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Higher Order Time Stepping for Second Order Hyperbolic Problems and Optimal CFL Conditions J. Charles Gilbert and Patrick Joly INRIA Rocquencourt, BP 105, 78153 Le Chesnay, France Summary. We investigate explicit higher order time discretizations of linear second order hyperbolic problems. We study the even order (2m) schemes obtained by the modified equation method. We show that the corresponding CFL upper bound for the time step remains bounded when the order of the scheme increases. We propose variants of these schemes constructed to optimize the CFL condition. The corresponding optimization problem is analyzed in detail and the analysis results in a specific numerical algorithm. The corresponding results are quite promising and suggest various conjectures. 1 Introduction We are concerned here with a very classical problem, namely the numerical approximation of second order hyperbolic problems, more precisely problems of the form d 2 u + Au =0, (1) dt2 where A is a linear unbounded positive self-adjoint operator in some Hilbert space V . This appears to be the generic abstract form for a large class of partial differential equations in which u denotes a function u(x, t) fromΩ ⊂ R d × R + in R N and A is a second order differential operator in space, of elliptic nature. Such models are used for wave propagation in various domains of application, in particular, in acoustics, electromagnetism, and elasticity [Jol03]. During the past four decades, a considerable literature has been devoted to the construction of numerical methods for the approximation of (1). The most recent research deals with the construction of higher order in space and conservative methods for the space semi-discretization of (1) (see, for instance, [Coh02] and the references therein). These methods lead us to consider a family (indexed by h>0, the approximation parameter which

Higher Order Time Stepping for Second Order<br />

Hyperbolic Problems <strong>and</strong> Optimal CFL<br />

Conditions<br />

J. Charles Gilbert <strong>and</strong> Patrick Joly<br />

INRIA Rocquencourt, BP 105, 78153 Le Chesnay, France<br /><br /><br />

Summary. We investigate explicit higher order time discretizations of linear second<br />

order hyperbolic problems. We study the even order (2m) schemes obtained by<br />

the modified equation method. We show that the corresponding CFL upper bound<br />

for the time step remains bounded when the order of the scheme increases. We<br />

propose variants of these schemes constructed to optimize the CFL condition. The<br />

corresponding optimization problem is analyzed in detail <strong>and</strong> the analysis results in<br />

a specific numerical algorithm. The corresponding results are quite promising <strong>and</strong><br />

suggest various conjectures.<br />

1 Introduction<br />

We are concerned here with a very classical problem, namely the numerical<br />

approximation of second order hyperbolic problems, more precisely problems<br />

of the form<br />

d 2 u<br />

+ Au =0, (1)<br />

dt2 where A is a linear unbounded positive self-adjoint operator in some Hilbert<br />

space V . This appears to be the generic abstract form for a large class of partial<br />

differential equations in which u denotes a function u(x, t) fromΩ ⊂ R d × R +<br />

in R N <strong>and</strong> A is a second order differential operator in space, of elliptic nature.<br />

Such models are used for wave propagation in various domains of application,<br />

in particular, in acoustics, electromagnetism, <strong>and</strong> elasticity [Jol03].<br />

During the past four decades, a considerable literature has been devoted<br />

to the construction of numerical methods for the approximation of (1). The<br />

most recent research deals with the construction of higher order in space<br />

<strong>and</strong> conservative methods for the space semi-discretization of (1) (see, for<br />

instance, [Coh02] <strong>and</strong> the references therein). These methods lead us to<br />

consider a family (indexed by h>0, the approximation parameter which

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