patients with type 2 diabetes<br />

requires the presence of insulin. The drug does<br />

not stimulate insulin release and a small decrease in<br />

fasting insulin concentrations is typically observed<br />

in patients with hyperinsulinaemia. [21] The predomi-<br />

© 2005 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Drugs 2005; 65 (3)

<strong>Oral</strong> <strong>Antidiabetic</strong> <strong>Agents</strong> 401<br />

acts in an insulin-independent manner to suppress other class of oral antidiabetic agent or with insulin.<br />

oxidation of fatty acids and to reduce triglyceride The drug is contraindicated in patients with imlevels<br />

in patients with hypertriglyceridaemia. [19] paired renal function (i.e. serum creatinine<br />

This reduces the energy supply for hepatic gluco- >120–130 µmol/L, depending on lean body mass),<br />

neogenesis and has favourable effects on the glu- as a precaution against drug accumulation. Cardiac<br />

cose-fatty acid (Randle) cycle (in which fatty acids or respiratory insufficiency, or any other condition<br />

are held to compete with glucose as a cellular energy<br />

predisposing to hypoxia or reduced perfusion (e.g.<br />

source). [37] Glucose metabolism in the splanchnic<br />

hypotension, septicaemia) are further contraindicabed<br />

is increased by metformin through insulin-indetions,<br />

as well as liver disease, alcohol abuse and a<br />

pendent mechanisms. This may contribute to the<br />

blood glucose-lowering effect of the drug, and in<br />

history of metabolic acidosis. Metformin can be<br />

turn may help to prevent gains in bodyweight. Coland<br />

other exclusions are not present. A difficulty in<br />

used in the elderly, provided that renal insufficiency<br />

lectively, the cellular effects of metformin serve to<br />

counter insulin resistance and to reduce the putative practice is that significant renal dysfunction may be<br />

toxic metabolic effects of hyperglycaemia (glucose present without the aforementioned elevation of se-<br />

toxicity) and fatty acids (lipotoxicity) in type 2 rum creatinine.<br />

diabetes.<br />

The improvement in insulin sensitivity can cause<br />

ovulation to resume in cases of anovulatory polycys-<br />

3.1.2 Pharmacokinetics<br />

tic ovary syndrome (PCOS) [an unlicensed applica-<br />

Metformin is a stable hydrophilic biguanide that<br />

tion of the drug in the absence of diabetes]. [45]<br />

is quickly absorbed and eliminated unchanged in the<br />

Metformin should be taken with meals or immedurine.<br />

It is imperative that metformin is only preiately<br />

before meals to minimise possible gastrointesscribed<br />

to patients with renal function that is suffitinal<br />

adverse effects. Treatment should be started<br />

cient to avoid accumulation of the drug. Renal clearwith<br />

500 or 850mg once daily, or 500mg twice daily<br />

ance of metformin is achieved more by tubular<br />

secretion than glomerular filtration, the only signif- (one tablet with the morning and evening meals).<br />

icant drug interaction being competition with cime- The dosage is increased slowly – one tablet at a time<br />

tidine, which can increase plasma metformin conof<br />

– at intervals of about 2 weeks until the target level<br />

centrations. There is little binding of metformin to<br />

glycaemic control is attained. If the target is not<br />

plasma proteins. Metformin is not metabolised, and attained and an additional dose produces no greater<br />

so does not interfere with the metabolism of co- effect, return to the previous dose and, in the case of<br />

administered drugs. Metformin is widely distribut- monotherapy, consider combination therapy by aded,<br />

high concentrations being retained in the walls of ding in another agent (e.g. a sulphonylurea, prandial<br />

the gastrointestinal tract; this provides a reservoir insulin releaser or thiazolidinedione). The maximal<br />

from which plasma concentrations are maintained.<br />

effective dosage appears to be about 2000 mg/day,<br />

Nevertheless, peak plasma metformin concentragiven<br />

in divided doses with meals, the absolute<br />

tions are short-lived: in patients with normal renal<br />

maximum being 2550 or 3000 mg/day in different<br />

function the plasma half-life (t 1 /2) for metformin is<br />

countries. Several single tablet combinations of a<br />

2–5 hours, and almost 90% of an absorbed dosage is<br />

eliminated within 12 hours. [40]<br />

sulphonylurea (usually glibenclamide) with a bigua-<br />

nide (metformin or phenformin) have been available<br />

3.1.3 Indications and Contraindications<br />

in some European countries and elsewhere for more<br />

Metformin is the therapy of choice for overformin<br />

than a decade. A slow-release formulation of metweight<br />

and obese patients with type 2 diabetes. [42] It<br />

and a fixed-dose combination of metformin<br />

can be equally effective in normal weight patients. with glibenclamide is available in the US<br />

Metformin can also be used in combination with any (Glucovance ® , Bristol-Myers Squibb Company,<br />

© 2005 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Drugs 2005; 65 (3)

402 Krentz & Bailey<br />

Princeton, NJ, USA) 1 and elsewhere (although not secretion. Indeed, the reduction of basal insulin conin<br />

the UK). A combined rosiglitazone/metformin centrations, notably in hyperinsulinaemic patients,<br />

(Avandamet ® , GlaxoSmithKline, Philadelphia, PA, should itself improve insulin sensitivity by relieving<br />

USA) [see section 3.2] preparation is also available the insulin-induced downregulation of insulin recepin<br />

some parts of the world.<br />

tor number and suppression of post-receptor insulin<br />

During long-term treatment with metformin it is pathways. [35] Bodyweight tends to stabilise or deadvisable<br />

to check (e.g. annually) for the developprovements<br />

crease slightly during metformin therapy. Small imment<br />

of contraindications, particularly an elevated<br />

in the blood lipid profile may be observ-<br />

serum creatinine concentration (yearly measurement ed in hyperlipidaemic patients; plasma concentra-<br />

of creatinine clearance posing practical difficulties). tions of triglycerides, fatty acids and low-density<br />

Metformin can reduce gastrointestinal absorption of lipoprotein (LDL)-cholesterol tend to fall, whereas<br />

cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12). While anaemia is cardioprotective HDL-cholesterol tends to rise.<br />

very rare, an annual haemoglobin measurement is These effects appear to be independent of the antiprudent<br />

in patients at risk of nutritional deficiencies. hyperglycaemic effect, although a lowering of trig-<br />

It is advised to stop metformin treatment temporariinsulin<br />

lyceride and free fatty acids is likely to help improve<br />

ly during use of intravenous radiographic contrast<br />

sensitivity and benefit the glucose-fatty acid<br />

media, surgery and any other intercurrent situation cycle.<br />

in which the exclusion criteria could be invoked. [46] In the UKPDS, overweight patients who started<br />

Substitution with insulin may be appropriate at such oral antidiabetic therapy with metformin showed a<br />

times. Metformin alone is unlikely to cause serious statistically significant 39% reduced risk of myocarhypoglycaemia,<br />

but hypoglycaemia becomes an is- dial infarction compared with conventional treatsue<br />

when metformin is used in combination with an ment (p = 0.01). [47] No clear relationship is evident<br />

insulin-releasing agent or insulin.<br />

between metformin dosage and decreased coronary<br />

artery events. This suggests that patients who can<br />

3.1.4 Efficacy only tolerate a low dosage of metformin may benefit<br />

The long-term blood glucose-lowering efficacy from continuing the drug, even when other agents<br />

of metformin is broadly similar to sulphonylureas. have to be added to optimise glycaemic control. The<br />

As monotherapy in patients who are not adequately decrease in myocardial infarction observed with<br />

controlled on nonpharmacological therapy, optimal- metformin therapy in the UKPDS was not attributaly<br />

titrated metformin therapy typically reduces fast- ble to more effective lowering of HbA1c or major<br />

ing plasma glucose by 2–4 mmol/L, corresponding effects on classic cardiovascular risk factors such as<br />

to a decrease in HbA 1c by approximately 1–2%. [40] plasma lipids. Consequently, other potentially<br />

The effect is dependent upon the presence of some vasoprotective effects of metformin have been inendogenous<br />

β-cell function, and is largely indepen- voked. Reported benefits of metformin on non-clasdent<br />

of bodyweight, age and duration of diabetes. sic cardiovascular risk factors (table V) include in-<br />

However, given the progressive nature of type 2 creased fibrinolysis and a reduced concentration of<br />

diabetes, re-assessment of dosage and consideration the anti-thrombolytic factor plasminogen activator<br />

of additional therapy are required to maintain gly- inhibitor-1 (PAI-1). [41,46] The mechanism of the<br />

caemic control in the long term. [4,21] Metformin has cardioprotective effects of metformin remains unseveral<br />

features that mark it out as a good choice for certain. Detracting somewhat from this generally<br />

first-line monotherapy. The anti-hyperglycaemic ac- favourable view was evidence of an initially greater<br />

tion of metformin means that it is unlikely to cause mortality when metformin was added to a sulphonysevere<br />

hypoglycaemia. This may be explained in lurea in a UKPDS substudy, [47] but longer-term folpart<br />

because metformin does not stimulate insulin low-up has shown the benefits of metformin to be<br />

1 The use of trade names is for product identification purposes only and does not imply endorsement.<br />

© 2005 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Drugs 2005; 65 (3)

<strong>Oral</strong> <strong>Antidiabetic</strong> <strong>Agents</strong> 403<br />

sustained. [48] The explanation may have been, at<br />

least in part, a spuriously low mortality rate in the<br />

comparator sulphonylurea monotherapy group. [47,49]<br />

The small number of events in this substudy adds to<br />

the uncertainty.<br />

Sulphonylurea plus metformin is a commonly<br />

used combination and it would be reassuring to have<br />

definitive safety data. Since each class as monotherapy<br />

appears safe from the cardiovascular perspec-<br />

tive, alternative explanations have been postulated<br />

to explain similar findings seen in observational<br />

studies. [49] One plausible confounder might be great-<br />

er cardiovascular risk attributable to more severe<br />

metabolic derangements in patients treated with the<br />

combination. Results from US trials and various<br />

large databases of follow-up with sulphonylurea<br />

plus metformin combination therapy have been re-<br />

assuring. [21,49,50] Additional well designed compara-<br />

tive studies of appropriate statistical power would be<br />

required to quantify the risk to benefit equation for<br />

combination treatment with sulphonylurea plus met-<br />

formin. However, recent results from the 5-year<br />

follow-up of UKPDS – with no further attempt to<br />

continue in randomised groups – show that the adverse<br />

impact of sulphonylurea plus metformin com-<br />

bination seen initially is no longer evident. [48] At this<br />

point, the aforementioned benefits observed on mor-<br />

tality and cardiovascular disease in overweight patients<br />

initially randomised to metformin monother-<br />

apy, while diminished, remained significant.<br />

Consistent with the action of metformin on insulin<br />

sensitivity, addition of metformin to patients<br />

receiving insulin therapy may necessitate a reduction<br />

of insulin dosage. Some patients also show an<br />

improvement in glycaemic control, although this is<br />

not always impressive. Metformin reduces the<br />

weight gain associated with insulin therapy and, by<br />

decreasing the insulin dosage, there may be a decrease<br />

in hypoglycaemic episodes. The regimen has<br />

usually involved once-daily bedtime long-acting<br />

(lente) insulin or twice-daily insulin suspension isophane<br />

with metformin at mealtimes. In the US Diabetes<br />

Prevention Program, metformin reduced the<br />

incidence of new cases of diabetes in overweight<br />

and obese patients with impaired glucose tolerance<br />

by 33% overall. This compares with an intensive<br />

regimen of diet and exercise, which reduced the risk<br />

by 58%. [51] Younger, more obese individuals show-<br />

ed the most response to the preventive effects of<br />

metformin.<br />

3.1.5 Adverse Effects<br />

Abdominal discomfort and other gastrointestinal<br />

adverse effects, including diarrhoea, are encountered<br />

fairly commonly during the introduction of<br />

metformin. Symptoms may remit if the dose is re-<br />

duced and re-titrated slowly, but about 10% of patients<br />

cannot tolerate the drug at any dose. The most<br />

serious feared adverse event associated with metfor-<br />

min is lactic acidosis; the occurrence is rare (about<br />

0.03 cases per 1000 patient-years), but the mortality<br />

rate is high. [14,38] Since the background incidence of<br />

lactic acidosis amongst type 2 diabetic patients has<br />

not been established, it is possible that a proportion<br />

of cases that have been attributed to the drug were<br />

caused by other factors; this remains an area of<br />

controversy. Most cases of lactic acidosis in patients<br />

receiving metformin are due to inappropriate pre-<br />

scription of the drug. [23,40,46,52] The leading contraindication<br />

is renal insufficiency. [52] Metformin increases<br />

glycolysis to lactate, particularly in the<br />

splanchnic bed. The situation will be aggravated by<br />

any hypoxic condition or impaired liver function. [53]<br />

Hyperlactataemia occurs in cardiogenic shock and<br />

other illnesses that decrease tissue perfusion, and<br />

metformin is often only an incidental factor in these<br />

cases. [54] In the absence of reliable data to the con-<br />

trary, metformin treatment should be stopped im-<br />

mediately in all cases of suspected or proven lactic<br />

acidosis, regardless of cause. Lactic acidosis is typi-<br />

cally characterised by a raised blood lactate concen-<br />

tration (e.g. >5 mmol/L), decreased arterial pH and/<br />

or bicarbonate concentration with an increased ani-<br />

on gap ([Na + ] – [Cl – + HCO3 – ] >15 mmol/L).<br />

Presenting symptoms are often nonspecific, but fre-<br />

quently include hyperventilation, malaise and abdominal<br />

discomfort. Treatment should be commenced<br />

immediately without waiting to determine whether<br />

metformin is a cause; bicarbonate remains the ther-<br />

apy of choice but evidence of its efficacy is scanty.<br />

The value of haemodialysis in removing accumulat-<br />

© 2005 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Drugs 2005; 65 (3)

404 Krentz & Bailey<br />

ed metformin has been challenged by some authorities,<br />

but dialysis may nonetheless be helpful in optimising<br />

fluid and electrolyte balance during treatment<br />

with high-dose intravenous bicarbonates. [54]<br />

3.2 Thiazolidinediones<br />

3.2.2 Pharmacokinetics<br />

Rosiglitazone and pioglitazone are rapidly, and<br />

nearly completely absorbed (1–2 hours to peak con-<br />

centration), although absorption is slightly delayed<br />

when taken with food. Both agents are extensively<br />

metabolised by the liver. Rosiglitazone is metabol-<br />

ised mainly to very weakly active metabolites with<br />

lesser activity that are excreted predominantly in the<br />

urine. The metabolites of pioglitazone are more<br />

active and excreted mainly in the bile. Metabolism<br />

of rosiglitazone is undertaken mainly by cyto-<br />

3.2.1 Mode of Action<br />

Stimulation of PPARγ is regarded as the principal<br />

mechanism through which thiazolidinediones enhance<br />

insulin sensitivity. PPARγ is expressed at<br />

highest levels in adipose tissue, and less so in<br />

muscle and liver. PPARγ operates in association<br />

with the retinoid X receptor. The resulting heterodimer<br />

binds to nuclear response elements, thereby<br />

modulating transcription of a range of insulin-sensitive<br />

genes, in the presence of necessary cofactors<br />

(figure 4). [55,57] Many of the genes activated or suppressed<br />

by thiazolidinediones are involved in lipid<br />

and carbohydrate metabolism (table VI). Stimulation<br />

of PPARγ by a thiazolidinedione promotes<br />

differentiation of pre-adipocytes with accompanying<br />

lipogenesis, effects that promote or enhance the<br />

local effects of insulin. Thiazolidinediones increase<br />

Table VI. Metabolic effects of thiazolidinediones [55]<br />

Adipose tissue Muscle Liver<br />

↑ Glucose uptake ↑ Glucose uptake ↓ Gluconeogenesis<br />

↑ Fatty acid uptake ↑ Glycolysis ↓ Glycogenolysis<br />

↑ Lipogenesis ↑ Glucose oxidation ↑ Lipogenesis<br />

↑ Pre-adipocyte ↑ Glycogenesis a ↑ Glucose uptake a<br />

differentiation<br />

a Inconsistent findings.<br />

↑ indicates increase; ↓ indicates decrease.<br />

Thiazolidinediones improve whole-body insulin<br />

sensitivity via multiple actions on gene regulation.<br />

These effects result from stimulation of a nuclear<br />

receptor peroxisome proliferator-activated receptorγ<br />

(PPARγ), for which thiazolidinediones are potent<br />

synthetic agonists. [55] The antidiabetic activity of<br />

thiazolidinediones was described in the early 1980s,<br />

troglitazone being the first of the class to become<br />

available for clinical use. Troglitazone was introduced<br />

in the US in 1997, only to be withdrawn in<br />

2000 because of cases of idiosyncratic hepato-<br />

toxicity resulting in fatalities. Troglitazone was<br />

available in the UK for only for a few weeks in 1997<br />

before being withdrawn by its distributor as reports<br />

of hepatotoxicity accumulated in other countries. To<br />

date, two other thiazolidinediones, rosiglitazone and<br />

pioglitazone, have not shown the hepatotoxicity that<br />

led to the demise of troglitazone. Rosiglitazone and<br />

pioglitazone were introduced in the US in 1999 and<br />

in Europe in 2000. [56] Combination preparations<br />

(e.g. thiazolidinedione plus metformin) are also<br />

available.<br />

glucose uptake via glucose transporter-4 in skeletal<br />

muscle, and some reports indicate that rates of glu-<br />

coneogenesis in the liver are reduced. Stimulation of<br />

lipogenesis via PPARγ reduces circulating non-es-<br />

terified fatty acid (NEFA) concentrations through<br />

cellular uptake and triglyceride synthesis (figure 5).<br />

The reduction in plasma NEFA concentrations is<br />

associated with increased glucose utilisation and<br />

reducing gluconeogenesis by reducing operation of<br />

the glucose-fatty acid cycle; reductions in ectopic<br />

lipid deposition in muscle and liver may contribute<br />

to the improvements on glucose metabolism. Thia-<br />

zolidinediones also reduce the production and ac-<br />

tivity of the adipocyte-derived cytokine tumour ne-<br />

crosis factor (TNF)-α. [55] The latter has been impli-<br />

cated in the development of impaired insulin action<br />

in muscle, [58] although the precise role of TNFα in<br />

human states of insulin resistance remains unclear.<br />

Reductions in plasma insulin concentrations and<br />

lowering of circulating triglycerides are additional<br />

indirect mechanisms that may help to improve<br />

whole-body insulin sensitivity. Thiazolidinediones,<br />

like metformin, are anti-hyperglycaemic agents and<br />

require the presence of sufficient insulin to generate<br />

a significant blood glucose-lowering effect.<br />

© 2005 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Drugs 2005; 65 (3)

<strong>Oral</strong> <strong>Antidiabetic</strong> <strong>Agents</strong> 405<br />

chrome P450 (CYP) 2C8, which is not a widely<br />

activated isoform of CYP. [59] Thus, rosiglitazone<br />

does not interfere with the metabolism of other<br />

drugs. Pioglitazone is metabolised in part by<br />

CYP3A4 but, to date, no clinically significant reductions<br />

in plasma concentrations of other drugs (e.g.<br />

oral contraceptives) has been reported. Although<br />

both thiazolidinediones are almost completely<br />

bound to plasma proteins, their concentrations are<br />

low and have not been reported to interfere with<br />

other protein-bound drugs.<br />

3.2.3 Indications and Contraindications<br />

In the US, rosiglitazone and pioglitazone are<br />

available for use as monotherapy in non-obese and<br />

obese patients with type 2 diabetes in whom diabe-<br />

tes is not adequately controlled by nonpharmacological<br />

measures. They can also be used in combina-<br />

tion with various other antidiabetic drugs and in<br />

combination with insulin. In Europe, rosiglitazone<br />

and pioglitazone can be used as monotherapy if the<br />

patient is contraindicated for or intolerant of metfor-<br />

min. Thiazolidinediones can be used in combination<br />

with metformin or a sulphonylurea. In Europe, combination<br />

with insulin remains a contraindication to<br />

thiazolidinediones. [60] Substituting a thiazolidine-<br />

dione for either a sulphonylurea or metformin in<br />

patients with inadequate glycaemic control is gener-<br />

ally of limited value and risks a temporary deterioration<br />

in glycaemic control because of the slow onset<br />

of action of thiazolidinediones. Having been disap-<br />

pointed with this experience, some UK diabetolo-<br />

gists have elected to use thiazolidinediones in com-<br />

bination with both a sulphonylurea and metfor-<br />

min. [60] The former strategy has met with variable<br />

success: some patients respond well, others show<br />

little response, requiring transfer to insulin. The<br />

combination of thiazolidinedione plus insulin can<br />

improve glycaemic control while reducing insulin<br />

dosages in obese patients, although peripheral oedema<br />

has been reported. [61]<br />

The main cautions to using thiazolidinediones are<br />

listed in table VII. Rosiglitazone and pioglitazone<br />

can cause fluid retention with increased plasma vol-<br />

ume, a reduced haematocrit and a decrease in<br />

haemoglobin concentration. Therefore, the risk of<br />

oedema and anaemia should be taken into account,<br />

and in Europe, use of thiazolidinediones in patients<br />

with any evidence of congestive heart disease or<br />

Thiazolidinedione Glucose Fatty acids<br />

GLUT-4<br />

FATP<br />

Glucose uptake<br />

and utilisation<br />

aP2, acyl-<br />

CoA synthase<br />

PPARγ<br />

RXR<br />

Lipogenesis<br />

and adipocyte<br />

differentiation<br />

Transcription of certain<br />

insulin-sensitive genes<br />

Lipoprotein<br />

lipase<br />

↑ Hydrolysis of<br />

circulating triglycerides<br />

in chylomicrons and VLDL<br />

Adipocyte<br />

Fig. 5. Mechanism of action of a thiazolidinedione on an adipocyte (reproduced from Krentz and Bailey, [4] with permission from the Royal<br />

Society of Medicine Press). aP2 = adipocyte fatty acid binding protein; CoA = coenzyme A; FATP = fatty acid transporter protein; GLUT-4 =<br />

glucose transporter-4; PPARγ = peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ; RXR = retinoid X receptor; VLDL = very low-density lipoproteins;<br />

↑ indicates increase.<br />

© 2005 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Drugs 2005; 65 (3)

406 Krentz & Bailey<br />

Table VII. Cautions in the use of thiazolidinediones<br />

Active liver disease<br />

This remains a contraindication to the use of thiazolidinediones<br />

even though neither rosiglitazone nor pioglitazone have been<br />

associated with troglitazone-like hepatotoxicity. In fact, the latter<br />

drugs are under investigation as a potential treatment for nonalcoholic<br />

steatohepatitis. In 2004, the US FDA recommendation<br />

for 2-monthly monitoring of biochemical liver function tests was<br />

relaxed. Instead, periodic biochemical monitoring is now left to<br />

the supervising clinician’s discretion<br />

Heart failure<br />

The precise contraindications differ between countries. In Europe,<br />

current heart failure or a history of heart failure are<br />

contraindications to thiazolidinediones<br />

Insulin treatment<br />

Although rosiglitazone and pioglitazone are licensed in the US for<br />

use in combination with insulin, caution is required. Concerns<br />

about higher rates of heart failure underlie this concern. The<br />

European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products<br />

considers insulin therapy a contraindication to the use of<br />

thiazolidinediones<br />

Pregnancy and breast-feeding<br />

Thiazolidinediones are classified as pregnancy category C<br />

because of growth retardation in mid-to-late gestation in animal<br />

models. These drugs should only be used during pregnancy if the<br />

potential benefit justifies the potential risk to the fetus<br />

Polycystic ovary syndrome<br />

Thiazolidinediones can cause ovulation to recommence in women<br />

with hyperandrogenism and chronic anovulation; risk of<br />

pregnancy<br />

According to the EU license, rosiglitazone can be<br />

given at a dosage of 4 mg/day in combination with a<br />

sulphonylurea, increasing to 8 mg/day (either once<br />

daily or in divided doses) in combination with met-<br />

formin. Pioglitazone can be given as a once-daily<br />

dosage of 15mg, increasing to 30mg if necessary<br />

(maximum 45mg in the US and Europe). The thera-<br />

peutic response varies markedly between patients<br />

and it can be difficult to predict those most likely to<br />

respond. If no effect is observed after 3 months it is<br />

appropriate to consider the patient as a nonresponder<br />

and to stop the treatment. Rosiglitazone and piog-<br />

litazone can be used in the elderly, provided there<br />

are no contraindications. Both drugs may be used in<br />

patients with mild-to-moderate renal impairment,<br />

although the potential for oedema is a concern. In<br />

women with anovulatory PCOS the improvement in<br />

insulin sensitivity may cause ovulation to resume<br />

during thiazolidinedione therapy. A combination<br />

heart failure is contraindicated. The choice of which<br />

patients to exclude on the basis of cardiac status<br />

varies between the product labelling sheets in the<br />

US and Europe. Consensus guidelines from the<br />

American Heart Association and the American Diabetes<br />

Association have recently been published. [62]<br />

Patients treated with a combination of insulin plus<br />

thiazolidinedione appear to be at highest risk of<br />

oedema, although the absolute rate of cardiac failure<br />

is low despite the fact the diabetes is a major risk<br />

factor for this complication. [62] The guidelines urge a<br />

cautious approach and careful clinical monitoring,<br />

especially for patients likely to be at higher risk of<br />

cardiac failure. The haemogloblin concentration<br />

should be checked before starting a thiazolidinedione,<br />

bearing in mind that reductions of up to 1 g/<br />

dL in haemoglobin concentration may occur during<br />

therapy. No adverse effects on blood pressure have<br />

been noted with the thiazolidinediones, even with<br />

the increase in plasma volume; on the contrary, there<br />

is some evidence for a modest blood pressure-lowering<br />

effect. [63]<br />

As a precautionary measure, liver function<br />

should be assessed by measuring serum ALT before<br />

starting therapy and subsequently at 2-monthly intervals<br />

(or, in the US, as judged necessary by the<br />

prescribing clinician) during the first year of treatment;<br />

thereafter, periodic monitoring of liver function<br />

is prudent. Pre-existing liver disease, the development<br />

of clinical hepatic dysfunction or elevated<br />

ALT levels >2.5 times the upper limit for the laboratory<br />

serve as contraindications to thiazolidinediones.<br />

However, as mentioned earlier, hepatotoxicity<br />

has not been a concern with either rosiglitazone or<br />

pioglitazone. Isolated cases of nonfatal hepatocellular<br />

damage have been reported; however, the issue is<br />

clouded by reports suggesting an intrinsically higher<br />

risk of liver failure in patients with type 2 diabetes.<br />

Nevertheless, precautionary monitoring of liver<br />

function remains advisable. When initiating therapy<br />

with rosiglitazone or pioglitazone, blood glucose<br />

monitoring and titration of drug dosage should be<br />

undertaken while bearing in mind that thiazolidinediones<br />

exert a slowly generated anti-hyperglycaemic<br />

effect that usually requires 2–3 months to<br />

reach maximum effect.<br />

© 2005 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Drugs 2005; 65 (3)

<strong>Oral</strong> <strong>Antidiabetic</strong> <strong>Agents</strong> 407<br />

preparation containing rosiglitazone plus metformin subcutaneous depots increase as new small, insulin-<br />

(Avandamet ® ; combining rosiglitazone/metformin sensitive adipocytes are formed. There are proviin<br />

strengths 1mg/500mg, 2mg/500mg, 4mg/500mg, sional data to suggest that thiazolidinediones exert a<br />

2mg/1000mg, although not all strengths are avail- range of effects on aspects of the metabolic synable<br />

in all countries).<br />

drome that might reduce the risk of atherosclerotic<br />

cardiovascular disease. [63,65] For example, thiazoli-<br />

3.2.4 Efficacy dinediones have been reported to downregulate<br />

Addition of rosiglitazone or pioglitazone to the PAI-1 expression. Thiazolidinediones have also<br />

treatment schedule of patients whose glycaemic been reported to decrease urinary albumin excretion<br />

control with a sulphonylurea or metformin is subop- to a greater extent than expected for the improvetimal<br />

has consistently resulted in significant reduc- ment in glycaemic control and to reduce circulating<br />

tions in HbA1c. As judged by the available literature, markers of chronic low-grade inflammation.<br />

these agents have similar glucose-lowering effects, Preclinical studies suggesting that treatment of glureducing<br />

HbA1c by around 0.5–1.5%. [64] However, cose-intolerant animals with a thiazolidinedione<br />

the participants in these clinical trials had known preserved β-cell function have yet to be confirmed<br />

diabetes of several years’ duration, the effects of in human studies. In insulin-resistant women with a<br />

thiazolidinediones being more apparent when β-cell history of gestational diabetes at high risk of type 2<br />

function is less impaired. While earlier use of thia- diabetes troglitazone reduced the incidence of newzolidinediones<br />

may be advantageous, the longer- onset diabetes. [66] Whether thiazolidinediones will<br />

term picture requires clarification. Estimates of in- prove more effective than conventional antidiabetic<br />

sulin sensitivity and β-cell function (based on ana- agents in reducing the decline in β-cell function in<br />

lysis of fasting glucose and insulin concentrations) patients with established type 2 diabetes remains to<br />

have indicated that both defects can be improved by be determined, although preliminary data in patients<br />

the addition of a thiazolidinedione. [64] The effects on who respond to the drugs have been encouraging. [67]<br />

plasma lipids and apoproteins have been the subject Also of considerable interest are the clinical impliof<br />

debate. Rosiglitazone can cause a small rise in the cations of the aforementioned effects of thiazoliditotal<br />

cholesterol concentration, which stabilises nediones on risk factors for cardiovascular disease.<br />

within about 3 months. This is accounted for by a These effects, allied to direct anti-atherogenic acrise<br />

in both the LDL-cholesterol and the HDL-cho- tions reported in animal studies, are presently being<br />

lesterol, leaving the LDL : HDL-cholesterol ratio studied in clinical trials with cardiovascular endand<br />

the total : HDL-cholesterol ratio little changed points. [68]<br />

or slightly raised. Pioglitazone generally appears to<br />

have little effect on total cholesterol, and has been 3.2.5 Adverse Effects<br />

shown to reduce triglyceride concentrations in sev- Rosiglitazone and pioglitazone are generally well<br />

eral studies. Both thiazolidinediones reduce the pro- tolerated. As noted in section 3.2.3, caution is adportion<br />

of the smaller, more dense (more atherogen- vised in heart disease; in the UK this includes a<br />

ic) LDL particles. [64] To date, no prospective com- history of cardiac failure, oedema, anaemia and liver<br />

parative studies of the two drugs have been reported function requiring intermittent monitoring in accorand<br />

the clinical implications of these changes are dance with the package labelling. If contraindicauncertain.<br />

[63]<br />

tions arise during treatment, monitoring should be<br />

Weight gain, similar in magnitude to sulphonylu- intensified and, if necessary, treatment discontinrea<br />

therapy (typically 1–4kg) and stabilising over ued. Hypoglycaemia may occur several weeks after<br />

6–12 months, has been observed during thiazo- adding a thiazolidinedione to a sulphonylurea; selflidinedione<br />

therapy. There is some evidence that the monitoring of blood glucose can be helpful in identidistribution<br />

of body fat is altered such that visceral fying the point at which the dosage of the sulphonyadipose<br />

depots are little changed or reduced, while lurea should be reduced. Since PPARγ is expressed<br />

© 2005 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Drugs 2005; 65 (3)

408 Krentz & Bailey<br />

by many tissues, albeit at a low level, we must await<br />

the verdict of time for any unforeseen effects of<br />

long-term stimulation with thiazolidinediones. For<br />

example, PPARγ activation in macrophages can reduce<br />

the production of some inflammatory cytokines<br />

and might increase transformation of monocytes<br />

to macrophages in the vascular wall. Stimulation<br />

of PPARγ in colon cells has been variously<br />

reported to increase and decrease division and<br />

differentiation of these cells in different animals and<br />

cell models; [69] thus, familial polyposis coli is a<br />

contraindication to thiazolidinediones on theoretical<br />

grounds.<br />

4. Summary and Conclusion<br />

The management of patients with type 2 diabetes<br />

has been given a firm evidence base in recent years<br />

through the results of randomised clinical trials,<br />

notably the UKPDS. An improved understanding of<br />

the pathogenesis and natural history of this complex<br />

metabolic disorder has facilitated the application of<br />

new therapeutic agents. Attainment and maintenance<br />

of near-normal glycaemic control, while<br />

minimising the risk of iatrogenic hypoglycaemia, is<br />

a central long-term objective of therapy; however,<br />

this is often difficult to achieve in practice.<br />

The following general principles should be ap-<br />

plied while using oral antidiabetic drugs.<br />

• <strong>Antidiabetic</strong> drug therapy must be considered<br />

carefully within the context of the overall care<br />

plan. This includes an assessment of which agent<br />

is most likely to achieve the therapeutic goals of<br />

the care plan, taking account of the accompanying<br />

medical and lifestyle circumstances and commitments<br />

of the patient.<br />

• Always check for contraindications.<br />

• For some classes of agents, e.g. sulphonylureas,<br />

duration of action and route of elimination will be<br />

important considerations if hypoglycaemia is<br />

likely, or if renal or liver disease raises concerns.<br />

Shorter-acting preparations are preferred for<br />

those at risk of hypoglycaemia and in the elderly.<br />

• Start with the lowest recommended dose and<br />

monitor response taking the mode of action into<br />

account. Sulphonylureas generally produce a rap-<br />

id improvement in glycaemic control (within<br />

days), whereas the maximal response to thiazoli-<br />

dinediones may take several weeks to become<br />

apparent. Maximal glucose-lowering effects are<br />

usually obtained at doses lower than the manu-<br />

facturer’s recommendations, e.g. 5–10 mg/day<br />

for glibenclamide.<br />

• If the glycaemic target is not achieved consider<br />

adding another class of agent at an early stage.<br />

Undertake the same evaluation and titration pro-<br />

cedure for the second agent. If a combination of<br />

two oral agents does not give adequate control,<br />

there may be some patients who will benefit from<br />

addition of a third differently acting oral therapy.<br />

Compliance generally deteriorates as the daily<br />

number of doses increases.<br />

• Inability to achieve adequate glycaemic control<br />

with a logical combination of oral therapies is<br />

likely to indicate that the natural history of the<br />

disease has progressed to a state of severe β-cell<br />

failure. In this situation it is usually necessary to<br />

switch to insulin therapy. Similarly, failure to<br />

respond to an oral agent (so-called primary fail-<br />

ure) or loss of control (secondary failure) usually<br />

reflects a severe degree of insulin deficiency and<br />

early need for insulin. All oral antidiabetic agents<br />

are contraindicated in type 1 diabetes and in<br />

major metabolic decompensation. Insulin may be<br />

required temporarily during intercurrent severe<br />

illness.<br />

Clinicians have a greater range of antidiabetic<br />

treatments to choose from than ever, but this has<br />

brought a new level of complexity to management.<br />

In addition, polypharmacy has become the norm for<br />

many patients with type 2 diabetes in recognition of<br />

the importance of treating hypertension and dyslipidaemia,<br />

both commonly encountered and modi-<br />

fiable cardiovascular risk factors. The main classes<br />

of oral antidiabetic drugs are broadly similar in their<br />

glucose-lowering capacity, at least in the short- to<br />

medium term. [70] Accordingly, the most appropriate<br />

therapy should be selected according to the clinical<br />

and biochemical characteristics of the patient, safety<br />

considerations always being a major consideration.<br />

The UKPDS has influenced prescribing in the UK<br />

© 2005 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Drugs 2005; 65 (3)

<strong>Oral</strong> <strong>Antidiabetic</strong> <strong>Agents</strong> 409<br />

On theoretical grounds, the thiazolidinediones<br />

appear promising, particularly with respect to poss-<br />

ible preservation of β-cell function and the potential<br />

for cardiovascular disease prevention. However,<br />

these agents have perhaps not entirely fulfilled early<br />

expectations of success, at least if judged in terms of<br />

their glucose-lowering abilities, which are no better<br />

than the conventional drugs. Part of this shortfall<br />

may be attributable to the complexity and hetero-<br />

Table VIII. Relative costs and frequency of prescriptions for oral<br />

antidiabetic drugs in the UK [71,72]a<br />

Drug<br />

Frequency of prescriptions<br />

Relatively inexpensive<br />

Biguanides<br />

Only metformin b in UK<br />

Sulphonylureas c<br />

Moderate<br />

α-Glucosidase inhibitors<br />

Sulphonylureas c<br />

Only acarbose in UK<br />

Relatively expensive<br />

Rapid-acting prandial insulin Repaglinide, nateglinide<br />

releasers<br />

Thiazolidinediones<br />

Rosiglitazone, pioglitazone<br />

a This classification attempts to take average effective<br />

maintenance dosages into account and may be regarded as<br />

an approximate guide to relative UK Drug Tariff prices.<br />

b Use of metformin has increased in recent years, this drug<br />

now being the most widely prescribed oral antidiabetic agent<br />

in the UK (49%); sulphonylureas lie close behind, gliclazide<br />

being the most popular agent accounting for 31% of spending<br />

on oral antidiabetic agents. Thiazolidinediones account for<br />

only 5% of all prescriptions but for 32% of the cost of all oral<br />

antidiabetic agents in the UK; these figures predate the 2003<br />

license amendment permitting limited prescription of<br />

thiazolidinediones as monotherapy in selected patients.<br />

Acarbose, the only α-glucosidase inhibitor in the UK, and the<br />

rapid-acting prandial insulin releasers repaglinide and<br />

nateglinide account for a small percentage (

410 Krentz & Bailey<br />

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Correspondence and offprints: Dr Andrew J. Krentz,<br />

Mailpoint 47, Southampton General Hospital, Tremona<br />

Road, Southampton SO16 6YD, UK.<br />

E-mail: a.j.krentz@soton.ac.uk<br />

© 2005 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Drugs 2005; 65 (3)

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