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Partial Differential Equations - Modelling and ... - ResearchGate Partial Differential Equations - Modelling and ... - ResearchGate


28 Yu.A. Kuznetsov degree of freedom per mesh cell for the solution function is defined. The final system of discrete equations has the same structure as for the classical mixed FE method. The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we formulate the problem and requirements for the discretization. In Section 3, we describe partitionings of mesh cells into subcells and polyhedral meshes to be used for the discretization. We also propose a special finite element subspace of H div (Ω) for the mixed finite element method. Finally, in Section 4, we describe a condensation procedure for the underlying algebraic system and transform the condensed system into the standard form which is typical for the classical finite element method on simplicial meshes. In the final part of Section 3, we propose an alternative discretization method. In Remark 2 of Section 4, we prove that this discretization method is equivalent to the “div-const” mixed finite element method invented and investigated in [KR03, KR05]. 2 Problem Formulation We consider the diffusion equation with the Neumann boundary condition − div(a grad p)+cp = f in Ω (1) (a grad p) · n =0 on∂Ω (2) where Ω is a polyhedral domain in R 3 with the boundary ∂Ω, a = a(x) is a symmetric positive definite 3 × 3 matrix (diffusion tensor) for any x = (x 1 ,x 2 ,x 3 ) ∈ Ω, c is a nonnegative function, f is a given source function, and n is the outward unit normal to ∂Ω. The domain Ω is partitioned into m open non-overlapping simply connected polyhedral subdomains Ω k with the boundaries ∂Ω k , k = 1,m, i.e. Ω = ⋃ m k=1 Ω k. For the sake of simplicity, we assume that in each of the subdomains Ω k the matrix a has constant entries and the coefficient c is a nonnegative constant, k = 1,m. We naturally assume that in the case c ≡ 0inΩ the compatibility condition ∫ f dx = 0 (3) Ω holds. In this paper, we consider problem (1), (2) in the form of the first order system a −1 u +gradp =0 inΩ, − div u − cp = −f in Ω, (4) u · n =0 on∂Ω, where u is said to be the flux vector function.

Mixed FE Methods on Polyhedral Meshes 29 Let Ω H be a polyhedral mesh in Ω with polyhedral mesh cells E k = E k \ ∂E k where ∂E k are the boundaries of E k , k = 1,n. Here, n is a positive integer. We assume that E k ∩ E l = ∅, l ≠ k, k, l = 1,n,andΩ = ⋃ n k=1 E k. We do not assume that the mesh Ω H is geometrically conforming, i.e. the interfaces ∂E k ∩ ∂E l between two neighboring cells E k and E l are not obliged to be either a face, or an edge, or a vertex of these cells, l ≠ k, k, l = 1,n.An example of two nonconforming neighboring prismatic cells is given in Figure 1. The intersection of E k with ⋃ m l=1 ∂Ω l defines the partitioning of E k into n k polyhedral subcells E k,s , s = 1,n k , k = 1,n. An example of a partitioning of a mesh cell into three subcells is given in Figure 2. Fig. 1. An example of two neighboring prismatic mesh cells with nonconforming intersecting faces Ω 1 Ω 2 Ω 3 k,1 E E k,2 E k,3 Fig. 2. An example of a partitioning of a polyhedral cell into three polyhedral subcells

28 Yu.A. Kuznetsov<br />

degree of freedom per mesh cell for the solution function is defined. The final<br />

system of discrete equations has the same structure as for the classical mixed<br />

FE method.<br />

The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we formulate the problem<br />

<strong>and</strong> requirements for the discretization. In Section 3, we describe partitionings<br />

of mesh cells into subcells <strong>and</strong> polyhedral meshes to be used for the<br />

discretization. We also propose a special finite element subspace of H div (Ω)<br />

for the mixed finite element method. Finally, in Section 4, we describe a condensation<br />

procedure for the underlying algebraic system <strong>and</strong> transform the<br />

condensed system into the st<strong>and</strong>ard form which is typical for the classical<br />

finite element method on simplicial meshes. In the final part of Section 3, we<br />

propose an alternative discretization method. In Remark 2 of Section 4, we<br />

prove that this discretization method is equivalent to the “div-const” mixed<br />

finite element method invented <strong>and</strong> investigated in [KR03, KR05].<br />

2 Problem Formulation<br />

We consider the diffusion equation<br />

with the Neumann boundary condition<br />

− div(a grad p)+cp = f in Ω (1)<br />

(a grad p) · n =0 on∂Ω (2)<br />

where Ω is a polyhedral domain in R 3 with the boundary ∂Ω, a = a(x)<br />

is a symmetric positive definite 3 × 3 matrix (diffusion tensor) for any x =<br />

(x 1 ,x 2 ,x 3 ) ∈ Ω, c is a nonnegative function, f is a given source function, <strong>and</strong><br />

n is the outward unit normal to ∂Ω. The domain Ω is partitioned into m<br />

open non-overlapping simply connected polyhedral subdomains Ω k with the<br />

boundaries ∂Ω k , k = 1,m, i.e. Ω = ⋃ m<br />

k=1 Ω k. For the sake of simplicity, we<br />

assume that in each of the subdomains Ω k the matrix a has constant entries<br />

<strong>and</strong> the coefficient c is a nonnegative constant, k = 1,m. We naturally assume<br />

that in the case c ≡ 0inΩ the compatibility condition<br />

∫<br />

f dx = 0 (3)<br />

Ω<br />

holds.<br />

In this paper, we consider problem (1), (2) in the form of the first order<br />

system<br />

a −1 u +gradp =0 inΩ,<br />

− div u − cp = −f in Ω,<br />

(4)<br />

u · n =0 on∂Ω,<br />

where u is said to be the flux vector function.

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