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262 Y. Achdou • ω i are positive weights, • J R is a suitable regularizing functional, • the prices P i (0,S ◦ ) are computed by solving problem (6)–(8), with t = t i and P ◦ (S) =(x i − S) + . Evaluating the functional requires solving #I variational inequalities. This approach was chosen in [Ach05, AP05b] for calibrating models of local volatility (i.e. the volatility is a function of t and S) with American options. In the present case, it is possible to choose a better approach: we call (τ,S) ↦→ P (τ, S, t, x) the pricing function for the vanilla American put with maturity t and strike x. Hereafter, we use the notation P ◦ (x) =(x − S) + . (9) It can be seen that the solution of (6)–(8) is of the form P (τ, S, t, x) =xg(ξ,y), y = S x ∈ R +, ξ = t − τ ∈ (0,τ), where g is the solution of a complementarity problem independent of x, easily deduced from (6)–(8). For brevity, we do not write this problem. From this observation, easy calculations show that, as a function of t and x, P (0,S,t,x) satisfies the following forward problem: P (t =0)=P ◦ and for t ∈ (0,T]andx>0, ( ∂P ∂t − σ2 x 2 ∂ 2 ) P 2 ∂x 2 + rx∂P ∂x + BP ≥ 0, (10) P (t, x) ≥ P ◦ (x), (11) ( ∂P ∂t − σ2 x 2 ∂ 2 ) P 2 ∂x 2 + rx∂P ∂x + BP (P − P ◦ )=0, (12) where the integral operator B is defined by ∫ ( (Bu)(x) =− k(z) x(e z − 1) ∂u ) ∂x (x)+ez (u(xe −z ) − u(x)) dz. (13) z∈R The problem (10)–(12) can also be obtained by probabilistic arguments. The new approach for calibrating the Lévy process is to minimize the functional (σ, k) ↦→ ∑ i∈I ω i| ¯P i − P (t i ,x i )| 2 + J R (σ, k) forσ and k in a suitable set, where the prices P (t i ,x i ) are computed by solving (10)–(12), with P ◦ (x) =(x − S ◦ ) + . In contrast with the previous approach, evaluating the functional requires solving one variational inequality only. Such a forward problem is reminiscent of the forward equation which is often used for the calibration of the local volatility with vanilla European options. This equation is known as Dupire’s equation in the finance community, see [Dup97, AP05a]. Note that the arguments used to obtain (10)–(12) are easier than those used for getting Dupire’s equation, because the operator in (6)–(8) is invariant by any change of variable S ↦→ λS, λ>0, which is not the case with local volatility. Note also that finding a forward linear complementarity problem in the variables t and x is not possible in the case of American options with local volatility.

Calibration of Lévy Processes with American Options 263 Calibration of σ and k is an inverse problem for finding the coefficients of a variational inequality involving a partial integro-differential operator. The main goal of the paper is to study the last least square optimization problem theoretically, for a special parameterization of k, see (25) below, with σ bounded away from 0, and to give necessary optimality conditions. The results presented here have their discrete counterparts when the variational inequalities are discretized with finite elements of finite differences. Numerical results will be presented in a forthcoming paper. 2 Preliminary Results 2.1 Change of Unknown Function in the Forward Problem It is helpful to change the unknown function: we set u ◦ (x) =(S − x) + , u(t, x) =P (t, x) − x + S. (14) The function u satisfies: for t ∈ (0,T]andx>0, ∂u ∂t − σ2 x 2 ∂ 2 u 2 ∂x 2 + rx∂u + Bu ≥−rx, (15) ∂x u(t, x) ≥ u ◦ (x), (16) ( ∂u ∂t − σ2 x 2 ∂ 2 ) u 2 ∂x 2 + rx∂u ∂x + Bu + rx (u − u ◦ )=0. (17) The initial condition for u is u(t =0,x)=u ◦ (x), x > 0. (18) For writing the variational inequalities stemming from (15)–(18), we need to introduce suitable weighted Sobolev spaces. In particular, fractional order weighted Sobolev spaces will be useful for studying the non-local part of the operator. 2.2 Functional Setting Sobolev Spaces on R For a real number s, let the Sobolev space H s (R) be defined as follows: the distribution w defined on R belongs to H s (R) if and only if its Fourier transform ŵ satisfies ∫ (1 + ξ 2 ) s |ŵ(ξ)| 2 dξ < +∞. R

Calibration of Lévy Processes with American Options 263<br />

Calibration of σ <strong>and</strong> k is an inverse problem for finding the coefficients<br />

of a variational inequality involving a partial integro-differential operator.<br />

The main goal of the paper is to study the last least square optimization<br />

problem theoretically, for a special parameterization of k, see (25) below,<br />

with σ bounded away from 0, <strong>and</strong> to give necessary optimality conditions. The<br />

results presented here have their discrete counterparts when the variational<br />

inequalities are discretized with finite elements of finite differences. Numerical<br />

results will be presented in a forthcoming paper.<br />

2 Preliminary Results<br />

2.1 Change of Unknown Function in the Forward Problem<br />

It is helpful to change the unknown function: we set<br />

u ◦ (x) =(S − x) + , u(t, x) =P (t, x) − x + S. (14)<br />

The function u satisfies: for t ∈ (0,T]<strong>and</strong>x>0,<br />

∂u<br />

∂t − σ2 x 2 ∂ 2 u<br />

2 ∂x 2 + rx∂u + Bu ≥−rx, (15)<br />

∂x<br />

u(t, x) ≥ u ◦ (x), (16)<br />

( ∂u<br />

∂t − σ2 x 2 ∂ 2 )<br />

u<br />

2 ∂x 2 + rx∂u ∂x + Bu + rx (u − u ◦ )=0. (17)<br />

The initial condition for u is<br />

u(t =0,x)=u ◦ (x), x > 0. (18)<br />

For writing the variational inequalities stemming from (15)–(18), we need<br />

to introduce suitable weighted Sobolev spaces. In particular, fractional order<br />

weighted Sobolev spaces will be useful for studying the non-local part of the<br />

operator.<br />

2.2 Functional Setting<br />

Sobolev Spaces on R<br />

For a real number s, let the Sobolev space H s (R) be defined as follows: the distribution<br />

w defined on R belongs to H s (R) if <strong>and</strong> only if its Fourier transform<br />

ŵ satisfies<br />

∫<br />

(1 + ξ 2 ) s |ŵ(ξ)| 2 dξ < +∞.<br />


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