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Calibration of Lévy Processes with American Options Yves Achdou 1 UFR Mathématiques, Université Paris 7, Case 7012, FR-75251 PARIS Cedex 05, France and Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions, Université Paris 6, France Summary. We study options on financial assets whose discounted prices are exponential of Lévy processes. The price of an American vanilla option as a function of the maturity and the strike satisfies a linear complementarity problem involving a non-local partial integro-differential operator. It leads to a variational inequality in a suitable weighted Sobolev space. Calibrating the Lévy process may be done by solving an inverse least square problem where the state variable satisfies the previously mentioned variational inequality. We first assume that the volatility is positive: after carefully studying the direct problem, we propose necessary optimality conditions for the least square inverse problem. We also consider the direct problem when the volatility is zero. 1 Introduction Black–Scholes’ model [BS73, Mer73] is a continuous time model involving a risky asset (the underlying asset) whose price at time τ is S τ and a risk-free asset whose price at time τ is S 0 τ = e rτ , r ≥ 0. It assumes that the price of the risky asset satisfies the following stochastic differential equation: dS τ = S τ (rdτ + σdW τ ), (1) where W τ is a standard Brownian motion on the probability space (Ω,A, P ∗ ) (the probability P ∗ is called the risk-neutral probability). An American vanilla call (resp. put) option on the risky asset is a contract giving its owner the right to buy (resp. sell) a share at a fixed price x at any time before a maturity date t. The price x is called the strike. Exercising the option yields a payoff P ◦ (S) =(S − x) + (resp. P ◦ (S) =(S − x) − ) for the call (resp. put) option, when the price of the underlying asset is S. 1 I wish to dedicate this work to O. Pironneau with all my friendship. I have been working with Olivier for almost fifteen years now, and for me, it has always been an exciting intellectual and human experience.

Calibration of Lévy Processes with American<br />

Options<br />

Yves Achdou 1<br />

UFR Mathématiques, Université Paris 7, Case 7012, FR-75251 PARIS Cedex 05,<br />

France <strong>and</strong> Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions, Université Paris 6, France<br /><br />

Summary. We study options on financial assets whose discounted prices are exponential<br />

of Lévy processes. The price of an American vanilla option as a function of<br />

the maturity <strong>and</strong> the strike satisfies a linear complementarity problem involving a<br />

non-local partial integro-differential operator. It leads to a variational inequality in a<br />

suitable weighted Sobolev space. Calibrating the Lévy process may be done by solving<br />

an inverse least square problem where the state variable satisfies the previously<br />

mentioned variational inequality. We first assume that the volatility is positive: after<br />

carefully studying the direct problem, we propose necessary optimality conditions<br />

for the least square inverse problem. We also consider the direct problem when the<br />

volatility is zero.<br />

1 Introduction<br />

Black–Scholes’ model [BS73, Mer73] is a continuous time model involving a<br />

risky asset (the underlying asset) whose price at time τ is S τ <strong>and</strong> a risk-free<br />

asset whose price at time τ is S 0 τ = e rτ , r ≥ 0. It assumes that the price of<br />

the risky asset satisfies the following stochastic differential equation:<br />

dS τ = S τ (rdτ + σdW τ ), (1)<br />

where W τ is a st<strong>and</strong>ard Brownian motion on the probability space (Ω,A, P ∗ )<br />

(the probability P ∗ is called the risk-neutral probability).<br />

An American vanilla call (resp. put) option on the risky asset is a contract<br />

giving its owner the right to buy (resp. sell) a share at a fixed price x at<br />

any time before a maturity date t. The price x is called the strike. Exercising<br />

the option yields a payoff P ◦ (S) =(S − x) + (resp. P ◦ (S) =(S − x) − )<br />

for the call (resp. put) option, when the price of the underlying asset is S.<br />

1 I wish to dedicate this work to O. Pironneau with all my friendship. I have been<br />

working with Olivier for almost fifteen years now, <strong>and</strong> for me, it has always been<br />

an exciting intellectual <strong>and</strong> human experience.

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