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Partial Differential Equations - Modelling and ... - ResearchGate Partial Differential Equations - Modelling and ... - ResearchGate


86 J.Ch. Gilbert and P. Joly ⎛ ⎞ [ψ m (R(τ))] ′ (τ 1 ) ⎜ F (τ) = ⎝ ⎟ . ⎠ . [ψ m (R(τ))] ′ (τ k ) Obviously, there holds F (τ) =0ifτ is the vector of the alternate tangent points of the optimal polynomial. We propose to determine the root(s) τ of F by Newton’s method (see [Deu04, BGLS06], for instance). The procedure could have been improved by using a version of Newton’s method that exploits inequalities (see, for example, [Kan01, BM05] and the references thereof) to impose τ 1 >τ 2 > ···>τ k as well as the curvature of the solution polynomial at the tangent points: [ψ m (R(τ))] ′′ (τ j )(2 − v j ) ≥ 0, for 1 ≤ j ≤ k. Wehave not adopted this additional sophistication, however. The Newton method requires the computation of F ′ (τ). If we denote by r l (τ), 1 ≤ l ≤ k, the coefficients of R(τ), by δ ij the Kronecker symbol, and by V k (τ) the Vandermonde matrix of order k, there holds ∂F i ∂τ j (τ) =δ ij [ψ m (R(τ))] ′′ (τ i )+ k∑ l=1 ∂r l (τ)(m + l)τ m+l−1 i ∂τ j = δ ij [ψ m (R(τ))] ′′ (τ i ) + [Diag(τ1 m ,...,τk m )V k (τ) Diag((m +1),...,(m + k))r ′ (τ)] ij . To get an expression of r ′ (τ), let us differentiate with respect to τ j the identity [ψ m (R(τ))](τ i )=v i .Itresults δ ij [ψ m (R(τ))] ′ (τ i )+ ( τ m+1 i ) ··· τ m+k ∂r i (τ) =0. ∂τ j Denoting by M(τ) the coefficient matrix of the linear system (30), we get Therefore, r ′ (τ) =−M(τ) −1 Diag ([ψ m (R(τ))] ′ (τ 1 ),...,[ψ m (R(τ))] ′ (τ k )) = −M(τ) −1 Diag(F (τ)). F ′ (τ) = Diag ([ψ m (R(τ))] ′′ (τ 1 ), ..., [ψ m (R(τ))] ′′ (τ k )) − Diag(τ1 m , ..., τk m )V k (τ) Diag((m+1), ..., (m+k))M(τ) −1 Diag(F (τ)). Observe that at a solution τ ∗ the second term above vanishes, so that F ′ (τ ∗ )is diagonal. It is also nonsingular if the second derivatives [ψ m (R(τ ∗ ))] ′′ (τ ∗ j )are nonzero. Around such a solution, Newton’s method is, therefore, well defined. In the numerical results presented below, we have used the solver of nonlinear equations fsolve of Matlab (version 7.2), which does not take into account the inequality constraints. The vector v has been determined by adopting the following heuristics. We have assumed that the optimal polynomial is negative for all x

Optimal Higher Order Time Discretizations 87 coefficient of x m+k of the optimal polynomial, has the sign (−1) m+k+1 ;ifthe assumption is correct, the optimal polynomial should get out of the interval at y =0ifm+k is even and at y =4ifm+k is odd; according to Theorem 4, one should, therefore, take v 1 =4− ε v if m + k is even and v 1 = ε v if m + k is odd. The value of ε v is taken nonnegative and as close as possible to 0. A positive value of ε v is usually necessary for counterbalancing rounding errors. The other values of v i alternate in {ε v , 4 − ε v }. The initial point τ is chosen by trials and errors, or according to suggestions made in the discussion below. The proposed approach has the following advantages (+) and disadvantages (−): + The problem has few variables (just k). + The problem looks well conditioned, provided the second derivatives at the tangent points are reasonable, which seems to be the case. − There is no guarantee that the solution found is the optimal one since a zero of F will not be a solution to the original problem if the polynomial gets out of [0, 4] at a point τ 0 less than τ 1 . An example of this situation is given in Figure 3. However, if τ 0 >τ 1 and if [ψ m (R)](τ 0 )+[ψ m (R)](τ 1 )=4, the sufficient optimality conditions of Theorem 5 guarantee that R is the solution. − The solution polynomial may get out of the interval [0, 4] near a tangent point due to the lack of precision of the solution, which has motivated the use of the small ε v > 0. − Obtaining the convergence to a zero of F (not only a stationary point τ ∗ of ‖F ‖ 2 2, hence verifying F ′ (τ ∗ ) T F (τ ∗ ) = 0) depends on the initialization of the iterative process. 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 −0.5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Fig. 3. AzeroofF that is not an optimal polynomial (m =3,k = 1).

Optimal Higher Order Time Discretizations 87<br />

coefficient of x m+k of the optimal polynomial, has the sign (−1) m+k+1 ;ifthe<br />

assumption is correct, the optimal polynomial should get out of the interval<br />

at y =0ifm+k is even <strong>and</strong> at y =4ifm+k is odd; according to Theorem 4,<br />

one should, therefore, take v 1 =4− ε v if m + k is even <strong>and</strong> v 1 = ε v if m + k<br />

is odd. The value of ε v is taken nonnegative <strong>and</strong> as close as possible to 0. A<br />

positive value of ε v is usually necessary for counterbalancing rounding errors.<br />

The other values of v i alternate in {ε v , 4 − ε v }. The initial point τ is chosen<br />

by trials <strong>and</strong> errors, or according to suggestions made in the discussion below.<br />

The proposed approach has the following advantages (+) <strong>and</strong> disadvantages<br />

(−):<br />

+ The problem has few variables (just k).<br />

+ The problem looks well conditioned, provided the second derivatives at<br />

the tangent points are reasonable, which seems to be the case.<br />

− There is no guarantee that the solution found is the optimal one since a<br />

zero of F will not be a solution to the original problem if the polynomial<br />

gets out of [0, 4] at a point τ 0 less than τ 1 . An example of this situation is<br />

given in Figure 3. However, if τ 0 >τ 1 <strong>and</strong> if [ψ m (R)](τ 0 )+[ψ m (R)](τ 1 )=4,<br />

the sufficient optimality conditions of Theorem 5 guarantee that R is the<br />

solution.<br />

− The solution polynomial may get out of the interval [0, 4] near a tangent<br />

point due to the lack of precision of the solution, which has motivated the<br />

use of the small ε v > 0.<br />

− Obtaining the convergence to a zero of F (not only a stationary point τ ∗<br />

of ‖F ‖ 2 2, hence verifying F ′ (τ ∗ ) T F (τ ∗ ) = 0) depends on the initialization<br />

of the iterative process.<br />

4.5<br />

4<br />

3.5<br />

3<br />

2.5<br />

2<br />

1.5<br />

1<br />

0.5<br />

0<br />

−0.5<br />

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50<br />

Fig. 3. AzeroofF that is not an optimal polynomial (m =3,k = 1).

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