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178 B. Maury Cartesian triangulation T h of Ω and the associated first order Finite Element space V h . There exists C>0 such that inf ũ h ∈V h ‖u − ũ h ‖ H1 (Ω) ≤ Ch1/2 . Proof. We shall use in the proof the following notations: given a domain ω and v a function over ω, wedenoteby|u| 0,ω the L 2 -norm of v over ω, by (∫ ) 1/2 |v| 1,ω = |∇v| 2 ω the H 1 -seminorm, etc... We denote by I h is the standard interpolation operator from C(Ω) onto V h . Notice that u is continuous over Ω (it is piecewise H 2 , and continuous through the interface ∂O). Let us assume here that the constant value U on O is 0 (which can be achieved by subtracting a smooth extension of this constant outside O). We define ũ h as the function in V h which is 0 at every vertex contained in a triangle which intersects O, and which identifies to I h u at all other vertices. We introduce a narrow band around O ω h = {x ∈ Ω | x/∈ O, d(x, O) < 2 √ 2h}. As u| Ω\O ∈ H 2 (Ω \ O), the standard finite element estimate gives |u − ũ h | 0,Ω\(O∪ωh ) ≤ Ch2 |u| 2,Ω\O , (13) |u − ũ h | 1,Ω\(O∪ωh ) ≤ Ch|u| 2,Ω\O . (14) By construction, both L 2 -andH 1 -errors in O are zero. There remain to estimate the error in the band ω h . The principle is the following: ũ h is a poor approximation of u in ω h , but it is not very harmful because ω h is small. Similar estimates are proposed in [SMSTT05] or [AR]. We shall give here a proof more adapted to our situation. First of all, we write ‖u − ũ h ‖≤|u| 0,ωh + |u| 1,ωh + |u h | 0,ωh + |u h | 1,ωh = A + B + C + D. (15) We assume here that u is C 2 in Ω \ O (the general case h ∈ H 2 (Ω \ O) is obtained immediately by density). Using polar coordinates (we assume here that the radius of O is 1), we write For i =1,2,onehas |u| 2 1,ω h = ∫ 2π ∫ 1+2h 0 ∂ i u(r, θ) =∂ i u(1,θ)+ 1 |∇u| 2 rdrdθ. ∫ r 1 ∂ r ∂ i udr,

so that |u| 2 1,ω h ≤ 2 Numerical Analysis of a Finite Element/Volume Penalty Method 179 ∫ 2π ∫ 1+2h 0 ∫ ≤ Ch ∂O ∫ 2π ∫ 1+2h ∫ |∂ i u(1,θ)| 2 r 2 rdrdθ+2 ∣ ∂ r ∂ i uds ∣ rdrdθ 1 0 1 1 2 ∫ ∂u 2π ∫ ( 1+2h ∫ ) 1+2h ∣∂n∣ +2h |∂ r ∂ i u| 2 ds rdrdθ ≤ Ch|u| 2 2,Ω\O + C′ h 2 |u| 2 2,Ω\O , 0 1 from which we deduce |u| 1,ωh ≤ Ch 1/2 . A similar computation on u gives immediately |u| 0,ωh ≤ Ch 3/2 .Asforũ h (the two last terms in (15)), the proof is less trivial. It relies on three technical lemmas which we give now before ending the proof. Lemma 2. There exist constants C and C ′ such that, for any non-degenerated triangle T , for any function w h affine in T , 1 C |T |‖w h ‖ 2 L ∞ (T ) ≤‖w h‖ 2 L 2 (T ) ≤ C′ |T |‖w h ‖ 2 L ∞ (T ) . (16) Proof. It is a consequence of the fact that, when deforming the supporting triangle T ,theL ∞ -norm is unchanged whereas the L 2 -norm scales like |T | 1/2 . Lemma 3. There exists a constant C such that, for any non-degenerated triangle T , for any function w h affine in T , |w h | 2 1,T ≤ C |T | ρ 2 ‖w h ‖ 2 L ∞ (T ) , T where ρ T is the diameter of the inscribed circle. Proof. Again, it is a straightforward consequence of the fact that, when deforming the supporting triangle T , L ∞ -norm is unchanged whereas the gradient (which is constant over the triangle) scales like 1/ρ T , so that the H 1 -seminorm scales like |T | /ρ T . The last lemma quantifies how one can control the L 2 -normoftheinterpolate of a regular function on a triangle, by means of the L 2 -norm and the H 2 -seminorm of the function. Lemma 4. There exists a constant C such that, for any regular triangle T (see below), for any u ∈ H 2 (T ), ) |I h u| 2 0,T (|u| ≤ C 2 0,T + h4 |u| 2 2,T . By regular, we mean that T runs over a set of triangles such that the flatness diam T/ρ T is bounded.

178 B. Maury<br />

Cartesian triangulation T h of Ω <strong>and</strong> the associated first order Finite Element<br />

space V h . There exists C>0 such that<br />

inf<br />

ũ h ∈V h<br />

‖u − ũ h ‖ H1 (Ω) ≤ Ch1/2 .<br />

Proof. We shall use in the proof the following notations: given a domain ω<br />

<strong>and</strong> v a function over ω, wedenoteby|u| 0,ω<br />

the L 2 -norm of v over ω, by<br />

(∫ ) 1/2<br />

|v| 1,ω<br />

= |∇v| 2<br />

ω<br />

the H 1 -seminorm, etc...<br />

We denote by I h is the st<strong>and</strong>ard interpolation operator from C(Ω) onto<br />

V h . Notice that u is continuous over Ω (it is piecewise H 2 , <strong>and</strong> continuous<br />

through the interface ∂O). Let us assume here that the constant value U<br />

on O is 0 (which can be achieved by subtracting a smooth extension of this<br />

constant outside O). We define ũ h as the function in V h which is 0 at every<br />

vertex contained in a triangle which intersects O, <strong>and</strong> which identifies to I h u<br />

at all other vertices. We introduce a narrow b<strong>and</strong> around O<br />

ω h = {x ∈ Ω | x/∈ O, d(x, O) < 2 √ 2h}.<br />

As u| Ω\O<br />

∈ H 2 (Ω \ O), the st<strong>and</strong>ard finite element estimate gives<br />

|u − ũ h | 0,Ω\(O∪ωh ) ≤ Ch2 |u| 2,Ω\O<br />

, (13)<br />

|u − ũ h | 1,Ω\(O∪ωh ) ≤ Ch|u| 2,Ω\O . (14)<br />

By construction, both L 2 -<strong>and</strong>H 1 -errors in O are zero. There remain to<br />

estimate the error in the b<strong>and</strong> ω h . The principle is the following: ũ h is a poor<br />

approximation of u in ω h , but it is not very harmful because ω h is small.<br />

Similar estimates are proposed in [SMSTT05] or [AR]. We shall give here a<br />

proof more adapted to our situation. First of all, we write<br />

‖u − ũ h ‖≤|u| 0,ωh<br />

+ |u| 1,ωh<br />

+ |u h | 0,ωh<br />

+ |u h | 1,ωh<br />

= A + B + C + D. (15)<br />

We assume here that u is C 2 in Ω \ O (the general case h ∈ H 2 (Ω \ O) is<br />

obtained immediately by density). Using polar coordinates (we assume here<br />

that the radius of O is 1), we write<br />

For i =1,2,onehas<br />

|u| 2 1,ω h<br />

=<br />

∫ 2π ∫ 1+2h<br />

0<br />

∂ i u(r, θ) =∂ i u(1,θ)+<br />

1<br />

|∇u| 2 rdrdθ.<br />

∫ r<br />

1<br />

∂ r ∂ i udr,

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