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32 Yu.A. Kuznetsov 3 Mixed Finite Element Method Let ∂ 0 E k,s be the part of the boundary ∂E k,s of a ⋂ polyhedral subcell E k,s belonging to the interior of E k , i.e. ∂ 0 E k,s = ∂E k,s Ek , s = 1,n k , k = 1,n. On ∂ 0 E k,s we define a set of t k,s non-overlapping flat polygons γ k,s,j which satisfies the following two conditions: 1. ∂ 0 E k,s = ⋃ t k,s j=1 ¯γ k,s,j, 2. each γ k,s,j belongs to ∂ 0 E k,s ′ for some s ′ ≠ s, s ′ ≤ n k , where t k,s is a positive integer, s = 1,n k , k = 1,n. Examples of the partitionings of ∂ 0 E k,s into polygons γ k,s,j are given in Figures 3 and 4. In Figure 3, the interface ∂ 0 E k,1 = ∂ 0 E k,2 between E k,1 and E k,2 consists of γ k,1 and γ k,2 . In Figure 4, ∂ 0 E k,1 consists of γ k,1,1 = γ 1 , γ k,1,2 = γ 2 ,andγ k,1,3 = γ 3 ,and∂ 0 E k,2 consists of γ k,2,1 = γ 3 , γ k,2,2 = γ 4 ,and γ k,2,3 = γ 5 . Finally, ∂ 0 E k,3 consists of γ k,3,1 = γ 1 , γ k,3,2 = γ 2 , γ k,3,3 = γ 4 ,and γ k,3,4 = γ 5 . Let T h,k,s = {e k,s,i } be conforming tetrahedral partitionings of E k,s , s = 1,n k , k = 1,n. The conformity of a tetrahedral partitioning (tetrahedral mesh) means that any two different intersecting closed tetrahedrons in T h,k,s have either a common vertex, or a common edge, or a common face. The boundaries ∂E k,s of E k,s are unions of polygons in {Γ k,i } and in {γ k,s,j }, s = 1,n k , k = 1,n. We assume that each of the tetrahedral meshes T h,k,s is also conforming with respect to the boundaries of polygons in {Γ k,i } and in {γ k,s,j } belonging to ∂E k,s , i.e. these boundaries belong to the union of E k, 1 γ 1 γ 2 E k, 3 γ 3 γ 4 E k, 2 γ 5 Fig. 4. An example of partitionings ∂ 0E k,s into segments γ k,j,s , j = 1,t k , s = 1, 3

Mixed FE Methods on Polyhedral Meshes 33 edges of tetrahedrons in T h,k,s , s = 1,n k , k = 1,n. We do not assume that the tetrahedral meshes T h,k,s and T h,k′ ,s′ are conforming on the interfaces between neighboring cells E k and E k ′ when k ′ ≠ k as well as on the interfaces between neighboring subcells E k,s and E k,s ′ when k ′ = k. Let T h be a tetrahedral partitioning of Ω such that its restrictions onto E k,s coincide with the tetrahedral meshes T h,k,s , and let RT 0 (E k,s )bethe lowest order Raviart–Thomas finite element spaces on T h,k,s , s = 1,n k , k = 1,n. We define the finite element spaces V h,k,s consisting of vector functions w ∈ RT 0 (E k,s ) which have constant normal fluxes w · n k,s on each of the flat polygons Γ k,i and γ k,j belonging to ∂E k,s ,wheren k,s are the outward unit normals to ∂E k,s , s = 1,n k , k = 1,n. Then, we define the spaces V h,k on E k assuming that the restrictions w k,s of any vector function w k ∈ V h,k onto E k,s belong to the spaces V h,k,s , s = 1,n k , and the normal components of w k are continuous through γ k,s,j , j = 1,t k . To satisfy the latter condition we assume that on each polygon γ k,s,j belonging to ∂E k,s ∩ ∂E k,s ′, s ′ ≠ s, the outward normal components of vector functions w k,s and w k,s ′ satisfy the equalities w k,s · n k,s + w k,s ′ · n k,s ′ = 0 (we recall that n k,s + n k,s ′ =0), j = 1,t k,s , k = 1,n. Finally, we define the finite element space V h assuming that the restrictions w k of any vector function w ∈ V h onto E k belong to the spaces V h,k and the normal components of w are continuous on the interfaces ∂E k ∩ ∂E l between E k and E l . To satisfy the latter condition we assume that on each polygon Γ k,i belonging to ∂E k ∩∂E l the outward normal components of vector functions w k and w l satisfy the condition w k · n k + w l · n l =0,1≤ i ≤ s k , l ≠ k, k, l = 1,n. We define the finite element space Q h for the solution function p by setting that functions in Q h are constant in each of the tetrahedrons in the partitionings T h,k,s , s = 1,n k , k = 1,n. With the defined FE spaces V h and Q h , the mixed finite element discretization to (4) is as follows: Find u h ∈ V h , u h · n =0on∂Ω, andp h ∈ Q h , such that ∫ ∫ ( a −1 ) u h · v dx − p h div v dx = 0, Ω Ω ∫ ∫ ∫ (14) − div u h q dx − cp h q dx = − fqdx Ω Ω for all v ∈ V h , v · n =0on∂Ω, andq ∈ Q h . Finite element problem (14) results in the system of linear algebraic equations Mū + B T ¯p + C T ¯λ =0, Bū − Σ ¯p = F, (15) Cū =0. Here, M ∈ Rˆn׈n is a symmetric positive definite matrix, Σ ∈ R N×N is either a symmetric positive definite or a symmetric positive semidefinite matrix, B ∈ R N׈n ,andC ∈ Rñ׈n ,whereˆn =dimV h , N is the total number of Ω

Mixed FE Methods on Polyhedral Meshes 33<br />

edges of tetrahedrons in T h,k,s , s = 1,n k , k = 1,n. We do not assume that the<br />

tetrahedral meshes T h,k,s <strong>and</strong> T h,k′ ,s′ are conforming on the interfaces between<br />

neighboring cells E k <strong>and</strong> E k ′ when k ′ ≠ k as well as on the interfaces between<br />

neighboring subcells E k,s <strong>and</strong> E k,s ′ when k ′ = k.<br />

Let T h be a tetrahedral partitioning of Ω such that its restrictions onto<br />

E k,s coincide with the tetrahedral meshes T h,k,s , <strong>and</strong> let RT 0 (E k,s )bethe<br />

lowest order Raviart–Thomas finite element spaces on T h,k,s , s = 1,n k , k =<br />

1,n. We define the finite element spaces V h,k,s consisting of vector functions<br />

w ∈ RT 0 (E k,s ) which have constant normal fluxes w · n k,s on each of the flat<br />

polygons Γ k,i <strong>and</strong> γ k,j belonging to ∂E k,s ,wheren k,s are the outward unit<br />

normals to ∂E k,s , s = 1,n k , k = 1,n. Then, we define the spaces V h,k on E k<br />

assuming that the restrictions w k,s of any vector function w k ∈ V h,k onto<br />

E k,s belong to the spaces V h,k,s , s = 1,n k , <strong>and</strong> the normal components of<br />

w k are continuous through γ k,s,j , j = 1,t k . To satisfy the latter condition<br />

we assume that on each polygon γ k,s,j belonging to ∂E k,s ∩ ∂E k,s ′, s ′ ≠ s,<br />

the outward normal components of vector functions w k,s <strong>and</strong> w k,s ′ satisfy<br />

the equalities w k,s · n k,s + w k,s ′ · n k,s ′ = 0 (we recall that n k,s + n k,s ′ =0),<br />

j = 1,t k,s , k = 1,n.<br />

Finally, we define the finite element space V h assuming that the restrictions<br />

w k of any vector function w ∈ V h onto E k belong to the spaces V h,k<br />

<strong>and</strong> the normal components of w are continuous on the interfaces ∂E k ∩ ∂E l<br />

between E k <strong>and</strong> E l . To satisfy the latter condition we assume that on each<br />

polygon Γ k,i belonging to ∂E k ∩∂E l the outward normal components of vector<br />

functions w k <strong>and</strong> w l satisfy the condition w k · n k + w l · n l =0,1≤ i ≤ s k ,<br />

l ≠ k, k, l = 1,n.<br />

We define the finite element space Q h for the solution function p by setting<br />

that functions in Q h are constant in each of the tetrahedrons in the partitionings<br />

T h,k,s , s = 1,n k , k = 1,n. With the defined FE spaces V h <strong>and</strong> Q h ,<br />

the mixed finite element discretization to (4) is as follows: Find u h ∈ V h ,<br />

u h · n =0on∂Ω, <strong>and</strong>p h ∈ Q h , such that<br />

∫<br />

∫<br />

(<br />

a −1 )<br />

u h · v dx − p h div v dx = 0,<br />

Ω<br />

Ω<br />

∫<br />

∫<br />

∫<br />

(14)<br />

− div u h q dx − cp h q dx = − fqdx<br />

Ω<br />

Ω<br />

for all v ∈ V h , v · n =0on∂Ω, <strong>and</strong>q ∈ Q h .<br />

Finite element problem (14) results in the system of linear algebraic equations<br />

Mū + B T ¯p + C T ¯λ =0,<br />

Bū − Σ ¯p = F,<br />

(15)<br />

Cū =0.<br />

Here, M ∈ Rˆn׈n is a symmetric positive definite matrix, Σ ∈ R N×N is either<br />

a symmetric positive definite or a symmetric positive semidefinite matrix,<br />

B ∈ R N׈n ,<strong>and</strong>C ∈ Rñ׈n ,whereˆn =dimV h , N is the total number of<br />


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