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36 Yu.A. Kuznetsov At the second step, we eliminate the vector ¯p in (24). Then, we get the system ̂Mū H + C T ¯λ =ḡ (27) complemented by the interface and boundary conditions for the components of ū H . Here, ̂M H = ˜M H + ˜B HS T −1 ˜B h H (28) and ḡ = ˜B HS T −1 h F. (29) To analyze the matrix ̂M H in (28), we consider the eigenvalue problem S h ¯w = µΣ ¯w. (30) Let ν be the dimension of S h . Then problem (30) has ν positive eigenvalues and ν corresponding Σ-orthonormal eigenvectors 1=µ 1

Mixed FE Methods on Polyhedral Meshes 37 To derive the required final discretization for the problem (4) we introduce the new variable ˆp by the formula ˆp = 1 ] [ē T σ 2 ˜BH ū H − ē T F ≡ 1 [ ] σ 2 BHū 0 H + |E|f , (38) where f = − |E|ēT 1 F. (39) Then, we get the system in terms of ū (k) H and ̂p k (we return the index k): M 0,(k) H ū(k) H + [ B 0,(k) ] T H ˆpk + Ck T ¯λ =ĝ k , B 0,(k) H ū(k) H − c k|E k |ˆp k = −|E k |f k , (40) k = 1,n, complemented by the equations of continuity of normal fluxes on the interfaces between neighboring polyhedral cells and by the equations for the normal fluxes on ∂Ω. Here, ĝ k =ḡ k − 1 σ 2 k [ ] ˜B(k) T H ēk ē T k F k (41) and the values of c k and f k are defined in (8). Recall that σ 2 k = c k|E k |. Now, we return to the system (23) and consider the case when the coefficient c ≡ 0inE k , i.e. Σ k is the zero matrix. In this case, the matrix S h = B h M −1 h BT h (42) in (26) is singular. Let us consider the eigenvalue problem S h ¯w = µD ¯w, (43) where the subindex k staying for the number of the cell E = E k is again omitted. This eigenvalue problem has one zero eigenvalue µ 1 =0andν − 1 positive eigenvalues µ 2 ≤ µ 3 ≤ ··· ≤ µ ν where ν is the dimension of S h .We denote the system of D-orthonormal eigenvectors of problem (43) by ¯w 1 , ¯w 2 ,..., ¯w ν , (44) where ¯w 1 = 1 ē. (45) |E| 1/2 The spectral decomposition of the matrix S h with respect to eigenvalue problem (43) is defined by the following formula: S h = DWΛW T D, (46)

Mixed FE Methods on Polyhedral Meshes 37<br />

To derive the required final discretization for the problem (4) we introduce<br />

the new variable ˆp by the formula<br />

ˆp = 1 ] [ē T<br />

σ 2 ˜BH ū H − ē T F ≡ 1 [<br />

]<br />

σ 2 BHū 0 H + |E|f , (38)<br />

where<br />

f = − |E|ēT 1 F. (39)<br />

Then, we get the system in terms of ū (k)<br />

H<br />

<strong>and</strong> ̂p k (we return the index k):<br />

M 0,(k)<br />

H ū(k) H<br />

+ [ B 0,(k) ] T<br />

H ˆpk + Ck T ¯λ =ĝ k ,<br />

B 0,(k)<br />

H ū(k) H − c k|E k |ˆp k = −|E k |f k ,<br />

(40)<br />

k = 1,n, complemented by the equations of continuity of normal fluxes on the<br />

interfaces between neighboring polyhedral cells <strong>and</strong> by the equations for the<br />

normal fluxes on ∂Ω. Here,<br />

ĝ k =ḡ k − 1 σ 2 k<br />

[ ] ˜B(k)<br />

T<br />

H ēk ē T k F k (41)<br />

<strong>and</strong> the values of c k <strong>and</strong> f k are defined in (8). Recall that σ 2 k = c k|E k |.<br />

Now, we return to the system (23) <strong>and</strong> consider the case when the coefficient<br />

c ≡ 0inE k , i.e. Σ k is the zero matrix. In this case, the matrix<br />

S h = B h M −1<br />

h BT h (42)<br />

in (26) is singular.<br />

Let us consider the eigenvalue problem<br />

S h ¯w = µD ¯w, (43)<br />

where the subindex k staying for the number of the cell E = E k is again<br />

omitted. This eigenvalue problem has one zero eigenvalue µ 1 =0<strong>and</strong>ν − 1<br />

positive eigenvalues µ 2 ≤ µ 3 ≤ ··· ≤ µ ν where ν is the dimension of S h .We<br />

denote the system of D-orthonormal eigenvectors of problem (43) by<br />

¯w 1 , ¯w 2 ,..., ¯w ν , (44)<br />

where<br />

¯w 1 = 1 ē. (45)<br />

|E|<br />

1/2<br />

The spectral decomposition of the matrix S h with respect to eigenvalue<br />

problem (43) is defined by the following formula:<br />

S h = DWΛW T D, (46)

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